Rainy-Day-Dream ago

than you ought to read through this and the other 2 threads i made this weekend and actually get redpilled, a lot of this is basic stuff but it'll all tie together and you can find out what the mods and admins were really hiding from you. All I ask is that you keep an open mind and do your own research if you don't believe me

Demwitsarestupid ago

I just read your redpill on the homos and holy fucking shit I'm literally shaking. I can't believe a homo could be that truthful and redpilled about homos. Fucking amazing. Mad respect. But I'll always hate the homos and push for their forced conversion or extermination.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

honestly i hate a lot of the homos myself, i'd never agrue that you shouldn't hate them especially not until they change on their own but even then a lot of issues seem pretty inherent

LostVarangian ago

Hans... Get the Gas

MyDixienormous69 ago

this place is great

oedipusaurus_rex ago

I agree that human impact on global warming is often exaggerated, but most of these graphs don't have labeled axes, one of them focuses entirely on CO2, which is something that both sides of this debate are guilty of, and the one about climate models is editorialized. Climate models run the gammut, and all of them, including the ones that predict low values, are just predictions about the future of a complex system. The overwhelming majority, if not all of the models are going to be wrong, though the actual values are likely to fall between the models with the highest and lowest predictions.

Another thing that I see people doing a lot that bothers me is talking about how the earth has natural temperature cycles, but no one bothers to look into the cause of those cycles. They just say "natural cycles" like it makes sense when it doesn't. I don't think that Antarctica is going to move north any time soon, or that India, Australia, will reverse course and cut off the Antarctic Circumpolar Current within my lifetime.

Only1Mattrix ago

Ok-- That's bad ass -- Burn your boats! Doing this as soon as I am at my desk. I'm so fucking done at that shit hole! I created my voat account during the last reddit migration but there wasn't enough content and I got sucked back into Reddit. No dumb fuck excuses this time and no account to go back to.

psikoticsilver ago

Those fucking stick bundles probably just took me seriously.

MotorcycleEmptiness ago

Nigger kike faggot. That was surprisingly liberating, by golly.

Lips2000 ago

Gosh, thanks Mr. Voat. I promise to be real good...

Nice redpills. AGW pisses me off.


Rafoie ago

Did you know gas is a healthy part of a kikes breakfast?

captainkaos ago

Thank you faggots.

BadGeppetto ago

Laughed at your comment. Then read your name. Top notch

Jfkdid911 ago

New to this place. I thought I found my home, but this is some real sick shit. Not a single link providing evidence that that the transgender narrative that is being aggressively pushed by the Jew Media has absolutely no bases in reality. That it only effects less than one percent of the population and pushing it on to children is some sort of sick social experiment done by the fuck nuts in charge of our planet.

Voopin__Voopin ago

oh it's floating around here somewhere. I seent it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's in the second redpill post i made

Naught405 ago

meanwhile on reddit "I can't believe they said words to us, it hurt so much"

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they're pretty upset about the whole thing, it's great

silver_polish ago

I kept trying to message people about The Greatest Story Never Told.

Not too receptive an audience. They didn't like The Ultimate Redpill, either.

SpaghettiJones ago

I cant believe the childish bullshit I just witnessed over at Reddit, fuck them.

Hunted_Patriot ago

Appreciate the warm welcome

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

idk, looks fine to me

Ziggystrife ago

While I knew all of this already the images are always hopeful. Been slowly redpilling my friends and family, the ones that aren't retarded that is.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're doing keks work, keep at it

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

good lad, make sure to grab a coat

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

there always is, but eventually the race war will come and they'll either get the gas or the rope

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I got it from somewhere but I couldn't remember where

ThatsThat ago

The short French guy in Escape to the Legion show with Bear Grylls was saying that.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the hell if I know, I'm drunk

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

well it is a lot of fuckin whiskey

xWyld ago

Thanks nigger faggot. It's nice to be here.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nice to have you ya fat retard

Whiskytango1 ago

That sounds delightful, where is this grease monkey you speak of?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

sure why not

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

maybe open it in a new tab would help?

