18903902? ago

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18889710? ago

Great read anon. But I thought it was Grassley who said the jig is up. Not that it matters. Now, let’s fuck some bitches!

18888184? ago

Read 4 first lines.

Jesus fucking christ, change your scripts.

18887880? ago

Tons of banks being investigated and charged with money laundering, but yeah, nothings happening.

18887368? ago

Good stuff man!

18887150? ago

Maybe nothing is happening, but Q once posted something and I did a gematria decode and compared it with timestamps of Trump's tweets and then said "think mirror" three times while jerking off to loliporn, and it was revealed to me in a vision that HRC eats children and Q is the messiah and one day the storm will go down and my family will talk to me again. Explain that shills? IT'S HAPPENING PAYTRIOTS!!!~~

18886826? ago

Nailed it... great post

18885969? ago

The lack of patience shown by this type of Shill shows a complete lack of understanding for the big picture. The takedown of this embedded, global crimnal cartel has to be done ever-so-slowly and carefully. That means that some of these monsters get to walk free, for now, in order to accomplish the Greater Goal. But even then, the Cabal is neutered. Big time.

The other type of shills are immediately recognizable with their "kike" this and "nigger" that. And the porn shills. That kind of language/content is very obviously anti-Q and has no other purpose than to provide bad optics for the community. Best not to engage these shills, just be sure to downvote.

And most importantly, remember that we only have these low-energy, low-character shills here because we're on the front lines of Truth. WWG1WGA. <3

18887602? ago

That kind of language/content is very obviously anti-Q and has no other purpose than to provide bad optics for the community.a


18886000? ago

@OP here. Correct. Thank you Anon.

18885871? ago


18885701? ago

OP sounds like a beta cuck.

18886568? ago

You sound like a Poof...

18885682? ago

I laugh at how the cabal losers appear on CNN trying to use their old methods of brainwashing the public to their opinions and thought control and IT'S FAILING. CNN's numbers are dropping like a lead balloon. You can easily see how pissed off they are that it's not working, but they keep trying.... because they have NO other options.

18885736? ago

@OP here. Puppets the lot of them #muppets

18885383? ago

And we got this announcement today on our Neighborhood watch app - This fits right in with what we've been trying to tell people. Hopefully they'll watch this and then connect what I told them. ~~~~

PhxPD on PBS Frontline "Sex Trafficking in America" Tonight on PBS Frontline, the documentary "Sex Trafficking in America" will premier at 10 EST, (10/9C, and 9p MST - check your local PBS listings). Join us on Twitter (@phoenixpolice) as we live-tweet during the east coast premier at 7:00pm local time. Stream the episode at https://to.pbs.org/2wdpf8L and watch with us.

In 2016, True Vision Films was granted exclusive permission to embed with our VICE unit and follow detectives as they investigated prostitution and human trafficking. The detail, now called the Human Exploitation And Trafficking (HEAT) unit, is a national model for investigation and enforcement related to human trafficking and prostitution of all ages.

If you suspect human trafficking, call Phoenix Police or Silent Witness at (480) W-I-T-N-E-S-S.

18885474? ago

Thank you Anon.

18884873? ago

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18884660? ago

@OP here. MOD can this post and the other post it is related to, please be stickied for a little while, in order to allow further debate and discussion, as I am getting some serious traction here. Thanks heaps. WWG1WGA!

18884235? ago

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18883458? ago

They can only gather up 5 willing to downvote...these people are WEAKLINGS on their own platform...well...it used to be theirs...it's now ours clearly. MVGA BABY!!

18885890? ago

Yes Sir!

18883447? ago

I see nothing happen - just a bunch of reports will come out, and then everything goes under the rug... business as usual.

18883154? ago

Gee, the shills are really down voting this post hard! Must be over the target I guess...

18883785? ago


They are the ones on here posting porn and making the discussions toxic. They seed doubt and and distract.

It really doesn’t matter though. We only need people to Know of Q...they don’t even have to participate! As soon as the SHTF they will know the truth. It will be real for them just like it is for us now.

I’ve watched people try to discredit what Trump/Q is doing since the first drops and it’s the same BS tactics everytime...both here and on the Chan’s. They stand zero chance and are only frustrating. Trump and team will continue chugging along until the finish line and by that time they will have an army of awakened citizens standing by them. Q has already told us it’s much bigger than even we realize!

That giant military parade that he “failed to get funded” is going to be a celebration! It’s gonna be YUGE! People will be traveling from every state to attend.

18883806? ago

It should be made VERY clear....Trump has not lost a single time since he announced he was running for President! Not one loss! Every punch thrown at him somehow flies back into the face of his enemies! He has won at every single step!

