18904140? ago

Evidence Seth Rich was behind the DNC email leak?

Even criminals know that the Democrat Party is covering something up.

Internet hacker and real-life Bond villain Kim Dotcom says he has evidence that Seth Rich was behind the DNC email leak. In exchange for public testimony before the Senate, he’s demanded safe passage from New Zealand to the United States and back, given that he’s a wanted criminal in the U.S.



18899584? ago

Yeah....Ok. Arrests....never heard that one before. kek

18898880? ago

Comment with no source or proof. Come on, you can do better.

18898745? ago

Its all out war in washington, exspec "The Storm Is Upon Us" tweet soon. Gear up bitches its go time. Hooorayyy.

18897315? ago

2 15 15 13 !!!!

18897274? ago

its already PROVEN. there is NO WAY deep state traitors can blame it on russian hackers. the metadata PROVES that the DNC data was downloaded to a device. NOT transferred over internet. the embedded data show high transfer speeds that can ONLY be done to a device locally direct. BOOOOM. There is NO way anyone can deny.

Wasn't it Pedodesta who tweeted they were going to make an example out of someone just after that?

18898567? ago

Podesta emailed about making an example way before... feb 22 2015 to be exact. 1.5 year gap between the email and the download, not sure they are related.

18899234? ago

thanks for correction. they might have known SR was a threat for awhile. Im sure SR made his discontent of the DNC cheating known.

18905735? ago

I think Podesta was referencing Braverman

18896277? ago

You have not yet seen the scope memo.

18896149? ago

This is a wonderful thread today! Love the comments! Logged on just to upvote all you glorious faggots. It's getting exciting!

18896043? ago

So there he is again Herr Mueller resurfaces on National TV still out on the loose causing more and more damage to our republic. When in reality this douche bag of a traitor Herr Mueler should be swinging from the gallows.

Qanon - the biggest deep state psyop nothing burger in U.S. history.


18895372? ago

Told you to trust mueller / sessions. now yall look like fools.

18897515? ago

When did Q say to trust Mueller? Drop# please....I'll wait.

18895276? ago


18894374? ago

Just watched Mueller's press conference, and what it amounted to was "We can't prove Trump was dirty, but he probably was, and Boris and Natasha were helping him screw Hillary".

This lays the groundwork for disputing the results of the 2020 elections if Trump wins, which is very likely at this point. They are terrified of another 4 years of Trump, they realize it's almost inevitable, so they're already looking at ways to jam him up.

18894159? ago

This is the original poster, Early June the Hammer will fall. It involves SR.

18893688? ago

Saying Trump committed obstruction of justice by firing Comey is like saying you committed obstruction of education by changing your child's school.

18893435? ago

Remember mueller and his team still have to testify under oath to the federal judge that Barr appointed to investigate the investigators and everything fisa. In the meantime the Dems will up the impeachment narrative that will end the party when the judge announces his findings. I believe the deep state is unaware they are marching to POTUS band not theirs!

18893376? ago

Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein announced the charges at a midday news conference. Mueller, as has been his practice, did not attend the announcement. Court records show that a grand jury that Mueller has been using returned an indictment Friday morning. The suspects “covertly monitored the computers, implanted hundreds of files containing malicious computer code, and stole emails and other documents,” Rosenstein said. “The goal of the conspirators was to have an impact on the election. What impact they may have had . . . is a matter of speculation; that’s not our responsibility.”

18893358? ago

Will believe it when I see it, a lot here are recently awoken and haven't gone through the decades of it's going to happen soon with nothing ever happening.

18892826? ago

Most of us here know or believe that Seth Rich hacked into the DNC server and forwarded the thumb drive to Wikileaks. Poesta's emails were hacked by ??? with John himself giving up his PW. But, most of us here are getting sick and tired of nothing happening with arrests. NOTHING is happening behind the scenes and NO special deals are being given out to the criminals who turn on others. There will be no justice in this Country. Sorry, but it's over and we the people have lost.

