lostmyoldone ago

I want to know more.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

see how far the rabbit hole goes, do your own research or search for a redpill thread on https://8ch.net/pol/catalog.html

Ocelot ago

God bless the Internet.

jewsbadnews ago

This happened when I was almost there. Shit really fucked me over, got depressed and fat. So many bad things happened all at once, it was like some super natural being was cursing me it felt like.

WhatDidIJustRead ago

For a bunch of self-proclaimed 'intellectual individualists' there sure is a herd mentality here. This entire sub belongs in some cringe forum somewhere. Lol at this OP guy saying a whole religion should be exterminated by nitpicking quotes from Jewish people/texts. Oh god, this is truly the regressive right here.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if i'm nitpicking go get the full context, or read the talmud yourself. I provided cited evidence here if you want to challenge it bring some evidence yourself, if i'm wrong the prove me wrong. The truth fears no investigation

WhatDidIJustRead ago

You're nitpicking when you only bring what the Talmud says to prove your point and not what may be contrary to your point. The Talmud has more about how to be a good person than the contrary which you apparently must have missed in your thorough investigation.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

The Talmud has more about how to be a good person than the contrary


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you stole that country and ethnically cleansed the Palestinians to establish it, i don't want you in my country i want you exterminated like the vermin you are, all the other non-whites can simply be sent back to their ancestral home but you kind harasses us even from Israel we're tried simply exiling your ilk hundreds of times but the fact of the matter is you need to be wiped off the face of the earth. The kind of idealistic society where people can be judged simply on their own actions is impossible to achieve without ridding our countries of non-whites, I'll happily become an irredeemable monster to secure a brighter future for my race.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

sorry buddy, but those at the top of your society/culture picked this fight in the first place, if you have complaints you ought to take them to the zionists

LordKX ago

What words would you suggest I use instead? You can't have an argument about right and wrong without first establishing some kind or morality. If you have no morals, or have morals which don't say murder is wrong, then sure the holocaust was fine.

As for innocent, I've previously heard people claim the holocaust was justified because the jews weren't innocent, it was self defense by Hitler, thus I included the word innocent.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

no i mean literal pirates i'll send you a thing about it when i get home tonight, but the founding fathers based a lot of their eqalitarian principles on those help by the pirates of the time

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

kushner is there to control trump trough ivanka he has proven ties to israel and soros but lots of event show this not working out as well as they hoped, i.e. the ally who we betrayed by given classified info to russia is allegedly israel and we're not going through with moving their embassy, it seems like trump unfortunatly doesn't hate jews or anything but lucky like he still just does whatever he wants in accordance with his buiness philosophy all the trouble he gave them recently along with how nice he was to them and the saudis on his visit is probably part of some big idea he has for peace in the region. It's too bad he ain't hitler but he's a clear step in the right direction

pcdebol ago

Look into the Persians it will give you a much better red pill.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nah that's a black pill, the mudbloods used to have their shit together enough to be on our side but look at them now

pcdebol ago

I screwed up, the time in history I'm looking for is Assyrian. Same region earlier time. Has to do with Zoroastrianism and the Assyrians getting fed up with the Jews.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

8/pol/ is far superior to half/pol/ but both are heavily shilled with a troubling mod situation

lorlipone ago

Seriously, dude. I had already bought 14, but you just sold me 88. Thanks.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

and now you can never go back, welcome to the Nazi party~

memyuhself ago

everything I thought I knew is a lie and no one will believe me if i try to tell them what I've learned.

WhatDidIJustRead ago

Wow, congratulations. You've replaced everything you thought you knew up until now with a few videos and some other sheep saying 'omg redpilled'. You've achieved a new level of retardation

memyuhself ago

said the shill with a throwaway account.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yup, welcome to the club. You can now no longer use platforms besides ones like voat and 8/pol/ you can try but you'll find you just can't do it anymore

memyuhself ago

man, those guys on /r/ the Donald don't know how good they have it. ignorance really is bliss, no going back now I suppose.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

but knowledge is freedom

memyuhself ago

Knowledge is the responsibility to inform all those around you of the truth even if it hurts.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Allegory of the Cave :3

survey_girl ago

Communism by the backdoor is another great video to redpill people. A long video but worth the watch.

Cheesebooger ago

Well done, brother. Jews are the biggest threat to white folks everywhere.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

honestly the biggest threat to all other humans, even the subhumans. I don't give a shit about niggers but if the blacks ever found out about the jewish involvement in slavery and in popular nigger subculture they'd be right be mad

Cheesebooger ago

They make all of the jew symbols in rap vid's and that just blows me away sometimes. How can they not see they are being used as a tool against whites? I know. They're dumber than hell. I go into places where niggers dwell and try and educate them on jews but they mostly see jews as white people with freaky religion. I'm like "nope". But its like talking to a rock.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the golems will probably never figure it out, even if ypu tell them

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i'm saying it's not

georock ago

thanks for all this info. I want to be redpilled and appreciate connecting the dots

thank you

WhatDidIJustRead ago

Yes, you are now suddenly 'awake' by reading a small paragraph and watching a few videos by some random guy on the internet. Doesn't sound like a good dose of redpill..

georock ago

I'm not wake from reading a couple of posts I have been searching for some time and this is all the information thst fills in the gaps and makes sense. All other theories I read seemed possible but always had glaring holes, this does not.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

your welcome, i'd encourage you to do more research on your own

georock ago

i will be

one question i keep thinking, so if jews want to destroy non-jews...and muslims want to kill non-muslim, can we ever really live while either survive, and do we want a winner in the islam-israel war

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

muslims will be fine if we just send them all back to the middle east but jews cause trouble for us even in israel

JackAttack ago

We're talking about the high up powerful Jews right? I don't think everyone in a yamika is part of this global conspiracy

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

there are jews and there are zionists like there are moderate and radical mualims they're not all causing the problem but they're all part of it

Rafoie ago

I've been watching Adolf Hitler the greatest story never told. I've been aware of some of these infographics in the past. However I've never had so many facts on this compiled together in such a condensed way. Well fuck. I guess I'm a Nazi now. Hitler did nothing wrong. It's all a Jewish and Soviet psyop/cover up.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you might be joking a bit about it now but the way you see the world might soon change due to this

Rafoie ago

I'll be honest with you. I'm not even sure if I'm joking anymore. All of the things that led to Hitler's rise in power are happening again. Weimars republic is now recreated on a global scale. The Jews control the media and Hollywood. There's a disproportionate amount of Jewish influence everywhere. The common folk are depressed and unemployed. Income inequality is sky high. The Jews are living it up while everyone else is trying to scrape by. On top of all of that, they're trying to flood our streets with barbarians and criminals. It's unsustainable. Soros and friends are kicking a volatile powder keg. It's going to blow one of these days.

Also anyone who likes PSO is good in my book.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i was going to ask about your username do you play pso2 or just the original? we ought to play together sometime~

Rafoie ago

I did play pso2 when it first came out. Before the tweaker was a thing. But I obsessively played PSO1v1 on the dreamcast back in the day. My friends bailed on pso2 and I never managed to integrate into a new group so I eventually wound up quitting. But I am interested in playing it. I'll have to respec my HU cause I went down the tank tree with it and apparently that's a shit build.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

hopefully we can build a group for it on here, honestly voat could use more activity in niche subreddits anyway

Rafoie ago

I did make my character on ship 2 btw. But yeah /v/pso2 is basically a ghost a town. Same with a lot of specific gaming verses.

niche subreddits >subreddits

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i tried a bunch of times to get it going but it needs a community, hopefully one will turn up given that we're slowly growing i tried to convince people on v/gaming to try it but no luck

LostandFound ago

This is one of the first things I seen this morning when I got up, got seriously woke. Im pretty aware of the 'issues' but Jesus H when its all together like this. I stopped watching tv some time ago but I might burn the witch after this.

Gotta love when Morgan Freeman refutes the idea of Black history month and asks Mike Wallace about 'white' history month, Mike advises hes Jewish...


Arrvee ago

Here's a red pill for your red pill: Winston Churchill gave you the Jewish Answer almost 100 years ago.

The JQ framing mistakenly targets innocents, causes a reactionary response, and draws your focus away from other people and groups that might be causing problems.

Be careful of premature generalizations.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i don't trust that warmonger, there are no good jews

HashTagFU ago

We haven't even been to the moon. We're not going to Mars anytime soon.

silver_polish ago

Perhaps the biggest issue is the decline of Christianity.

Agreed. I don't often hear anyone express this sentiment, and I sure appreciate it when I see it.

bbylon ago

I highly recommend that you newfags install the "Coincidence detector". It's an add-on to your web-browser that'll identify Jewish names by putting parentheses around their names like (((this))). This will help you identify who the (((leaders))) are when you're reading about certain historical events such as The coup that led to Weimar Republic and the Bolsheviks revolution .

Bonus red-pill.

SmartGuyWithBigDick ago

Commenting to bump and bookmark this to look through the sources at home.

I just wanna say I expect I've already seen most of what you linked. While I agree that with most of what you say, I still think Hitler was a heavily medicated lunatic who did tons of things wrong, even tho his distaste for jews is mostly justified. I also think (((they))) don't have elaborate coordinated play to wipe out the whites, (((they))) just want many and many shekels and white genocide is by-product of (((their))) shekel making.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

honestly if you'd read and learn about him hitler was a reasonable guy who wanted reasonable things in an unreasonable world

SmartGuyWithBigDick ago

Have you come across the claims that he was actually a jewish plant? I've read something about NSDAP being financed by jewish bankers in the beginning. At first it seemed insane but when you think about it, he successfully discredited nationalism for generations and gave them the "muh 6 gorrilion" stick to beat people with..

