Sterling-M-Archer ago

Maybe you should have had balls earlier.

IsaacJan ago

Or you know. Just don’t be a faggot.

AphexTim ago

Putt has got me beat by two days lol

Thissandwich ago

No he has to try to break his silence record all over again.

Gopherurself ago


Merlynn ago

Ok,maybe you can explain something to me. I've been here 1.8 years and have 536 SCP and 5,447 CCP. Does that mean I win? And are there prizes? I think there should be prizes. Like a Blue Checkmark of Faggotry or something.

Niggardly_Jew ago

I want a "builders" badge so I can pretend I'm worth something while I masturbate to niggers fucking white girls by shoving the biggest dildo I can find up my ass.

fightknightHERO ago

most of the shills here operate on old account

i've caught a fresh one only a few minutes ago

4 years, not a single contribution and look at all that CCP

ain't that something? (this Hasbarat was trying to downplay )))Patrick Little((( who's been the bane of ZOG since 2017)

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Bane of ZOG

Never accomplishes anything except mild media attention to which only we notice or care. I'm sure they're shaking in their boots knowing this fool runs for office.

There is no political solution.

Corpse_washer ago

Funny thing, that raid. If i get slayed my loot will be full of redpills.

GreenSlug ago

Your very old and very inactive... are you this guy?

Fagtardicus ago


Shotinthedark ago

You shush! It's easier to find the shills and subverters that way!

weezkitty ago

And yet some goats are smart enough to actually evaluate the content of the message instead of just voting by account age...

AllGoyim ago

That's one thing I prefer over anonymous imageboards, and is the main reason I avoided Voat for so long. I don't like the idea of judging a post based on the account which made it, but I've recently had to admit the possible benefits in identifying and limiting the influence of undesirables. Tbh though, I also just didn't realize how much I'd like it here. Culture feels much more similar to old /pol/ than Reddit, and accounts encourage effortposting.

Wonder_Boy ago

You have to bring it if you wanna successfully post here.

garak98 ago


SLM123 ago

Lurking is good for the soul.

Gigglestick ago

That’s the oldest account I’ve seen.

coty ago


WilliamCutting ago


Gigglestick ago

I just checked, Atko is at 5.5

WilliamCutting ago

Im a latecomer by comparison.

Gigglestick ago

Right lol

asmodea ago

I came over with the Pao Rebellion.

80800808 ago

I'm new, I'm a proud honky, I thank you for the advice, but I will not let those kike infiltrators silence me. I read the thread, and if I do get down voted into oblivion, I suspect it's the kikes trying to keep me from speaking out...well FU shekelstein. F. U.

LightningAndTheSun ago

proud honky


You are glowing in the FUCKING dark, pal.

80800808 ago

Yep, you got me Columbo. Here is a list of links I add to, and pass them on to my mom, and anyone else who will listen...

Because they're behind literally every single shitty thing on earth. It's always the fucking jews. It is ALWAYS. THE FUCKING. JEWS.

Jews are the only group that need special laws against the truth to protect their web of lies, because if people learned what they've done, the entire fucking world, chink nigger and aryan, would unite arm-in-arm to make the holocaust actually happen.

Lurking boomers, grow a fucking nutsack and justify why IsraelTM is our greatest ally.

Again great detective work...why on God's green earth would I announce I'm new in a thread about the kikes infiltrating voat? Do you think the kike/shill/glownigger/spooks have the balls to announce they are new?

Anyways, thanks for the welcoming

Shotinthedark ago

And we have our first schill raising their hand to be noticed!


Sup sleeper, nice of you to rub the crust out of your eyes and join us.

Steelerfish ago

Would y’all please up-shekel me?....

Amon-Goath ago

Holy shit, whoaverse.

M E G A F A G G O T.

Edit: Comment Contribution Points: 300

No wonder no one knows who you are you lurking homo.

Gas jews, race war now!

dassaer ago

Gas the bikes, race more now ....

Amon-Goath ago

We're going to gas those fucking bikes and race the shit out of them!

Shotinthedark ago

How do you have a 4 day account?

virge ago

How do you have a 4 day account?

The appropriate response is "who were you before you were banned?"

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol Bro..

You have the sleepiest of all sleeper accounts on Voat !!!

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Fuckin’ rip van winkle.

virge ago

Good advice. Will go ignored by most.

carlip ago

Fuck off new guy1!11!!!!

virge ago

Fuck off new guy1!11!!!!

JEWS DID 9/11!

ForgottenMemes ago

And USS Liberty, and Egypt Air, and King David Hotel and stole our nukes. Huh, it's almost like our greatest ally isn't so great of an ally.