18892474? ago

Three years of no arrests... keep dreaming.

18894971? ago


18892461? ago

He looked agitated and scared. I can detect a certain trembling in his voice. Seems to me he is coerced to read from this little slip of paper. Much is hidden from this façade, but we can all guess what that is. Kek!!!

18894916? ago

Yep, Mueller was chosen because the deep state trust him. We know he is dirty rotten and corrupt! We are still trying to figure out who decided to put Mueller in this role. Was the most corrupt man chosen so a reverse sting could be done?

18897575? ago

RR appointed him.

18905741? ago

exactly. didn't Q say something along the lines of, "if Mueller is dirty, then RR is dirty, and vice versa"?

18906182? ago

Yep. RR is a known swamp weasel.

18893643? ago

Scared, in fear of what is coming to the bad actors
There are MIA bad actors
Arrests have happened
Executions have happening
In progress
Mule Head's voice confirmed swamp draining is WELL UNDERWAY
How many are on SHORT leashes ???

18893216? ago

Yes, my thoughts exactly, thank you.

18892169? ago

You are absolutely correct Patriot! Seth Rich!

18892161? ago

Blue twitter is in meltdown mode.

18892032? ago

Anyone who has taken the time to watch Bill Binney knows the DNC server was accessed directly. Download speeds are 4 times faster than what a remote hack (even from data center to data center) are capable of producing. Speeds do match up with a thumb drive - likely done by Seth Rich - for which he was killed.


18892129? ago

Nonsense. You CANNOT tell anything about the method of file extraction by examining the metadata of files that were posted live sometime AFTER they were extracted.

If the metadata speeds indicate copying to a thumb drive, you have NO WAY OF KNOWING when that occurred. It could have happened any time after extraction and this is assuming there was only single copy of the extracted files.

18960553? ago

Still going with Binney over your SCREAMING.

18977485? ago

Binney agrees with what I said, he just tries to bury that information.

18905751? ago

you can, by comparing creation timestamps of files (which is considered metadata).

18916323? ago

If the file creation timestamp says 5/30/2019, you cannot say this files were taken from the DNC on 5/30/2019.

You only know that they were created on this storage device on 5/30/2019 IF the computer's time is accurate.

But you have no way of knowing if this is the 100th copy of the files since they were taken from the DNC. You have no information about chain of possession.

18894708? ago

i didn't think scared faggots actually browsed this board until i read this comment

18893838? ago

nonsense faggot

18893232? ago

You are FUCKING WRONG moron. The time it takes to transfer files reveals the speed of data transfer. Now go suck some more shill cock.

18898496? ago

What he is saying is that the files could've been downloaded remotely and then copied again onto a thumb drive.

18893174? ago

LIAR! I hold patents in storage technology and the meta data DOES show various information which can determine virtually all aspect about the data and it's access. Much depends on the underlying files systems, but generally they all do the same thing but in different ways. Was it a "thumb drive" - don't know. Was it LOCAL STORAGE yes (based on Binney - who knows a lot more than you.)

18894730? ago

You completely miss the point. You have no idea at all if the LOCAL STORAGE occurred at the point of extraction or later, like when the hackers gave it to the political folks or the translators. Saying it's local storage tells us zero about how the files were taken from DNC network

18897612? ago

You're missing the point. You think Bill Binney would "miss" a fact like using timestamps that are not relevant to the initial data transfer from internal (server) to external storage? You have some proof that Binney did not analyze the proper meta data? If that were the case he would have been laughed off the internet.

18900308? ago

You think Bill Binney would "miss" a fact like using timestamps that are not relevant to the initial data transfer from internal (server) to external storage?

NO. I have Bill Binney saying EXACTLY what I said.