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

having listened to his speeches and learned his story i can't believe that, and he embodied nat soc what seeks to discredit it is not him but the smear campaign against him

silver_polish ago

I'm starting to think a white ethnostate really needs to be created for our survival.

You've already started feeling the effects of the truth... given more time and research, you'll be more than "starting to think" about it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nobody wants to be racist, honestly all i wanted was to play video games and be left alone but the truth is the truth

gruk ago

Ok wow, it's been a big day. I've learned a whole bunch. It will take some getting used to, and a LOT more research. However, I will cling to the fact that the gypsies, jews and other 'undesirables' were still rounded up and imprisoned. This will always seem pretty wrong to me, and thats where I will let my mind rest for now

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

wrong is kinda relative, what better solution to things was there? how could you establish national socialism with the undesirables around?

HashTagFU ago

Big difference between that and gassings/crematoriums that never happened.

SrBearLordofOldCastl ago

Yeah a certain number of them were, but was it really 6 gorillions? Never forget them! In fact if you ask a modern Jew about what Judaism is they'll tell you it's about muh shoah. Also take a look at all those undesirables in Paris or Malmo, leaching from society while destroying it at the same time, what would you say it's the best solution?

Demwitsarestupid ago

So OP is an actual fag? I would like to see all homosexuals rounded up and exterminated. Every single homosexual in the world was molested as a child. Every single homosexual in the world molests children. It's how they recruit and multiply.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i don't presonally do so but it's definitally a big issue

Demwitsarestupid ago

You don't spread AIDS or you don't molest children?

Edit: My mistake, my aids statement was in another comment of mine.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i have taken great care to not have aids and i'e certainly never touched children but i'm what you'd call an exception to the rule don't let me stop you from hating gays because honestly there's a lot of things i hate about most gay people myself

Demwitsarestupid ago

I will always hate homos. And you'll never convince me that you have never molested a child or that you don't have unprotected anal sex with anonymous men in rest areas, airports, bathhouses and gay bars. It's what the homos do: corrupt our children and spread disease.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i can understand why i've see the statistics on the matter, you're wrong about me but you're certainly not wrong about this

QMX9wVrXqD ago

Is this real talk? or are you a triggered jew?

Demwitsarestupid ago

I'm not a jew and I'm not triggered. I hate homos. Homos corrupt society and spread AIDS. Homos are nearly 100% libtards. Homos are child molesters.

QMX9wVrXqD ago

Generally speaking, yeah. They're a nuisance.

idm03 ago

The creating and maintaining of the Jewish state ensures regional instability and forces an imprint on global politics as its framers intended.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

regional stability? that region is anything but stable

idm03 ago

The creating and maintaining of the Jewish state ensures regional instability

working as intended.

Vvswiftvv17 ago

Oh fuck off. How can you hate jews and be pro Donald? A significant portion of his advice is coming from his jewish son in law. You are a faggot OP and I can't even entertain your bullshit for even a second. This sub use to be worth somethibg. Now it's infested by twatfaced assholes.

QMX9wVrXqD ago

His jewish son in law is disliked and considered to be a subversive influence by people who don't want to see our POTUS doing Zionist stuff.

Vvswiftvv17 ago

You are retarded.

Marou ago

Absolutely all Jews aren't involved in fucked up Zionism. Unfortunately the upper crust are the only ones that matter, and the ideology of Jewish supremacy is embedded deep in the religion and ethnic identity.

MillstoneNecklace ago

But see, both the Jew and the Nazi can be wrong. Both reject the truth of Jesus Christ and His Church, who say that all men should be saved through the blood of Christ and the sacraments.

All are called to conversion because all suffer from original sin, that is the turning away from God begun by our earliest ancestors. Baptism removes sin and leads to salvation ("You must be born again of water and the spirit" and "Baptism now saves you").

Governmentally, Catholic monarchy (or some other form of confessional state where the leaders of government answer to religious authority to some extent) removes the problem of Jews being in power, because the primary rule is that of the law of God. The same law that brought Europe from nothing to the jewel of the world, precisely because the law of Christ and His love is at its center.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

no the nazis were absolutly christian you might want to research more but hitler would see eye to eye with you on god

MillstoneNecklace ago

Then why did he introduce the pagan Nazi quasi-religion, complete with its own rites and holidays? Why did the SS follow its own dark paganism so much?

Hitler may have initially agreed with a form of God, but there was good reason that Catholics were persecuted and imprisoned by the Nazi regime.

Ultimately, National Socialism is still socialism, which is a flawed philosophy.

I'm a student of history, and am fully prepared to admit that Hitler was right about a lot of things; but his philosophy was flawed at its core, just like everything else that stems from the Enlightenment.

Note: I made a nobile effort to read Mein Kampf, but it's the only book I've read which was worse written than Atlas Shrugged, and I just couldn't get through it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

to quote Hitler; "Socialist’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency. Our adopted term ‘Socialist has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true socialism is not. Marxism places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.”

MillstoneNecklace ago

I get it, sure. He is echoing the errors of the Enlightenment by viewing people as "workers" instead of as individual souls who are precious simply because they are humans created by God.

Also the whole pagan thing.

MillstoneNecklace ago

That may be, but the fact is that the Nazi party did promote its own form of paganism, especially within the SS. History is replete with politicians who use religion to promote their own ideals.

This is not specifically a criticism of Adolf Hitler, but is a criticism of any government that promotes a pluralistic society, including and especially the USA. You could certainly argue that the USA is less Christian in practice than Hitler's Germany.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i prefer pagans and occultists to kikes and muslims

MillstoneNecklace ago

All of those groups are equally mistaken in their beliefs in that none recognize the entry of the Logos into human history and its implications.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nope but I will he's pretty great

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

honestly I miss being a christian nation, I ain't religious myself and it had it's problems but all that replaced it in our culture was degeneracy and nonsense popular science, basically watch bill nye's new show and there's pretty much the problem with the current culture that overtook the dominant culture that was Christianity

Marou ago

This is why I've come to accept that we need fascism. We need to bend our collective creative powers towards grand projects like conquering the stars. Greed and satisfying hedonistic whims has become our reason for continued existence. While those things aren't bad in moderation, they are not a reason to live and strive. They don't inspire.

The nihilism and total self absorption that modern culture promotes is one of the great sources of our problems. We need a purpose as a race or we become degenerate.

silver_polish ago

The nihilism and total self absorption that modern culture promotes is one of the great sources of our problems.

Part of the problem I've run into is that expressing this sentiment to most anybody gets harsh reactions. How dare I suggest that being entirely self-centered is awful... say the communism-pushing useful idiots.

QMX9wVrXqD ago

Scientists themselves came up with a good name for this: The cult of science. Some of them have identified it's a shitty thing, but their analysis just sounds like some tripe to induct more members into the cult. They don't want to eliminate it, they just want to make it more "inclusive".

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it really is a cult, it's disgusting and not very scientific at all honestly

QMX9wVrXqD ago

Yeah, it's almost entirely political these days. If a research project doesn't obviously support globalism or a breakaway civilization you can forget about getting it funded.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

ah darn, was peterson not able to stop it? I hope that man leaves canada he's too good for them

ThatsThat ago

The Senate didn't seem to care much, though he made some of them look like idiots. In case anyone is interested: v/DrJordanPeterson

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

honestly based on how (((the media))) and (((the establishment))) are panicking I'm pretty content with how trump is doing. He ain't perfect and he's not hitler but he must be doing a good job since the kikes are so assmad

Andy-Chryst ago

I felt like t_d was a good community, it is now seeing those losers crawl back to reddit I feel pity on the simple minded fools who for all their cries of people just "believing what theyre told" they are no fucking wiser. Pathetic. Whilst I feel a lot more alone, I like it better here and will never go back to that shit hole with those no conviction faggots

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

sadly once/if you actually get redpilled you won't be able to go back, you'll no longer fit in.

AncientArachnid ago

RDD -- I'm sure you've been asked this a zillion times already, so I apologize but I'm not sure how to frame a search on search.voat so here goes.

It's commonly accepted (??) that Western civilization (Magna Carta, our Constitution, etc.) is based on Judeo-Christian ethic and morality. Without getting into a discussion about whether a moral code is possible without some religious reference base, how do you resolve the Old Testament's influence on civilization with its writers and adherents?

If one believes the Jew is truly the root of a NWO, oppression, and deep evil, does that mean "their holy books are valid but their actions are not"? Or do you discard as unnecessary, or even possibly manipulative, the laws, behavioral, and moral codes of ethics Western civilization is (at least allegedly) based upon?

Serious question. This is something I'd have to reconcile before chewing on any more pills of any color.

Hope that makes some sort of sense.

AncientArachnid ago

Thank you, will read.

silver_polish ago

Good discussion!

Drop_Nukes_On_Israel ago

The West is based on pagan morality. Christianity had to warp itself to our European value system.

Get that Judeo-Christian Ted Cruz propaganda outta here.

AncientArachnid ago

Well, I'm not a Ted Cruz-style fundamentalist, devout Christian. This is just what most normies have been taught.

