18889924? ago

"Weinstein, Alison Mack, The Bronfman's, Cohen, Avenatti, Stormy" Who? A few minor celebs and a couple 2 bit attorneys? GTFO Not one person you named is important except to themselves. You're no autist. You're a retard.

18963017? ago

Thanks for the reply propeller head. I'll take your idiot comments on board.

18887193? ago

Maybe it isn't legit, but Q once posted something and I did a gematria decode and compared it with timestamps of Trump's tweets and then said "think mirror" three times while jerking off to loliporn, and it was revealed to me in a vision that HRC eats children and Q is the messiah and one day the storm will go down and my family will talk to me again. Explain that shills? IT'S HAPPENING PAYTRIOTS!!!~~

18886273? ago

And tell these shill faggots to HAVE KIDS. There are many ways to fight back. Fuck, that fag should have at least 10 or STFU.

18886204? ago

Hey great talking points. Too bad just like everything else in your delusion nothing will come of it. Hillary will grow old and die free as a bird, Onigger will make lots of money traveling around free as a bird, Comey will sit at home tweeting random condescending shit and trump will truly make israel great.

That is reality your cloak and dagger nonsense is just nonsense.

18886308? ago

I doubt that very much.

18886226? ago

If you say so, it MUST be right. Discern for yourselves Anons. This guy^ is a dickhead. Peace.

18885293? ago

Wouldn't be the first time the cabal sacrifices a few of their members who slipped up. The public gets a few trials, a few executions, justice served, everything is good...right? RIGHT?!

You think this is the end of Satan's rule on Earth?

Give me a fucking break.

Peace ain't coming until Jesus returns and it's going to get a whole lot worse here before it gets better.


Yeah well, tell that to Weinstein, Alison Mack, The Bronfman's, Cohen, Avenatti, Stormy. All are fucked now, and Mack is singing like a fat chick at a cake party.

It wouldn't be the first time the cabal gave up some of it's pawns for the sake of buying time.

I hope I'm wrong. Like 100% hope I'm really fucking wrong. And I'd admit it. I'll come back in a year and tell you all I was dead wrong. I want to be wrong.

I really want to be wrong.

But I'm probably not.

And everyone here that questions the plan is called a shill. It's old.

Cabal gon' do what cabal has done since the beginning of time.

18885475? ago

I hope you are wrong too. I pray for that every night and that makes me a shill.

18885326? ago

@OP here.

Look I understand what you are saying, but man see the writing on the wall FFS.

These fuckers are going DOWN by hook or by Crook. Take that cheque to the Bank and CASH it Patriot.

Trust in Jesus Christs. After all, it's HIS plan... Peace out.


18885602? ago

wait, so think @OP link you keep linking is 5 years old and has no comments. That's really interesting (and not in a good way)

And you are the OP....

18885349? ago

These fuckers are going DOWN by hook or by Crook.

What's stopping God from taking us down individually or as a nation? We've all played a role.

18885541? ago

How do you know how far down you already are? Why doesn't Satan come save you?

18885708? ago

Coz' he's a fuckwit and can't FFS. Evil fucker. Only Jesus Christ saves my friend. Wake up!

18885632? ago

Satan does not save. Satan lies and destroys.

18884860? ago

More faggotty fag Shill replies and my response here:



18885637? ago

What's going to happen if you doxx someone that is venting online, that voted Trump and battled in the great meme war of 2016. But you mistook that person for a shill? But you went ahead and doxxed them anyways? Would you have remorse?

18884649? ago

What's more of a traitor/shill?

A) One who is happy to see traitors walking free and their homeland still being invaded. Calls anyone who isn't happy with that a shill.

B) One who is unhappy to see traitors walking free and their homeland still being invaded. Makes posts out of frustration of that.

18884784? ago

Shill, Please be aware the traitors are going to Jail.

No doubt about it.

The writing is on the wall for ALL to see. The "Jig is up" as Lindsay Graham famously recently remarked. I not happy to see traitors to walk free, but in these cases I KNOW they are going to Jail eventually, and will be disgraced.

Especially the toxic MSM - "ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE". And BTW, I sense your fear. I really do.

I hope you have made the right decision, to aid and give comfort to the ENEMIES of Humanity.

"God will Judge our Enemies, We'll arrange the meeting".

Take care. You'll need to I reckon.

18884970? ago

You are terrible judge of character. Not everyone is perfectly happy right now with how things are going and you think that's a terrible thing? I've been lied to so many times that I don't trust shit and you think that's shilling? God is judging me right now and I'm ok with that, our God wouldn't condemn me for being happy to see evil people get away with everything. You have no judge of character, you're just like a libshit. Everyone I don't agree with is a nazi, sound familar?

