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SearchVoatBot ago

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vladtep ago

If you think things are going well, you are absolutely insane.

SearchVoatBot ago

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generate ago

these quotes re BS, I downloaded The Pentagon's New Map and there is nothing about IQ and mingling

ConflictedSelfloathe ago

Holy shit, that statue with the detail of hand pressure on the woman's thigh and waist. I've never seen that, incredible.

Wynterwhisper ago

We are all here because of the decisions our ancestors made; blood sweat and tears. What will we do for our future?

NosebergShekelman ago

Jewish power! Shaloms🇮🇱

spaceman84 ago

Good luck. They're going to wind up a civil war in the United States and when we are about to win, the UN and Euro ZOG puppets will be propagandized into supporting the annihilation of our new government.

AChinkInTheArmour ago

Probably true.

Though I don't think you'd be entirely without allies, either.

TheDeacon ago

The Jews embody a spiritual Enemy, and enjoy a great working relationship with him. As such, their physical efforts at subversion are extremely successful; they act in harmony with their nature and the will of their spiritual liege. Our nations have turned their back, in general, on our spiritual Father and ignore His commands, and as such we continue to lose ground to our enemy. Look around you if you don't think this is the case. For...

still our ancient foe Doth seek to work us woe; His craft and power are great, And, armed with cruel hate, On earth is not his equal. Did we in our own strength confide, Our striving would be losing;...

And that is what will happen if we continue to pursue merely physical means of resistance against an enemy utilizing spiritual and physical means against us.

....Were not the right Man on our side, The Man of God’s own choosing: Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He; Lord Sabaoth His Name, From age to age the same, And He must win the battle.

The White Pill is this: "Return to me, says the Lord of hosts, and I will return to you". Our physical efforts will be fruitless without the blessing of our Father. However, should we turn back to Him, then "ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts." That is the White Pill, and there is no other.

Deathperception ago

Your jew macdaddy commands you to genocide your own race,traitor. Drop for jews no drop for cut cocksucker traitors. As if only Abrahamics can be spiritual or perceive an afterlife or multiverse.

TheLoveMaster ago

American Christians/conservatives/Trump supporters love Israel and Jews more than The USA & White People.

Christcucks are the jews best friend in The USA.

If christians stopped supporting israel and kikes tomorrow, they would be fucked.

Republicans are pro israel to the core.

American Trump loving Christians/conservatives are good people but they are extremely against White Power, the far right, Hitler/Nazis and LOVE Jews and Israel

Maybe because right wing/Christian White Americans hate towelheads (because islam reaply does suck and it should be hated but sadly) they think Israel/Jews are on the side of Whites since kikes beat the shit out of muzzies on TV and youtube?

2fast4u92 ago

InB4 Tallest Shill tells us all to just give up!

Shortest_Skill ago

Give up!

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Good post. I've been saying much the same for awhile now. It's natural to feel some remorse when we see the destruction of whites, the deaths of normal regular joes and janes who were just too open and naïve for their own good. But those who harbor a fierce loyalty to their own families and a burning hatred for each and every person, place and thing, every idea, lifestyle, philosophy and policy that stands to destroy their existence and way of life? Those of us will only grow in number and in resolve as the rest die off through their own suicidal mores.

Niggardly_Jew ago

The first step to winning this war is realizing that we're at war. Make yourself healthy and prepared for conflict.

The second step is building your family. Making them healthy, capable, and ready to survive the rest of the war.

The third step is building your local community. Learning who your friends are and helping one another become healthy and prepare.

Name the jew, win the war.

Zoldam ago

This is why I always say Christians and Pagans must NEVER turn against one another. If (((they))) can divide them, any hope white people had is over. Christians, Europe was founded on Paganism, many traditions and values that whites have to this day started there. Pagans, Christianity has been part of European culture for over 1000 years now, and has brought consistency and a "common law" to the haphazard Pagan tribes which together resulted in the greatest civilization on Earth. What other region actually makes "rules" for war? Even when whites were infighting they still did so with a sense of honor.

Scald85 ago

The biggest white pill is that whites have the highest fertility rate when adjusted for education, but are simply far more educated than everyone else. The education obsession won't last forever. It took a lifetime for the printing press to lead to the reformation, a bad thing, but a proof of concept all the same.

Stagnant technological development will strip all of the universities of prestige. Dropping out early (or better yet, home schooling in the first place) to start a business and family will be the new prestige. Already, most Ivy League graduates are barely above average in salary, after accounting for cost of living bias and hours worked in their typical careers.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

What do you mean adjusted for education?

Scald85 ago

Education for education, whites have the most children. Like, white college graduates compared to black college graduates, or dropouts compared to dropouts, etc. What pulls white fertility down the most is that whites are the most educated, and education always reduces fertility.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

I see thank you

LazyJello9 ago

there is no such thing as white genocide.. theres just white americans refusing to breed and refusing to take action to protect their country..

you have a dick that can make babies and guns that can kill, and you dont use either of them.. dont be surprised when you get overrun with shitskins..

Eualos ago


yt4cz9 ago

Can you zip all this up including a copy of what you have written here so I can help distribute the message? Thanks!

RedditHasDied ago

That last picture was the best.

Pagans and Christians need to get past their differences.

Odin & Thor, Jesus & Mary, Tyson & Sagan, it doesn't matter what force you recognize in our creation, only that you help stop us from being destroyed. We have bigger issues to handle than debating how much of what story is true. We're collectively being targeted because of our skin even when we're trying to be supportive of others, regardless of our nationalities and beliefs.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

The central unifying figure is the heroic ideal. Jesus sacrificed himself for it, paganism encourages men to embody godhead. We will need both superhuman sacrifice and strength to preserve our heritage. These principles aren't at odds. John 10:34 and 'The Story of Prometheus' reflects this.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". "Do what thou wilt an' harm none shall be the whole of the law".

