17328314? ago

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17300708? ago

Beverly Hills-based talent agency, Endeavor, has returned a $400m investment fund to Saudi Arabia & cancelled its contract with the kingdom over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi ...

17086862? ago

Freemasonry is rooted in fraternity, secrecy and loyalty.

The fraternity aspect attracts good people, the loyal ones stick around and rise through the lower ranks and the ones who can keep secrets the best are selected for advancement into the higher degrees and the inner circle.

If you’re not in the inner circle, you can only speculate about what goes on. It might be pure evil, it might be the exact opposite. There is no way to tell unless you’re an insider who has already proven beyond a doubt that they never, ever leak secrets.

It’s basically a feeder league that recruits useful people for particularly sensitive tasks.

17087663? ago

Bullshit. Its Gnosticism. End of story.

17089290? ago

You realise both can be true, right?

The religious angle of freemasonry is not all there is to it. You don't need to trust me to consider if that statement is true or false.

17072688? ago

Freemasons = murder. These monsters have invaded churches to cripple pastors and evangelical minded members. Baptists are the worst I know of and am not at all surprised that the Southern Baptist Convention is rife with child sex crimes. BTW I am an independent Baptist but have come to despise them also. I was ran out of an independent church for teaching the truth about freemasons. The pastor's pastor was deep in the order. Find the true meaning and history of the Fez hats the Shriners wear.

17132533? ago

whats with the rituals all over sports events, music and tv https://files.catbox.moe/2h3pfz.jpg

17071738? ago

I've started to entertain the idea that there are two general groups of freemasons: those who pass the ultimate test and those who don't, I.e. those who spit on the bible and those who don't. There are two paths for each and both exist in the world. Not all Freemasons are privvy to what we think they know...

Just a possible scenario...

17071931? ago

No excuse. I'm not one and I know enough to not have joined, and that they are gnosticism. But there is a secret society within the secret society, that much is true.

17071717? ago

Theres also weird things about "Cult of the Bell". All secret societies should be ABOLISHED.

17071700? ago

Yep its a freaking religion alright, and who is their deity for those "in-the-know?" Why Lucifer of course!

As they are all in fact Luciferians (well not all, you get my point, the ones who go "all in" become part of this higher inner cult).

Disgusting people.

17071639? ago

As a Conservative Patriot, I read all the absurd posts about Freemasons and Shriner's. As suggested in other posts, I do not react in anger nor do I have stake in Freemasonry. I have lived with a 2x Past Master, 33 degree Scots Rite, Shriner and Jester for my entire life. In order to understand the Craft from both sides, I read Morals and Dogma by A. Pike. Ignorance, racism and fears runs rabid in these posts. I find it most interesting that the Catholic church and Adolph Hitler FEARED the Freemasons due the their refusal to conform. And here are ALL you Q-Tards guilty of the same.thing. The author here needs to do some homework, Freemasonry is NOT a religion! You say it twice in your article. Another writes, Shriner's are pedos hiding behind hospitals. I can only say, you are delusional. Do NOT send me A. Pikes ramblings and de-bunked writings from the 1800's, I have read it! I can only laugh at the fear people have of the unknown..

17071976? ago

Albert Pike called it the universal religion.

17075495? ago

I asked you NOT to mention A. Pike, a disgruntle Freemason librarian rambling from 190 years ago. Freemason's are Christian's, Jews, Muslim's, Buddhists, Hindu's. Freemasonry is a collective, organized Brotherhood that does not discriminate or promote any specific religion as long as you believe in a supreme being. On the podium of a Masonic Lodge, I have personally seen the King James Bible, Koran, Vish Arya to name a few. This Brotherhood scares the shit out of organized religion, politicians, racists and common folk that demands conformity. Either believe what THEY do or you will be an outcast,,,, sound familiar? How can Christians, Jews, Muslim's and Hindu's collectively be in the same Brotherhood without giving up their own belief's, got a News Flash for you.