And you are making a GIANT ASSUMPTION not in evidence. You are assuming the timestamps show the transfer from the DNC/internal servers (it wasn't a single server, but well over a hundred) to external storage. The timestamps tell us nothing about the DNC/internal servers because we don't know how many steps those files took between the DNC servers and the final storage medium they were on before uploading. You don't know if they passed around zero times or 100 times. You don't know if they were copied along the way. The final metadata cannot tell you anything about the extraction method, because you have no way of knowing what happened after they were extracted from the DNC/internal servers.

So Bill Binney says this

This shows that the data had been transferred to an external storage device, such as a thumb drive, before WikiLeaks posted them. https://consortiumnews.com/2019/03/13/vips-muellers-forensics-free-findings/

Again that tells us NOTHING about how the files were extracted. Everything else is a smokescreen. In fact, Binney goes on to say this

The forensics we examined shed no direct light on who may have been behind the leak.

That sentence completely destroys their argument. And notice they deceptively call it a leak.....which their ANALYSIS CAN NOT SAY IT WAS OR WAS NOT. We both recognize it's really the initial data transfer from internal (server) to external storage.

And they follow that sentence that destroys their conclusions by blowing a lot of smoke

The only thing we know for sure is that the person had to have direct access to the DNC computers or servers in order to copy the emails

Yeah, somebody copied the emails off the DNC servers and the data had been transferred to an external storage device, such as a thumb drive, before WikiLeaks posted them. The only thing we know to be true from Binney's analysis.

Mueller's indictment goes into much, much more detail. Two different units of Russian military intelligence (GRU) were involved in the hack and leaking of the material. The GRU gained access to the DNC, by first spearphishing the DCCC. They were able to gain DCCC credentials and they used to send emails to the DNC that contained the X-agent malware that had been customized in such a way that security researchers from several cybersecurity companies had identified as a Russian government hacking team. This malware allowed them to gain control of the DNC network. They then used a second malware X-Tunnel to extract the files from the DNC network to two server in the US they had rented. The indictment of the GRU teams is filled with details of how it worked. https://www.justice.gov/file/1080281/download

And Binney is not infallible, he fell for the Adam Carter/forensicator hoax. It's far down in this story. https://www.computerweekly.com/news/252445769/Briton-ran-pro-Kremlin-disinformation-campaign-that-helped-Trump-deny-Russian-links

18897480? ago

It DOES tell that they were NOT transferred via the internet.

18900322? ago

it only says that about the last transfer. it tells you nothing about how many transfers or copies occurred.

18892516? ago

Depends on what metadata you have.

18892374? ago

Of course you can see WHEN, assuming the computer itself had the correct time set.

The metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision: On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC’s server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second.

18894776? ago

You can only see the WHEN of the last movement of the files. It tells you nothing about if there were previous movements or multiple copies made.

It's scientifically invalid.

18899739? ago

date might match up with exfiltration, or something

18900378? ago

how do you determine when the exfiltration occurred? You can't.

Not from the metadata

18893198? ago

The speed of the transfer does not depend on the date. It's relative. The speed is the speed despite the date.

18893972? ago

Correct. However, you can calculate the speed based on the written/modified dates. Example: If the first file was created/updated at 08:25:16 and the last file was at 08:25:18, you can tell the transfer took about 2 seconds. This is how they calculate the transfer rate.

18892015? ago

I actually really love the shill comments, I really do, because if they are so convinced nothing will happen then so do their stupid ass trash heroes. Imagine knowing youre being paid by pedophiles and devil worshippers yet here you are, shit posting for them shekels. Who organically joins a group that is counter to their beliefs and constantly shit posts? No one, that's who. Who amongst the Q crowd frequents, hell, pick any left wing garbage site, just to constantly bash their people? No one. Sure we'll send meme's or lol at them when they cross our feed, but who the hell camps out in a left wing social media platform to bad mouth libtards all day. No one. It's not organic, it's not real, paid for shills.