Magathree ago

No one can tell me what the Earths temperature is supposed to be. How the fuck are we warming or cooling without knowing what the temperature is supposed to be?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the earth has kinda always decided this more or less on it's own

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

pain is weakness leaving the body~

kestrel9 ago

Haven't seen any, that's why I was surprised to read that some of the reditfugees said they saw ebil and ran away.

AncientArachnid ago

This is what I totally don't get.

Everyone on TD said they believed in free speech. That will include things one finds offensive. Ignore it ffs.

There is free speech and there is censorship. And that's it. If you don't want to hang out somewhere where what people say makes you uncomfortable, that's fine. Anyone has that right. But don't say you're in favor of free speech if you do that, because you're not.

I'm honestly surprised at the reaction of some of the TD people. I lurk the chans from time to time so maybe I've been immunized. But don't say you're in favor of completely free speech if you're not.

Live and learn I guess.

penileimplant ago

Spez is kinda hot. I'd fuck him.

Tommy_middle_D ago

I'm just happy to be able to say nigger faggot. It just rolls of the tounge.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

make sure you also say kike or even better say gas the kikes

McHammered111 ago

I'll admit, I miss Reddit for all it's diverse subs. Reddit has a sub for every one my interests, from specific video games, to wargaming and table-top gaming, to cooking, and even the kinky stuff for me and my misses. Reddit's popular, and it's going to take a lot to bring that here. It'll be even harder to do it the right way, without sacrificing core values like popular voting and leaving free speech to the individual subverses. There is something to be said about keeping the subverses on-topic, if very little else.

What I don't miss from Reddit in any way is the blatant admin abuse and censorship. The sheer amount of AstroTurfing, shilling, and general cronyism on Reddit is absolutely toxic. Reddit is like a pop-hit. It's easy listening, and easy to get into. But, ultimately it's vapid, ditzy, and lacking of talent, morality, and character. Voat is more like that metal band that writes all their own work and studies musical theory. Sure, it's not as easy for chicks to twerk to, but that's not the point. It's some actual music.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

makes those subs here youself, hell make them better. voat could always use more active subverses, be the change you want to see in the world

SirLurkaBot ago

I went to their irc to drop fbianon pastebin. And they couldn't handle my question. How to resolve being Christian but learned jews this age suck and are controlling bitches. I know the answer. Jews never got it right so I don't have to be atheist. GG.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'm not religious myself but what I've heard from christians is that the jews in the bible who were kin to jesus and the talmudic jews of today are very different things one group is the ancestors of joseph and mary who basically don't exist anymore and the othe rare the jews who got jesus killed. Besides which as I understand the god's chosen people thing was null after jesus died on the cross since he opened up heaven to literally everyone who believes in him. But that's just what I remember maybe find a right wing christian and ask them yourself

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I just wanna push things and the overton window further to the right, trump will keep things going relatively ok for the next 8 years and then maybe we can get someone like Trey Gowdy in office to really fuck shit up. For now tho as long as hillary isn't in power and kikes and liberals are anally destroyed about literally every issue I'm very content. I'm honestly excited to watch this russia nonsense blow up on them

kestrel9 ago

WTH...there's natzees here?!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

ebil natsees

s2upid ago

It's fucking bandwagoners that went back. They want to be winners so they jump on but they have no fucking clue.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

just call them cucks and retards no reason to dance around it

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

but I wanna

AncientArachnid ago

I hope it's decent whiskey.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the nazi shit is complicated some of it's trolling and memes and jokes, but WW2 was also pretty complex. Take this short quiz and you'll get a better idea of what I mean

Crensch ago

I was here for the tip of the spear, but after that I just got the shaft. None of the hook-like stuff, or the ass-spreading blade... just the tip.

chester0 ago

i like this place

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

and it likes you~

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

dude I'm plastered, don't expect too much

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the mods = gods shit is literal jew worship it's disgusting

ChalkPriest ago

Good to be home at last. T_D feels so fake now, it's insane.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you've finally been redpilled, the mods and admins on reddit worked so hard to keep you bluepilled they even convinced many to bluepill themselves but here you are

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

what they don't understand is that redpilling is a process that can't be stopped, I'm sure a lot of people here remember when they didn't want to be racist or didn't want to be mean or didn't want to associate with nazis, but eventually we all get redpilled we triedto help them skip ahead but they refused our help so let them learn the hard way as they have chosen

dingomeat ago

I used to be liberal.

neveragainfatty ago

For me the change started with /r/theredpill.