As far as the West in general being based on pagan morality, and Christianity needing to warp itself to fit existing Western European value systems -- can you direct me to more to read about that?

Serious questions. I have no agenda here. I want only to hear other viewpoints than the "standard" ones.

Drop_Nukes_On_Israel ago

Here's an article on how Church proceedings do not follow the word of the Bible and have pagan influences.

Here's an article where the wedding ring was originally part of pagan culture.

Big biblical quote from that article:

Deuteronomy 12:29-32 - “When the LORD your God cuts off from before you the nations which you go to dispossess, and you displace them and dwell in their land, take heed to yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them, after they are destroyed from before you, and that you do not inquire after their gods, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise."

This violent culture smash decree didn't really work out completely for the Christians coming into Europe. I attribute this to the altruism that's displayed in our European people compared to the Semitic people of which Christianity originated.

AncientArachnid ago

Very interesting and informative articles and comment. Thank you.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

a lot of america at it's founding was based on the code of conduct of the pirates

QMX9wVrXqD ago

Asians are interesting, because the mulatto slave class created between whites, arabs and blacks would be physically superior to asians and roughly the same colour. I'm really not sure what they'd add. They probably don't care, just mix 'em all in since the aim is a homogenous race as opposed to a master race. That silk road stuff and China's mega trade drive into Europe they just announced seems like the Eastern half of the Kalergi plan.

Some people like Alex Jones say China's massive army is there for the UN to use against us.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the asians? there are a unclear number of jews in china, and they're apparently mad that the norks won't settle down enough for a rothschild global bank. I think they're still basically afraid of the japs.

also why take this long

the fall of communism set them back a lot the Bolsheviks were a big part of their broader plans

What is your opinion on national socialism as a system- still fucking socialism ain't it?

to quote Hitler; "Socialist’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency. Our adopted term ‘Socialist has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true socialism is not. Marxism places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.”

Marou ago

Nah, there is private property and you can keep what you earn - but industry as a whole is given objectives by the state instead of floundering at the whims of only investors. Eg. We're going to space bitches (now), or all Germans should have a car, design an affordable one (nazi germany, volkswagen).

So, it's socialism in the sense that there are giant state dictated projects, but not socialism in the sense of the state takes over all business and runs it as shitty as possible.

Skankhunt1 ago

Catbox links with Talmud quotes are dead

F00ducer ago

Bookmarked, gonna read this later. Thanks!

jewsbadnews ago

I was so white pilled when I found all this out but after losing a good job and perfect marriage material I gave up and went hardcore black pill. I'm trying to crawl my way back out.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

exercise, study, and read philosophy. Take the Iron pill my dude, a strong mind, body, and spirit is your greatest possible asset in life

jewsbadnews ago

I don't know if I will ever find another amazing girl like her again. She was absolutely perfect in every way to me. Most girls now a days are shit.

Voopin__Voopin ago

I agree most girls are shit.

I'd like to show you some things that might help. If they don't, no sweat. :)




Have a good one, gentlegoat! :)

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

maybe ask @empress to introduce you to someone? that v/tradionalwives subverse seems pretty good, anyway you should really read mein kampf if you haven't already just like you hitler got depressed when he was tfw no qt gf

jewsbadnews ago

Where did he say that in the book?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it might've been in another book about him, it's been a while but early in his life he was a really shy and sensative guy who had a crush on a girl

Marou ago

Don't despair spiral, it's too easy to do these days.

Take your ass to church whether you're religious or not. It's one of the last decent places to find women that don't have mind cancer.

jewsbadnews ago

My local churches are cucked. But I guess I can redpill them.

CIA_nigger ago

Some of you might be asking "how can you tell if someone is a Jew?"

well my friends, the nose never lies

QMX9wVrXqD ago

and they're in this thread bitching

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Cantilever ago

What are the black and iron pills?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

black pill is accepting despair and giving up on hope, Iron pill is exercise, study, meditation, and preparation so that you're strong in mind body and spirit and capable enough for a race war or whatever may come

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we're going into space lad, a galaxy spanning nazi emipre, I'm not much for religion but there are certainly people around who are, maybe ask about it on v/identitarian

chaoticsandwich ago

As horrible as those quotes are, those kinds of words are common to humanity. All have fallen short of the glory of God. The Communists find every excuse to rob property owners. The Islamist's find any excuse to murder others and take their property. Plenty of Americans defended themselves or avenged themselves against the natives; but many also simply murdered and took land. The Japanese did it to the Chinese and then our PoW's. The caspian & black seas are probably littered with nomadic peoples who settled after wiping out the previous nomads who settled etc*. Rich assholes justify robbing people because they weren't smart enough to pass a law or word the law correctly to stop them. The shit won't end until "Jesus blows his fucking whistle"

Calling for people to be tried for this stuff is appropriate. If predatory lenders target goyim, then bring the lenders to trail. If they chose to favor ethnics in their lending practices, sue for discrimination. If a jew does it? hang em, if a white guy does it, hang him too. However, at the end of the day everyone should be judged by their own actions, not the actions of their neighbors. Calling for people to be killed because of things they didn't do is simple absurdity.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's genetics, the jews have committed the same wrongs throughout all of recorded history. It's not as if I don't want to give them a fair chance, it's that I can almost guarantee they'll betray you fpr their own interests as they always have.

at the end of the day everyone should be judged by their own actions

think me a monster if you must but history shows us we'll never achieve such a society without exterminating the jews and reversing multiculturalism

QMX9wVrXqD ago

IIRC Christian scripture is the only one of the three that doesn't endorse deceiving non-members.

chaoticsandwich ago

Where you see jews, I see all of humanity. The history of white people isn't innocent. England for example:

"No species of superstition was ever more terrible than that of the druids. Besides the severe penalties, which it was in the power of the ecclesiastics to inflict in this world, they inculcated the eternal transmigration of souls; and thereby extended their authority as far as the fears of their timorous votaries. They practised their rites in dark groves or other secret recesses;[*] and in order to throw a greater mystery over their religion, they communicated their doctrines only to the initiated, and strictly forbade the committing of them to writing, lest they should at any time be exposed to the examination of the profane vulgar.

 [* Plin. lib. xii. cap. 1.]

Human sacrifices were practised among them: the spoils of war were often devoted to their divinities; and they punished with the severest tortures whoever dared to secrete any part of the consecrated offering: these treasures they kept in woods and forests, secured by no other guard than the terrors of their religion;[] and this steady conquest over human avidity may be regarded as more signal than their prompting men to the most extraordinary and most violent efforts. No idolatrous worship ever attained such an ascendant over mankind as that of the ancient Gauls and Britons; and the Romans, after their conquest, finding it impossible to reconcile those nations to the laws and institutions of their masters, while it maintained its authority, were at last obliged to abolish it by penal statutes; a violence which had never, in any other instance, been practised by those tolerating conquerors.[*] "


"Under the reign of Nero, Suetonius Paulinus was invested with the command, and prepared to signalize his name by victories over those barbarians. Finding that the island of Mona, now Anglesey, was the chief seat of the druids, he resolved to attack it, and to subject a place which was the centre of their superstition, and which afforded protection to all their baffled forces. The Britons endeavored to obstruct his landing on this sacred island, both by the force of their arms and the terrors of their religion. The women and priests were intermingled with the soldiers upon the shore; and running about with flaming torches in their hands, and tossing their dishevelled hair, they struck greater terror into the astonished Romans by their bowlings, cries, and execrations, than the real danger from the armed forces was able to inspire. But Suetonius, exhorting his troops to despise the menaces of a superstition which they despised, impelled them to the attack, drove the Britons off the field, burned the druids in the same fires which those priests had prepared for their captive enemies, destroyed all the consecrated groves and altars; and having thus triumphed over the religion of the Britons, he thought his future progress would be easy in reducing the people to subjection. But he was disappointed in his expectations. The Britons, taking advantage of his absence, were all in arms; and headed by Boadicea, queen of the Iceni, who had been treated in the most ignominious manner by the Roman tribunes, had already attacked, with success, several settlements of their insulting conquerors. Suetonius hastened to the protection of London, which was already a flourishing Roman colony; but found, on his arrival, that it would be requisite for the general safety, to abandon that place to the merciless fury of the enemy. London was reduced to ashes; such of the inhabitants as remained in it were cruelly massacred; the Romans and all strangers, to the number of seventy thousand, were every where put to the sword without distinction; and the Britons, by rendering the war thus bloody, seemed determined to cut off all hopes of peace or composition with the enemy. But this cruelty was revenged by Suetonius in a great and decisive battle, where eighty thousand of the Britons are said to have perished, and Boadicea herself, rather than fall into the hands of the enraged victor, put an end to her own life by poison."

Not even touching the heathen invaders. With our histories full of things like this, I really don't see how a racial distinction can be made. I have no doubt that jewish people have done horrible things, and will continue to do horrible things; but that's par for the human course. I do agree that multiculturalism is horseshit, some cultures are superior to others. A culture with the written word is superior to one without it, valuing republic is superior to valuing a dictatorship and soforth. However, again that divide isn't racial.

