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jthun2 ago

NJ is also being flooded with pajeets and orthodox jews.

dlion ago

Ah Jersey, the poster child of what the filthy kikes want ofr the rest of the US

  • Owning a gun is essentially a felony. Whilst one CAN transfer a gun into the state, without a firearms ID, it becomes a felony to use the gun, transport said gun, or buy ammo for it. Also, a new score of anti gun laws have been passes, alongside a 500% increase in fees depending on the permit. Common wait times to be given back your rights to second amendment range from 6 months to a year, but can be longer. Technically i moved out of state, and it's been a year since I've been waiting for an FID.

  • Conceal Carry/Open Carry/Carrying in a car is all punishable as a second degree felony, minimum penalty of 4 years in jail. I once shit the pants of a local gun club for even HINTING that i was conceal carrying, and was told to immediately put said gun back in a car. Wasn't conceal carrying, was merely asing questions about the rules, since i was new to the state. This is how stringent Jersey is with guns, that even asking questions is close to having committed a felony. Said rules dont apply in Camden, Trenton and Newark.

  • Illegals and immigrants can vote, without having a green card or a passport. The NJDOT has been known to give out licenses using nothing more than a debit card and any form of "ID". This means illegals can vote in elections even though they aren't American, because "Technically" only Americans can get a valid American drivers license. However NJ law allows anyone to get one, so you see, fraud is fine when it benefits democrats.

  • Transferring a car registration or any deed is a testament to hell, as the process requires a probate court and scores of time and paperwork if you're unlucky. Don't have the time? Well you have now become a felon because according to NJ law you can't have an out of state license for more than 90 days.

  • Jobs are plenty, however the taxes and fees are insane. NJ has around a 7% state income tax, alongside a 8% property tax. "Cheap" housing is in the 500,000 or above depending on your region.Property taxes are the highest in the country and regularly, a lot of residents pay close to 30,000 in property taxes yearly on top of the income tax.

  • Super entitled liberals make sure that any conservatives have to hide their intentions. Notably people i knew were conservatives swore they weren't, even though most of their talking points were conservative. The hate for trump is so deep that even hinting that you agree with him is enough to provoke a violent attack. Any and all new laws in the area are met with a defeatist, give up and allow it to happen attitude, where you must bend down to the almighty govt. I knew people who were vehemently pro second amendment, who still didn't tell anyone they were conservative or pro Trump, simply because of the social suicide that would result from declaring one as such.

  • Massive nigger lover state, it's insane. Because Jersey is bankrupt, due to massive corruption, NJ decided to pit the niggers against the rest of the population. Shoot a nigger in self defense? congrats, you get to go to jail based on whimsical safe retreat laws! Call a nigger a nigger? If you're unlucky, that's a hate crime punishable by a fine or jail time. Population displacement is real, as NJ tries very very hard to replace the remaining tax paying citizens who have justifiable anger against the state with new immigrants from pro communist regions (Africa, Middle East)

KimBellend ago

"The World Jewish Council" was run for years by those criminal Bronfman kikes.

There are endless numbers of Jew organizing associations. Making up organizations to conspire to kike the goyim is the kikes' number one activity. SPLC? ADL? Open Society? I could name hundreds of similar organizations and covers.

fightknightHERO ago

Hol up... Hanzo-hasashi is a jew??

Fucking BASED

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Honestly wtf does a jew get out of being? Like all Jews they most likely have some weird persecution complex fetish.

AngelofDeath ago

gabara ago

SO that's why all the top doctors are recruited to move there. Assholes! Those were OUR doctors. Fucking parasites!

ForTheUltimate ago

so just remove your faggot socialism and fascism and allow more doctors to work in the USA, meaning stop threatening them with fines and jail-time if they don't follow your regulations.

gabara ago

Your Israeli owned United States is stealing Canadian doctors, dipshit.

ForTheUltimate ago

We don't own them, they are free human beings, commie.

gabara ago

So first it was our fault, but now that you admitted it's your MOSSAD run country's fault, (((you))) want us to look the other way. Enjoy your beaners!

ForTheUltimate ago

ok dipshit you are fucking retarded. if doctors go somewhere else of their own choice, it's because they are in greater demand there, the solution is to kill yourself so that we have a free economy with an increased supply of doctor services.

gabara ago

it's because they are in greater demand there

Nope, the Jews have more blood money and are highly concentrated in Jew Jersey. Otherwise why are the good doctors only where the Jews live?