First time I went there I was appalled. After a few weeks I went back and started actually reading the content. It didn't take long to snowball from there into every other facet that is only substantiated through indoctrination.

Logical arguments will always win out with me.

CarollQuigley ago

They're comparing what they left to what they found. It was lacking.

So, they go back to what they left and will slowly realize it's no longer the same. In fact, it just keeps getting shittier and shittier. Then, something new will outrage them and they'll come back here to find it's massively improved (in content, but mostly by comparison to how terrible cuckland will be).

More will stay, most will go back. The cycle will continue until voat cannibalizes the best of cuckland, until all that's left is "that thing that replaced digg for a while until people moved to voat".

Furthermore, I believe censorship must be destroyed in all its forms including political correctness.

Kike nigger faggot.

CarRamRod ago

sup bby gimme dat ass

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

good job

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

welcome aboard

zipcodemonster ago

This has to be a trap. No one is nice to the refugees. Are you about to call me a nigger?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I mean I literally spent the last day and a half telling them to kill themselves, but I figure most of the worst ones are gone by now and besides which I'm drunk

zipcodemonster ago

Lol, I fuckin love the dedication. You're keeping this place great. It's so weird to see this site chase the chaff away. Everyone else is like "please like, share, subscribe, follow me on Twitter, donate on Patreon, etc." Then this place is like "if it took you this long to get here how bout you fuck yourself instead, retard."

But you know what, it's right. Here only moves as fast as the slowest Buffalo. Allow a bunch of tards in, how do you think it will go?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we don't need em it's cozy when it's small with good people

Crensch ago

Nigger kike faggot. Nobody is ever nice to you because you're a niggerfaggot. Now fuck off back to cancerland.

zipcodemonster ago

Lol, there it is. This thread was too friendly, wasn't sure I was in the right place.

altro87 ago

This is great!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're great ;)

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Into the oven you go.

pork_slayer ago

Stockholm Syndrome is a hell of a drug, apparently.


They cant get enough of that BBC

pork_slayer ago

What. What are you, some kind of niggerfaggot?

MaxEisenhardt ago

I just joined. Still trying to figure out if Voat is a bastion of free speech and safe-haven for the right... Or an experiment to see how small a forum can keep their active member list... Confusing.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

give it a chance we're small but it's quality over quantity

penileimplant ago

Yeah, your front page is basically the size of a small subreddit. Sorry for your feelings if that offends you but free speech after all.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's cozy, I like it this way. 99.9% of reddit users are cancer and the rest leave nothing good comes from being too big

MaxEisenhardt ago

All the subs I am going to are stale. What gives? Being srs. I don't know the history of Voat other than it just almost went down. In fact, I was reading a far-left article on Voat and thought, "I'm joining those fuckers, they sound alright!" Any enemy of the progressives is a friend of mine. That's why I'm here.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

there's a lot of dead subs at this point, go to v/subverserequest if you find one and wanna give a try at running it

MrPim ago

Nah, i think the ones who stayed through that are probably pretty good. That was a mean migration. If youre new and stayed through that, Welcome.

