ScionOfJustice ago

John 8:44

carnold03 ago

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Estalia ago

Most of the Old Testament is God going to increasingly extreme lengths to get the Jews to behave like civilized people: he gives them rules, he punishes them, he bails them out after they repent, rinse and repeat 6 gorillion times.

In the New Testament, God incarnates himself into a man and gives Jews the ultimate last chance: the promised Messiah has come to deliver them! and what do the Jews do? aside from a few, they take a massive shit on Jesus, treat him like a brigand and come up with false accusations to have him executed. The pagan Roman governor even tells them that Jesus is innocent, he puts them before the choice of having either Jesus or a violent murderer freed, and the Jews in their wickedness choose the murderer. Then they cheer on as their Messiah is tortured and executed, spitting and cursing him all the way. The story ends with God going "you know what you cunts? fuck your special status, now you're like everyone else". God bails on cultivating a chosen people who literally couldn't stop betraying him and had him killed over false, unjust accusations.

And that's what the Bible says about Jews.

Datawych ago

Christianity teaches that Jews are the "chosen" people.

The overarching theme of pre-Christian Judaism is the Jews repeatedly breaking the covenant they made with God when he made them stewards of the world. Eventually God gave them an ultimatum - get your shit together, or I'll find another solution.

They didn't get their shit together, so they were disqualified as God's Chosen.

Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold, and said, It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you: but seeing ye put it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.

Escoffier ago

There are some really great comments here and I can't add much to them. I particularly liked Dudicles. There is no contradiction between being Jew aware or race aware and Christianity. For the first nineteen hundred and fifty years of Christianity's existence it had no problem naming the Jew, being quite racially realist, or allowing nations borders and homogeneity.

Its only after Marxism went after the Church that all the modern problems have crept in. Go back and read the early Church Father's it might surprise you what they have to say.

ChevalierDeon ago

God does say that the Jews are the chosen people, but we don't even know who the Jews are.

Those claiming to be the Jews may be the synagogue of Satan, which explains the filth they are pushing today.

For all we know the white Europeans targeted for extermination are the Jews.

ALargeRock ago

You are speaking of Revelations (3:9) with the synagogue of Satan, and I too believe that the prophesies are true.

Bernard ago

love this thread

Voopin__Voopin ago

me too.

e: grew up christian, not extremely religious. getting a bit more religious the more I learn about the JQ.

EugenicsNow ago

There have been a lot of good answers offered. I'll add mine.

the Jews were the chosen people. Past tense. Israel in the modern political sense is a set of physical borders, human citizens, and laws those humans have enacted; Israel in the Christian sense is the set of humans who are true to the Lord and who worship Him.

Whitemail ago

Jews are the chosen people of God who were usurped by Satan to serve him instead. They are a cursed people who embraced the punishment of killing Christ on themselves and their posterity.

golgotham ago

I LOVE me some Jesus, all day long, so much so that I DON'T worship the fucking Bible - a book written by old, fat, cranky ass Jews to control and enslave. The fact that the Bible has some nice parts is...nice. So what? Chosen people??? Are you fucking kidding me??? ASK GOD DIRECTLY whether this is true or just some bullshit that some assholes made up a long time ago. Anyone who worships the Bible over their own living connection to God is blaspheming, according to the Bible's own rules. "Thou shalt have no God before me"...

eagleshigh ago

One of the more ridiculous headlines I saw was this from CTV: King Tut may have been more European than Egyptian. I can see where they’re coming from, the haplogroup which Tut may have been a member of is present at over ~50% frequency in Western Europe, and ~1% in Egyptians. But this is just a single locus, a marker which traces the paternal lineage of an individual (assuming they’re male). To illustrate the obvious fallacy of this logic, recall that Dr. Daniel MacArthur is of the same haplogroup as I am, R1a1a. Does this imply that I am “more Scottish than Bengali”? Not really. In terms of total genome variation I’m South Asian, and Dr. MacArthur is Northwest European. Our paternal lineage is just one slice. Secondarily, why can’t we formulate it so that Dr. MacArthur is “more Bengali than Scottish”? There are more Bengalis than Scots by about 1 order of magnitude.

I know a better link. Gimme a bit to find it.

1WinfieldBlue ago

As long as you're praying to The Lord God Jesus Christ, thankyou :)

1WinfieldBlue ago

Lmao NIV, ewwwww.

I know plenty sir but signing off soon. Seriously though read and study your Bible.

1WinfieldBlue ago

You might wanna re-read your Bible.

1WinfieldBlue ago

Huh? Sorry don't get the point?

eagleshigh ago

1) you can't infer racial ancestry from y chromosome and 2) Tut wasn't white. A Swedish DNA company inferred his genome from a picture from the discovery channel. Ie it's not scientific. The company did it to make more money and sell more kits.

Tut wasn't European. That's just click bait science journalism. Science journalism sucks.

1WinfieldBlue ago

Not really, still doesn't support a blood curse or counter the unconditional covenants Israel had with God.

Anonymous_User_69 ago


eagleshigh ago

when we have genetic evidence that whites inhabited North Africa and the ME 2000 years before Jesus


DeusDos ago

Born and raised Catholic and still practice. Its not so much about following the letter of the law. I read the Bible back to front while in college and to me its more about an individuals interpretation while following, as best they can, the tenets of their faith. The point is not to browbeat others into following you but to lead by example, becoming the best man you can be and, by doing so, inspiring others to emulate you.

