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NJAnon ago

If you look at the number of Jews in Theoretical Physics, Math, Art, Music, Religion, and Philosophy, I would say yes they can visualize things. Some are better at it than others.

goatsandbros ago

Do you need to be able to think without words to do most of those things? Seems like at least 3/5 only require (((high verbal IQ))).

NJAnon ago

I think we do most things without processing words but my professors used to say if you can't put it into words, you don't really know it. Words both define and confine us. Personally, I think in pictures more than words, but that is difficult to explain to someone else.

goatsandbros ago

my professors used to say if you can't put it into words, you don't really know it.

More that if you can explain it to someone who doesn't know it, you really know it. There are plenty of things that one can know without being easily able to put them into words. That is, in my experience - and, not being a Jew, that points back to my original question.

NJAnon ago

Well, I wouldn't say we are like everyone else in every way. But the fact that you can find stupid people and A--holes who happen to be Jewish. That's true. We are human. I'm not sure what exactly you are referring to, but non Jews can be a holes too, in my experience. I have found, though, that Jewish people are not very good at running organizations. Maybe that is what you mean. Too much discussion, not enough action. That is the biggest joke that anyone thinks they run the world.

goatsandbros ago

What's your take on the Talmud? What about the Jews around you?

NJAnon ago

I think I can answer this because my son actually spent a couple of years studying it in Israel at a Yeshivah. He said it was like breaking rocks to study the Talmud and he's a bright kid. The Talmud, is comprised of 83 books, written in Aramaic, which was the everyday language of the ancient Jews. Hebrew was a Holy language used mostly for prayer at that time, and the Torah is written in Hebrew. Hebrew is spoken in Modern Israel and now only scholars know Aramaic. There is a Jerusalem Talmud and the Babylonian Talmud. The Babylonian Talmud is more widely used and is older and was written during the Babylonian exile. The Jerusalem Talmud was written after the Roman conquest. They are both written versions of the Oral tradition. I don't really know how they differ but I think not too much. There is a prohibition in Judaism against changing a single letter or even part of a letter of the Torah, written and Oral. The oral tradition was supposedly given at the same time as the Written law. .

You have to be a scholar to study the Talmud because you have to first learn the language it was written in. They study the language structure itself to interpret it. It was only recently translated into English, but none of the stupid stuff of line, that supposedly quotes it, is real. If you opened up a book of the Talmud, it talks about the the Torah being be applied to the minutia of daily life. It is very dense and boring for most people. It consists of legal arguments between scholars going back and forth over the centuries. Because it is so extensive and so few people can read it, they can make up whatever they want about it, apparently. But I can tell you this; It doesn't espouse any values or ideas that differ from the written law.

It attempts to apply the 613 commandments to every day life to the smallest detail. Mostly men study the Talmud in pairs, and they it learn by debating the various points. Students are supposed to question and debate it. It is taught in Yeshivahs, which are religious schools segregated by sex. The Talmud was used and is still used to adjudicate disputes in the Religious Jewish communities. I hope this answers your question?

goatsandbros ago

So the stuff about how it's ok to have sex with underage girls, it being like a poke in the eye, is in no Talmud; and the stuff about non-jews being cattle, is not stated at all in any Talmud?

NJAnon ago


goatsandbros ago

Fascinating. Thank you for the insight.

I tend to believe that Torah Jews worship Jehovah, but I have my doubts about any who follow the oral traditions / Talmud. Jesus, who is also my God as a Christian, being one with the Father, wasn't pleased with the things they said and did, going so far as to call them Sons of Hell.

In any case, thank you for the interesting discussion so far, even though you've been tolerant of my having gone far off topic. One final sort of combination question I can think of asking you: what do you think of the view toward Jews (though most of it is actually toward Ashkenazi, if examined), here, and is your being here any way related to it? If not, what's drawn you to Voat? It looks like you're here mostly for looking with the occasional comment, by your points counts.

NJAnon ago

I am on here because I have been following Q since the very first drop and wanted to participate, but I don't know how to use the other Q Research board. Also, there are some very smart people on VOAT and it is a good source of information.

However, I was surprised at the amount of hatred towards Jewish people. I typed in ''Jews ''in the search bar today on VOAT and got over 12k results, mostly negative. I think this hatred is misguided, and prevents people from looking at the real actors and real problems.

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goatsandbros ago

You may have a point or two. I've long believed that certain races are turned against each other to keep them divided, and therefore weak. Perhaps it's the same between Jews and the goy. That being said, I'm personally sure that the people doing all this are a kind of Jewish supremacist (who ironically aren't even genetically Jews). "Kind of" because they believe that there are chatter among their own (if you haven't seen it, have a look at the distribution of IQ among Jews, to get an idea of this).

Honestly schlomo, I'd be happy to get along with everyone. I hope that all races have a great enough number of members who feel the same.

Well, enjoy your stay at Voat. I admire both your fortitude and healthy self esteem, that allow you to not feel threatened by the Jew stuff. Keep in mind that most people here would get along with others from groups they might despise, so long as those others contradict the reasons their groups are despised.

NJAnon ago

"Kind of" because they believe that there are chattel among their own" - What does this mean?

goatsandbros ago

I believe that there are people in positions of power, who believe they are of some kind of super / chosen race, but still have no problem subjugating others of that same race.

NJAnon ago

I think the Satanic cult members who comprise the Elite who have been running the world to a large degree, don't care about their fellow humans in any capacity and don't care what religion or race they are. I am concerned about our President and his family flying into the Heart of Darkness, visiting England. The Illuminati are not Jews or Christians. They worship Satan. imho.

goatsandbros ago

On that we can definitely agree. I know that God and truth will always win, but it's hard to see what's at the helm now, and knowing that they hate everything about me.

NJAnon ago

Yes. The Seal of God is Truth. Evil has no lasting power against it.