P.S. Theres probably one or two shitbags that made it through. If youre reading this, we'll find you. You always expose yourselves.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

isn't that what I said? I think it was but I'm fuckin plastered

penileimplant ago

Yeah, I can tell. That's probably why the white race is a failure. All the actual "men" are trashy and boozed out of their minds. Der Fuhrer wouldn't be too impressed with you.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

listen man I love hitler, but he'd have me killed I'm literally a faggot. It's a lost cause and I like whiskey hopefully the chinks can finish their artificially womb research but until then there ain't too much I can do for the white race

penileimplant ago

I didn't know you were gay. In that case, carry on.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I also hate other gays for driving up STD, and suicide statistics among other grievances, but what can you do

penileimplant ago

Same here. You wanna fuck sometime?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

kek, that kinda talk might get you anywhere when I'm plastered

Crensch ago

Sounds like you both are plastered, and I want in on it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

lad, lad, listen to me, what's stopping you? drink away. cheers mate~

Crensch ago


DasReich ago

Oh, there's @Empress. I thought she disappeared completely during the migration.

CPT_Ahab ago

Fuck you nigger

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

get raped to death you retarded faggot

CPT_Ahab ago

Only a fucking sand nigger would wish that, you're worse than a kike

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if only you knew how bad things really were

ShittyAdvice ago

Welcome aboard new goats. Reddit is a little dumber without you.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's funny how reddit gets worse all the time but the majority of the userbase will still stay

JesusEatsNiggerDicks ago

Because of all that is why i stayed. I always felt i was among gigantic faggots over there. Just a bunch of faggot LARP'ers...

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

redditors are pure cancer, that whole site is just a mass of tumors on the internet

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yeah I know that's why I was telling them to kill themselves hen they first got here

Reddit-is-kill ago

My night so far: drinking Jameson, lurking voat, ignoring my ex girlfriend, and smoking way too many cigarettes. In that order of importance.

Sorry voat, you're not first, jamo is #1

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I prefer maker's mark but whatever floats your goat man

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'd recommend killing yourself to resolve this issue

NuclearAmerican ago

Lets just say there were many views I wished to express on T_D that I could not for fear of being banned by faggy SJW mods. Your post sums up some of what I already know with some additional information, its nice to find a place that isn't run by literal faggot cucks.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

this place is cozy as heck, settle in and have fun~

basedbayboi ago

Glad to be here

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

glad to have you :)

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

lurking is always a good idea, but feel free to contribute too. if it's bad it'll just get a few downvoats and you can try to do better the next time

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're getting a taste of real freedom, the best thanks you can offer is contributing and being active especially if there's a niche interest or game that you looked at a subreddit for on the cancerous shithole you ought to work to bring that content and here

ratsmack ago

They deserve to be fucked by spez...

You could sell that video.

Whiskytango1 ago

Rule 34...

I'll watch out of morbid curiosity and try not to get aroused.

InternetUser ago


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they'd buy it too, the cucks that they are over there, I guarantee it

ALargeRock ago

I like the data in the race redpill and the 4 on global warming. Visualizing the gene diversity really illustrates the differences - same goes with the one on CO^2 being such a small part of all green house gasses. Good shit. Thanks for the info!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're welcome, this is a whole new chapter for you explore and discover and learn as much as you can~

WhineTasting ago

it might be the tequila talking, but we appreciate your embrace.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

relevant username

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it'd honestly where they belong, they'll get what they deserve.

Sosacms ago

"they'll get what they deserve"... That needs to be printed on t-shirts. The leftists will freak out like it's a threat when it's a warning of their own bullshit biting them in the ass.

Reddit will come for everyone eventually it will always need to feed on "wrong think".

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I bet they'll be surprised when we treat them even worse the next time they end up here after this

Elvichu ago

Do I need a new coat?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

a voat coat ;)

Mr_Toon ago

those are some good links, thanks for the data dump

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

your welcome, you lot have a lot of catching up to do. Honestly one of the main purposes of r/the_donald and it's mods was to prevent you from getting redpilled on a lot of key issues, these are a lot of them and the big one is the jews but pay attention and do your own research and I'm sure you'll learn the truth and the whole truth of our world and history as a species

Mr_Toon ago

i think the jews is probably one of the best kept secrets over there

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's really obvious if you know what to do, go to any prominent sub and just try asking innocent questions about the bad parts of jewish history or things you take issue with about israel, try to have a simple discussion about what they're doing in gaza, just suggest jews might be up to no good in politics and banking, watch how you get banned. as voltaire said To learn who rules over you merely find out who you're not aloud to criticize

