the_curmudgeon ago

Yeesh... Talk about an "inconvenient truth"

FractalFox ago

David Reimer is proof that parents who force alt!gender roles on their kids need to go to fucking jail for child abuse.

StrayedStrayed ago

The more you take the redpill, the easier it becomes. It's a hard swallow at first, but once you realize the truth, you don't ever want to go back.

StrayedStrayed ago

Yup, I was getting tired of digging through a million memes to get to the actual information as well.

DurableUtensil ago

Holy shit this x1000. I came here during the exodus and I dont know if I can go back. Not to mention the rest of voat isn't a cuckoo extravaganza, I can actually use the rest of this site. I just hope the niggerfaggots here won't be too hazing, I dont know if I can literally even one more time.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'm making another thread now, this one might be a bit hard to swallow though it's a big pill

RatmanThomas ago

/u/Spez is here but has no power.

phukyewspez ago

I hope he finds me.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

honestly i'd rather leave kids outta politics they can learn when they're older

altro87 ago

I can't get enough of you man! Feed me!!!! More!!!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i will when i get home from work

DoctorK ago

Coming to voat and forsaking shittit was clearly the best choice of my life.

And these REAL red pills are what will keep me here.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

this is the truth, no more and no less

ForWhiteSake ago

These are good redpills.

So why are you donald stooges so fucking thrilled to have your idol making deals with the Islamic empire itself?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

because the kikes are assmad he went to see the muds before visiting them

DollaDollaBills ago

I thought this was all common sense.

MAGABoomer ago

Are you a fucking ... oh wait you are.... everyone has obstacles in their life. I think anyone could agree that having to overcome the obstacles presented by having one leg may be less hazardous than overcoming the obstacle of having a step parent that beats the shit out of you every day or a mom that has to work three jobs... or a father that died... but the fact is each person is an island to their own obstacles. A kid in a single parent family may think it's the worst... and the kid with one leg may also think it's the worst. There's always something worse than what your own personal drama is. Philosophy 101.

Each person views their own obstacles through the mirror of their own experience. We're here to have them... experiences. Perfect life not guaranteed upon entry. Deal with it.

Redditsdead ago

You are always worse.

Conde_Nast ago

I stopped making posts on T_D the eve of the election when I was spreading the Podesta / Madalaine McCann connection and the mods were deleting every single topic on that issue.

Controlled opposition.

MillstoneNecklace ago

nuclear family

The nuclear family is itself a construct in that came about in the 1950's as a way to atomize the family as a whole in order to further destroy that nuclear family. It used to be normal and natural for the mother and father to raise their kids with grandparents/aunts/uncles as a close family unit.

So it used to be the whole fam damnly raising the kids as a support network and then that was destroyed to replace it with the "nuclear family", which made it easy to wipe out the married family.

the_curmudgeon ago

It's interesting that they were able to pull that off because one (or both) grandparents raising kids seems like an "everybody wins" way for Women to have Careers.

Of course women working makes a good case for state-run day care, universal preschool, and mandatory kindergarten. Job security for all those teachers, a ready means of indoctrination for the kids, and one more reason to collect taxes from the rest of us. A dream come true.

MillstoneNecklace ago

Yeah, when women work outside the home instead of raising their kids, no one wins. No job in the world is more important than raising the next generation of human beings.

Drop_Nukes_On_Israel ago

You're right, the generational family is completely natural. The standard suburban nuclear family home is not the ideal. Granted, nuclear families are a lot better than what we have now with broken families living in apartment complexes, but generational families are definitely something to work towards once we get back to the nuclear family stage.

Kek_is_with_you ago

Ever look at the hoards of Somali swine in Minnesota? They all look inbred for the 5th time. Mohammed raping goat fucking niggers

MAGABoomer ago

Everyone has obstacles to face in life be it one parent or one leg. In a perfect world no ones father would ever die at war and every marriage would be a safe happy one. I just read an article about a young xian gal attending a xian college who got knocked up... and chose to have her baby and "confessed her sin" in front of the entire school and has been ostracized. Seriously xians are some fucked UP folks just as any religitard. They should be applauding her decision to keep the child and accepting her confession according to Christ who said "let he that is without sin cast the first stone." Lol instead they cast her out. Fucktards. She should have had an abortion then asked for forgiveness between her and her god as in that space no sin is unforgivable except denial of the Holy Spirit.