I consider religion and politics as separate. Yes, they overlap, but belonging to a faith should not stop someone from acting pragmatically politically. I know its been discussed at length elsewhere but Religion is never going to go away. It is a pillar of the human psyche. Now, other people may not use a religion, necessarily, for this pillar. Sometimes its liberalism, sometimes its environmentalism, or atheism etc. Each and every person has to frame their existence against that of a cold, vast, uncaring universe. That's why you see so many zealots nowadays outside of religion (just look at the Progressive Left. Dogmatic, sacred calfs, holy texts, preaching of good vs evil, its all there). The fanaticism of the human spirit is still there its just now people are attaching it to things other than "religions" to give their lives meaning. Some grand struggle, some great vision. Its all the same thing dressed up differently.

I'm sticking with Catholicism because its the pillar my family has chosen for generations. Because of all the holidays and love and warmth and happiness I've experience under its banner. Because of the life I love and the prosperity I have enjoyed and my forefathers enjoyed have been under the banner of the cross. I know that may not be a good enough reason for some but its good enough for me and that is all that matters.

TL;DR I don't care what the Bible says about Jews. Has no bearing on my thoughts towards them. The state of the world today is enough to draw your own conclusions you don't need to worry about whats in a 2000 year old book.

Mahreks ago

You should listen to the "Mysterium Fasces" podcast, where actual Christian Fascists discuss and explain this topic. I highly recommend listening to all of the episodes, but if you don't want to spare the time, just listen to the first episode here.

Edit: reading other comments here, I see some people pushing the "religion is all good and useful, I just don't believe in it" narrative. So now I definitely recommend watching all of the episodes as they clear all of this up (at the very least listen to the first 5).

Obrez ago

Christ himself called the Progenitors of modern talmudic/rabbinical judaism liars and the synagogue of Satan he called them snakes and spiders and rats too. the Pharisees and Sadducees are the ones who killed christ and in their image was the other reformation of the faith of Abraham. Let me give you a sort of religious genealogy.

Abraham and God make a covenant, Abraham lacks faith and has a surrogate mother bear him a son when his wife had not yet done so. God and Abraham's wife Sarah are pissed and tell him to send the boy and his mother away. The boy was Ishmael, he is the ancestor of the peoples who make up much of the muslim world, we'll come back to that soon. Abraham's wife eventually did bare him a son and to test Abraham's faith in the covenant god sent him up to the mountain to sacrifice his juvenile son, Abraham showed he had faith and God ordered him to spare the boy this boy was Isaac. Isaac had two sons, Esau and Jacob; Esau was the first born a rough hardworking man of little cunning, Jacob was basically a turd who didn't like work and tricked his brother into giving up his inheritance. Esau means red if I recall and interestingly his descendants moved north and split into many groups of which ironically the ashkanzi Jews are likely descendants. Jacob Became heir and was a little shit so God took his ass to the mat literally in a wrestling match and crippled the cunt, Jacob got the fear of God in him and took the name Israel; his sons were the heads of each of the 13 tribes of Israel. I'm not going to get into the entire old testament from this point like I'm your Sunday school teacher but I will jump back to Ishmael and the arabs. These dudes didn't have revelations from the God of Abraham but their progenitor lived in Abraham's house and knew God's work and passed this on to his children, they were gentiles that worshiped the God of Abraham. Other Pagan faiths existed alongside the monotheistic beliefs of Ishmael's kin and without a proper order or history keeping ideas of God became merged and also varied in many regions. Christianity had some wild success in conversions because it opened the story of their God up to these people and worked really well but many rural areas had not been reached by christian missions and others were set fast in their ways.

The largest competing pagan faith at the time of Mohamed was a vague oral tradition based on a moon and water god that was essentially a spin off of Ishmael's oral traditions but re-purposed to serve rural agriculture and the masters of those lands, mohamed spent some time studying the beliefs on all ends and basically sutured these old religions together and added a bunch of bullshit to benefit himself, Mohammed was the most successful con-man in history.

Back to the 13 tribes we see the tribes end up being specialized, one tribe are the priests, one tribe are warriors, one craftsmen etc this system works OK until the jerks decided they want a king, he fucks up the hierarchy and rules, runs roughshod over all the normal order of things and this kicks in one out of many cycles of rebellion against God, getting right fucked up and then coming back to God. Eventually this fissure leads to the nation of Israel splitting into two kingdoms, Judah led by the sons of Judah or Judahites (Guess where Juden/Juif/Jew comes from) as the first edition of the king James bible called them and the southern kingdom which kept the name Israel and was really fucking corrupt and nasty. God has Judges come from the people during the time of kings and he uses them to dole out divine justice, Judah became a corrupt place too and told the kikes to fix their shit and left a couple of prophets to tell them again of the messiah and make clear that if they are still shit when the time comes God isn't going to send them a Christ to lift them up but a Christ to tear them down.

Priesthood runs scams because faith is trendy for a couple hundred years and then Jesus Shows up and gives everybody a chance to turn against the priests who have lied to them, most of the inhabitants of the region convert in a few generations, the reaming Jews are the ones who were either too stupid to see the scam perpetrated by the priesthood or the ones reaping the rewards, then the diaspora under Rome spread those fuckers to every edge of the empire.