Mr_Toon ago

exactly, the censorship is what keeps it a secret from the people that dont know any better

good thing that isnt the case here

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if there's even the slightest whif of censorship anywhere on here the userbase goes fuckin insane it's great I mean just look at how we treated v/thepedes it was a fucking merciless slaughter

Mr_Toon ago

at this point the corpse is just being paraded around with pictures of shlomo drawn all over it

AncientArachnid ago

I lol'ed at this, thank you.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yup, it's perfect. I really hope it inspires @ohsnapyougotserved to gas herself

TheLegend27 ago

Thanks :c

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're welcome~

Zodiac_Killer ago

Bullying is societies way of establishing boundaries. When I was kid, faggots would get the gay bullied out of them, or they would just kill themselves. That's natural selection. I have no sympathy for cowards who can't take the heat. We have an entire generation of coddled beta males that never endured the fires of bullying and it's churning out a whole bunch of pussies.

Pwning4Ever ago

One of the main reasons i believe as to why America is so fat is because we cant bully fat kids anymore

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

honestly kids these days aren't bullied or yelled at enough, my generation was treated too well and now they don't even know what their "genders" are

lucidjoe ago

Kids in school are also taught not to fight back if they're being bullied since they'll get in trouble too. We need more alpha males as teachers. Most of what is in the school system are social justice women and beta males.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

in general being a normal male human being is discouraged in our education system

Red_Autumn ago

Those people are fucking deranged

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

no worries friend, all the trash will probably die in the coming race war, till then we can have fun bullying them.

SexMachine ago

I've been here since the first r/conspiracy migration. Users there discovered that reddit was being gamed by corporate interests, and had proof that was pretty hard to deny. I thought they would be able to kill reddit with that, if the users knew that they were being manipulated by companies, and the hive mind was being guided, certainly they would abandon ship.

Nope. They know, and they chose to ignore it. They think their ideas are their own and not seeded by these organizations. Even after Correct The Record openly admitted to "fighting back" on reddit, the plebs didn't care.

It's like they want to be controlled.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

honestly I think it's better that reddit exists, /pol/ was right about that shithole all along; it's the containment site that lets literally the worse people voluntarily quarantine themselves so the rest of the internet doesn't have to put up with them

SexMachine ago

both major /pol/s are controlled too. don't let them fool you, just because you can say nigger and "gas the kikes", they'll ban you for breaking the narrative.

I was banned from 8/pol/ one time for making a thread about Trumps Jewish connections. Trump may have been the better choice for president, but he still kisses the Juden ring.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

8/pol/s mods are pretty cancerous an everyone knows it, but it's nobig surprise trump has jewish connections he's a new york business man for god's sake and I live pretty close to jew york I know how it is, the man ain't perfect and he sure ain't hitler but he's a step in the right direction given how assmad the kikes have been about everything. Even now israel is pissed about the administration giving information to russia and talking shit about their shitty holy wall being part ofthe west bank, the most troubling jewish connection trump has is that kushner lout but he simply doesn't ave enough power to stop the israel lobby from being revealed, you can tell by the media kvetching that things are really getting bad for them.

Bizz ago

Thanks for having us. It's nice seeing things I've never seen before without flipping through 500 posts.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

there's so so much that they hid from you on reddit. You honestly have no idea. You should always be skeptical but the stuff I just included is all cited so feel free to check if you think I'm full of shit. Keep an open mind and ask questions the truth fears no investigation

Bizz ago

I already agreed with everything you posted just haven't seen those info graphics before. Woulda saved me a lot of time back when I was starting to wake up.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

just trying to provide a good introduction there's a lot about, history, society, politics, and the jews that everyone, even me, could probably use more redpilling on but you guys are coming from reddit so you need to start somewhere

romainvicta ago

Read Culture of Critique if you haven't yet

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I just remembered Dr. Kevin Macdonald actually did an amaon v/identitarian recently

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I have the pdf, it's great

Planet_Terror ago

Thanks, I've saved this to look at the links later, it's too late to process much now.