17076477? ago

Oh, ok, my next post will show exactly how "insignificant" Pike was. You guys are reminding me of when you go fishing and put the worm on the hook and it wriggles in agony.

17076735? ago

Better get to reading, you have over 800 pages to go. Then do some research on Albert Pike, the mystic, mason and "alleged" prophet. Civil War era cast-a-way that writes how our founding father's screwed it all up.

17071731? ago

Freemasonry is NOT a religion! just as islam is NOT a religion, both of them are political system of control which disguise themselves as religion. Freemason might be all show and theater and stage behind the scenes at some of these rituals and shows but there are real people who believe this crap. Just like people believe in some demon god al-Lah or mohammed or whomever they pray to. Why did Masons continue praying to these islamic symbols while Thomas Jefferson was fighting the moslem raider of N.Africa, Americans fighting dying and doing battle with the islamic pirate states?

17076509? ago

I am going to give you a Voat-up because you are right in part. You are right in respect that a Freemason is permitted to have his religious belief of his choosing. You are wrong, a Freemason is not allowed to promote his deity or pray to (ie. Jesus Christ, Allah, Mohammed, Budda) in the Masonic Lodge. The use of symbols, light, eye and instruments are NOT exclusive to Islamic symbols. History will show you any fight to which a Freemason will engage in is NOT religious. The Freemason fight is against the tyranny of government, big religion and dictatorship. Thus, the Coat of Arms, the Dragon/Serpent, the 3-headed Beast, Rhonbuses, the up-side down cross, and the Phallic at Thomas Jefferson's burial site. THINK outside the box and ignore the rhetoric for one minute. Freemason's do not have a church, a country or political party. Collectively speaking, members from all over the world from every ethnic and religious background making Freemasons a threat to those that fear the potential. Instead, I see an ignorant society of wanna-be Patriots taking cheap shots at a bunch of fez-wearers that support 22 children's hospitals around the world, I find YOU pathetic. Sit in your basement, stroking your keyboard, never making a single bit of difference in a single life other than your own. Go to a Masonic Lodge, go to a Shriner's Hospital, ask a Freemason anything you wish. You just might learn something! FULL Disclosure, I am NOT a Freemason, I am too lazy and selfish.

17071565? ago

My dad was a Mason. Low level. Joined because it was the thing to do in the 50s and 60s in towns across the USA. Some big shot invited him to join. All my dad did was turn pancakes for fundraisers and went to the meetings. It was a social thing to him. My dad did note that the higher-ups within the lodge were jerks like land developers, politicians and the local police captain. They all had mistresses and private wild parties at the Holiday Inn whose manager was a Mason too. One of his fellow Masons tried to hit on my 16-year-old sister at a ball which made my dad angry. He wouldn't let me or my siblings join the local Triangle/Rainbow clubs for Masonic teens. He wasn't really into the Mason culture and told my brothers in the 1970s to not bother to join. Because he raised a ruckus about my sister, he never advanced within the lodge and eventually he stopped participating. Years later, some Masons showed up for his funeral and he was buried with his Masonic ring.

17071782? ago

Most masons themselves are bottom of the ladder, debt slaves and dish washers. It is only when you start to reach the top you see the evil and corruption within but most are already freaked out by all the rituals they refuse to tell the truth. Your father sounds like a good man with a great heart, God rest his soul.

17076031? ago

My dad was a good man. I think he suspected his entry into the Masons was a mistake. Hence his warning to my brothers.

I was talking to my younger brother on the phone the other day and mentioned our father's Mason days. My brother - who is a liberal fast being red pilled by the stupidity and TDS of the Democrat Party, Thank God - said he was never interested in what the Masons had to offer. The lodge that my dad attended folded in the early 1980s with the building being sold and used as an art gallery and offices. He knows of no Masons being recruited locally at least in the circles he frequents. My brother thinks the Masons are dying out. Wish that were the case. I think it's more underground as the Masons of the late 19th and 20th Centuries did what they were supposed to do in setting an evil foundation for their masters. Perhaps Masons are no longer needed in great numbers by the cabal for its final plan.

