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Tallest_Skil ago


redditrefugee12 ago

I'd love to make a full exodus over here, but we gotta remove antisemites from here, much like on T_D on Reddit. That's why it was a such a successful community. The left and people with Trump Derangement Syndrome tried to paint us as racists, and it triggered them they were wrong. Let's try to shape this community into T_D, a community of kind, loving American patriots.

Tallest_Skil ago

Blow your fucking brains out, subhuman. We’re going to exterminate every last one of you.

redditrefugee12 ago

Damn, someone's triggered lmao. You're probably some pimple faced, 5 foot 2, 35 year guy typing this in his mom's basement. Explain to me specifically how you're going to be able to do this?

Tallest_Skil ago

Well, you won’t live much longer when you’re raped to death by the niggers, spics, and dune coons you’re importing, so those of you who survive that will simply be wiped out by the new government when the law is restored.

What, you thought your posts online were anonymous? Ha.

redditrefugee12 ago

Waiting for your answer to explain to me how "We’re going to exterminate every last one of you." What's wrong, all talk, but no plan, big boy? Show me on the doll where the Jews touched you. You seem very hurt, sweetie.

goblin_ghost ago

Show me on the doll where the Jews touched you.

Literally on our penises, when they chopped part of our dicks off as babies. Among many other places.

Plant_Boy ago

Now why would we tell you our plans?

In a small hint, you destroy yourselves. You are your own worst enemy and too arrogant to know it.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Do they really need to do anything? Between the genetic diseases from the multi generational inbreeding, and the limited population, they only have maybe 6 or 7 viable generations left.

I mean the only way the Jewish race could survive, is if they allowed diversity in Israel. The mixed race breeding would prevent the race from dying off and the multicultural environment would enrich the country.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

I dont think this is the place youre looking for.

Merchant_Menace ago

Begone, faggot.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

gas the kikes

Duchozz ago

Fuck you nigger

AlphaOmega ago

you seem very hurt, sweetie

Fucking Reddit shill tactics on Voat. Cancerous fucks. Reddit not good enough for you?

Wonder_Boy ago

This is a free speech zone.

That said, no self-respecting poster says "sweetie" in debate format on Voat.

You're a Nigger faggot and you can GTFO back to reddit, little dick man.

BushChuck ago

Women and children, too. This time we do it properly.


You'll delete your account soon enough.

HomerChimpson ago

And... its gone.

nosam ago

the faggot didn't nuke the account, but all the posts were removed

bb22 ago

The pain from all the downvotes was causing his ass to bleed.


Hahahahahahah, thank you for the update on him. Didn't even bother to keep up on him, but since you showed me, I'm delighted to see the immune system in full swing. I fucking love my goat bros.

Paranoiaattack ago

I'm guessing you were over-circumsized and the extra loss of blood caused some brain damage.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Tallest_Skil ago

It was already explained to you, you illiterate subhuman. Go back to reddit. You’re not welcome here.

bb22 ago

Tallest Skil, you are a total faggot but for once I actually agree with you.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Kike on Kike violence! SCHLOMO SHILL @Tallest_Shill a "fellow white person"

bb22 ago

Tell me about it lmmfao

Tallest_Skil ago

Hi, bot account.

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

I'm not a bot you fucking LYING SCHLOMO SHILL @Tallest_Shill

Oh, seems you call everyone a bot: bitch

IsaacJan ago

Lmfao you’re right