Although, it probably is the whiskey talking! :-)

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they're good links, I keep what I find if it's good. Take your time and discover the truths that have been kept from you, there's a lot to learn and you shouldn't just take my word for anything it's best to do your own research.

TrueMaverick ago

Great sources, I would add to the Climate change ones this video: What They Haven't Told You about Climate Change

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

contribute lots and lots, voatneeds the content and activity. Honestly I really just want to draw lots of dinosaurs to post on here but I've been busy with work and school

TrueMaverick ago

I will, Lets Drop The Red-Pills

Planet_Terror ago

I always research but it's nice to have some new info to look at and learn from, so again thanks!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they should have citations too so it's easy for you to look into

Kleyno ago

It is the natural order of things. The Fags come and we polish them up and some become bright, shiny turds that can stay.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

some leave and some stay, it'll all sort itself out so long as we keep up the good work with how we treat new arrivals~

Astronautilus ago

Ooooh, I hadn't seen the ones on global warming yet. Noice.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

basically what you need to understand about that is even in just the last 2000 years there are two examples, the roman climate optimum and the medieval warm period, where the global tempature rose faster to a higher point than it is right now and I don't think they had a lot of cars or factories. Also there's no proven link between human activity and rising temperatures, there's a lot of speculation but the science is very much still out, and while everyone (97% of scientists not that consensus means anything in science) agrees that the climate is changing, what's causing it is a different matter. It's also important to remember that 10 years ago Al Gore and a bunch of dumb ass climate scientists were saying the polar ice caps would be gone by now and large parts of the US would be underwater and what do you know he's full of shit.

also based on recent studies I've seen on solar activity over the next two years or so the average global temperature is propabaly going to go down about half a degree, watch them try to explain that to fit into their narrative. sorry if that was a little rambly I'm pretty drunk

moissie ago

This whole climate change thing is a complete scam, and the way people get aggressive when you say--"the earth's climate has been changing for billions of years" is astounding. Our sun has and will have more to do with temp change on Earth than anything "on earth".

Do I think we use too much packaging? Yes. Do I think that polluting our water is a problem? Yes. Do I think it being 70 in February for one day is a sign the Earth is so damaged from less than 100 years of the industrial revolution that we're all gonna die guise? NO.

I'm old enough to remember when climate change was called global warming and then we had a bunch of cold summers, etc...and now, climate change. When the sun has a large fart, I can always guarantee that it will get warmer outside in the next couple of days. It's the sun and always has been.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

dude I'm really fucking hungover but I got the pollution shit covered if someone doesn't beat me too it, I'm in a compsci program right now and next I'm going into mechanical engineering I'll build robot dinosaurs that swim and walk around to munch up all the plastic and recycle it

silver_polish ago

Before it was called global warming, the big stink was about the coming ice age due to pollution. I remember people being genuinely concerned about glaciers making Canada and the northern USA uninhabitable, and then a decade later they're worried about no ice caps, and here we are now getting to listen to them screech about both.

VIP740 ago

I was propagandized with global cooling real early on in school. Our curriculum must have been outdated, because I'm not quite that old.

lurkwellmyfriends ago

"Climate change" - the holy grail of crony leftism.

The_AutisticShitlord ago

On the last jpg, there is a little spike at the end, is it a glitch or something really accelerate the warming? I don't think it correspond to the industrialization since the graph is in thousands of years.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nah that graph goes up to literally right now so it has to adjust for information and speculation currently happening, the temurature did jump a bit just recently but it's going to go down soon too the important part is that the current warm period is nothing special or unique even when just looking at the last 2000 years

The_AutisticShitlord ago

Yeah I already knew that part(nothing special), I was just curious about that last spike. I heard somewhere the solar activity could have been an explaination, but I wanted to know if there is another theory less popular.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's a complicated subject and alot of the data coming out is politically motivated but keep researching it, another important things is that the warming isn't necessarily bad or catastrophic, in fact a warmer planet with more CO2 is great for plants and agriculture