Jesus came because God got tired of dirty tricks, Muslims have a poser religion like Mormonism but designed by a maniacal hedonistic warlord, Christianity was the True reformation for the believers in the God of Abraham, Judaism as it has existed for almost 2200 years has just been kikes scamming kikes out of their shekels and trying to come up with more ways to justify their own evil. it's sort of like having a religion based around indulgences, no wonder that the guy who wrote a book "the Jews and their lies" also began the protestant reformation when the Catholic church went full Juden and created the indulgences.

Catholicism has problems (commie kike pope) but there are true Christians amongst them, Protestantism has whole sects of pozzed faggots but also many that are a more western version of eastern orthodoxy with fewer great traditions and no priests, then eastern orthodoxy which is probably the truest inheritor of God's Church.

Liberalism May have been born out of the Enlightenment period in the west which is certainly a strong tie back to Christendom but I would argue that Christianity has taken many forms at many times and that was simply the form the men responsible for the enlightenment gave Christianity as they molded it like all generations do. I see the Church as a baby the product of both mankind and Christ the enlightenment period was potty training, it learned to evacuate the bad stuff on it's own, The protestant reformation was learning to talk and read. the last couple hundred years have been formative but the church is still in it's youth, it hasn't yet learned how to combat Jewish subversion. The advent of mass media was really like the first day of school.

I didn't intend to blog-post, this was just going to be one paragraph so if you need a short and dirty just read paragraph one, it's the meat and potatoes.

Chiefpacman ago

One thing I enjoy about our movement is that we can openly disagree with each other on smaller things like this and have a discourse.

Not really man.

Shepherdess ago

Not sure how alt-right I actually am. If we're picking lables I'm mostly anti-leftist. But maybe I can still help you out with this.

God told the Jews from the begining they were vessels to hold his covenant with mankind but that they would eventually lose this covenant by rejection of God's will. In the old testament you see the first cultural acknowledgment of this in the drunken Noah moment where he curses his son Ham then tells Shem he will be blessed by God but Japheth will dwell in Shem's tents and be enlarged. Rough meaning the one brother would end up fathering the dominant culture based on the general philosophies of the other. I will leave you to sort through the part of Genesis called the Table of Nations to figure out which brother ended up where.

The remainder of the OT is a collection of judgement cycles and messianic prophecy.. basically one or two righteous Jews save the entire race over and over again as they sink into degeneracy. Then Rome sacks Jerusalem and the OT is over. Enter Jesus, Son of God made man, a Jew, a scion of David, rightful heir to the throne given to Harod blah blah blah starts teaching a return to the pure faith and a rejection of economic and political power trough religion. This doesn't sit right with temple priests who are charging fees for everyday Jews to pray (even though God removed himself from the temple way back in Ezekiel and never came back) and pushing multiculturalism with the Romans.

They become upset and Jesus tells the parable of the wicked vine-growers (Luke 20). This points out that time and time again their own prophets have warned them that if they don't live up to God's teaching he will replace them with people who will. The crucifixion was required for salvation, but the rejection of Christ was what made the Jews just another ethnic group.

When Jesus rose from the dead he told Peter the Jews rejected his message so now salvation belongs to the Gentile. Through the reminder of the new testament God reveals to Peter and Paul that we aren't doing the Kosher thing any more. You don't even have to be physically circumcised anymore as what matters now is baptisim and faith.

New deal, new covenant, new chosen people.

This is why we shouldn't spread Christ through the sword.. not everyone is going to be a Christian. It's the doctrine of election if you want to read up on it. But we aren't supposed to be passively mowed down either. (Luke 22:36) We have the right to self defense against an aggressor who would use every tool at their availability to gain a control hold including perpetuating the misconception that they are still a magical devine people and the rightful masters of all Christains.

Nope. Thanks to European cultures and philosophical schools of thought we've come a very long way away from blood magic in the desert for fun and profit. And these cultures have the right to existence and continuance. When Christ returns it will not be to establish a dominant Jewish ethnostate but to establish the rule of His church free from human falicy and misconception but fulfilled in his current revelation. The Jewish faith will not play a role in this. Suicidally worshipping and fearing the Jews as so many liberal Christians do is like an adult attempting to feed himself through his saved placentia. It is corrupted and past the point of usefulness and we have grown well out of it into a totally different mode of nourishment.

Voopin__Voopin ago

thanks for this post. i like the way you present things. have a friend who still won't believe me regarding the JQ, and think you for the bible verse reference (s). do you know which verse said the Jews were no longer the chosen people? (cuz they rejected and killed christ) and that Christians are now God's people?

Shepherdess ago

Read this one second the formatting is weird.

"This curse was pronounced on the ancient peoples of the Near East, most of whom were later conquered by the Jews and Joshua. The second part of Noah's oracle is a blessing on Shem, handing to him and all sematic peoples through him the messianic legacy. The third part of the oracle is a blessing on Japheth who will expand and build great nations off of the principles found in Shem's "tents".

Arguably all of western culture would be a fulfillment of this prophesy.

The Table of Nations takes up the text of Chapter 10 - again allegory reigns supreme here as the names of "nations" may not be so much nations but city states named for their founders. Archeological record tends to bear this out.