"think me a monster if you must but history shows us we'll never achieve such a society without exterminating the jews and reversing multiculturalism"

Though I consider that a very vile position, I don't think you're a monster. You're just human like everyone in these histories.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I can accept that it's vile but I feel that it's entirely necessary, I encourage you to read the two books I included they'll make a lot of the what and why of this clear if you're interested

THE_White_Devil ago

I'm almost thinking at this point, Hitler was just used as "the bad guy". When the real bad men were people like the Bush family, for selling steel and oil to both Germany and the US. Granddaddies war.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the real bad men were the communists honestly stalin and mao are responsible for way more death than hitler

THE_White_Devil ago

What PROBABLY made Hitler so "bad", was that he wanted to branch out and seize resources for Germany.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I remember churchhill saying the key issue was actually that Hitler rejected kikes global currency and banking system

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

their end goal? the end of the white race and everywhere in the world a fully mixed blood race of goyim that they can rule over as they feel is their right as "the chosen people"

also the establishment of greater israel

Medviah ago

Just going to comment, so I can read all 3 of these at a later date.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

there's a "save" feature

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" -Voltaire

CzarnyKoza ago

If Hitler didn't want WWII to start, why did he annex Czechoslovakia and invade Poland? And if he didn't want to escalate WWII, why did he break the Soviet-Nazi Non-aggression Pact and invade the Soviet Union? If Hitler was such a smart guy, then he would've seen that these actions would stir shit. Why did he not just create an isolationist state for the Aryan race and deport all of the Jews?

Drop_Nukes_On_Israel ago

Poland stole land after WW1 in treaty. Ethnic Germans were being slaughtered in the stolen land. Historically, because Hitler sent troops into Poland, he "started it," yet the matter of who starts wars is easily framable by media propaganda.

CzarnyKoza ago

Poland didn't have any land immediately prior to the Treaty of Versailles, and Poland did not have a representative during the drafting and signing of the Treaty of Versailles, so how did they "steal" land from the Germans? Great Britain, France, Italy, and the US drafted the Treaty, Poland was given land.

CzarnyKoza ago

Still doesn't answer why he invaded the USSR when they were an ally

Drop_Nukes_On_Israel ago

That should be obvious, seeing as how communism kills millions of people, and how bolshevism was bashed endlessly in NatSoc party documents and Mein Kampf.

They weren't an ally, they had a peace treaty. I can assure you that they weren't allies in the way that Americans are buddy-buddy with the West.

Gonna link some other guy in this thread who elucidated the Russian question before I did.

Quote from his linked article: "Just think about it and give credit where credit is due: Had it not been for "Barbarossa", you might not be alive today. The Bolshevik torture chambers and death pits which would claim millions of victims in the enslaved nations of the East would have spread throughout the West as well. This ghoul called "New World Order", now looming to swallow and spit out your children, was in the wings already in 1941, poised to unleash itself on Christianity."

Even in military defeat, Hitler saved your ass from the Red Menace.

CzarnyKoza ago

What excuse did Hitler have for Czechoslovakia? I don't see how it can be argued that Hitler didn't want WWII to happen when he made these choices to expand Lebensraum. Regardless of where the borders were drawn by the Treaty of Versailles, invading surrounding countries is an act of war, not an act of peace.

In addition, how can it be argued that Hitler only wanted Lebensraum for the Aryan race and did not want to pursue world domination? He invaded almost all of Western Europe, which is plenty of space. He could've left it at that and devoted his military to defense and could've won the war, and then could've waited another 20 years to build up enough strength to invade the Soviet Union if they were still as much of a threat as your comment suggests. Instead, he decided to overstretch the German military and tried to invade the entirety of Europe, North Africa, and parts of the Middle East in a span of less than 5 years.

Drop_Nukes_On_Israel ago

The Sudetenland was filled with ethnic Germans. After WW2, the Czechs led these Germans on a Death March out of Czechoslovakia.


There's a kike-friendy source for you.

EDIT: Invasions of other countries is similar to the American debate about "first-strike." Diplomacy is not as cut-and-dry as you're making it out to be. Why let your enemy gather when war is an inevitability? Given a choice between first-strike and letting the potential Allied forces gather up for a first-strike, which do you think was the smarter move for Hitler?

The USSR situation was the same line of thinking. The Red Menace had already attempted to invade Poland and failed to do so a couple of decades before WW2. Their goal was global world communism. It was either Hitler struck first, or getting invaded by Stalin while his hands were tied with the Western front.


The commies proved with Poland that they weren't paragons of peace, either.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

a white ethnostate

Highhopes_forhumans ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago


guinness2 ago

Jews represent 1.7% of the US population, yet the use elitism and nepotism to control our mainstream news media, Hollywood and academia.

Consider how close we came to allowing Hillary Clinton to hand over control of our Supreme Court to the Jews after Antonin Scalia was murdered.

I'm certain that Hillary had already negotiated with Israel on how much of a pay-to-play Clinton Foundation "donation" it would cost for another Supreme Court Jew.

We came too close!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

la_couleur_du_ble ago

I'm republishing a deleted comment (sorry, there's no such thing as deleted from the internet, the original poster should known better)

If you are committed to welcome all the red pills, then this deleted comment was making valid points.

So basically, your whole premise is all Jews are terrible and need to be killed, but they also have bested you and your own kind because they are smarter and more crafty and more evolutionarily adapted vis a vis intelligence, so you can't seem to do it?

They own everything, they control everything, and yet they should be killed because you and your weak minded other non-Jew whites (many of whom are I suppose Christians who apparently worship a Jew named Jesus) have willingly allowed yourselves to be enslaved by the Jews and so you are stuck because you are dumber than them (generally speaking) and the Jews own you, mind, body and spirit?

Am I missing anything? I mean besides the secret handshake to allow me and all the other hard working patriotic gun supporting American Jews I know to let us into the (("secret")) meetings where I get to stop working my ass off to pay my mortgage, feed my kids and pay my taxes like everyone else?

Do I have this all down now?

Also, you are a niggerfaggot.

PS. Do you propose to start by gassing Trump's Jewish daughter and son-in-law?

PPS. You are a bunch of morons, but to red-pill you (call it a L'chaim pill now kek), I will add that I do know a good deal of libtard left leaning Jewish feminist SJW morons, all of which are just as brain washed as everyone else, and support the globalist insanity and listen to the MSM. Some get redpilled and wake up. You would be well advised to stop REEEing about wah the Jews wah the Jews, and instead help wake up the Jewish Americans and the rest of Americans to the elitist pigs satanist pedo fucks (many of whom are Jewish, MANY OF WHOM ARE NOT, and all of who are degenerate fucks). Jews do have a hard time listening to criticism and accepting that maybe the history is incorrect about things. Not likely all things, as you are likely just as wrong in your world view in many areas as we all are. You are not God, you mortal and fallible as everyone else is. Also, you are being subjugated by a bunch of ((Jews)) which makes you worse than niggerfaggots, it makes you full retard.

Cheesebooger ago

Jews always tout that they are smarter, but they are not. A PARASITE IS WHAT A PARASITE DOES. Nothing intelligent in that.

SwampAintDrained ago

All the data I've seen shows that they are indeed more intelligent on average, when measured by IQ test.

I don't have a problem with that, personally. I have a problem with supremacists who want to subvert and subjugate others.

Cheesebooger ago

You do understand who controls academia, right?? Most of the jews scores are fixed. Hell, the jews in my state were caught buying their degrees. It's happened in a lot of states.

SwampAintDrained ago

You think the jews are rigging their IQ tests? Buying a degree? Sure, lots of people do that. Buying an IQ result? I haven't heard of that.

Is it really that repulsive to you that Jews might actually be smarter, on average, than whites?

avian_buddha ago

Jews are presently winning. That doesn't mean that they have permanently bested us and our kind.

Cheesebooger ago

They're the only group who lost 109 times.

library_of_stupid ago

and more evolutionarily adapted

It's like saying we shouldn't exterminate vermin (the animal kind) just because they are good at surviving.

They own everything, they control everything, and yet they should be killed

And yet? The very reason they need to be shoahed is precisely because they own everything and are using it to exterminate whites. We didn't start this, they did.

non-Jew whites

Jews aren't white. They are Semitic.

Some get redpilled and wake up

Yeah, they move to Israel and say it should remain Jewish while preaching multiculturalism for us.

Jews do have a hard time listening to criticism and accepting that maybe the history is incorrect about things.

That's why they can say, with a straight face no less, that Apartheid was a monstrosity while what they are doing in Palestine is not.

Also, you are being subjugated by a bunch of ((Jews)) which makes you worse than niggerfaggots, it makes you full retard.

The Holocaust didn't happen.


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

ah and as I told him his points are very well addressed in Dr. Macdonald's book which I linked but to put it simply it's not just that they are jews and it's not just that they have power, money and influence, the problem is what they do with it

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yay you saved the oyvey post. I earned that

tcp ago

Are you sure the Jew can survive without a host? You definitely missed some elite meetings because it doesn't serve your interests to bring up race and religion. You claim that Jewish Americans share in a superior intelligence yet are blind to the misdeeds of elitist filth. It's more likely willful ignorance and, in your case, destructive apathy. You are aware of your masters, but you have no qualms about the soul of your people being corrupted in the pursuit of... what reward? If this class of leaders was actually better, they would organize the world with a purpose instead of just making it slimier and more desperate for all races including their own. Jews were consigned to the role of money lender and maybe for a reason instead of simply a lack of foresight by people that you no longer think are your betters.

