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anoncastillo ago

And why did he pull the most obviously ham fisted false flag attack on the only people based enough to tell Israel to fuck off with their bullshit at the time when Iran would be least likely to attack them? Why did a jewess just accuse him of rape?

Much like how he appointed the first non-jewish Federal Reserve chair since before I was born, he is trying to pretend to be on the jews' side while fucking them.

moirai11 ago

Henry Ford inventor of Ford cars quote

"To obtain control over public opinion, it is first necessary to confuse it by the expression from various sides of so many conflicting opinions that the Gentiles will lose themselves in the labyrinth..."

Trump: I Have A Personal Connection To Judaism

We are enslaved by the owners of the federal reserve, zionist jews are the real US government.

Trump's daughter Ivanka is Jewish. Trump has five children and four of them are married to Jews. All except Baron who's obviously too young to marry.

All of Trump's grandchildren are Jewish. Within one generation the Trump family will be completely Jewish.

Trump's top advisor is Ivanka's husband Jew Jared Kushner who's brothers are Goldman Sachs and his dad is a shady Democrat Jew named Charles Kushner.

Charles Kushner was charged back in 2004 for making illegal campaign contributions to the Democrats. He also paid prostitutes to sleep with politicians and seceretly filmed the encounter.

Charles Kushner leads the Kushner clan and Jared is Trump's top advisor.

The Kushners were Trump's rivals in the NYC real estate market and now they'll imherihit most of Trump's fortune through Ivanka.

Trump has also appointed numerous ex Goldman Sachs Jews including the ex President of Goldman Sachs himself.

Who controls Trump

There are many more links to Trump and Zionist Jews however I fell as if this is enough to make my point. Trump is owned by Jews. Maybe he works with them willingly or maybe they have some dirt on him ( Epstein style), or maybe it's a little of both, either way, Trump is part of their group and so you can't be surpised if he furthers their causes.

Here are the Jews of the Trump cabal, in order of appearance. Some are very familiar, like his daughter and son-in-law. Others are billionaires who supported Trump’s campaign, and others yet are not so famous:

Michael Abboud (Sephardic Jew) – Communications Coordinator, Donald J. Trump for President

Paul Achleitner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank (Donald Trump’s largest lender)

Sheldon Adelson (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Elliott Broidy (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Michael Cohen (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Special Counsel, The Trump Organization

Gil Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – President, Trump Dezer Development

Michael Dezer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Founder, Trump Dezer Development

Lewis Eisenberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Boris Epshteyn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Stephen Feinberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Alan Fishman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman, Ladder Capital (Donald Trump’s second largest lender)

David Friedman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

Samuel Fox (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Alan Garten (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and General Counsel, The Trump Organization

Bruce Gelb (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Michael Glassner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Deputy Campaign Manager and Former National Political Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Lawrence Glick (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Strategic Development, The Trump Organization

Jason Greenblatt (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, The Trump Organization; Co-Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

Vincent Harris (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Digital Strategy Manager, Donald J. Trump for President

Carl Icahn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Peter Kalikow (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Daniel Kowalski (Ashkenazic Jew) – Deputy Policy Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Charles Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Jared Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Yael Kushner [née Ivanka Trump] (Orthodox Jewish convert) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization

Bennett LeBow (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Richard LeFrak (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Corey Lewandowski (Ashkenazic Jew/East European) – Former Campaign Manager, Donald J. Trump for President

Ronald Lieberman (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President of Management & Development, The Trump Organization

Howard Lorber (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

David Malpass (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council

Douglas Manchester (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Great Again PAC

Bernard Marcus (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Rebekah Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Number One PAC

Robert Mercer (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Make America Number One PAC

Amanda Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice President of Marketing, The Trump Organization

Eli Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chief Operating Officer, Donald J. Trump for President

Jason Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Communications Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Stephen Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – National Policy Director, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Mnuchin (Ashkenazic Jew) – National Finance Chairman, Donald J. Trump for President

Samuel Nunberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Policy Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

David Orowitz (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Vice President of Acquisitions and Development, The Trump Organization

Geoffrey Palmer [né Weissinger] (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Rebuilding America Now PAC

John Paulson (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council

Stewart Rahr (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Richard Roberts (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Israel Advisory Committee for Donald Trump

George Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Senior Counsel, The Trump Organization

Wilbur Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Roth (Ashkenazic Jew) – Member, Trump Economic Advisory Council; Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Felix Sater (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Senior Adviser, The Trump Organization

Keith Schiller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Director of Security, The Trump Organization

Melvin Sembler (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Lara Trump [née Yunaska] (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Vanessa Trump [née Haydon] (Ashkenazic Jew/North European) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

Ronald Weiser (Ashkenazic Jew) – Vice Chairman, Trump Victory Committee

Andrew Weiss (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization

Allen Weisselberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, The Trump Organization

Lawrence Weitzner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President

Steven Witkoff (Ashkenazic Jew) – Donor, Trump Victory Fund

Stephen Wynn [né Weinberg] (Ashkenazic Jew) – Endorser, Donald J. Trump for President

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cylon-z34 ago

oy vey better go blow up a synagogue, goy! hurry!! pm me for support and explicit instructions, my fellow white civilian!!