The_AutisticShitlord ago

Yeah, the ideal CO2 level for plants is around 1200ppm. There is a study out there where they have big co2 chimney outside measuring the difference between different level of CO2 on plants. Everytime the level of CO2 rise, the plants grow bigger, with bigger fiber(made of carbon, of course) and less space for water. So when the CO2 rise, the plants need less water. Plus, since most of the land is located on cold climate region of the planet, a hotter temperature would mean longer fertile season on a lot more cultivable surface. The arctic commercial route open the entire year, electricty bill, less death from cold temperature(the cold kill more people than the heat), etc. etc. etc.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yeah exactly it'd actually be great if canada and russia could do more agriculture. And a big misunderstanding that people have is that the rise in temperature will somehow be really bad for people living in deserts and places already hot but the temperature mostly changes closer to the poles and the average temp at the equator is usually static so it's pretty unfounded

The_AutisticShitlord ago

It's just an hypothesis, but the rise of sea level will bring more water surface, more evaporation(fact), more rain, more flooded land and maybe less deserts. Plus, plants need less water(fact). At 1200ppm the surface was mostly tropical, but it had other factor so it's not only because of the greenhouse gas. Time will tell! Since it's economically impossible to completly stop the man made CO2 for a long time. And... I'm a leaf so I would be fucking happy to see 365 days without snow in Canada before I die!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

ah good luck in your election and I'm always rooting for the quebec separatists, the beaver thread guy from 8/pol/ is also a leaf I'll post those threads sometime

The_AutisticShitlord ago

I'm from Quebec, however I'm not separatist(not since Lucien Bouchard left), because the separatist movement is socialist(and becoming pro immigration since Jean-Francois Lisée took the lead). GIve me a strong right wing separatist party and I may vote for them. For now I prefer a conservative party leading Canada and slowy uncucking Quebec while the federal party doesn't fuck us in the ass at the same time.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I don't know much about it myself, but here's the beaver thread on it.

rustysjohnson ago

I'm an immigrant, but not a leach. Here to contribute, not for gibs. It's a bit of culture shock - don't confuse a conservative with manners as snowflake with triggers. Thanks for having us. Take it easy on the sauce.

MaxEisenhardt ago

I just joined, and so far the major problem is what you mentioned. Voat seems great (the idea, like Trump), but it just seems like a lot of racism and hatred. I feel like overall, we are on the same team... But "conservatives" aren't truly welcome - only socialists? My first hour has been confusing.

Grifter42 ago

Racism is a buzz-word, my friend. Does the Media scream racist when a Black Pride rally is held?

We are being eradicated, slowly phased out for cheaper labor, and an unaware society of complacent cattle.

rustysjohnson ago

The "nigger, kike, jew" stuff is just venting from what I gather. They're doing it to make the point you are free from pc here. Perhaps a litmus test if free speach, When that disappear and PC culture takes over be wary. It crept up on us at some other site I won't mention. I'm not one to vent like that, so I just move on and not bitch about it. It's up to you if you want to participate.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i'm actually a nazi but lots of people here aren't

MrPim ago

Youre joining during the tail end of a migration, so Voat isnt exactly itself right now. its been a long 72 hrs. Lurk a bit. A lot of what you see isnt quite what it looks like. You see a lot of Rascism, that isnt. I know that sounds like bullshit. But it isnt.

Conservatives are very welcome here. We have v/traditionalwives (the real one) for example. Conservatives are a pertty large part of our base. But, thats sort of the point. Everyone is actually welcome here.

Voat is very political and almost antipolitical. Because even if we beleive in completely oposite things, we manage to coexist here. By verbally abusing each other for fun and desensitization.

This is hard to explain. Stick around for a bit after this whole migration ebbs. Youll see the real voat. Its exactly like this yet nothing like this at all.

Filthy_Khajiit ago

goddamnit you are a shitty drunken yoda

MrPim ago

Who's yoda?

Filthy_Khajiit ago


yo da ho

MrPim ago

Youre complementing me? Youre calling me drunk yoda? I guess the drunk part isnt so great. True, but not so great i guess.