If you are actually a Jew, you don't seem to be speaking like a genuinely boastful person but one that has jealousy for his rivals. Surely, your people didn't stoop to new levels of depravity to correct a feeling of inadequacy. Maybe the strategy of your people is not just parasitic but also mindless. Yet, no matter how strong the greed for wealth or power, once actually at on top, one will eventually feel the burden of what to do with that power and how to shape the future. That is assuming that one actually plans on remaining human and not surrendering the world to Satan. If your leaders insist on trying to destroy other races as they seem to be, you better hope they are actually capable of finishing the job.

ALargeRock ago

I've been wanting to know more about "why the Jews". Lots of solid info here, but there are a few things you should know.

The Talmud isn't the Torah. In Islam, the related texts make up the majority of believers that follow Mohammed. In Judaism, the related texts (Talmud) have been highly debated and today is adhered to by the mostly Orthodox Jews.

Reform Judaism (the bulk of modern Jews) do not follow the Talmud, although to be fair many rabbinical schools teach it because there is much historical context in it. There has been a massive rift in Jews starting around the mid 1800's to return to just teaching the Torah and even then, it is not followed as literal.

Many Jews today are by name, or culutre - they do not follow the Torah or the Talmud. The history of the Talmud is in itself complex. There are also genetic differences which I believe MacDonald touched upon in his first book.

My point of writing this is shown in revelations 3:9

I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars - I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you

While I personally believe in Christ as our Lord and savior, I can never escape who I am - a Jew. I will always be Jewish in this life and others. There are people who say they are from the tribes, who say they follow the God of Abraham and of Moses, they speak as if Jews are innocent of wrongdoing.

I believe those are twisted lies because they follow the Talmud which is teachings from men, not from God.

Again, thanks for the information.

Cheesebooger ago

The jews bought up everything and took control of almost everything by way of the federal reserve. http://thezog.info/list-summaries/

ALargeRock ago

Obama did not speak for me, yet his actions have an effect on how the world can see me.

Likewise, the kikes who claim they are Jews yet actively hurt me do not represent me.

Revelations 3:9 is relevant with the likes of Soros and other 'fake Jews'.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

reformed jews are rumored to worship molloch and baal, among other things. Most jews today are not by any means the jews from the bible and they're certainly not kin to jesus as I understand. I'm not religious myself but there was a discussion about it in this thread you ought to read through the comments

ALargeRock ago

Reformed Jews only worship the God of Abraham. There are many traditions still intact that may continue to lead to the credence of your OP such as generation of wealth (best way to take care of oneself is through the use of money), and hording of it (focus on local community). The Jews from Jesus's time were certainly no friend as a whole since they saw him as a blasphemer, but I feel the relationship has changed because His message continues to be spread. Also the alliance between Israel and the US/UK. Fake or not, the majority of people see it. The left seem keen on destroying that tie.

I'm curious, what do you think of Hillary and others interfering with Israeli elections? My theory is Soros and his ilk were losing grip on power there and needed to infiltrate. Most Israelis today aren't very religious so I can see the rise of Atheism and Agnosticism forcing the old ways of dying out which Soros would need to keep alive in order to push his agenda.

I'll definitely check out that thread.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'm curious, what do you think of Hillary and others interfering with Israeli elections?

an important thing to understand is there are multiple factions of zionism, they are all our enemy as their end goals always involve the new world order and the end of the white race but soros, the rothschild family, Israel, etc. don't exactly see eye to eye on everything. Thus it's possible for Netanyahu to be both liked and hated by zionists they'll all work together against "the goyim" but they don't all get a long or agree on the details about how to get what they all want

ALargeRock ago

There is a lot of objective truth in what you say, however there is also a fair amount of subjective too. I agree that there are multiple factions in Zionism - but I disagree that all Jews want world domination. I will tell you from what I know, those that want the NWO outnumber and have more power than those that do not.

Thanks again for the replies.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

not all jews just all zionists, but that's the kinda technical distinction like moderate and radical islam the moderates will be enablers for the radicals

ALargeRock ago

Those who spoke out are suppressed. Hence the value of free speech.

Cantilever ago

What do you mean that you'll always be Jewish? Are you a Jew or a Christian?

ALargeRock ago

I believe in God.

Christ and his teachings has shown me my path to Him for I was once lost. I am not ashamed to speak my love for Yahweh.

That said, my blood and history are from Israel and specifically the Levite tribe. My name is Ben Chieel [בנו של הכוח שלי]. There is no escaping who I am or where I came from.

I don't know if you'd call me a Christian or not, but I would take arms against any foe that threatens those who bare the cross.

HashTagFU ago

You're only a jew because you identify as a jew. I'm an American and of Irish descent and I couldn't care less about my Irish roots. Stop identifying as a jew and you won't be a jew. Unless it's just an attention whoring thing, which wouldn't surprise me. Jews love to be victims.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

that's not exactly true judea is a religion and an ethnicity giving those of semetic genetic heritage

HashTagFU ago

A convenient load of crap. A good portion of jews come from Eastern Europe and are jews because their pussy king made them convert. Jews in Ethiopia are of semetic heritage? Ashkenazi jews, Sephardic jews. You could call yourself a jew if it was only the female who was jewish going back thousands of years. Lots of genetic heritage there right?

Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit faggot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's complicated but there are relgious and ethnic jews, they're all kikes tho and many are zionists it's not too important to make the distinction but I'm just saying there technically is one

ALargeRock ago

You don't get it.

There is no hiding it - it's written in my DNA. You can test my blood and you will see that I am a Jew.

Consider what "tests" there were to identify Jews before. Now add modern science. There isn't any hiding it no matter what words come from my mouth.

HashTagFU ago

I do get it. There is no hiding that I'm Irish. I don't give a fuck. I don't call myself Irish. Nobody is knocking my door down demanding my dna.

You're all caught up in "I'm a jew, I have no choice" - that's bullshit. You're a jew because you hold on to jew traditions and identify as a jew, period. If you married a non-jew, raised your kids as something other than jews in a generation or two you'd be a crypto jew. Then not even really a jew because people would have forgotten.

Just admit it, you like being a jew. You identify with the "tribe".

ALargeRock ago

Equating Irish to Jew is funny to me. My father is Irish, my mother is Jewish. Whenever people want to get serious about eradicating Jews, they make tests to find them.


This was just Nazis, and they weren't original with making tests. Point is, you being Irish, you'd still be allowed your land and your heritage.

Jews are not. They will be routed out and hunted for - which means i can not hide it. Period.

My child was born to a non-jew, he might be safe since I'm not raising him Jewish - I can't anyways since Judaism technically passes through motherhood if you follow the old laws.

His blood would still be tested and his history revealed.

Call it the persecution complex if you must, but it's the truth and you know it.

I can praise Christ until my face is blue and it wouldn't make a lick of difference.

HashTagFU ago

OK, let's analyze your heritage. By your own admission you are a jew through your mother, because she was jewish. OK great. Now let's say she was only jewish because her mother was jewish and not her father. Take that thought back a few centuries. You may only have 1/512 jew blood. Or 1/1024, or 1/4096. The notion that you're jewish because you have a little jew blood is ridiculous. But hey, who am I to keep you from your persecution fantasy?

ALargeRock ago

Interesting article about some genetic markers for Jews: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3543766/

Funny how a few years later they then say there isn't: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4301023/

I guess it's up to you to believe it or not. I do not underestimate people and their fear of the boogeyman.

HashTagFU ago

"They then say"

It's different authors dummy. You are the one who fears the boogeyman. You're clearly a paranoid jew, clinging to your neurosis. You're neurotic because jews inbreed to keep the line pure, lol.

avian_buddha ago

Praise Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God!

ALargeRock ago

Praise be to Him!

Cantilever ago

You're either be a Christian or a Jew. You can't be both.

ALargeRock ago

What others call me, and what I call myself may be different. If I praise Jesus and his teachings, some see that as a Christian. I will still tell them I Jewish.

I do not speak for all Jewish people - I only offer my words for you to determine.

Cantilever ago

You're not a Christian unless you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

This belief is completely incompatible with Judaism, as they consider such a belief blasphemous.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i think they just mean they're an ethnically semitic christian

Cantilever ago

I suspect that the lack of distinction between Jewishness as an ethnicity and Jewish religion is deliberate. Not in this particular case, but in general.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they've always been ambiguous about it to allow them to claim racism, and religious persecution of their detractors

Cantilever ago

Exactly what I have suspected since Voat redpilled my ass

ALargeRock ago

I am not Orthodox.

Cantilever ago

Why all the wordsmithing, then? Why not just say you're a Jew and be done with it? What's the point of rambling on about how some people view your beliefs as being Christian?

ALargeRock ago

I did say I was a Jew, multiple times. Judaism isn't a single entity with a single message. Messianic Jews exist, as do others who believe in Christ and his teachings.

Cantilever ago

You did, but you also insinuated that you're a Christian, which cannot be true, if you're a Jew.

ALargeRock ago

I insinuated that I believe Christ is our Lord and Savior. His message is one of the Lord and one I believe in. I can believe in Jesus and still be a Jew. They are not mutually exclusive.

Cantilever ago

The sources in this article say otherwise. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judaism%27s_view_of_Jesus

avian_buddha ago

But quit calling yourself a Jew. In Christ there is no more Jew or Gentile.

You're a Christian.

ALargeRock ago

If people here and elsewhere had their way, my blood would be tested and I would be out. I'm not ashamed of who I am, and there is no sense in denying that truth.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

what could of been

it was for a short time. Look up stuff about germany just before the war broke out it was perfect. if you can find the time try to sit down and watch the entire greatest story never told, it's worth it. and mein kampf is a great read too, though somber

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

inb4 bogdanoff pill

Cantilever ago

What's that?