The sons of Japheth were Gomer [1 - Father of the Galatians, Cappadocians, Cimmerians, Gauls, and Celts ], Magog [2 - Father of the Scythians and Mongols], Madai [3 - Father of the Medes, Mitanni, Matiene, Mannai, and the Kurds], Javan [4 - Father of the Greeks and Ionians], Tubal [5 - Father of the Iberians, Bithynia, Thessalians, and the ancient Italian tribes], Meshech [6 - Father of the nations in North East Asia Minor, parts of modern day Turkey, and the Muscovites of Rosh], and Tiras [7 - Father of the Thracians, Etruscans, Persians, Armenians, and Trojans]. 3 And the sons of Gomer were Ashkenaz [8 - Father of the Assyrians] and Riphath [9 - Father of the Samaritans] and Togarmah [10 - Father of the Georgians, Armenians, and Turks]. 4 And the sons of Javan were Elishah [11 - Father of the Greeks and the Alamanni (Germanic Tribes)] and Tarshish [12 - Unknown, could be a reference to Tunis], Kittim [13 - Father of the Aegeans, the Hittites, and the Cypriots] and Rodanim [14 - Father of the Rhodesians].5 The islands of the Gentiles were divided by these into their regions, each one according to his tongue and their families and their nations.

Subtle shout out to my friends in the heathen community there is academic argument that the archetype of Wodin / Odin could be a direct line descendant of Japheth through Gomer or Elishah. This article lays out that argument neatly however it misconstrues the use of the word 'son'. In the ancient traditions your 'sons" were not just your direct male descendants but their male descendants as well. Same can be said of 'your daughters' anytime it is encountered in most ancient texts which have been influenced by either Judaeo-Christian values or Hellenistic philosophies. "A daughter of Sheba" for example would simply a way of naming a woman's ethnicity rather than an examination of her direct lineage.

Ok so fast forward again to Gen 15-16 - the birth of Ishmael and then the birth of Isaac in chapter 21. Other than being an excellent argument against polygamy (seriously, who would want that headache) it again brings up the construct of birthright vs worthiness. This made clear in the Apostle Paul's treatment of this dynamic in the book of Galatians 4:21-31 (which would have been part of church reading surrounding Passiontide but changes to the missile and trespass of liberation theology has suppressed the doctrinal emphasis on these texts):

Tell me, you who want to be under law, do you not listen to the law? For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the bondwoman and one by the free woman. But the son by the bondwoman was born according to the flesh, and the son by the free woman through the promise. This is allegorically speaking, for these women are two covenants: one proceeding from Mount Sinai bearing children who are to be slaves; she is Hagar. Now this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children. But the Jerusalem above is free; she is our mother. For it is written, “Rejoice, barren woman who does not bear; Break forth and shout, you who are not in labor; For more numerous are the children of the desolate Than of the one who has a husband.” And you brethren, like Isaac, are children of promise. But as at that time he who was born according to the flesh persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, so it is now also. But what does the Scripture say? “Cast out the bondwoman and her son, For the son of the bondwoman shall not be an heir with the son of the free woman.” So then, brethren, we are not children of a bondwoman, but of the free woman.

Though clearly marked by the author as allegory (because literally Ishmael and his mother were driven off into the desert so that he could neither inherit Abraham's earthly wealth nor the messianic lineage) this is a clear transference of doctrinal correctness. What best pleases God is that which he sacrificed his own son for.... but we will get to that.

Voopin__Voopin ago

rock on! i have read these once, but will have to reread. if i'm getting the gist correctly, birthrightvs behavior.... i see where it's going. not sure if you have more to post (you said but we will get to that). will post up again in a bit. thank you for this contribution :)

edit: just went into the thread, and your 3rd part wasnt in my inbox. got some reading to do, brb :)

Shepherdess ago

Ok. Let's just start at the beginning and work our way through. Genesis can be a little tricky in the story of Adam, Cain, Able, and Seth depending upon your doctrinal take on the scripture. If you read everything literally (actual day creation, literal snake/apple, and one story rather than two) then most likely this will evade your theological tests. However if you read from Gen 1:1 to 4:26 allegorically you see that Cain and Abel is less a story of fratricide but of the rejection of God's will and law for the sake of personal gain / profit. This is why Seth continues the generations of Israel and Cain (who came first and by law should have the birthright) is cursed and rejected but not permitted to be "destroyed"

Gen 4:13 -16 - Cain said to the Lord: "My punishment is too great to bear. Since you have now banished me from the soil and I must avoid your presence and become a restless wanderer on the earth, anyone may kill me at sight." "Not so! " the Lord said to him. "If anyone kills Cain, Cain shall be avenged seven-fold" so the Lord put a mark on Cain least anyone should kill him on sight. Cain then left the Lord's presence and settled in the land of Nod east of Eden.

In biblical literature this called a type of Christ where a birthright was supposed to be handed down to the "heir" but due to their sin and disobedience towards God they are left out in the cold with a type of honorable mention. {Just a note it was Cain who gave rise to Tubalcain - featured in the movie Noah starring Rustle Crowe but interpreted more like the writings of the Book of Enoch in the apocrypha rather than generally accepted cannon- and according to he scriptures his line was wiped out by the flood anyway so there you go.}

So skip ahead.. blah blah blah flood story which features in almost every world culture so there is at least the argument for a massive shift in water levels around the fertile crescent coinciding with either topographic shifts or even perhaps a small ice age - that being said even biblical scholars disagree as to when (though I would note that after chapter 5 allegory falls from the text more and more while record takes its place so a safe date to sit your nest on is 2304BC +/- a decade or two...)