17071367? ago

Masons were slaves of the Jews building Solomons temple. The initial rituals started 3000 years ago as way to verify that someone was truly a Mason and part of the guild.

King Solomon, the wisest man to ever live, was building a temple complex that recognized many religions. The Masons engineered all of this and were exposed to studying the world religions in order to make it happen.

Today we are just following the moral teachings and history of this great tradition.

I follow Q closely and support the President and am also a Master Mason.

You guys are totally off the mark.

I am in an old lodge in a major US city and the men I have met, and in the Rites, are good and honorable people.

We follow God and don't discriminate. We built the entire Western world. Our meetings were the very foundation of the US Congress and our rules of order were adopted by the Congress - the most orderly and prestigious parliamentary body in the world.

The President oath of office is one of our oaths. It came from us.

The representative governing systems of the entire western world was created by our system of order.

You guys are afraid of the wrong people.

17073798? ago

Thank you Brother ... but these retards won't listen to you. They live in ignorance and talk as if they are an authority on the matter. The majority don't know the difference between a Rite and a Constitution, or the difference between affiliated and non-affiliated. They happily quote Pike but don't know the differences between Scottish, York, and Ancient, Free and Accepted. They'll happily call themselves Patriots and praise the founders, but at the same time, ignore that most of the founders were Masons. They will point out that Napolean was a Mason, but ignore the fact that Wellington was one too. They will happily point to Q directing negative attention to Masons, but then ignore Q's very next post stating that the majority of Freemasons are good, and it's only the bad ones that need to be removed. These are the same retards that will happily defend Hitler gassing Jews ... and at the same time say the holocaust was fake ... they are hypocrites and revel in their ignorance.

17072665? ago

May the Lord have mercy on your soul, you child of Satan. You will perish for ignorance of your own stupid club of kiddy diddling Luciferian jerkoffs. Don’t try to deny it, Albert Pike told us all about it in Morals and Dogma. It’s not too late to repent and be Saved, but it will be very soon because Jesus is coming back to throw you jerkoffs into Gehenna.

17072715? ago

You are a retard. You have no friends or aquaintences of different religions?

This is just a club for all different people.

17072752? ago

Yes I do have friends of different religions! The difference is, we don’t go rape and sacrifice children and jerk each other off in a secret Satanic clubhouse!

17073231? ago

Neither do any of us. Jackass.

17071631? ago

I think you blow your own horn, play your own trumpet too much. Some of your guys have also been involved in the cluster fucks in this world, the slave trade, the civil wars, what happened in the Caribbean and Haiti. The Founding Fathers, the first makers of America were rational scientific religious and spiritual peoples, not all were masons some were Christians, some were Deist or followed Deism, Quakers, some were English peoples, rebel Evangelicals who rebelled against the Crown, there were Presbyterian, Lutherans and Dutch Reformed and Unitarians, Pastors and Christianity. Explain why does Freemasonry have so many moslem or Arabic Moongod rituals? Thomas Jefferson sent US troops to fight and die, sent The Navy, Marines to Defeat Muslim jihadists and islamic attackers and your Stone Masonic Lodges were still praying to mahommed in these Moongod rituals to allah and mohammed, are events such as this why you keep the teachings in secret?

17071872? ago

Whatever groups you are involved with have also had bad people involved.

You are acting like a Democrat - blaming an entire group for the actions 100s of years ago.

Everyone benefitted from slavery back then.

Islam is an important religion in the middle east. Egyptian culture also heavily influenced everything.

All of these traditions are represented purely in symbols.

All members are encouraged to practice their own religion and their God. Our oath is clear that it will not interfere with their religious beliefs, their duty to God, their profession, or their duty to their neighbors.

It tells no one how to act other than to be loyal to their country, their God, and their families.

Every single group you mentioned has bad apples in their past and even present.