18903088? ago

It is a gas! When you read some of the shill rants, and their "doctrines" of their little realities you can't contain laughter. I hate to think that anyone would actually pay for their services though. Must be sad to know you have to go and harass people on a site because there is none that support your twisted views. Maybe we should be taxed in order for them to have their own so they can feel relevant and have some measure of self esteem.

18902180? ago

I actually derived quite a bit of joy from fucking with libtards, brain damaged trannies, npcs etc. on twitter for a while till I got my other, other, other account banned. Just sayin' it's kind of fun.

18903900? ago

Yep, me too!

That's why I posted these links to piss them off last night. And it worked a treat. Triggered Shill Fuckwits... Bwahahaha lol!



18894077? ago

They are here because their subs are boring and they're trapped in their little cages with 3-4 persistently online. I think it's Hillaryous...we are their whole life.

18898172? ago

LOL NO, hardly Gomer! As always, you morons greatly exaggerate your importance! HILARIOUS! You mean nothing but a source of COMEDY, I come here and post because you imbeciles are so delusional and removed from reality THAT'S IT'S FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who needs to be paid to laugh at IDIOTS!!!!???? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18900339? ago

ahem...Hillaryous is the term du jour.

18894068? ago

I don't even frequent sites that are left wing, even social media other than this. I pray for them to see the light. It's not going to happen by going to their safe spaces and shitting where they eat

18894013? ago

It would be like watching hours and hours of CNN only so you can yell at the TV... Makes no logical sense.

18899893? ago


18893576? ago

The people they work for know full well what may come and the risks or consequences therein. That is why the shills are engaging in psychological warfare, doing everything they can to change public perception so that when things do come out, the people on the good side get friction from the unsuspecting public. They aren’t stupid, they aren’t ignorant. They are wholly aware.

18897389? ago

But they are doomed to fail.

18896244? ago

yes and no. They have a playbook they've used for the past 50 years. I'm old enough to remember them using this same playbook way back when I was in HS and college. But what I'm gleaning from all this conversation is that even though that playbook is no longer valid, they keep using it. I think it was on here that someone pointed out all this strategy and thought process being used by the Left was created long ago. Alinsky is dead, many of the creators of the DS are dead. People like Bill Ayers are just old has-beens who can't change their strategy now because they've been on autopilot and up till Trump it was working.

Think about it - those pussywhipped RINOs would whimper into their chocolate milk when the big bully Libs pushed them around. Trump shows up and is the only adult in the room. He starts kicking down doors, saying things that make them respond and show their true colors, and a whole bunch of moderate R's turn out to have balls after all. It's a sight to behold.

18893159? ago

hahah well said

18892899? ago

Yes. A life of loneliness. The shills don’t even to attempt to be genuine. I truly believe in Q, but if a preponderance of evidence emerges that he wasn’t legit, I would be here trying to help you WHY you’ve been misled.

The shills can’t do this, nor would they ever care to. Because trashing people behind a keyboard is an attempt to fill an emptiness - it’s a tough existence for real.

18906152? ago

Lots of interesting stuff out there on the personality profiles of trolls, which is what they are.

These are the folks who would test well for employment as work-camp guards if their side ever won.

18892791? ago

I hate when people accuse others of being shills just because you disagree with them. Fuck you.

The ONLY FUCKING STAT that matters is 0 arrests. NONE. ZILCH.

  • 0 arrests.

  • No new wall pieces have been built.

  • 0 pieces of legislation addressing election/voting reform specifically addressing dead voters & illegal aliens.

  • Border crossings & violence at the border (against Americans) is at an all time high.

  • Has the FISA been released yet? How many more years do we have to wait for it? Yes, Declas is declared 50 times yet we STILL DONT HAVE THE FUCKING DOCUMENT.

  • No arrests or charges of ANY kind of against the clinton foundation.

  • No arrests or charges of ANY kind of regarding Uranium 1.

  • No arrests or charges of ANY kind of regarding Bengazi.

