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Tallest_Skil ago


redditrefugee12 ago

I'd love to make a full exodus over here, but we gotta remove antisemites from here, much like on T_D on Reddit. That's why it was a such a successful community. The left and people with Trump Derangement Syndrome tried to paint us as racists, and it triggered them they were wrong. Let's try to shape this community into T_D, a community of kind, loving American patriots.

cdglow ago

Not sure if serious, but consider this.

People on The Donald like to make fun of Lefties on Reddit for banning them and not being able to logically argue points or even return light banter.

Is the USS Liberty real, or is it just real in my mind? Is asking about the USS Liberty an example of anti-semitism?

Now you come here, and can't handle logical points about some Jewish crimes or other factual matters. If they're so obviously wrong, why can't you even try to refute them? What makes you so different from the Censorious Redditors other than having an R instead of D in front of your name? Guess what, the "Nazis" here don't censor, and will debate anybody.

For the record, I don't think there's anything wrong with most Jews, but there is a top tier criminal class that seeks their great advantage over ours. What's wrong with putting our interests first? Is it MAGA or is it MIGA?

redditrefugee12 ago

😂😂😂 holy shit it's funny seeing triggered antisemites. Yes, the Holocaust absolutely did happen. Gotta love how much you moved the goalpost on this comment.

Plant_Boy ago

Let's have it then. Where's the evidence that 6 million Jews died?

For this response you're not allowed to use Wikipedia, News Articles, nor Holocaust Museum references in your answer. If you do your response will be considered invalid.

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Yawwwwwnn. These T_D faggots are just insufferable, aren't they?

jimibulgin ago

There is no evidence for it and plenty of evidence against it and you know it. Crawl back under a rock.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Tallest_Skil ago

Yeah, you’re done here. We’ll ensure you’ll never post again. Kill yourself.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Hey SCHLOMO SHILL @Tallest_Shill deciding to be a "fellow white person"


cdglow ago

I was taught in grade school that Jewish skin was used to make lampshades, and anybody who questioned this was a Nazi. Some time passed and everybody, even Holocaust scholars, ultimately admitted those stories were bullshit.

Why can they be wrong about some things before, but you're absolutely certain that they're right about everything else they claim? How can we know for certain if it's illegal to even ask the question in so many countries?

HoneyTrap1488 ago

lol, that faggot you were replying to deleted all his comments. These T_D Redditards are such cowards...

HoneyTrap1488 ago

Why can they be wrong about some things before, but you're absolutely certain that they're right about everything else they claim?

NPCs just have emotional outbursts when forced to think critically or form their own opinions on a complex subject. The reason being that they're mentally unequipped to do so...

I miss the old days, when such NPCs would just shut the fuck up to avoid embarrassing themselves.

redditrefugee12 ago

i'M nOt An aNtIsEmItE, i JuSt DeNy ThE hOlOcAuSt.

There's documented footage of it even.

Ocelot ago

You sure must love fighting for alien races while your own is being exterminated before your eyes, you absolute cuck.

wasteroftime ago

I knew you guys were oven dodgers, figures you'd dodge a question too. Learn that from the talmud?

A11ahuSnackbar ago

Fire up the ovens, ashtray must have overflown again

cdglow ago

There is documented footage of gas chambers with Jews being killed? Really? Please post and clear up our misconceptions. I don't believe this exists, because it never happened.

The closest thing you will find is piles of dead typhus/starvation victims towards the end of the war when the Allies cut supply lines to camps. It's horrible, but not evidence of systemic Jewish slaughter or that anywhere near 6 million died.

By the way, you will find thousands and thousands of pics of piles of dead bodies: Jews, Germans, Americans, Russians, and more. WWII killed tens of millions, soldiers and civilians.

Tallest_Skil ago

Either prove the holocaust happened or commit suicide. We don’t want you here. Do not post again.

Doc40holliday ago

Can you prove that it didn't happen?

Not_Important ago

You can't prove a negative.

Tallest_Skil ago

Yep, it’s conclusively proven. Fuck off, yid.

Doc40holliday ago

K, how about providing some evidence you mongoloid.

Tallest_Skil ago

Okay, prove the holocaust happened.

redditrefugee13 ago

BTFO. Holy shit you just got obliterated in this debate. Better luck next time.

Shekelstein6M ago

redditrefugee13 ago

Ya your conspiracy video didn't do shit to dispute it. Thoughts on the fact that if any antisemitic losers ever tried anything like that today, Israel would nuke your ass?

MrDarkWater ago

... Of 6 million dead kikes?

Oh please show me: a Nazi like me would love that footage.