17072172? ago

I am amused by your mental gymnastics, do Freemasons use pagan Arab and islamist rituals? Tell me have you read islam? what do you know of mohammed? Have you read any of these books yet? you know the founder of islam is considered the perfect man by islam, if you criticize him you are met with death threats. Muhammad, the prophet of Islam and the apostle of this Moongod Allah, had ordered at least 60 raids and wars often involving massacres and personally participated in 27 of them. Muhammad massacred, beheaded, tortured, terrorized, raped, and looted in the name of this old Vedic Indian Babylon Moon God. He himself this mohammad chopped off a few heads. He enslaved all the women and children of the Jewish tribe. The women were kept as sex-slaves, this mohammed even had sex with his dead aunt. He was a pedophile who married a 6 yr old girl and inbred and had sex with his own cousin? Does freemasonry supporting inbreeding? Sharia Law is a combo of the writing of the Quran or Koran, al-Bukhari Hadith & Sunna, here it is taught the Quran is the perfect book and if you criticize, or question this god al Lah, question any of it you are attacked sent death threats and even attacked, even today regularly tortured and detained. Rape and sex slavery in Islam, read their books, Yes, it is considered acceptable. Why is Freemasonry doing islamist rituals today? What do you know of islamism rituals deep within Freemason groups, do you know anything of the history of islam? Do you know anything about the person who founded islam, what city he came from, where he moved and what places he went to? Do you know anything of what kind of personality he had?

17072352? ago

Freemasonry doesn't tell anyone how to practice their religion.

Very similar things could be said about Catholics, Jews, Hindu, and lots of Pagans.

17071317? ago

When they stand before a judge they pretend to pull their tongue out and throw it over their shoulder. Then the judge has to take them aside to test them with other secret signs to find out if they really are a mason. Guy in prison taught me a lot of secret signs. Wouldn't use them. I hate cults.

17071221? ago

Shriners are made up of the 32 & honorary 33 degree. All Shriners are "in the know" about the real religion that is Freemasonry. None of that Blue Lodge low degree nonsense. It's all about control.

17070700? ago

It's not a religion and an indoctrination. It's more like a cult than anything else as it has a hierarchy, rituals, and rules about how to contribute to society more than how to live your own life.

Freemasonry was what built america and kept it in the dark. It's a Scottish Rite built by the Templars when they were outlawed by the Pope and created Switzerland to hide and infiltrate monarchies the next few hundred years.


17070309? ago

How could this ever be damaging for Freemason's admitting that they pretty much created and control the United States of America!!!!

Freemason Royal Ritual

17069635? ago

/v/RomanQuestion Who controls the masons?

17071028? ago

The Jesuits

17069633? ago

I had one tell me that their the "pillars of society". Was even offered to get hit in the head with a fukn hammer. I declined and 3yrs later, my company was in federal court over frivolous lawsuits. A company in which I built being born poor. You know the ole "sweat-job"...You know "The American Dream" >have to work hard to get ahead? 42%tax rates and the Chimp n Charge told me on National TeeVee that "I did'nt build that,somebody else made that happen" "If you don't belong to the club, you don't get ahead"? Wow what pillar of society does this? Synagogue of Satan....Sorry hand-jobs, not signing your dotted line. Soul isn't for sale. On top of this, my own cousin a mason 32nd, spearheaded the above over jealousy. Couldn't believe how fast I expanded while not belonging in the club. Speed,Quality, Innovation maybe? Naaa couldn't be that. That's impossible for a poor guy to do. Use his brains....NYS People who feel the NEED to belong to a CLUB to feel important to themselves usually have a lack of fortitude and self esteem.

17070392? ago

Why did they try absorb the jihadi political system, the stoner cutter degenerates, the original pervert cult before the time of islam, christians, jews? and yet they have many religious in their ranks? https://www.voat.co/v/AnonNews/2944327/16435113 i would imagine it refers to the idea of a Jewish conspiracy to use Islam to fracture, divide and weaken Western civilization

17071698? ago

Albert Pike 3rd world war. Was playing out perfectly until POTUS. Eyes wide open anon.