Well, if i have now interpreted your words correctly, i thank you. Yoda, i am not

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you'll figure it out lad, technically everyone is welcome here but a lot of people definitely won't feel welcome if that makes any sense. Anyway if you disagree with people hear feel free to tell them why and argue for your position people might get a bit harsh but you won't get banned for anything you say

MaxEisenhardt ago

Just a lot of "nigger" and "faggot" happening, lol.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

that's called free speech ;) you might also notice a lot of "kike" and "retard" going on

MaxEisenhardt ago

True, and free speech is a good thing. But maybe we should lure the internet in by showing them all the great features such as a newly remodeled kitchen and new carpet before taking them downstairs to the Jew burning incinerator.

Grifter42 ago

Yes, but what if you want like-minded individuals, and to keep out the Jews?

Wouldn't that be the first thing you show them?

See, Jewish influence is incredibly overrepresented in terms of wealth and influence. It is the Rothschilds and their ilk. They control the IMF, cable TV, most major internet sites.

RedHatty ago

I was truly impressed by how the goats handle their (now my new) home. Reminded me of how I got the JWs to stay away permanently (I set up a black altar to Satan at my doorway, made sure to swing the door wide open when the Watchtower peddlers came by - never did get another visit)

Voopin__Voopin ago

That's pretty fucking smart, actually. Bonus points if you're not even a satanist.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nah this approach makes sure we weed out everyone who isn't a serious client the kike gasinator 6000000 is part of the deal, I mean just look at this recent fiasco all the shit ones mostly left and we got a good number of new users that stayed the system is working perfectly

Crensch ago

True, and free speech is a good thing. But maybe we should lure the internet in by showing them all the great features such as a newly remodeled kitchen and new carpet before taking them downstairs to the Jew burning incinerator.

No, we keep the faggots out by making our house entirely of ovens, lawns made of kike hipbones, and our trees decorated with Arkansas windchimes.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you'll integrate over time, welcome to voat :) also it might not hurt to lurk on the chans and chack out gnu.social too a bit, maybe even heard to the deepweb. honeslty you lot need to understand something: EVERYONE hates redditors. and I really mean everyone, outside of that site and even inside it too redditors are almost universally hated online. The sooner you get that cancer out of your system the better.

Pizzagatebelieveit ago

What should people coming from reddit stop doing?

14ReasonsWhy ago


Filthy_Khajiit ago

if you wanna fast-track it look at memes casting redditors in a negative light and spot the parallels in your behavior

also no circlejerking faggot

penileimplant ago

Nothing. We do whatever we want because we're bigger, stronger, and faster than they are.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

stop using imgur and never link directly to reddit is the most specific advice I can give, I could also tell you to stop acting like redditors but what that means exactly gets a little vague it gets into nuance with attitude and behavior but it's mostly stuff you'll pick up naturally over time don't worry. One thing you all could do that would help a lot is to delete your reddit account and completely stop going to that shithole altogether the less time you spend there the better it'll be for you.

Whiskytango1 ago

So ironically enough I didn't catch the T_D migration until after. I just created an account here after just feeling it was time to bail. Problem though, I don't know how to delete my reddit... does it have to be done on a PC? When I googled it I ended up with reddit posts that were bullshit on the subject. I don't even have electricity! Please point out a tutorial for us old luddites. Accurate news is really my main motive and I could give a fuck if I hear someone get called a nigger faggot as long as it's accurate information about the news... and possibly the they really are a nigger faggot

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i honestly don't remember how, it's been years since I was on that cancer

Whiskytango1 ago

Hmmm... I'll get her figured and post a tutorial when I get behind a real computer one of these days.

Victimless_Crime ago

Buck up Buttercups. Sticks and Stones.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

more like gas and ovens :3

psikoticsilver ago

God you're such scum. My grandmother died in WW2. The allies bombed the factory where she worked tending to the gas ovens, you piece of shit.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

she should've worked faster, way too many kikes survived the holohoax

MrLaw ago

Glad to be here.