18885071? ago

BULLSHIT! YOU ARE A SHILL! Plain and simple.

I pray to and worship Jesus Christ of Nazareth, my Lord and Saviour, Son of Almighty GOD, who came, was crucified by EVIL forces, and rose from the dead three days later, defeating Death, Evil, Satan and his Minions, after LITERALLY ascending to Heaven... and HE who will return - Revelation: "Behold A Pale Horse).

That who was, is, and always will be. You can't fool anyone with that crapola you wrote. C'mon you AI POS, you knew as well as we did, that this mumbo jumbo wouldn't fly, yet you Cunts try it on us ANYWAY! UFB.

How's your Soul BTW... No legit really, how's your soul...?

Anyhoo, Enjoy your day, and Enjoy the Show!


18885140? ago

Everyone that questions anything is a shill, got it. Never think for yourself, never question anything. Where we go one we go all unless you are not happy in that case that person should be exiled. I fucking hate the tyrants and how my homeland is being constantly invaded and the media's ways of brainwashing everyone. I hate seeing my country burn. I hate how I have less rights year after year. Fuck you man, you are a real piece of shit. Do you know that?

18885167? ago

No I am OVER THE TARGET, and it's fucking with your Shill AI brain (which doesn't exist BTW LOL...). Bwahahahahahahaha!

@OP here BTW.

18885261? ago

you are not a patriot, you are a shit person that acts exactly like a communist. Your response to everything is shill shill shill when you are talking to real people here that are frustrated. QRV is by far the worst thing that ever happened to this movement.

18885345? ago

Then fuck off idiot. The grown ups have shit to do.

18885357? ago

No problem, this movement obviously doesn't need people.

18885069? ago

It’s like a cult, anything that doesn’t fit their skewed worldview is obviously the work of satan or somesuch

18884379? ago

Just once.

Females on voat.

Take pic of tits with user name.


I see.

I jack off.

I smoke.

I go to bed.

18884447? ago

Hey, finally a shill I'm on board with.

18884499? ago

It should be an every Friday event. It would keep us calm.

18884524? ago

Step 1: Setup Bitcoin Step 2: ask for donations to said BTC for Fapping Fridays Step 3: wait for Friday Step 4: Fap

How is this not a good plan?

18884538? ago

This is brilliant.

18884390? ago

That's actually ok.

18884355? ago

Expect a few reports and it will be swept under rug. Pattern suggests justice will remain elusive.

18884382? ago

No way. You're retarded faggy fag shill! "What's going on round here?" - #Blexfist #Blexit

Suck a bag of dicks. Your's Faithfully, Anon.

18884373? ago

It's a matter of who's holding the better hand..this is poker...not craps. Switch tables if you're unhappy or sit back, shut up, and enjoy the suspense. I sure as fuck am.

18885014? ago

A tribute to the WSOP that started today? I like.

19034218? ago

Your welcome.

18885726? ago

Yeah Nigga and I am the one gonna bring it. The new style and a higher standard of bruising responses to the Shills.

No more Mr. Nice Guy...

18885786? ago

I'm with ya man. But it's nigger, not nigga. Cheers.

18885880? ago

Street lingo.

18885037? ago

when people first told me watching poker was a real thing...I laughed. I'm not laughing anymore. I love it. I've even traveled, not too far, but still traveled to see it go down in person. So much can be conveyed without any 'normal' interaction. It's a fascinating thing to behold for me.

18885093? ago

You're undoubtedly good yourself if you've studied/watched it for a long time. The energy at the series tops the charts. That's what brings me back.

18885146? ago

Oh definitely, the series is sleep deprivation time. I truly enjoy it...I went to an invitational at Cripple Creek in Colorado a bit ago. There are some players out there man...

18885763? ago

I think by Colorado law the only structure they can have is spread-limit.

Weird, just like the DIA.

18884403? ago

Me too!

18884281? ago

They have no idea how much they're part of this...simply through interaction with us. Excellent post OP.

18884968? ago

I absolutely agree. I use them as practice. When we’re constantly looking up facts to combat the shillings, it’s only helping us in our effort to articulate what’s really going on to the normies in the tangible world. It really paid off with a Memorial Day discussion I had with a couple liberal friends. Sure, shills don’t give you the same reaction as loved ones but they do just fine as a motivation to be thorough.

18885042? ago

You do realize that some people that are Patriots don't just blindly follow unconditionally? You don't think that it's even possible that someone could be frustrated right now? Not even a remote possibility in your mind?