Religitards gonna tard.

silver_polish ago

Happens every time there's a migration.

Silex ago

Hm.. Maybe the info out there is skewed to further the zionist agenda, heh..... But we also gotta to take into consideration this: Even though the pushed migration crisis (aka Soros destabilization plan using mostly muslims>>> Protocol of Elders of Zion) is a real thing with all of its damage on different fronts, I must say that each time the media and the people are dropping these events (paris, ottawa, etc...) to take into consideration for the ordeal, it seems like it doesn't even consider them as being hoaxes too, as researched and demonstrated by many people. Many videos on YT narrow down everything to consider, and many things are rather obvious. This was israel's and deepstate's involvement with Mossad and other agencies (as well as crisis management firms) to use popular anger to legitimize strikes where they were needed. #GrandIsrael #Zionism #CreatingHistory #Mossad #MI6 #RCMP #CIA

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'm one of those minority unicorns like sheriff david clarke, I can see the problems and facts about my demographic and they make me angry but just like that man the problems are inherent and there's probably not much I can do to fix it.

the key difference between me and a based faggot you might find over on r/the_donald is I'll straight up argue that people should not accept gay people.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yup, that kike John Money literally ran a human experiment, that failed, and drove two boys to suicide but people today believe his ridiculous unproven theory about "gender" namely that it exists at all.

silver_polish ago

A whole bottle of redpills. I'll have to pass these around, thank you for the easily digested infographics.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

make sure you do.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago


TrumpaSoros_Rex ago

Red pill hard-on badunkabump

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I mean I have clinical depression and anxiety disorder, and I'm certainly an alcoholic. I don't do drugs or have any STDs, but I kinda prove a lot of those statistics about gays true.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

at least what I do isn't rape, but when you need to compare yourself to a literal faggot to feel good about your degeneracy maybe it's time to rethink your life?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're only politically correct, I'm actually right about these things they are cited facts, you can't argue with observable reality

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's funny to me that liberals make fun of rednecks for being inbred but rural Tennessee can only dream of the rate of cousin fucking tat happens in the places they want to accept "refugees" from

Petittriscuit ago


library_of_stupid ago

You forgot the most important one of all. There's a Jewish finger in every one of those pies.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

easy there jethro, that's the final redpill and it eventually deserves it's own post probably tonight or tomorrow I'll make a post about (((them))) and the NWO

WyattMale ago

But this is voat. I'm pretty sure we're contractually obligated to name you a kike-shill for failing to name the jew...

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

paitence is a virtue lad and also i have a job

library_of_stupid ago

You're the MVP.

LazarusLong ago

Couldn't give a shit about having a nuclear family and brains can develop contrary to chromosomal sex.

This is due to abnormal neonatal hormonal levels or defects in a fetus's hormone receptors.

A male human being does not always have a "male brain," though aberrations are incredibly rare and I'd personally guess a large number of current trannies don't have this condition.

Rest seems pretty spot on though.

silver_polish ago

A male human being does not always have a "male brain,"

Obviously, look at all the numale morons stumbling around these days.

Physically, however, the brain is still a male brain. There are distinct differences between the brains of either sex, physical differences.

LazarusLong ago

I mean the brain physically develops as that of the opposite sex under these conditions.

There are people with phenotypically male bodies and physically/structurally feminized, or partially feminized brains.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nope the only study I've ever seen showing a male can have a female brain was one single study that showed that AFTER hormone therapy the male brain developed more grey matter similar to a female brain, this study failed peer review as it's results couldn't be replicatied, if you have a citation for "A male human being does not always have a "male brain,"" I'd like to see it

LazarusLong ago

The Zhou and Kruijver studies come to mind as the most often cited.

Granted, there are also studies that challenge how reliable of an indicator the BSTc is for identifying degree of feminization/masculination of the brain.

There are studies that also demonstrate similar patterns in other sex differentiated areas of the brain.

Regardless, it's pretty well established that prenatal hormone levels, specifically in the second half of the pregnancy, are responsible for sexual brain differentiation.

Also that aberrations in this process are the most likely cause for homosexuality, transsexuality, and sex atypical traits in general.

There are even labs replicating this process in rats to produce "transgender" test subjects.