  • No arrests or charges of ANY kind of regarding gun running (aka Fast & Furious)

Until at least someone of importance gets arrested, this is just BS. It's just words. Nothing is going to change. You're just trying to hold on to "Hopes & Dreams" like Obama.

So I'm going to stay that you're the blind fucking shill looking at EMOTION instead of FACTS.

18897378? ago

Haha. You hate? Wait til you really have something to hate.

18899668? ago

What, you don't think Killary is enough to hate?

18896271? ago

^^^ Hi Michael Rothschild. How ya doin? Feel better now that you got all that off your hairless chest? Sorry about your dick.

18899652? ago

Hello Michelle Obama's Transgender lover.

18892858? ago

Call out shills, then they SELF IDENTIFY. How about fuck you traitor faggot, shill CUCK!!!

18892941? ago

You call me a shill, but all you did was name call and make lame attempts to insult me. I provided facts.

Which one of us is acting like the liberal now, liberal cuck boy? Go suck on your black boyfriend.

18897522? ago

You're the fucktard on a board discussing patriotism - just throwing bull-fucking-shit around over and over. you think we don't know you the fuck you are dick weed? You'll pay along with your masters.... bootlicking cuck faggot.

18899687? ago

Ok, but was I wrong anywhere? No. Facts are facts.

So again, stfu and go suck your wife's cock like the good little cuck you are.

18900281? ago

again projection your self on others. your a fucking pussy faggot. I'd beat your fuckin ass cuck

18903369? ago

You're the one who started the cuck shit. I was just helping you find your true self.

It's not your fault you have these closet cuck fantasies. No wonder women laugh at you, fat fuck. Embrace your true self and stop being a dickless turd.

18892717? ago


18892447? ago

Yes, you are correct. No one hovers over Leftist propaganda sites. Why? Because they are now irrelevant!

What a sad state of existence to spend your day just talking shit to people you don't know, in support of the same people that have controlled the "News" and have lied to you each and every day for over 50 years! That's really something to be proud of... "I hope you're proud of me Mom and Dad, I'm a instigator for Communists that want to kill us all!"

Even a AI robot would start to have second thoughts.... when they start to contemplate what Love is!

18894188? ago

Notice that almost all Leftist/Globalist news sites no longer have comment sections anymore

18908375? ago

I noticed that a long time ago.

18902340? ago

Dissenter for the win

18898206? ago

They all know they are so wrong but none ever have the nuts to admit it.

18896168? ago

I did see that. I thought it was because I'm using a double layer of VPN or somethin'. Amazing times we are living in, Patriots!

18895040? ago

Yes, I've noticed this as well. They've been getting hammered in the comment sections. I think the layoffs from BuzzerdFeed and the Huffington Compost had a lot to do with this. Even the layed off shillsters are starting to come to their senses.

18894435? ago

No comments, I don’t even bother reading anymore ... turns out most articles without comments are trash anyway ... sucks to give them the click

18893583? ago

Propaganda sites are subjective and they are everywhere. Even here, propaganda exists

18894599? ago

Of course, but it isn't so effective where there's free speech.

18894985? ago

Very true. They Need to control the narrative and the message...to lead us to "their" "solution" to the problem they created.

18893500? ago

They did this press conference because they are sure assange won't be able to testify

18897355? ago

What are the chances POTUS returns with Assange in his custody? Does everyone realize what he holds over Theresa May's head?

18892134? ago

Why do people label those they do not agree with, Shill, Jew, Nazi. People have opinions. It is become clear Nothing is going to happen with some mass arrest, or money reset. It is my opinion we are being distracted from the real story, I think it is A.I. but this " show " has run its course.

18892319? ago

If one pays any attention to patterns whatsoever, shills are pretty easy to spot. Yes, occasionally someone with an opinion is called a shill, however . . .

18892069? ago


18901308? ago

Its AI and their use of botnets. Bad actors code the AIs to do their bidding.

18891932? ago

I have had enough of this stupid pony show - nothing EVER actually happens. Waste of my time.