Cantilever ago

You don't actually believe that.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I certainly don't but conspiracy theories are fun, look into the reptilians when you have time

Cantilever ago

I spend so much time getting redpilled on all kinds of shit on Voat, it's become an obsession. I looked into the reptilian shit a little bit, like that dude that said he got attacked by a grey alien in one of the DUMBs. Watching him recall the events was compelling, but that kind of thing is so far beyond my control, there's no point even knowing about it, IMO. So I stopped researching it.

At least with the NWO and JQ stuff, we can resist and educate people and point to easily verifiable facts.


Saying hitler did nothing wrong is some dumb fucking bullshit, fucking slaughtering tons of people who have no fucking idea what their masters are up to isnt the right way to go about controlling the jewish problem.

If he had humanely neutered them the population would have been exterminated in a generation and hitler would have maintained power long enough to make that happen, instead he gave the jews their greatest power victimhood as a result of his dumbassery.

Seriously fuck hitler, he had the right idea but he didnt know shit about achieving it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

fucking slaughtering tons of people

didn't happen

If he had humanely neutered them

look up the nuremberg laws


didn't happen

Where did all the videos of piles of dead emaciated jews from from? Kubrick?

look up the nuremberg laws

Doesnt matter if it was illegal, it wouldnt have started a world war

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Where did all the videos of piles of dead emaciated jews from from?

typhus and malnutrition, they were decently cared for at first but funding dried up as the war effort dragged on but it's not like they were slaughtered.

Doesnt matter if it was illegal

considering the level of medical advancement at the time I don't see how else they could have "humanely" prevented it. Besides hitler certainly did not start the war


Prevented what? typhus? I was talking about neutering the jews to remove them instead of whatever the hell actually happened. That wouldnt have started a war.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

preventing them from breeding, do you think medicine was at a level where they could "humanely neuter" people? The war didn't start because he was killing jews you clearly have no idea what you're talking about


Tubal litigation existed since the 1800s, a minor surgical procedure would have rendered the jewish population sterile

History of the Procedure

See the list below:

In 1823, Blundell first suggested tubal ligation for sterilization before the Medical Society of London.
In 1876, Porro performed a cesarean hysterectomy with the secondary intention of sterilization.
In 1880 in Toledo, OH, Lungren was first to ligate a woman's tubes.
In 1885, Thomas suggested tubal ligation as opposed to Porro's operation for sterilization.
In 1895, Dührssen used a double ligature and was the first to perform tubal ligation via colpotomy.
In 1897, Kehrer and Buettner divided the tubes between the sutures.
In 1898, Ruhl cut the tube 5 cm from the uterus and sutured the ends to a vaginal incision.
In 1898, Rose removed the tubes at the cornua.
In 1919, Madlener crushed and ligated the tubes with nonabsorbable suture.
In 1924, Irving published his method in which the proximal portion of the severed tube is buried in a small myometrial tunnel on the anterior uterine surface.
In 1930, colleagues posthumously published the Pomeroy technique in the New York State Journal of Medicine.
In 1936 in Switzerland, Bosch performed the first laparoscopic tubal occlusion as a method for sterilization.
In the 1940s, Hajime Uchida developed his technique, which can be performed as an interval or puerperal procedure. He subsequently reported on his personal experience with more than 20,000 tubal sterilizations over 28 years without a known failure. [1] 

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

meh, well it wouldn't have stopped international judea or (((great britian))) from starting the war anyway

Drop_Nukes_On_Israel ago

Where did all the videos of piles of dead emaciated jews from from? Kubrick?

Typhus outbreak along with allies bombing the German supply lines. It's war, buddy. If there's little food available, those go to the soldiers first.

LostVarangian ago

I'm a History major, and this just blew my fucking mind.

WhatDidIJustRead ago

You're a history major and you buy this nonsense?? Time to go shopping for a new degree!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

again if you'd like to refute something provide evidence with citations

silver_polish ago

Amazing how much is just glossed over or not taught, isn't it. Can't possibly be intentional...

It's been a while since I found all of this out, and I'm still pissed off. It'll get to you pretty bad for a while as you adjust.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

our education system is quite kosher these days

234134124123 ago

Thought I would just respond to this one...

This is the source cited for the 1% statistic: http://www.pewforum.org/2009/01/30/income-distribution-within-us-religious-groups/

Following that, you can also look at this: http://www.pewforum.org/religious-landscape-study/income-distribution/

This is fairly simple data to understand. It says that 44% of Jewish income earners make $100,000+.

That's a high number, for sure.

But 100k doesn't cut it for inclusion in the top 1%.

Here is what the top 1% of each state's respective income earners make. You'll notice that literally every state's top 1% income earners make more than 100k.

Here is a Wikipedia article, showing the lowest salary for each percentage of the population. You'll notice that making 100k puts you in the top 15% of income earners.

Equating a bare 6 figure income with being in the top 1% is ridiculous.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

top 1% in general not by state and income brackets are calculated by joint family income

234134124123 ago

Top 1% of income earning families make $465,626 per year.

Making $100k doesn't get you there.

Again, I'm not attacking the rest of this, but you're cramming a bunch of people into the top 1% that shouldn't be there.

red_pill_stefbot ago

Amazing how history makes so much more sense when you see the (((echoes))).

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the present makes a damn good deal more sense too

QMX9wVrXqD ago

The answer to why they would engineer the European "migrant crisis" is right here.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they're getting the arabs out of the promised land

tr8t0r ago

Good goy.

dingomeat ago

Feels good to be the 88th upvote.

Good work, I posted a link to this post on /v/nojewsallowed

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I wonder who was the 14th upvoat :3

tr8t0r ago

There was a lot of propaganda in Nazi Germany. We hear all about that in our media. Ever wonder if what we "learned" about Nazi Germany in school was propaganda too? Really activates the almonds.

Do your own research, and take each source knowing its biases. Don't take our word for it, and don't take the (((MSM's))) word for it.

Also, the Germans wanting to emigrate back to the US shouldn't be surprising considering the absolutely awful state of Germany after the war (look up what we did to Dresden for example, or the absolute horrors inflicted on the German people by the Soviets).

survey_girl ago

just look at how the msm & companies are changing history right now (deleting seth rich tweets / reddit posts, tearing down confederate monumnets, etc.). We only are aware of these things because of the internet & how easy it is to exchange information now.... but back after WWII, who would know if (((they))) altered "facts" to fit their narrative.

Jew_Hunter ago




Rainy-Day-Dream ago


red_pill_stefbot ago


altro87 ago

(Sniff) beautiful!

TrumpaSoros_Rex ago

Good job, now the new currency will be called Reich Marks again

Altbottom_Leaf ago

I totally agree with you but this really doesn't belong in v/thedonald.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's in line with the stated subverse rules and the mods are aware of it, also the users of v/thedonald are upvoating it. what exactly is the issue?

Altbottom_Leaf ago

I just like organization. Posts about Donald Trump in v/thedonald, and posts about Jews in a sub about Jews. Just my personal preference

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I posted it here and the moderators and users seem to approve, feel free to downvoat tho

edit: speaking of which why are getting a few for these comments?

Altbottom_Leaf ago

I don't downvoat stuff that I don't like, I comment to tell the poster why I didn't like it. Nothing against you or your post, I just didn't think this was the right subverse

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i see you critism and i disagree :)

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I only consider red pills to be suppositories when they are taken the hard way like what r/the_donald is going to get with their mods

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

click on them, they get even cooler.

lude ago

It was a hard pill for me to swallow too but it adds up. The JQ situation makes people look paranoid. The quotes taken from kikes about the whites feel cherry picked but we know better. Ultimately the truth will reveal itself. It just all needs to be packaged slightly better to be more platable for normies

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

again if you feel I'm cherry picking or misrepresenting things, or anything such I strongly encourage you to do your own research and be thorough I'm not lying or deceiving you I have nothing to fear from you taking a closer look

lude ago

That's not what I meant. Sorry. Those were my thoughts initially, when I wasn't fully redpilled. That's what my indoctrinated mind told me to think before I looked into it myself.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you can say whatever you like, what you did say bleeds with projections and assumptions tho so I'll continue to mock you, anyway again read books don't be an illiterate nigger, I linked a pdf of a book that addresses your concerns. It's not just about jews, it's not just because they have money, power, and influence, it's what they do with it that's the problem

TrumpaSoros_Rex ago

See this right here is why we need a new non-Rothschild-based currency

TrumpaSoros_Rex ago

I propose a new currency; Trump Notes (They're yuge)

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

hopefully we can get all the creepy masonic symbols taken off our currency then

TrumpaSoros_Rex ago

Remember when JFK tried to print 'US notes' instead of 'Federal Reserve notes'? I remember

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yeah that whole plan of his went in one ear and out the other, I was hoping it'd go right over his head

TrumpaSoros_Rex ago

Reminds me of when Lincoln tried to print those newfangled 'Greenbacks'

TrumpaSoros_Rex ago

Let's close the loop here and circle this thread back to the Jews:

“The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Christendom. There was no man in the United States great enough to wear his boots and the bankers went anew to grab the riches. I fear that foreign bankers with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America and use it to systematically corrupt civilization.” Otto von Bismark (1815-1898), German Chancellor, after the Lincoln assassination

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

don't be an illiterate nigger, reading is good for you. I suppose you could just look at the links tho

Precipitate ago

Congrats on a great post! Not only are you teaching some people some very valuable info, but you're running off more cucks.