Again, it's hard to say how many people claiming to be trans actually developed under these conditions, as many of the brain structure analysis can only be done on a cadaver, but it certainly has been demonstrated.

XXSwagmaster420 ago

Yeah but that's not what the OP on this thread was talking about.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I did mention immigration but in general it's important to understand that the point and purpose of r/the_donald in the present is to keep you lot from putting all the pieces together and asking certain questions, a lot of redpills got through but the mods, admins, and users work very hard to scare you away from going too far with racism or touching real antisemitism. The whole idea is to apply social pressure and censorship to get you guys to bluepill yourselves. I'm just trying to lay a foundation with these posts before we discuss in detail (((who))) is behind all of this

MaxEisenhardt ago

Cool post. Also, I'm quickly realizing a bunch of little bitches with daddy and mommy issues troll here. They can't act like this on their pussy forums, so they come here... Seems like they secretly want to join the club.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they'll secretly have to, a lot of redpills ring too true to real life and they'll remember some of the "racist conspiracy theories" they hear in places like this, eventually they'll give up on trolling us and try to go back to reddit or whatever but something will be wrong, they'll notice things we said happening, the lies the censorship it'll bother them but if they mention it in the slightest their peers will attack them at which point they'll have no choice but to come here and be nazis

KingofKong ago

Thanks for telling us you're hungover. Wow. Such edge.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you think I'm just being edgy but these are cited facts, this isn't racism it's just reality

KingofKong ago

I wasn't calling your facts edgy. I was calling your post title edgy lol. Facts aren't edgy. They're just facts.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I wasn't trying to make it edgy, I just like whiskey man

KingofKong ago

I'm just busting on those big hairy balls of yours.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i shave regularly

XXSwagmaster420 ago

The only thing there I haven't seen r/The_Donald be pretty consistently good about is maybe the nuclear family one, everything else they seem to know. Where have you seen otherwise?

XXSwagmaster420 ago

I thought this kind of stuff was low enough on the redpill meter that even r/The_Donald would know it already?

silver_polish ago

I tried posting a lot of this sort of stuff there, it got deleted every time.

As far as the race issues go, especially anything on the importance of homogeneous ethnicity in a given country, I caught a lot of flak from the users and my posts were eventually deleted.

The sourced pro-hetero discussion got me banned, and posts that are critical of gays/lesbians get downvoted to oblivion and sometimes deleted.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

just making sure to cover our bases before we get to the jews and the NWO

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yeah, and? you beat, rape, and cannibalize little girls.

pork_slayer ago

Mother fucker what kind of backwards idiot thinks you gotta be gay to be a fucking faggot?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you really ought to kill yourself, I sincerely mean it. It's great adive for you take it or leave it. also

eongoat ago

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we need to get them up to speed, eventually I'm going to get into the jews and the NWO

phukyewspez ago

You are truly a vast pit of red pill knowledge. I came over in the wave. Not a refugee but an assimilated convert. Ive been stuck reading your threads for hours and my mind is open. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to yer next drop. Wouldnt have known half the shit ive learned today if i were still on that cucked faggit.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i'll be home from work in a few hours, look forward to it

silver_polish ago

If you'd like to work them into your posts as well, The Greatest Story Never Told and The Ultimate Redpill are great watches, although rather long. It's a deep topic as I'm sure you're aware.

All Wars Are Bankers' Wars is also an outstanding video that I try to spread around whenever I can.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yup I'll get to it, everyone really needs to sit down and watch the greatest story never told at least once

silver_polish ago

I agree! It really opened my eyes. At many points during watching it, I paused and decided to look quotes/events up as I'd never heard of them before and simply didn't believe it.

Turns out that history as taught in public, discussed in public, and understood by the public in general is extremely slanted. It ties in with all the rest...

silver_polish ago

The Nazis killed Jewish people in order to manufacture products from their remains, including using body fat to manufacture soap and tattooed skin to make lampshades.

Who the fuck would even begin to believe such bullshit? Just from a practical standpoint alone, that would be like raising lions for meat.