1F4A9 ago

Great post.

About his children marrying jews: if you grow up in New York and your father is a billionaire, jews are going to be all over you. It could just be lack of being redpilled. Then there is Barron, the last unjewed hope for the Trump line.

Gottmituns ago

They believe it because they want to believe.

feli00 ago

Good post.Trump is surrounded by Jews that is why we suffer the Jewish chemtrails, poverty and Jewish debt and money and Q are knights of Malta like all orders and secret societies JEW

CaucasianWhiteBoy ago

I really can't understand why the left so viciously attacks him when they are the ones dominated by Jews and their ideology (communism) if what you are alluding to is correct. It seems there is something else going on here.

CameraCode0 ago

Divisions within Jewry. The Jews aren't all in agreement on everything. There are liberal American Jews who want more gay rights, etc. and conservative Jews like Prager and Ben Shapiro who don't want what the liberal Jews want, but both want America to essentially be a slave to Israel, and obviously don't want the US to be nationalist or White people to become identitarian at all.

Look at the alternative leaders. Bernie Sanders, Clinton, Biden. All vehemently support Israel and Judaism as much as Trump, the only thing that differs are some minor social and economic policies.

edgydude69 ago

Yes, it’s called “divide and rule”

GoyGenius ago

The part about 4 of Trump's 5 kids being married to jews is false/outdated. Only two are currently married and it's not clear if Lara (Eric Trump's wife) is actually a jew.

badruns ago

Jews confess they saved him from bankruptcy. Either OP is a shill or complete jackass.

Exactly what happened with Winston Churchill. Fucker sold his soul and his country to the Jews because of his gambling debts. 50 million white deaths because of that fucker.

Gopherurself ago

Well fuck

davidagain ago

Excellent post, thanks!

SoyGoyBoy ago

Good summary.

GoatyMcGoatface ago

Posts like OPs makes me understand how easily it is to trick goyim.

Expect more of this as it gets closer to election time.

eronburr ago

Jews confess they saved him from bankruptcy.

It's amazing how the most anti-jew bs starts with "a jew said"... They all claim "you can never trust a jew" and "jews always lie" but their bs is always based on something a supposed jew said that was true. It's circular reasoning and some people just can't think.

If Trump's a jewish/israeli puppet why did he use Russian banks? Why does the (((media))) always pretend Trump's a liar when he calls himself a billionaire?

IdoubtIt2 ago

Yeah, because Biden is our guy, right? If you want to argue that elections are fake as fuck and the Jews run both sides, fine. But you apparently are “fuck drumpf” while the alternative is far fucking worse. Every dem candidate is OPENLY anti-white. At least Trump isn’t actively and openly anti-white and he’s done some good things. The alternative is certainly worse. Even if Trump truly ends up being useless jew fodder, at least we fucking tried.

syntaxaxe ago

If you point out what's wrong with one side, that means you support the other side. Stand up for the best of terrible options, goyim.

This is a large part of how we got in the present day mess.

IdoubtIt2 ago

I don’t believe in this false dichotomy at all. But let’s be honest about what we are up against. Trump is a globalist shill on one “side” with...say...Biden on the other. I understand how bullshit it all is, but my point is, that’s what we’ve got if your speaking only in terms of voting. Let’s be real, a truly “redpilled” candidate will never, ever under any circumstances get anywhere in this country in its current state, much less actually elected. They’d literally kill them before then. That’s how I know Trump is 1000% jew shill fodder. There would be daily attempts on his life otherwise. If he was any real challenger, he’d like be dead.

I know that sounds blackpilled, and in a sense, there’s really no other sane way to be in this current climate. I believe the only alternative if to let it burn to the ground, see what can be built from the ashes. America is dead. It’s a stumbling zombie corpse at this point. I see very little redeemable within this current shithole society.

AngryAvocado ago

Thanks for mentioning this. Seems like my only options are to lick Trumps boots these days or I’m just “a liberal snowflake cuck shill.” He’s just a POS statist dressed in red.

CantDentTheBrent ago

You're slow.

He's waiting til the boomers die peacefully.

IdoubtIt2 ago

Probably right.


That doesn't have to be the only alternative.