Ok. Stop at Chapters 9-10, 9 being God's renewed covenant with Noah (like a contract with benefits which can be inherited so long as the terms are maintained). In verses 18 - 28 we get the story of Noah getting drunk and naked and rather than helping the old man out his youngest son Ham starts to mock him in his misery. (Some incredibly disgusting minds have tried to make this a story of incest - you don't have to make those up, they are in the text just later in the story - but it's clear that Ham was shaming his father to his older brothers. Noah reacts by placing a curse on Ham's son Canaan saying "Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves shall he be to his brothers, He also said Blessed be the Lord the God of Shem! Let Canaan be his slave. May God expand Japheth so that he dwells among the tents of Shem and let Cannan be his slave." (Gen 9:25-27) The expansion of this into the exchange of covenant from Jews to Christians was outlined by Presbyterian theologian James Montgomery Boice in his commentary on this passage says;

Shepherdess ago

Read this one third / last

These patterns are repeated: Jacob replacing Esu, Joseph (the youngest only unto Benjamin) replacing even Judah as the family leader. And all due to a lack of faith or obedience to God.

So that covers many of the allegorical types but there is even direct prophecy. We could rabbit trail a bit into the meaning behind the golden calf but really it just makes the same point.

Skip Leviticus - it has value in the doctrine but not in this context, same with Numbers (basically a list of religious and civil codes) - pause for a moment while God gives Miriam 168 hour leprosy if you wish in Chapter 12.

Next clear warning of supplantion - Deuteronomy 8 I will link it because it's just easier to read this way and saves space. Also, you need to read the full text in context. Super important when you are dealing with a piece of ancient literature.

Deuteronomy 9 :7-14

Deuteronomy 28: 20-48; 63-69

Judges 10

1 Samuel 2 deals with the role the Hebrew people were required to play for all of mankind in the type of Eli's sons. Spoiler alert - they were in the game for personal gain and God removed his blessing from them and gave it to the boy Samuel - born of Hannah.

Extra points in 1 Samuel 15:24-35 which I will just put here because it bears reading side by side with Mathew 27

Then Saul said to Samuel, “I have sinned; I have indeed transgressed the [l]command of the Lord and your words, because I feared the people and listened to their voice. Now therefore, please pardon my sin and return with me, that I may worship the Lord.” But Samuel said to Saul, “I will not return with you; for you have rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord has rejected you from being king over Israel.” As Samuel turned to go, Saul seized the edge of his robe, and it tore. So Samuel said to him, “The Lord has torn the kingdom of Israel from you today and has given it to your neighbor, who is better than you. Also the Glory of Israel will not lie or change His mind; for He is not a man that He should change His mind.” Then he said, “I have sinned; but please honor me now before the elders of my people and before Israel, and go back with me, that I may worship the Lord your God.” So Samuel went back following Saul, and Saul worshiped the Lord. Then Samuel said, “Bring me Agag, the king of the Amalekites.” And Agag came to him [n]cheerfully. And Agag said, “Surely the bitterness of death is past.” But Samuel said, “As your sword has made women childless, so shall your mother be childless among women.” And Samuel hewed Agag to pieces before the Lord at Gilgal. Then Samuel went to Ramah, but Saul went up to his house at Gibeah of Saul. Samuel did not see Saul again until the day of his death; for Samuel grieved over Saul. And the Lord regretted that He had made Saul king over Israel.

The tearing of the cloak is echoed in Mark

So Samuel said to him, “The Lord has torn the kingdom of Israel from you today and has given it to your neighbor, who is better than you. Also the Glory of Israel will not lie or change His mind; for He is not a man that He should change His mind.”

Now from the sixth hour darkness fell upon all the land until the [w]ninth hour. About the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” And some of those who were standing there, when they heard it, began saying, “This man is calling for Elijah.” Immediately one of them ran, and taking a sponge, he filled it with sour wine and put it on a reed, and gave Him a drink. But the rest of them said, “Let us see whether Elijah will come to save Him.” And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split.

(the rest details the emptying of Sheol where the souls of the faithful Hebrews were taken into heaven - but different rabbit trail)

And I am afraid that this will have to come in parts as:

1.) this post is ridiculously long

2.) this alone is a lot to consider

3.) I need to feed my family and milk my goats.

I should be back on (other than just popping to make a shitty comment or two) in a couple of days. Let me know if you are interested in more because this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Voopin__Voopin ago

YES, intereseted in more :) as you see from my first reply, i will have to read all this in more depth, so a few days sounds like a plan :)

Shepherdess ago

Back and trying to think of the best way to keep on this trail. Usually on my phone while on here, but this requires the full Voat experience.

I think at this point before we go too much further it is important to delve into some of the concepts of the Old Testament. Philosophies have - by their very nature – certain “truths” which help to form their meaning and application. One of these in OT (Old Testament) thinking is the concept of corporate personhood. While there is a legal modern-day definition for the concept of corporate personhood (mostly defining the rights, a corporation will hold as if it were a person), theologically it is defined as the shared responsibility for the soul of the people – or that the righteousness of a few can prevent the punishment of the many. (Jews have even boiled this number down to 36 – so long as there are 36 righteous Jews, it doesn’t matter that a good majority of people who claim to be Jewish are actually atheists and will mock the concept of God and claim to be his chosen people in the same breath. There is a good article on this here.)