Our holidays are the same. Neoplatonism influenced both faiths. Early orthodox church fathers made use of Plato and other Greek philosophers to support it. Many South and Central American shamans call on Jesus and Mary to help them in their work.

All of this may make both Christians and Pagans uncomfortable or dismissive of one another. The fact remains that both have influenced each other, and like it or not my Pagan brothers, Christianity has left an indelible mark on the West. If we are to move forward we need to accept that we both seek the divine in our own ways and bring wisdom to our people.

carl_gauss ago

I have cherry-picked images of white Christians being race traitors and cherry-picked images of white pagans being race traitors. I can also find examples of pro-white pagans(Varg Vikernes) and pro-white Christians(David Duke). The religion doesn't matter. We all recognize that the white man has a right to exist and flourish in our own lands free of Jews and non-whites.

mudbear ago

Those philisophical arguments can be sort out once our children are safe from the jews. Personally i like the idea of preserving pagan culture for historical reasons but think that christianity produces better societies and families.

SonofSuebi ago

easier said than done, but for the purpose of preserving our people, it must be done.

ShitPostMcGee ago

Also study small unit tactics

Gopherurself ago


anklespankerz ago


Oranges222 ago

Heart rate picked up when I got to the 'remember what the took from you' posts. Effective.

oneinchterror ago

Just leaving a comment because I'm on mobile and want to save this for later

King_Leopold_II ago

You can just save stuff to your acct. Just hit ... underneath comments and pots then hit save.

oneinchterror ago

I don't think the Voatify app has that option.

King_Leopold_II ago

I didn't know there was an app.

oneinchterror ago

Yeah it's pretty cool. Voatify is for iOS and I think "Boats for Voat" is the android one. I just discovered it last year and I've been spending a lot more time here since then. It's definitely lacking in some areas but it beats the hell out of browsing in desktop mode on your phone.

Anon83 ago

Same.. This needs to be passed around.

M3mb3rb3rr13s ago

Thank you for this, so rarely do I see encouraging posts like this.

Thank you

Eternal_Thompson_Gun ago

Thanks brother.

goatmensch ago

Whites are more creative and hard working and also have higher average IQ.

Inquisitioner ago

I'd give you a kiss through the internet if I could. We'll win eventually, even if it's by the hardest routes imaginable.

MortonLoothorKodos ago

Bruh you gay!

goatboy ago

A monarchy...


Who has authority to anoint a monarch? According to the Law, if Israel doesn't have a prophet, no one has authority to anoint a King of Israel. Any other would be illegitimate imposter.

FurstMetternich ago

Black pillers are almost as bad as traitors.

Ro_Wallensdotter ago

I'm black-pilled, or more accurately something just slightly on the other side of it (but don't get your hopes up) and I totally agree with this sentiment.


I was born into a black pill and the only two people I have every truly hated were the ones who forced that, through situational circumstances, to be my default neuro-reality. Those pathways have been ground in and reinforced for decades. They erased me before I even had a chance. Anyone who knows any info about me can't quite resolve why I won't "share my story" for the supposed greater good. Or, in other words: they are mind-boggled that I am not attracted to the sensationalism and potential shekels to be had from being an actual victim of anything other than my own imagination. I have had many carrots dangled in front of me by those who would like to profit from my unfortunate experiences, and my answer is always the same: no, it's the wrong thing to do.


I eventually grew my own carrots, but deep down I know that they are not tasty, nutritious carrots. They are FUCK YOU, DAD (et al) carrots. The only true sustenance I have had in my life is as an observer of those who are not as damaged as I am. You are the only hope.


Most people, on some level, know the sausage exists and the flavor profile, thereof. When they want to know how the sausage is actually made, I do my best to answer honestly while also being neurotically mindful of the soul death that those answers could bring...solely aware of how close their well-meaning but unsuspecting fingers are dangling to the grinder. It feels murderous to share any of it, even upon request. I can't imagine barfing my personal hopelessness all over the world, unsolicited.


Reality based white pills are where it's at. You all give me a reason to hope on your behalf, and for your future.

ALIENS2222 ago

This is a very cool post. The most valuable piloint was how us ultra-conservatives are the future of white people because we are the only ones reproducing. A very good point. I thought the same looking at some liberal neighbors true blue boomer socialists, lover of Niggers and fags and mexicans... And they only have ONE KID and that guy is fat useless and can't find a girl and has no interest in kids.

Ha ha ha they are finished. Meanwhile my son sits on my knee and my wife is working on our second as week speak. We are shooting for 4. The future is ours as long as there is a future at all for white children.

RockmanRaiden ago

Saved. Thank you.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Where’s that vladtep Faggot to try and blackpill us all?

vladtep ago

I want you to be blackpilled so you'll fight.

webrustler ago

Thanks for the post and your effort. There's some shit in there I hadn't seen before.

M80TheMan ago

We need more white pills in these demoralizing times. Thank you.

Wiglaf ago

Having some pride and hope is absolutely important and there's some interesting info this.

WolfShepherd ago

Very well done thank you for putting this together

AnotherRedditRefugee ago

Very good effort post. Thank you for stepping up, we need more of this.

PlsNoStepOnSnek ago

Saved. White Genocide links

usernameisnotthis ago

good work

varialus ago

Hey everybody, we're k-selection; we have the most children!

Keep workin' at it, you'll get it.

JohnConnor ago

Thanks appreciate the effort.