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freedumbz ago

Inb4 "hitler lost".

Even in military defeat he struck a fatal wound for the plot to have the (((soviets))) take over the world.

I realize stormfront in general is shit and cancer, but this read is good.

Edit for grammar

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

anglin does a pretty good job, hitler might be dead but national socialism can rise again

QMX9wVrXqD ago

Nazis are a specific group at a specific time. Nationalism is not "literally Hitler" and Socialism is not "literally Hitler". "Hitler" just became a revisionist propoganda tool to scare anyone away from believing their own eyes.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Nazi refers to The National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei , abbreviated NSDAP). Nazi is english slang for Nationalsozialist

winter_attrition ago

Nazi isn't even that. Nazi is a derogatory term used traditionally by Jewish communists, It didn't even originally apply to national socialists. The term "nazi" was around long before Hitler ever had his ideas of National Socialism. It was a slur used for many different reasons before that period to slander people and when the NSDAP gained traction in Germany the jewish communists started using that directed at them. example of previous use in communist agenda during the (((Russian))) Revolution "The Women Question, the idea that women were seen as inferior and given strict social rules and roles, was a popular topic in Russia during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Russians generally viewed women as backward or superstitious, and not to be trusted politically, and even some Marxists referred to women workers as the “most backward stratum of the proletariat” and accused them of being unable to develop a revolutionary consciousness without party guidance.[10][11] Many wrote and theorized on the issue, but many Russians associated the issue mainly with 'feminazis' which was a loose term which described eratic women. Ironic because the term was first used here before the outbreak of Hitler's WW2"

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the symbolic 6 million number as well as the term holocaust were also used by jews pre-WW2