Monarchists use the concept of corporate personhood to make their ruling head the leader of their nation’s faith – If the king is righteous than the people under him are righteous and will be spared the wrath of God. This is one of the reasons why Henry V creating the church of England was such a massive dust-up and why monarchy loyalists throughout Europe were so keen to stamp out dissenting biblical concepts. Most of it was the very real understanding of the political power the faithful will place in their leadership, and the other is the need to maintain homogeneity in the message. God has chosen this king by these rules and that king over there with his rules is illegitimate.

This is a very old concept which goes back to the choosing of a temple priest (You can find that info in the book of Leviticus chapters 8-10) and later to the choosing of a king for Israel in the old testament even though God very clearly stated that HE was their king and that they should listen to HIM but because they have become so accustomed to the cultures of the gentiles around them they want a king (kind of an ancient version of keeping up with the Babylonians). Again you will have to find this in the book of 1 Samuel chapter 8. I would actually read 7 – 10 just to get the full meaning of this change in governance and to better understand the concepts of corporate personality in this context. Use the lower section of this article as a guide.

Ok so WHY is it important to understand this concept when you are trying to piece together where God’s favor falls. Because the entire purpose of God’s covenant with the Jewish people in the Old Testament was because they stood as a sort of vessel through which humanity was saved. Through them faith and Gods law were handed down from Adam who fell in the garden to Jesus who died on the cross. This is why Jesus had to be a Nazarene – a holy man dedicated to God. This is why he had to be of the line of David – the heir to the throne of Jerusalem which bore the corporate personhood of all of Israel.

So that when he was offered up as a sacrifice for sin it, the debt was paid not just because he was the spotless Son of God, but because he bore the corporate responsibility for the people of Israel. This concept of the blood curse is in accurate – when the Jews say to Pontius Pilate “Let his blood be upon us and upon our children!” (Mathew 27:25) any theologian worth their salt wants to scream “Yes! You idiots!! THAT’S THE POINT!” (Exodus 12, Leviticus 4 -5, John 1:29).

The Jews didn’t lose God’s favor for crucifying Christ. They could have stayed well out of it and the Romans would have handled the thing and it would have been just as good (though it is interesting that his accusers came from the priesthood and not Harrod’s puppet monarchy who by all understanding of the situation actually had the legitimate bitch over Jesus’ teachings. Sometimes stuff just works out. )

The Jews are no longer God’s chosen people and had that mantle of responsibility torn from them for two reasons:

1.) it was no longer necessary as the blood covenant with man to absolve sins was met and satisfied with the sacrifice of Christ.

2.) They rejected Him and His teachings and have decided instead to go their own way. More scriptural backup for this can be found in the teachings of Christ – that the old covenant was coming to a close and a new one was beginning.

Teachings on the Sabbath and “wine skins” Mathew 2

The parable of the vine growers in Luke 20

Jesus cursing the fig tree in Mark 11 and Mathew 21 *Pay attention to the driving out of the money changers and how closely it associates with this in both texts

It should also be noted that the old covenant made with Abraham in the OT was a one-sided deal Genesis 15, He alone passed between the pieces which means that He alone would decide when the covenant was fulfilled. (Great scriptural sources here even if it is Wikipedia.)

A Christian cannot both believe that the Jews are still God’s chosen people and that Christ’s crucifixion was the beginning of the new covenant without committing an error in his theology.

Voopin__Voopin ago

You rock! I have read this entire thing (twice) but have not looked at the supporting articles yet.

That last sentence sums everything up nicely though :) I did use some of your other posts (in my own words cuz I'm an idiot with a shit memory) on my friend, but he's still having none of it. I will present to him this information (after i look at the sources) and see if we can make any progress.

I actually DID get him to look at the bolshevik revolution, but his sources just said it's when Lenin took power. He made mention of some "brand new anti-semitism laws" after that revolution, and I said "WHO, pray tell, would want those laws instituted after a hostile takeover of a nation?" We're getting closer, haha.

Shepherdess ago

When in doubt, go to the book of Hebrews in the NT. It very clearly spells out the changes in the covenant and even speaks of the old cov as "slavery". But as with most things theological... it takes time to process information that is uncomfortable. Don't push him away, but point out that most moves to drive Christianity from schools, public discussion and places have not just been spereheaded by Islamist but by those in the Jewish communities. Ask him how can a person be both an aethist and a Jew? Then point out those who have claimed both atheism and Jewish exceptionalism.

Anonymous_User_69 ago

Christianity isn't a store or a job. It is of no consequence what you have to offer to it, or it to you. It is either true, or false. If true it is of utmost importance. If false it is a total waste of time.

onesaltymotherfucker ago

well for one they rejected the savior of mankind lol. Christ came to free people from the burden(s) of religion. (abrahamic) Religion started as a covenant between Yahweh and abraham, the emphasis was on having a personal relationship with god. Through the generations this became increasingly diluted until the paradigm had shifted entirely so that focus was off of relationship and onto empty religious practices. Enter christ, sent by the father to reinitiate the personal relationship(s) intended between the father and his children. Specifically, they brought jesus to pontius pilate (the roman magistrate) and whined and bitched and moaned (serious threat of riot and revolt in a troubled settlement, effectively forcing the hand of a man who is at risk of losing his job) until pilate offered them a choice; to free a known murderer (barabbas) or pursue this complaint against christ. They chose to have barabbas released to the public and pilate has christ publicly brutalized in a last ditch effort to appease the crowd (to save christs' life). The pharisee's are not sated, their machinations come to fruition, christ is crucified.