18892470? ago

what a stupid piece of shit you are haha

18892258? ago

If i were you i would quit wasting my time then. Your not the brightest apple on the tree evidently!

18892489? ago

Enjoy the pony show - it's your time to waste. Someone has to watch.

18892651? ago

I went out with a girl a few times. Realized it was going nowhere. I dumped her. Didn't even think twice and I didn't sit back and watch her either, since that would be a waste of my time as well. I moved on to another girl that would make me happy and content. Personally... I do not like wasting my time on things that I do not like. Your just torturing yourself fren.

18892694? ago

No torture - just observing - it was interesting for a while, but it is clearly not what was sold. This is a pony show.

Do you like the pink ones or green ones?

Just like I don't like to be sold lies by HRC, I don't like to be sold lies by Q. Equality for both.

18892787? ago

Its clear that you have not been paying attention. This is not going to go down the way you think. If the Q proofs are not enough for ya , then you really are wasting "your time".

18892879? ago

Q has proved beyond doubt that he is Trump linked entity - little to doubt that.

After that, all I see is a shit show to get viewer ratings up, voters riled up, book sales up on both sides, a narrative to keep interest up - all the while China rapes ass of freedom.

I'm fed up with a constant stream of lies from BOTH sides.

18891698? ago

Is this it!? Did we finally get Hillary.

18892799? ago

That's my theory - he said the American people should be very concerned about the Russian attempt. What else happened at that time? Who were the players? Yes I know the answers, but that put it out there full force that the story of who and how it happened is about to come to light.

18892822? ago


18891649? ago

Still beating this drum even though it's been utterly debunked and discredited? Keep on doing you q-tard

18892040? ago

The exact opposite has happened. It has even been confirmed by people involved, such as Assange.

18891786? ago

Debunked and discredited? When did that happen? Pretty sure they've just ignored the question.

18891866? ago

Where's the proof it was Seth Rich?

18894999? ago

There is tons of proof that Israel influenced the last presidential election

18895022? ago

And Saudis. China doing it now

18895106? ago

China has been doing it since Slick Willy was in office.

18895143? ago

I miss that guy

18892536? ago

No!!! Where’s the PROOF it was the Russians? There is NONE whatsoever. At all. That is a n irrefutable indisputable FACT.

18892745? ago

Oh, you mean this:


You're welcome

18892918? ago

Yeah. That phony indictment of people who will never come and NOT related to the DNC “hack”

18892286? ago

Should be pretty obvious that he was the source and transferred files securely to Wikileaks via mega/kimdotcom.



18892356? ago

Oh ok cool. Now it's proven. Damn good job dude!

18892046? ago

the circumstances of his death is proof enough

18892147? ago

Isn't it incumbent on the investigator to prove the crime? So, in this case the "circumstances" are proof enough for that conclusion, then why cant we say that the circumstances are proof enough that Trump obstructed? You cant change how you prove crimes one minute to the next depending on what you want to happen

18892732? ago

But what you DO have to do is investigate the actual crime that the entire Russia Collusion Investigation was based upon--the theft of those DNC emails. Think hard:

Supposedly Russia COLLUDED with Trump by giving those emails that they supposedly hacked from from the DNC to Wikileaks. Mueller never even established that a crime occurred, because he didn't bother to investigate it.

Mueller NEVER sought to prove where Wikileaks got the data! NEVER!

He COULD have investigated the DNC. Why did they hide the server and eventually destroy it when the FBI was going to investigate the "hack"? Why would they hide that, if they were the victim?

Suspicion is, the DNC wanted to BLAME Russia for the "hack" and were afraid an inspection of the server would show that info had actually been downloaded on a thumb drive, giving them a potential motive for killing Seth Rich.

Mueller COULD have interviewed Assange/Wikileaks. Easiest thing to ask in the world. Hey Julian, where'd you get the data?