Is the whole quiz like this...?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

nope give it a chance, that's more commonly believed than you might think unfortunately

MajorGrumbles ago

Familiar with some NWO talk but how do Zionist Jews tie into it?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'll have a post about it later, keep an eye out for it~

3ducks0stones ago

Yinon plan nigger (Redpilling intensitfys)

ConcernedTxCitizen ago

Oh please, indoctrinate me. I need someone to tell me what to think.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

all of this is cited you faggot, if you don't believe me do your own research. The truth fears no investigation

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

kill yourself you nigger faggot

ConcernedTxCitizen ago

How insightful. Surely people should listen to anything you say.

silver_polish ago

Yes, they should.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if they don't believe me most of these include sources and numbers they could check

MaxEisenhardt ago

I like how you bitch about someone else's lack of insightfulness while not being insightful.

ConcernedTxCitizen ago

Was my comment not? Here we are talking about it.

MaxEisenhardt ago

For starters, I'm not sure you understand what that word means. Furthermore, using your logic, since you replied to his post - he must have been truly insightful... Since "here we are talking about it."

ConcernedTxCitizen ago

What else?

MaxEisenhardt ago

What else? I clearly demonstrated your flawed logic which you have now admitted. So, there's nothing else. You lost.

ConcernedTxCitizen ago

What did I lose?

MaxEisenhardt ago

Apparently nothing, take care.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the argument

ConcernedTxCitizen ago

Fall further into your pit of despair. The righteous will inherit the new world to come.

chris ago

Fuck off back to Reddit you shill fuck

ConcernedTxCitizen ago

Tell me more. What else should I do?

chris ago

Castrate yourself

ConcernedTxCitizen ago

That's a beautiful image. I will paint a peice inspired by your wise words.

chris ago

Whatever ends with you being castrated is fine by me.

ConcernedTxCitizen ago

Quite an odd obsession you have.

chris ago

It's a new hobby but it's a really fulfilling one.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

commit suicide

crankypants15 ago

What about all the videos of Muslims saying they will take over the US and use the "weak liberal leaders" to do it? That would be a good video.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

feel free to post them yourself, the mods and admins won't stop you from doing so here

BigFatDaddy ago

You do good work, sir.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

doing my best~

FuckYouReddit- ago

OMG your facts are #Literally Racist.....

Conde_Nast ago

We need to have these types of infographs ready when the next influx comes. I have a feeling its going to come really soon because T_D mods are even more corrupt now then before.

TrumpTrainConductor_ ago

Yeah, it is useful to keep these things in a Wiki, or a Pinned Post or whatever, because so many people think its not possible that these are facts - because we've all been massively-blue-pilled by the Indoctrination systems across America - Education, Media, Entertainment.

Even we 'Pedes who think we are red pilled to the fullest - there are plenty of other Red PIlls that we don't even know exists, potentially. Many of us were raised on PC culture - if you were born in the mid-80s or after, you were raised on PC culture, and therefore, Red Pills may choke you.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

this kinda shit is mostly useless on the majority of them, they're so scared of wrong think that calling them niggerfaggots is functionally the same as trying to actually redpill them, but feel free to try

walls_winning_whisky ago

I think I love this place.

Anumber ago

What a great username

FuckYouReddit- ago

T'was my last username on Wreckit.

Anumber ago

understandable -

AOU ago

That 2yo account!

auto_turret ago

Respect your elders!

AOU ago

Lord Beetus!

auto_turret ago

Yeah I bet you miss me, niggerfaggot! Cheers!

AOU ago

You bet I did!

How's your broom and mother in law?

auto_turret ago

Well we can't get the shaft to back out, as hard as we try.. It appears that she'll live this way from now on. Such a shame.

AOU ago

Duct tape is your friend.

auto_turret ago

That really helped with the banshee-like screeching and arm-flailing. I can now go on shitposting in serene silent comfort. Thanks brother!

AOU ago

Neoprene-free ones don't cover the stench.

Astronautilus ago


MAGABoomer ago

Easy now... most of what you claim is valid but come on... single parents through death or any other means is not an automatic death sentence for kids. It's not single parents at all it's the lack of parenting and the complete and total lack of parenting in the black community and the fact our government pays these hos to stay poor and make ghetto rats with multiple fathers. THATS a problem. Also if you're going to have a kid at least one parent needs to stay home and actually raise it. Warehousing our young so parents can "career" is BEYOND STUPID!

Anonymous_User_69 ago

Single parenting is shit for kids period.

MAGABoomer ago

So what... is a widow or widower now advised to rush out and find a new spouse? Abused spouses forced to stay in abusive situations? Statistics show that children are safer in single parent families than in step families. Many predators groom women for marriage just for access to their kids.