It will continue until he doesn’t want it to anymore!

18884252? ago

Winning BIGLY!

18882510? ago

Random and unrelated things ALWAYS prove that Q is true.

It's called apophenia. It's a sign of mental illness.

18881785? ago

Nooses? Hangings? Shit, that commie Brennan still has his clearance.

18881875? ago

Deliberate. To see what he does with the info... Obvious.

18881485? ago

South Beach was awesome this year! We crushed the top mod of GA, shilled this place to the ground, and even got the site admin to admit that he wouldn’t give two fucks if this place was gone.

18882172? ago

So we keep you busy here doing pointless stupid shit while Q wins round the world. Whats funny is you do not even have your hearts in it. You just get paid for awhile. Enjoy it while you can. The payers will move onto other things and leave yer asses dry. Good night, whores.

18882323? ago

Nice 1^

18881450? ago

"coming after that"

"to be released "

"it's about to happen"

"Iran is next"

"Israel last."

18882587? ago

I dunno man. The Q communities here are turning on eachother at a fevered pitch. Of course you would say this at the top. JFC the main Q MOD on VOAT just resigned in disgrace

18884346? ago

That's OK. Let the Anons run the joint.

18881473? ago

Lol nice try shill. It IS happening, and you are fucked.

18883668? ago

fucking retard, this is why nobody thinks this is legit anymore. You just blindly believe everything and are ok with white genocide and no future for you own children. You call everyone a fucking shill that doesn't agree with you, you are the fucking shill. As long as traitors are walking free and there is no justice, then there will always be "shills" complaining and fuck you for being ok with that. Maybe you are the traitor?

18884006? ago

Yeah well, tell that to Weinstein, Alison Mack, The Bronfman's, Cohen, Avenatti, Stormy. All are fucked now, and Mack is singing like a fat chick at a cake party. Lot's of Grand Jurys underway, and plenty of sealed indictments to keep the bad guys guessing. Brennan, Comey, Clapper, Rice, Holder, BC, HRC, Abedin, Mueller, Obama (and tranny Michael Obama), will all be facing the chopping block, and high level TREASON and SEDITION charges, for among other things spying on a sitting US President for a crime he didn't commit (and they knew it - "knowingly"), and kept committing crimes, because their OTHER crimes involving Satanic Ritual Abuse, Human (especially child) trafficking, organ trafficking, drug and gun trafficking and fuck knows what else needed covering up as (((they NEVER thought she would lose after all.

Include Libya, Syria, and Iran cash, U1, and the servers in HRC's basement selling SAP secrets to the Chinese (Huawei too) and on and on and on...).

And Trump with the full awesome power of the NSA/MI and the U.S. Military (and the technotronic Police state spying apparatus, that (((they))) invented to fuck us all over too BTW). No where to hide for these people now. It is just a matter of time, as it is now a done deal. Patriots winning so much :)

Many more going down due to NXIVM, and let's not forget the Weiner laptop... As Q said "We have it all". So who's the faggot now shilbo? And were just getting started! Enjoy the show as Q would say. Winning BIGLY!

18882531? ago

Boomer fantasy #165: people who don't trust the plan will be rounded up and tortured for being non-believers.

18881736? ago

(((They))) get MAD when you spell it out like that, nice post OP!

18881894? ago

@OP here. Thank you. You're most welcome.


18881714? ago

I get incredible sleep every night, just fyi

18881903? ago

Good for you.

18881536? ago

I don't feel fucked. Well at least not the way you mean. Wink wink.

18881677? ago

Nudge nudge wink wink. Say no more... aye shilly? Fuck off faggot.

18881278? ago


18881169? ago

Hired shills BTFO. "But we spend all of our free time and work day posting bullshit on Q forum". Yeah kek, sure.

18881410? ago

Actually, due to the massive success of our program, we got our monthly bonuses early and had a employee appreciation day in South Beach. Flew us all down for the day. Nothing but hookers, blow and $500 a bottle champ. I'm on the plane back now. Business as usual tomorrow.

What did you tards do today? Lol

18882215? ago

LMAO. The fountainbleu was amazing this year

18882275? ago

I concur.

18886221? ago

Its all about the material luxuries for you traitor demons! Well enjoy while you can, i have a feeling your little sad deluded owned lives wont be singing happy tunes for much longer lol Saddo shill's no life purpose but to sell out and destroy! Be gone primitive bog swamp creatures, you're out your of your depth and league, with the amazing souls on this platform!

18886558? ago

Hi! @OP here.

I LOVED your comment! :)

Peace to you and God Bless.