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

these fuckin comments tho

Agree I've been noticing lots of fake racist posts made by shills - sad because as a black jew, I actually feel quite safe amongst my trump friends/Reddit - less safe around libtards

as a black jew


Cheesebooger ago

a nigger kike faggot? oy vey

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

imagine if he became a tranny those cucks would worship him as their "BASED" messiah

Precipitate ago

Black Jew. Now that is some shit luck.

TheNobodyMan ago

Gotta sit at the back of the oven....

survey_girl ago

conservative black jew at that!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nah he's perfect we ought to send him to diversify israel, they must learn tolerance

tr8t0r ago

Nothing of value was lost. The more you learn, the more you realize that 95% of people are fucking lemmings that will simply swallow the dominant narrative.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

oy vey it's anudda shoah on voat

I'm quite satisfied with myself

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it really is too bad, but a traitor before and enemy and all that

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

citation? not to be rude but I'm going to need more than stories, bring evidence please

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

good luck :)

draegspir ago


ovix ago

Stalin was not a jew..?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

but many under him in the ruling class of the USSR were, he's only at the bottom of that as the face of communism it's not actually accusing him of being one

ovix ago

he is on the list though, 6th from the left, in the top row

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

ah i see well stalin probably wasn't his real name then

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

oh man that edit, are you upset?

tr8t0r ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

aw he deleted his comments, I should've archived that oy vey posting

greycloud ago

i will take a moment to point out that high age of consent, high age of first child, high age of marriage all lead to lower population growth, which in turn creates a demand for immigration which is used to lower wages. feminism pushes for higher age of consent laws as well as delaying marriage and childbirth. having tons of babies from single mothers is not a good thing, but it is better than having tons of fighting age males from other cultures.

you can be pissed at muhammad all you want for marrying aisha, but the real truth is that he set a good example and more people should follow it. if you marry a girl before she is brainwashed, its less likely she will get brainwashed. the government wants to control your children when they are young and impressionable for a reason. there is a grand strategy behind all the funds lately for preschool. you should home school your children if you are able to do so effectively.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

pardon? I think you might've commented on the wrong post lad, otherwise I'm simply lost

greycloud ago

its part of your jewish plot. the romans used to marry and start having children between the ages of 11 and 14, up until christian and jewish influence changed that, about a century and a half before it collapsed. during the collapse they were importing in massive amounts of farmers from other lands, including german barbarians.

you were mentioning jewish history, one of the tricks they pull is to trick everyone into thinking that it is unethical to marry a young girl and have children. muhammad who was fighting the jews figured out the trick and deliberately set an example telling people to marry young girls. this is the original family structure. the idea that family starts in your 30's targets white people specifically and people in first world nations. this is done for a reason.

Merve ago

"Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than that of Christianity"

"Only in the Roman empire and Spain under Arab domination has culture been a potent factor. Under the Arab, the standard attained was wholly admirable: to Spain flocked the greatest scientists, thinkers, astronomers, and mathematicians around the world, and side by side flourished a spirit of sweet human tolerance and sense of purist chivalry. Then with the advent of Christianity, came the barbarians" AH Secret Conversations

Cantilever ago


Cantilever ago

Browsed that article and couldn't find the quote. That's a reference to a collection of his "table talks." There are a number of books. Which one is that quote from?

Merve ago

My fault I didn't have sources on that pc.

The first quote is last paragraph of Hitler's remarks to confidants https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_views_of_Adolf_Hitler

Second quote: Secret Conversations, 1941-1944, Farrar, Straus and Young, 1953, p. 542

Cantilever ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

ah yeah, well 6 years old is quite too young but I get your point I suppose.

greycloud ago

marrying at 6 is better than marrying at 30, and we are doing the latter. if we were to follow human biology we would be marrying between 9 and 14 since age of puberty has gone down since roman times. first blood is a good time to marry.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

meh seems like a bit much honestly, I'd prefer we let the dog eating cockroaching in china finish their artificial womb research rather than embracing pedophilia

greycloud ago

i prefer both. so long as the children aren't being forced to do things they don't want to do and aren't being forced into marriages that they do not want, than i am happy with young marriage. the saudis have it right. i like the idea of artificial wombs, but i would bet that once it becomes cheap and widely available that the public will not be allowed to have children without government sanction and that governments will start doing all sorts of fucked up shit with babies grown on secret government baby farms.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

wew lad, you seem a bit upset was this anodda shoah? if you'd read Dr. Macdonald's book you'd see we understand that the issue isn't that jews simply are jews and have power, influence, or wealth. The issue is that they have these things and use them maliciously against their host country. That they work together for jews and against others everywhere in the world. And hypothetically speaking of course; if nat soc was in power Kushner absolutely gets the gas, he's in cahoots with soros' non-profits as well as israel. Ivanka is merely a convert to judea but unfortunately it's too late for her too if such a time ever came to pass that people were forced to physically remove the merchants she'd probably make the list

Astronautilus ago

Keep this up fam, I'm loving it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

right wing love squads~<3

Jew_Hunter ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago


SteelDusk ago


XF-Hyperion ago

but they also have bested you and your own kind

Except for the part where they got kicked out of the last 100 or so countries they screwed over. And after the next time, the whole world will know why because of the internet.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

when we exile them this time we ought to fire them into the sun

LordKX ago

All of the defenses of the holocaust you present are incorrect as defenses for the simple reason that the exact number of people killed or methods used are irrelevant for why most people see the holocaust as wrong. What most people find morally objectionable is that innocent individuals were forcefully rounded up and killed by their government. In addition, based on your defenses of Hitler's character and motives, I think you overlook the fact that Hitler was far from a trustworthy or upstanding moral individual. Just as with anyone, words alone can't be trusted, context and associated actions are important as well.

On jews, I want to know, what is your explanation for why jew protectionist groups are encouraging mass migration of immigrants who hate them?

silver_polish ago

What most people find morally objectionable is that innocent individuals were forcefully rounded up and killed by their government.

I'd find that absolutely horrific!

What does that have to do with Hitler?

LordKX ago

Assuming you're not just a troll, I'd guess you object to the innocent part? If all jews are part of the same dangerous group, why do so many jews get nowhere in life? Honestly, you're just as wrong as the social justice warriors, the only difference is you take different sides. Social marxism, or viewing groups as homogeneous, is fallacious no matter what you're advocating for.

silver_polish ago

No, I don't object to the innocent modifier - rounding people up and killing them is an awful thing for a government to do.

What does that have to do with Hitler?

LordKX ago

I see my assumption was wrong :^]

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they were not rounded up and killed most of them died to typhus, no gas chambers or anything of the sort, they were rounded up and put to work and if you look at Auschwitz with it's amenities including a swimming pool and a brothel even they were not treated all that badly.

the second part is an easy one, if it gets too bad they'll simply leave. The issue is unlike them I don't have an israel to flee to. I ask in return why is israel not diverse? why ha Israel taken no refugees? why does israel have such big walls and strict border control?

LordKX ago

"Most of them" Even the sources the OP linked don't say that nobody was killed. No shit starvation and various other causes killed plenty, but not only were people directly murdered, if I kidnap somebody and put them in my basement with no food, its still murder. Also, adding on to what other people said, when others did similar, or in some cases in history worse, it was bad too, deflection and relativism don't change facts.

Do you think Israel can house every jew in the world? And to answer your questions, 1. I don't give a shit about diversity, if anything its bad for society. 2. Because Israel isn't retarded by white guilt. 3. To keep the people that want to kill them out.

Your first statement and following rhetorical questions are not answers. It not like there aren't non-muslim areas of the world filled with low skill refugees/"workers" who can be imported, so why the focus on immigrants who hate jews? In addition, even if it was just a case of "we can always fall back to Israel," what do you think Israel's odds are if all of europe and the middle east are populated by groups who want to kill them and believe suicide to kill infidels leads to heaven?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if I kidnap somebody and put them in my basement with no food, its still murder

what if you can't buy food because you're spending all your money protecting your house from your france and british neighbors that never listen to your calls for peace?

Do you think Israel can house every jew in the world?

they're way ahead of you lad Israel is supporting ISIS to drive all te arabs out of the "promised land"

what do you think Israel's odds are if all of europe and the middle east are populated by groups who want to kill them and believe suicide to kill infidels leads to heaven?

I think they'll probably start monetarily supporting european nationalism before it gets to that point, they're not trying to islamize the west what they want is for the people to be divided for all other nations to be crippled and divided. At the end of the day they always have the "samson option" look it up.

LordKX ago

what if you can't buy food because you're spending all your money protecting your house from your france and british neighbors that never listen to your calls for peace?

That's deflection again. You're still holding somebody through force without food. That's murder.

Israel can't even beat Palestine, I thought the Jews were supposed to be smart?

As for the samson option, pretty sure the Jews want a planet left to live on, destroying everything goes against the entire purpose of Israel.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the allies bombed the supply lines and the soldier got the avalible food, that's war lad.

Israelis are "smart" but incapable as part of operation protective edge the Israel defense force was equipped with diapers because they'd uncontrollably piss themselves when shot at.

as for the samson option the point of it is that if even israel was at serious risk of being destroyed, they would take the earth with them

LordKX ago

Hitler killed millions of Jews. Fact. Even if it was by confining them without food, and food wasn't available because of war. If I shoot somebody in the head, I kill them. You can break it down to that it was the bullet that pierced their skull, and that the bullet was shot by the gun, all I did was pull the trigger etc, the fact is doing something intentionally which results in the death of another is murder.