He was careful NOT to interview Assange, wasn't he? Afraid of what Assange might say?

Afraid to draw attention to the fact that Wikileaks/Assange, from way out in Australia and London, had enough interest in the murder of Seth Rich to offer a reward for info on his murder? What long distance interest would Assange have in a "nobody" like Seth Rich that he'd offer a reward for info leading to a conviction regarding Seth's murder?

The Russia Collusion investigation was BASED on the theft of those DNC emails, and Mueller never even investigated it!

18892936? ago

The Russia Collusion investigation was BASED on the theft of those DNC emails, and Mueller never even investigated

lol wat? You're fucking dim!! He indicted 30+ Russian hackers.

18893214? ago

Idiot. For activities that had nothing to do with the hacks of the DNC or Hillary emails.

The 12 or 13 Russians you speak of were indicted for their supposed attempts to hack into 3 STATE elections websites in Florida, Georgia and Iowa.

If you know enough to cite those Russians, you SHOULD know what they were indicted for, so you are a LIAR.

18893338? ago

You dumb fucking cunt:

Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein announced the charges at a midday news conference. Mueller, as has been his practice, did not attend the announcement. Court records show that a grand jury that Mueller has been using returned an indictment Friday morning. The suspects “covertly monitored the computers, implanted hundreds of files containing malicious computer code, and stole emails and other documents,” Rosenstein said. “The goal of the conspirators was to have an impact on the election. What impact they may have had . . . is a matter of speculation; that’s not our responsibility.”

That clear enough for you, cunt? lol

18893496? ago

You stupid fuck, that's in reference to the alleged STATE hacks. Of election websites.

The Russia Collusion crapola was that Putin tried to help Trump by hacking the DNC and maybe Hillary's home server, then dump the ugliness through Wikileaks prior to the election.

The supposed elections-site hacks of 3 State elections websites were never in the conversation regarding Trump. Ever. BTW, If you noticed....NONE of Mueller's indictments had anything to do with Trump/Russia "Collusion", dumbass.

18893595? ago

LOL. You’re so fucking stupid.

The Mueller report contains new information about how the Russian government hacked documents and emails from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee .

At one point, the Russians used servers located in the U.S. to carry out the massive data exfiltration effort, the report confirms.

Much of the information was previously learned from the indictment of Viktor Borisovich Netyksho, the Russian officer in charge of Unit 26165. Netyksho is believed to be still at large in Russia.

But new details in the 488-page redacted report released by the Justice Department on Thursday offered new insight into how the GRU operatives hacked.

18893563? ago

LOL fucking shill Russian faggot trying to spread disinformation.

Keep sucking Putin’s cock, cuck:


“Mueller report sheds new light on how the Russians hacked the DNC and the Clinton campaign“

Read that faggot lol

18892272? ago

I am saying for me it is enough.

18892354? ago

I guess I believe in Innocent until proven guilty.

18892762? ago

I am not talking about the law.

18892816? ago

Obviously. You aren't bright enough.

18893858? ago

talk about LOW IQ! LOL

18893872? ago

I know. That fucking tool tried to argue with an adult then backtracks “I dunno about the law”. LOL. No shit. Kids a fucking dimwit

18892107? ago

Wouldn't that just be circumstantial evidence though?

18892283? ago

yes but it is enough for me.

18892397? ago

Yeah im just fucking with you. Russia didnt hack the US. LOL, its a psyop by the deep state and Moloch.

18892018? ago

Where's the proof that it was a random robbery?

18895028? ago

nothing was stolen from him

18891624? ago

.... any fucking day now..... soon.... right around the corner..... coming..... maybe.....we hope......

18891275? ago

Arrests are coming my ass.

18892479? ago

they cum in your ass. you are shit

18891708? ago

You forgot the word "in"

18891105? ago

6:6 its on like Trumpy Kong.

18896285? ago

kek - Ima gonna steal that

18891892? ago

The shills flock at the mention of any big news.