18885156? ago

Nope. I’ve been researching for 20 years. This is the most progress we have made. It’s not stopping. Declass is happening. So to answer your question, no. There’s not even a remote possibility in my mind. If you have been researching and following this from the beginning. Nice try shill. To entertain the thought, you would just be a really dumb person without the ability to comprehend how big and how spread these sickos are and you would expect Trump to fix it with the snap of his fingers.

18885191? ago

@OP here. Thank you Patriot.

18885232? ago

I don’t know if you noticed this but I don’t hide who I am. If this sub wasn’t anonymous my name would be on it and I wouldn’t care. Lol. But you got me good. Lol.

18885341? ago

I don't care either, but brother please DO understand this:

I am NOT fucking around on here, and am here solely to DESTROY THE Cabal. Period.

18885519? ago

Then why are you doxing Patriots? If you want to destroy the cabal, why not do research verify it. That’s what I see in this community. If you’re not sure of something, you can post it to the community. Anons love telling people they were wrong. They will dig and provide sauce. Shills will attack without sauce. If the real anons can’t prove you wrong, they will help you dig more. That’s what the q community is.

18885561? ago

No doxxing going here. A figure of speech that gets the message across that REAL Anons, will no longer be fucked with.

You guys may or may not who I am, but let me assure you my friend, that you all have no idea what I am capable of in this covert Cyber War, and I will not yield to the Enemy.



I upvoted your comment. Peace.

18885705? ago

If true then you could find out who I am. Same name on Reddit. I’ve been calling out Zionists and their likes for years. Sure it can get confusing but I really feel like we have a system to verify information with anons. If nothing happens with declass, I’ll know it’s a phyops. If declass happens and Comey gets indicted, it validates what we have been uncovering. Which will amplify the other issues like pedogate. I just want the cabal destroyed too. We can agree on that. We’ll all keep fighting. I just hope that we clear the fog soon and be united.

I only downvoted the dox.

18885753? ago

All good my Nigga.

In the immortal words of the Pantene treatment shampoo ad of years gone by:

"It won't heppen overnight, but it will heppen" - Kiwi accent.

Please keep the faith FFS, I can see what is happening on a greater level than most for whatever reason, and am tight with GOD.

Carry on Anon.


18884997? ago

There is a Digital war being waged, on multiple fronts and on multiple platforms. We only have so much time to train and deploy...the shills here are a literal disinformation force multiplier. I'll take their labor and continue to use it free of charge as long as I can.

18885196? ago


18884298? ago

Thanks! WWG1WGA!

18884325? ago

WWG1WGA Brother.

18885072? ago

WWG1WGAUYQA (where we go one we go all, unless you question anything)

18885113? ago

question all you want....if you're fucking stupid...you will get called fucking stupid. I would expect nothing less especially on an anonymous forum...how much of a pussy do you have to be, to be too afraid, to say whatever stupid shit you want and NOT say it? I have a feeling you've been doing that a long time around here...and fren...we need you...we use you.

18885675? ago

Thanks. Legend.^

18885398? ago

@Op here. I am here to further the Q movement and DEFEND Humanity. If you have a problem with that, watch out, as I am not going anywhere on this forum, after months away. I am back, and I am here to kick ass and fuck Bitches. And I'm all out of Bitches ATM. That's where you Faggot Shills come in. I have been reading your crap for months. Enough is enough. War it is then. Good luck, you'll need it.

18885444? ago

YEEEAAAH BUDDY! Lets kick it into high gear. I've got your back.

18885486? ago

Thank you Anon ;)

18885327? ago

I'm not the one that made this sub anon, wtf? I post about Q shit all of the time in other subs and this sub is really only dividing everyone that has been paying attention. In this QRV shit you have to fall in line and not question anything or you are a shill.

18885471? ago

nope. You're a shill if you contribute nothing to the discussion other than 1. Arrests 2. GTFO. You and I both know exactly what this forum is for...you keep your finger on your button and I'll keep it on mine. We'll see who wears out first.

18885496? ago

If wanting to see justice makes me wrong, than I don't want to be right.

18885515? ago

Please stop concern fagging and FUCK OFF!

18885547? ago

why don't you stop trying to divide people then? Because that's all you are doing. You don't believe in the real Q movement, it isn't about division like you think. And concern-xxxx is a reddit term, maybe you should go back there?

18885511? ago

Well keep your faggot ass right here and don't touch that dial. The fires are lit and we're enjoying watching the Globalist left Satanists prove how weak they really are.

18885685? ago


18885358? ago


18884359? ago

Thanks! Peace Anon.