The point is motive and capacity. Wanting to expand Israel doesn't matter if they are physically incapable. Taking the earth down with them doesn't matter if the goal is to create and safe haven and maintain power. If the Jews are as incompetent and stupid as you make them out to be, I don't think you need to worry about them more than you would a place like North Korea. Instead worry about places like China and soon to be Islamic Europe which are efficient, capable, consolidating power, and have the potentially to actually harm you.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it wasn't millions it was a few hundred thousand there's no evidence to support even one million, and he did't deprive them of food on purpose the allies bombed their supply lines

LordKX ago

Call it whatever number you want, would you really say that killing 600,000 people is not wrong because its less than 6,000,000? As I believe I said more, arguing about the exact number changes nothing.

And Hitler may not have deprived them of food on purpose, but he confined them on purpose without the ability to feed them, which is no different from intentionally starving them, or in order words murder.

common_sense ago

Rounded up and forced to do heavy labor for the war effort is considered being treated "not so badly?" What would happen if a particular inmate decided he didn't want to work that day?

tr8t0r ago

We did the same thing to the Japanese in WWII. The only difference is that we didn't have Japanese and German bombers destroying our supplies to these camps and killing our people en masse so that there was inadequate ability to treat them.

Does FDR (and by definition the USA) deserve the same disdain as Germany for their actions in WWII then? And if so, why are we claiming one side was good and the other evil?

Examine your thoughts and examine why you have them.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

relative to being systematically and brutally executed I certainly say it doesn't sound too bad

LionElTrump ago


The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion is an antisemitic fabricated text purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination. The forgery was first published in Russia in 1903, translated into multiple languages, and disseminated internationally in the early part of the 20th century. According to the claims made by some of its publishers, the Protocols are the minutes of a late 19th-century meeting where Jewish leaders discussed their goal of global Jewish hegemony by subverting the morals of Gentiles, and by controlling the press and the world's economies. **

Henry Ford funded printing of 500,000 copies that were distributed throughout the U.S. in the 1920s.The Nazis sometimes used the Protocols as propaganda against Jews; it was assigned by some German teachers, as if factual, to be read by German schoolchildren after the Nazis came to power in 1933,[1] despite having been exposed as fraudulent by The Times of London in 1921.

"as if factual"

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're really going to use wikipedia as a source? come on now, be serious

LionElTrump ago

no point in archiving, didnt see anything about the protocols linked. I just get a kick out of wikis discrediting words

Texan_Pride ago

what are you up to you faggot. I guess you're ok for this post but why the fuck do you still identify with that muh based kike faggot

tr8t0r ago

He's a colossal faggot, but a cool faggot, like Freddie Mercury.

He's also dangerous to certain (((interests))).

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

meh I don't really like milo, he's fine other than being a racemixing kike but that's hard to overlook, I got the flair because I joined this sub after the orlando shooting and posted about it. I figure I should keep it just to be upfront about things I don't particularly care to tell people but I probably shouldn't hide it either idk. think I should ask the mods to remove it or get a different flair?

Texan_Pride ago

well your story matches the last time i asked you. You do you homey but aat the end of the day people think stuff, ya know.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

people can think what they like, other people's thoughts and actions have no affect on what I decide for myself and why :3

QMX9wVrXqD ago

It has some troll value. Glad to see you don't like MILO, he's a shilly piece of crap and a mistake by Bannon.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he's an ethnic kike, but outside of that his main problem is he's literally a leftist, he's liberal. He plays a conservative but he's by his views very clearly on the left side of the political spectrum a lot like the nigger lovers who went back to r/the_donald instead of staying here they voted right but are not right merely disaffected left. One thing he is good for is getting attacked by leftists a gay nigger loving immigrant getting attacked by the left is great optics to use for anti-leftist tactics

QMX9wVrXqD ago

As soon as he goes far enough out of favor with the right, I'm almost certain he'll end up on the left like David Brock.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it might help him if he'd release that fucking book already I heard he's jewing his publishers over canceling it but I haven't heard whether or not they plan to counterjew him

lude ago

He has infiltrated the right and is consequently subverting it

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he's not doing a great job honestly most of his supporters are closet leftists like people who still use r/the_donald

Drop_Nukes_On_Israel ago

Did you bring up how they've been pissed off for around two thousand years because they got their asses handed to them by the Roman Emperor Titus? That the Wailing Wall isn't even one of their temples, but the remains of a Roman fortress?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

honestly if we were to go through the whole history of it'd take forever, a large part of recorded history is jews wandering around from culture to culture like filthy vagrants, betraying the cultures that let them in, an then getting kicked out of those societies ad nauseam. They also hate societies just for being more successful than them, i.e. the egyptians, the whole thing with exodus never happened the egyptians kept records of literally everything and they make no mention of the events of exodus it's pure fanfiction the jews wrote out of spite because they couldn't compete with egyptian culture or society. The pyramids weren't even built using slaves look up water shaft theory. notably the ancient egyptians especially the ruling class are understood to have been of southwestern european descent.

lude ago

Interesting. Never heard this before ill look it up

freedumbz ago

Inb4 "hitler lost".

Even in military defeat he struck a fatal wound for the plot to have the (((soviets))) take over the world.


I realize stormfront in general is shit and cancer, but this read is good.

Edit for grammar

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

anglin does a pretty good job, hitler might be dead but national socialism can rise again

QMX9wVrXqD ago

Nazis are a specific group at a specific time. Nationalism is not "literally Hitler" and Socialism is not "literally Hitler". "Hitler" just became a revisionist propoganda tool to scare anyone away from believing their own eyes.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Nazi refers to The National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei , abbreviated NSDAP). Nazi is english slang for Nationalsozialist

winter_attrition ago

Nazi isn't even that. Nazi is a derogatory term used traditionally by Jewish communists, It didn't even originally apply to national socialists. The term "nazi" was around long before Hitler ever had his ideas of National Socialism. It was a slur used for many different reasons before that period to slander people and when the NSDAP gained traction in Germany the jewish communists started using that directed at them. example of previous use in communist agenda during the (((Russian))) Revolution "The Women Question, the idea that women were seen as inferior and given strict social rules and roles, was a popular topic in Russia during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Russians generally viewed women as backward or superstitious, and not to be trusted politically, and even some Marxists referred to women workers as the “most backward stratum of the proletariat” and accused them of being unable to develop a revolutionary consciousness without party guidance.[10][11] Many wrote and theorized on the issue, but many Russians associated the issue mainly with 'feminazis' which was a loose term which described eratic women. Ironic because the term was first used here before the outbreak of Hitler's WW2"

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the symbolic 6 million number as well as the term holocaust were also used by jews pre-WW2

QMX9wVrXqD ago

If you're triggered by this: Hold up, make up your own mind, construct a moderate opinion, but at least accept that this is a real component of the problems we're dealing with.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the more you look into it the more you'll realize it's the heart of the issue all of our problems come back to this, i.e. who were the slaveowners in america before the civil war? who owned the slave ships? would lincoln have sent the freed slaves back to africa if he wasn't assassinatied? look into it

jastonas ago

Can you explain a bit?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the slave traders and slave owners of America before the civil war were mainly jewish, lincoln was killed at a very specific time so that he couldn't offer to bring the freed slaves back home thus allowing for the demographic shift in america.

originally the 3/5s compromise was put in place to keep (((the slave owners))) from bringing in slaves to increase their political power by upping the population of states where they had influence doesn't that sound a lot like how (((the democrats))) use our current immigration system?

XF-Hyperion ago

You are godly, sir. Saved and sharing with friends.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

careful, if you reveal your power level carelessly you might get in to trouble

XF-Hyperion ago

Don't you worry, my friends and I got accidentally redpilled while watching "hilarious 9-11 nutjob stuff" on (((YouTube))).

antiracist ago

OP literally takes dick in his butt.

@eagleshigh @sarmegahhikkitha @bojangles

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's a pretty good butt too, I've recieved much positive feedback about being a "10/10 qt trap". It's creepy that you're so interested about it tho you're always talking about my butt and me getting fucked but I feel like you're probably a fatty and ugly

Antiracist10 ago

Shut up, faggot.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i'm just trying to make conversation you're the ome would brought up getting fucked in the ass as a topic

Antiracist10 ago

Shut up, faggot.

QMX9wVrXqD ago

"Trap", are you saying you present as a lady?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

no just a feminine boy I suppose, the terminology is full of nonsense and japanese pop culture references so it's a bit hard to explain but to put it simply I shave everywhere and I'm skinny with big hip and glute muscles or a nice butt in laymans terms

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

there's plenty more on this topic too this is just the broad overhead of the issue

Voopin__Voopin ago

thank you so very much for putting all these infographics in one place.

Ive asked before, due to unrelated shit, but nobody ever did it.


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you can save this a come back to it whenever you need it ;)

dan_k ago

Damn good post, thanks.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're welcome~

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

@stanky_bawls @b0ard2death @Arotaes_Forgehammer

Idk if this is worth a sticky or not

b0ard2death ago

Close enough ;) stickied

tr8t0r ago

Thank you. This topic is absolutely crucial.

b0ard2death ago


Username fits

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

been an excited 2 days for you, huh?