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PatriotLady1 ago

Don't even get me started on Vietnam. Same shit show.

mrgreenjeans9 ago

recall also the fact that israel is a rogue nuclear state which just adds to the hypocrisy

the_magic_man ago

Time for the public to stop worshipping the troops and vets like they're gods and stop pretending they're the reason we have "freedom"

Doglegwarrior ago

Ahh someone speaking the plain unadulterated truth. Its crazy how few of the sheeple understand the facts you just stated.

mralexson ago

Can you give me links explains how jews were connected to 9/11?

goat-ditarod ago

Mossad Leased part of the 91st floor of the towers and were photographed next to fuses for demolition. Never investigated. Jews the religion didn't do 9/11, but Israel had a hand in the matter. Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Saudi did too.


Watch "9-11 missing links". This is your answer. In watched, you can too.

Oh_Well_ian ago

you lazy fucks are worthless

18 years later and you're asking for LINKS


blackguard19 ago

In his defense there is a lot more internet censorship now and many YouTube videos that were useful for 9/11 research/exposure have been removed. Same with Sandy Hook and moon landing hoax videos. On the one hand, you can basically tell which conspiracy theories are true by which ones are disappearing from YouTube. On the other hand, if you’re a Johnny-come-lately and search for these terms now, all you’re going to find is mainstream official narrative results.

goat-ditarod ago

Censorship has increased more recently. I don't think they had the resources to censor around 9/11 like they do now.

blackguard19 ago

No, it’s all been very recent. Like past 2 years and increasing.

goat-ditarod ago

I think that is sort of correct. "all" not so much

chirogonemd ago

Look up a man named Larry Silverstein.

What many people don't realize is the WTC towers were in a terrible state. Silverstein, a Jew, purchased these buildings. A good deal of the interior of the buildings structure was coated in Asbestos. Each time a maintenance project had to be performed, they first had to pay special contractors to come remove the Asbestos from that region of the structure. Estimates on what it was going to cost to remove all asbestos from both buildings were beyond astronomical, well beyond the value of the buildings themselves.

Silverstein purchased terrorism insurance for both buildings just months in advance of the attacks, and would go on to sue after the disaster earning close to 5 billion dollars, if I remember correctly.

In addition, he would earn more due to the "demolition" of WTC Building #7, which he also owned. Several US intelligence agencies also had offices in Building 7.

In early 2001, Silverstein gave the go ahead for a renovation project on all of the building's elevator shafts, and if you realize how these buildings were built, this gave direct access to the core structures of the building. Many eyewitness accounts testify to the fact that they hired armed security to guard these shafts so there was zero access to any of the areas where work was being done. That security company which was contracted by Silverstein was a company owned by George Bush's cousin. I'm not kidding.

On the weekend just prior to 9/11, employees in the building stated there was massive work being done and the entire security system was shut down that weekend.

1031grnis ago

Also, Silverstein told all 600 of his employees to take the day off. Only one that worked was a switchboard operator, who perished.

HeLovedPandas ago

Larry "Pull it" (((Silverstein)))

Murphman64 ago

yup like you could...on a whim just decide to drop a building. Such BS. Glad people are waking to it.

HeLovedPandas ago

In easily consumable form for the young normies that need to unplug from The Matrix...

(JewTube, I know... Sorry.)

pgd7 ago

Jesus dude, I get the want for cited sources, but it was an event with global repercussions that happened almost two decades ago - put a little fuckin’ effort in.

I’ll throw you a freebie - look up dancing israelis and go from there.

anoncastillo ago

We've got an influx of normies who need redpills.

Oh_Well_ian ago

that's a 2 year old account acting like a dumbfuck

anoncastillo ago

@#@ he got me

watts2db ago

Ive noticed some very clueless fuckers all the sudden

1031grnis ago

So have I. They must be younger, so let's be patient.

watts2db ago

good point have to administer careful doses of red pills

1031grnis ago

Yeah, after I posted that comment I realized I just learned the truth about the Holocaust myself. And I've been going down rabbit holes for eons.

gonight ago

Registration is open, downvote jew shills and redditniggers.

Grunge ago

The people who were behind 9/11 are still unpunished. Our American soldiers die in vain and come back fucked up, in vain. While we are being invaded and every layer of government is corrupt and tyrannical. Fuck our military, they do nothing for us.

HulkJizz ago

Yep, yep and yep. Welcome to the real world.

GoatyMcGoatface ago

From a third person view, it's kind of impressive how multifaceted it all is. Even the whole "support the troops" thing manages to incorporate blind hero worship and at the same time dehumanize our young men by calling them "troops" and typically picture a silhouette.


Instead of killing our alphas like in previous war, due to laxk of support. They gave them impossible to follow missions and exposed them to chemicals. They didnt kill them, the neutralized them with ptsd, addiction, and suicide .

PatriotLady1 ago

This is exactly their go to plan. Worked in Vietnam.

chirogonemd ago

This has been the longest continuous state of conflict in our nation's history, and it was all promulgated on the idea that there were nuclear weapons armaments there. It is very well known, and has been, that this was a complete lie. Fuck, even conservative baby boomers hate Dick Cheney and Powell for the abject lies they told.

And yet, its the SAME FUCKING THING happening all over again, and people are actually going to listen to the nuclear threat thing again? It staggers me. I knew people were stupid, but the magnitude of this is baffling. It's the same fucking thing.

Doglegwarrior ago

Powell was a fucking puppet house nigger.

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

330 million people. There's a lot of dummies.

Murphman64 ago

Noahide Laws. Not good/joo/bad/joo. its way way worse than a bad joo thing

crazy_eyes ago

whats your point with this?

MrDarkWater ago

I've not heard Noahide Laws till yesterday, got any resources where I could research them

Murphman64 ago

Another great resource

MrDarkWater ago

Appreciate ya

fightknightHERO ago

baby steps brother

first we gotta redpill the masses on Jewish crimes

then we can get rid of them

Doglegwarrior ago

No first we need to out law circumcision it is fundamental to their bullshit religion if we outlaw that the jew will expose them selves. Not to mention it has zero medical benefit it would be more medicaly beneficial to remoce baby girls mammory glands then baby boys forskin organ. Over 100 baby boys die each year from circumcision you do the math thats thousands over the decades the jews have tricked the goyim into this barbaric religious based blood ritual!

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Start with the Holohoax

"Why did concentration camps have hospitals, dentists, theatres, orchestras, cantinas, soccer fields, etc?"

Why did the gas chambers have wooden doors?

Ocelot ago

No, start with the most visible: media control, refugee crisis, pharma and big corporations. Continue with UN and other NWO orgs, public education and post-modernism, feminism, white vilification, Rhodesia and South Africa, 9/11 and the Middle East and Israel. Advance to Bolsheviks and Marxist origins, and finish with the holocaust. The concept of the Holocaust has the strongest mental barriers in the mind of the average American. You must first attack anything with valency then finish with the Holocaust.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Interesting perspective.

FakeNews influence is already dying. New wall is already being built in the Rio Grande at 2 miles per week. Trump is attacking big pharma with transparency and having to post prices online. Boycotts of SJW corporations already underway

GoatyMcGoatface ago

And that's just the condensed version!