Ideal is not real never has been never will be. Life happens. What we need to do is stop paying hood rats to reproduce. That would be nice.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

there are always going to be a few exceptions but they don't disprove the rule. also single fathers are better than single mothers, they're both better than gay parents which are better than lesbian or bisexual parents, a lot of people will argue these details but the broader point is that everything but one mom and one dad is sub-optimal for the children

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I never said it was a death sentance, don't put fucking words in my mouth. What I said is that compared to having one mom and one dad everything else is statistically shown to be worse for the children. The original nuclear family is what is best for the kids, just that.

MAGABoomer ago

There is a vast ocean between ideal and real.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yeah and we always should be working toward ideals

MAGABoomer ago

Someone has read Ayn Rand... endless writing about ideals... none of which she was able to actually manifest in her own life. Ideals are something to shoot for... most people don't go into marriage EXPECTING to get divorced. In fact they go into it with the idealistic view of how it's going to be... and discover real life is far from ideal.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we must never give up, and always fight for ideals. There's more to valor than fighting battles you know you can win or running away from unfavorable odds, someone has to fight the losing battles, someone needs to believe in the pipe dreams.

MAGABoomer ago

Yes... society needs its Don Quixotes... but existing with what is versus what we'd like it to be... that's the realist. Fantasy gets people into trouble.. instead of looking ahead at what a marriage ultimately means we train young girls to dream of that moment.. the attention all in them, the white dress and prince at the end of the aisle... so they seek the moment versus examine the entire experience from all points possible. It's human nature I guess... to seek rainbows and unicorns... and not smell the rainbow fairy farts.

QMX9wVrXqD ago

Also, those people conflate gender with sexual preference.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they conflate a lot of things, the whole slippery slope shit came true so badly, people are pushing for acceptance of pedophiles, furries, and incest among other shit now that interracial marriage, gays, and trannies are being accepted

IJustDontGetItNow ago

Bingo!! The slippery slope DOES exist. Look at the "pedosexual" movement.

Using the same arguments, same reasons​ to justify their deviant behavior.

silver_polish ago

The slippery slope DOES exist. Look at the "pedosexual" movement.

That's been the biggest help in redpilling a ton of people, for me at least. They can accept homosexuals, to an extent. They can overlook transsexuals, to an extent. But child rapists? That's the exact warning flag many of us discussed about the normalization of homosexuals, and now the curtain is drawn aside and it's the next step being pushed.

IJustDontGetItNow ago

Bear in mind that during the first "gay rights" rallies, NAMBLA was prominent during these rallies.

The gay community told them to back off then. Wonder if they will do the same again now?

silver_polish ago

Excellent point, and that's an important question to ask.

Nowadays, to be as inclusive as possible, I bet they'd be more likely to welcome NAMBLA with open arms.

IJustDontGetItNow ago

They would look like hypocrites if they didn't include NAMBLA now.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

hell I mean just look at gay people today it's disgusting, the gay pride parades way back when were a few guys in suits asking for nothing more than the right to exist and nowadays stuff like that one guy being hospitalized for trying to fit an entire fire hydrant up his ass are common place, the hell happened to "what we do in the privacy of our home"?

IJustDontGetItNow ago

It's never been about the "privacy of our home".

It's been about indoctrination and grooming the youth to see this as "normal".

Even in college in the mid 90s I was seeing this, as the LGBTOMGWTFBBQ group on campus was demanding gay & lesbian studies be made part of the core curriculum.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

that's a big part of being redpilled on the whole alphabet soup nonsense, altogether LGBT etc. people make up about 5% of the population they differ from the normal they are by definition literally abnormal. They're technically (semantically) not unnatural because this is stuff that occurs in nature but anyone trying to "normalize LGBT people" is not on our side and should never be trusted

silver_polish ago

altogether LGBT etc. people make up about 5% of the population

That much? I expected it to be lower by a couple of percent. Perhaps reporting methods changed, but a bump of two percent in only a few years is hard to believe.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's hard to get an exact number but apparently something like 1/4 of millennials identify as some sort of LGBT and most of them it's just a phase they'll grow out of which is probably driving up the current numbers

silver_polish ago

That makes sense. I sincerely hope they do outgrow it.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

silver_polish ago

Praise be! She rejoined the human race.