Furthermore you are an unwilling participant in a rigged financial system that unjustly benefits bankers. There was only one time jesus was violent and that was in chasing away the money-changers at the temple.... You are a gentile, zionists appropriate the entire earth as their dominion as gods "chosen ones" (anyone who choses religion over relationship forfeits their inheritance) and presume to bring you to heel. If geo-political conspiracy theory is correct: america is effectively a vassal state to israel financially, culturally, educationally, diplomatically, and militarily etc.

If you do decide to pick up a bible, be aware that the first 5 books of the old testament (genesis, exodus, leviticus, numbers, deuteronomy) are the books of law authored by moses. These 5 books are essentially the Torah (the jewish bible). Also please be aware that there are books that were excluded from the mainstream bible, (enoch and nicodemus off the top of my head). Also please be aware that there is a bloodline between judaism and islam, an argument between brothers that led to this split (ishmael and isaac).

Anyways, If you hold a sacred place in your heart for god and earnestly seek a personal relationship with god on a daily basis then I think in time god will show you that you are his chosen one.

1WinfieldBlue ago

The Torah is still incredibly important to Christianity and not "the Jewish Bible" don't forget all the prophets and poetry.

These books like Enoch are not included because they're clearly not inspired.

This Ishmael and Issac nonsense is a myth created by Islam not Jews...

smokratez ago

There you go.

goatboy ago

Is anyone else from Judea?

Elwoodblues ago

The powers and principalities we fight today are not Gods Jewish peoples. Karzarians took the Jewish religion when they were given the choice. They never truly practice the religion. They kept there satanic magix practices and continue to this day. That is where they hid. The term "two face" was coined for this race of peoples. Jewish in public, Karzarian every were else.

The Gentile.....white brown yellow black.....this is who Jesus came and died for. You and Me. Remember Jesus was with Gods people (Jewish), but he was God in human form......there for all of us.

If it weren't for the Pharisees, Pilot, Judas and his coins, there would not have been the sacrifice. If Mary had not gone to the tomb and found the stone rolled away....well.....God has his way.

Jesus was the blood sacrifice for all peoples. You cannot buy it, earn it, do good deeds to attain it. It is simple faith and ask him to come into your life.

goatboy ago

It is very funny. I love when people claim to hate Jews and love Jesus. Jesus was a Jew.

The dumb bastards can't have it both ways.

EugenicsNow ago

Hatred isn't healthy even for jews, but it is reasonable to acknowledge that there are a whole lot of jews doing real and lasting harm to whites, and to our cultures. It helps to understand that modern jews are the descendants of those who refused the king the Lord sent them, his own son, and instead had Christ tormented and killed. This was done so that they could keep scamming each other with temple fees and money-changing, and perhaps with hope that the Lord would sent them a king after their own hearts rather than His, a king who would lead them in conquest and do something about Rome, which was just plain better than them.

It has been two thousand years and they're still waiting. In the mean time, their amoral legalistic ways, which the Lord warned them against many times, have caused them to be expelled or pogromed dozens of times. It's a shame they haven't learned.

8BigMacNMuhDietCoke ago

I don't know if anyone here has read the Gospels but Jesus basically spends half his time talking about how the Jews are fucking everything up, how they're warping Gods instructions and covenant with them to suit their selfish greedy needs, how they are sinners and hypocrites who try to tell everyone else how to be righteous all the time while being total dicks themselves. Sound familiar? I read the Gospels after I found the alt right and I was like holy shit Jesus knew watsup!

As far as the "chosen" people obviously with Christs coming the Jews were meant to accept Christ, thereby making the Christians the chosen people, not the Jews.

If you are an atheist I strongly recommend you read the New Testament yourself and look into the historical evidence for the life of Christ and the apostles, of which there is plenty. Don't take the word of Zeitgeist at its face. If you are interested I can recommend a very good documentary (good as in content, Hollywood isn't producing this stuff to look appealing).

Waiyu_Dudat ago

Don't take the word of Zeitgeist at its face.

Definitely this. Too many people judging Christianity and Christ based on its followers that are basically slaves to a non Christian system, which will force them to do non Christian things. These people have no clue what Jesus was teaching nor the historical context of the time.

If you want to effectively judge a system, learn everything about it from within, understand how it's meant to be, then start to test the intention/ideology against reality.

ALargeRock ago

If you want to effectively judge a system, learn everything about it from within, understand how it's meant to be, then start to test the intention/ideology against reality.

Likewise when talking about the Jew's, realize the Talmud is not the Torah. The Talmud is the word of man - Torah word of God.

smokratez ago

God put a blood curse on all jews for eternity for killing Jesus. Jews aren't the chosen people. They rewrote the bible to make them appear that way. Look into the schofield bible. If you are a true christian, you should hate all jews and want to kill them.

1WinfieldBlue ago

Where in The Bible does it say this?

smokratez ago

I'm googling it and finding tons of hits. You want me to google it for you?

1WinfieldBlue ago

Please do

smokratez ago

Where do you live?

Matthew 27:25 is where it's described.

Here's jews qvetshing about how they are not cursed of course. Lol. God I hate those rat faced bastards.

1WinfieldBlue ago

Fair enough, sorry man wasn't sure if you were referring to this passage, most people don't take this to mean the Jews are damned...cause that view wouldn't arrange itself with the rest of The Bible.

I'm in Australia

smokratez ago

most people don't take this to mean the Jews are damned

Then they aren't following Christ or God. Jews killed the Son of God. They only deserve a slap on the wrist for that? Come on.

1WinfieldBlue ago

You're right and they certainly arent, however The Bible is very clear that God isn't done with them and they will eventually, corporately accept The Lord Jesus Christ.

FromGoyToMan ago

As Torkimadi has explained, Christians in the Alt Right know how shitty Jews are, which in all honesty goes without saying since they literally killed the Christian messiah lol.

Nonetheless the mainstream churches are totally cucked and it's hard to say if they're worth participating in. They are proven to give a sense of community, but if you're Alt Right their "morals" are cucky and worthless.

I think you should maybe join some IRL Alt Right community instead and maintain your religious beliefs in your household and amongst those with similar ideas.

I do believe that religion is probably the best way to unite people and establish morals, even though I'm not really religious myself, so I think it's a long term solution to social ills that can be looked into.

MillstoneNecklace ago

Not really alt-right (more of a Catholic monarchist or at least see a need for some sort of confessional state), but the Jews rejected Jesus and proclaimed that his blood should be on them and on their children... and then the temple was destroyed 30some years later.

The Jews should be brought to conversion like everyone else.

For a good take on the "chosen people" idea, read Chesterton's The Everlasting Man (it's free online in text and audio book). Essentially, one man saw beyond the idol oriented religion of his day and saw that there had to be a God who created the gods they worshipped. Abraham was then given the honor of starting a nation, with whom God made a covenant to give His law so that they would be set apart. Eventually, He came to dwell among us to fulfill the prophecies given this people. Anyway, check out the book. Can't recommend it (or anything else Chesterton wrote) enough.

Torkimadi ago

Israelites of the bible and Jews of today are different. Even circumcision in the bible was different from today's; a leading Talmudic rabbi changed circumcision in 150AD to a complete removal, likely as a blood rite. Christ called the Pharisees and Sadducees the children of satan. They're the forebearers of the Talmudic Jews, which is the Judaism and Jews we know today. Talmudic Jews don't actually use the Torah, they may recite it or make shows of it, but they use their mystical (luciferian) Talmud instead.

Levantine Israelites are Caucasian, take a look if you can find some pictures. The imagery of Christ is actually accurate, with light brown/brown hair and blue/green/hazel eyes - he was likely a Levantine Israelite.

It's convoluted, but generally Jews we know today are a subset of only one group of Israelites from the bible, not the whole poeple. Not to mention, they gave up any birthright to chosenness or god, when they killed him.

I was born and raised an atheist, I converted to (traditional, not novus ordo) Catholicism in my late 20s. Structure, accountability, morals have made a huge wonderful impact on my life. Also having the knowledge that no matter how bad things are, it will be okay, makes tough times bearable instead of suicidal. Two years after conversion I was married (and I had been trying for marriage for 5+ years previously) and three years later (as in, after conversion) our first child was born. The stark change in my life before and after conversion is huge.

lostmyoldone ago

I am very happy for and thankful you have been brought to this point in your life. I have more red pills for you if you want to grow yourself and your spiritual understanding. God uses people to touch other people and shed light on the truth. like the dude posted is very nice. Also and are very nice.

You should also read The Great Controversy which is available free of charge on the internet to read or listen to.

watitdew ago

Raised Catholic, went to Catholic school, atheist since like I was 10 years old. I just can't buy the resurrection. Can't do it. It's a very nice story and very important and very deep. Foundation of western lit, etc. The ancients weren't stupid. That said I've had a hell trip on acid where demonic thoughtforms manifested. I see the idea Christ as a useful safety valve for when the unconscious boils over. So in a way, it's as real as anything we "know", but I think the historicity is dubious at best.

If I'm going to hell for that, then fuck god.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

religion ain't for everyone but there's no need for you to hate it

Torkimadi ago

Well, that's great and all, but the people who were actually there took torture and death rather than simply say it was allegory or metaphor.

Antiracist10 ago

I think science is important, but I just can't buy magnetism. If that makes me an idiot, then fuck science.

@eagleshigh @sarmegahhikkitha @bojangles

Bojangles ago

Fuckin' magnets, how do they work?

EarlPoncho ago

just know that on moral issues you and the kikes believe the same exact shit

wewuzgoyim ago

If God can't do supernatural things, then what gives him the authority to dictate morals?

Early Christians have all had the same questions you have, they have beem answered.

DyingEurope ago

I'm Christian, and I don't buy the resurrection at all. Thomas Jefferson had the right idea when he constructed his own bible without all the garbage.

It's a jewel of a book, and any one can read it and convert in an afternoon. No need for magic.

memyuhself ago

"Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son." 1 John 2:22

DyingEurope ago

Right, but if you want to talk to me about Jesus, you have to actually engage me in a way that I can respond to.

Not quoting someone somewhere that at some time wrote something nasty about people who don't believe in magic, I fail to see how this could possibly convince me of anything.

memyuhself ago

what is your level of experience with the bible?

DyingEurope ago

I enjoy reading it as an ancient text. I hold the teachings of Jesus as sacred, and the words of men as opinions.

memyuhself ago


watitdew ago

Being able to do supernatural things is that from which the authority to dictate morals derive?

I see morals as an outgrowth of evolutionary strategy. Nature is amoral but human society obviously selected for those who could figure out that it was wrong to steal, for instance.

I'm off to work. Have a blog post.

We can talk later.

FedupOtaku ago

see morals as an outgrowth of evolutionary strategy.

Might makes right, except when we agree it doesn't. :-\