17069569? ago

No Freemasons, no America. True story.

17069323? ago

Now just a quick point....there is so much information out there about the corruption and such. Maybe targeting one organization like the Masons isn't what we should be doing....remember POTUS is going after all corruption...Fixing other issues will force others to fix themselves. Don't get discouraged...THIS IS HAPPEING

17069529? ago

The Masons have to be barred from government service and the general public needs to be educated about their system. They are sworn to protect each other which creates a parallel justice system that is contrary to justice itself. They also need to be removed from Church leadership roles because their system at the root is not compatible with the teachings of Christ. Even the third degree ritual where you're the Baal worshipper Hiram Abiff getting raised from the dead is a blaspheme against the Christian baptism.

17075155? ago

They have “dedicated” many schools and court houses through the United States. We see this in the cornerstones. In Jesus Name we rebuke this and loose Jesus into our courts and schools.

17074443? ago

Even the third degree ritual where you're the Baal worshipper Hiram Abiff getting raised from the dead is a blaspheme against the Christian baptism.

Can you provide a source link? I'd love to read about this in more detail.

17076758? ago

Graham Walsh, Dr William Schnoebelen, Aslan’s Place all have resources.

17069477? ago

It's good to be reminded.

The primary focus? No.
Needs to stay under radar watch? Yes.

17068782? ago

Balaam gave a clear strategy to Balak in Numbers as he sold God’s people out. The people were blessed and no curse, enchantment or divination could penetrate them. The strategy was to get Israel to go after other gods and commit sexual immorality to weaken and destroy themselves. Idolatry is not putting a car or material object above God although the love of money is the root of all evil. Idolatry is making covenants to other gods in the spiritual realm, which affects us in the natural realm with curses down to the third and fourth generation. If we have had any manner of social prominence in our family lines, chances are some of our ancestors were Freemasons. Jesus has overcome all of these gods by his death, burial and resurrection. To free ourselves, we bring these sins to him and break the covenants to these gods that we or our ancestors did in these hidden Masonic rituals. The prayer of release for Freemasons and their descendants from aslansplace.com and other sites addresses this specifically. In addition to this prayer, there are “gifts” of luciferian light given at each level that we must renounce. May the LIGHT of Jesus shine into those areas. The spirit realm affects everything in the natural. We don’t want the enemy of our soils to have access points to destroy us. Joshua 24:15 “And if it seem evil to you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye shall serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell; but for me amd my house, we will serve the LORD.” The beauty in any deliverance from evil is the free will humans have to choose before God. Freemasonry roots are deep in our society, yet we can come back to God as a Freemason or as a descendant to the glory of Jesus who made this possible.

17070289? ago

Joshua 24:15 takes on a whole new meaning when you actually use Gods name instead of the title LORD .. Now if it seems bad to you to serve Jehovah, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve, whether the gods that your forefathers served on the other side of the River or the gods of the Amʹor·ites in whose land you are dwelling. But as for me and my household, we will serve Jehovah.”

17068716? ago

Ha! You have to go back over 100 years for an example. LOL pathetic.

17069158? ago

Butt-hurt mason detected. Too bad you're dealing with an expert eavesdropper.

17069965? ago

Find something else from 100 years ago.

17068645? ago

Who gives a shit lets talk about CRIMINALS and not criminals

Citizens must follow the law. Let's start there.

17070464? ago

they believe some of this religious crap ? @angryspin @theHubrisOfMan ? the mohammedan, the jew ritual all part of the stone mason cult? @Anonymous171717 @22trilionAsecond

17070544? ago

If they are following the law, whats the problem?

17068443? ago

In one regard, the Freemasons look like they were built by the same architect that designed the Catholic church, (and I do not mean the Lord God of the Holy Bible): Both have a lot of really nice, sincerely good people at the lower levels who are being used to give legitimacy to organizations that, at the highest levels, are filled with selfish, god-denying perverts.

17068711? ago


17068397? ago

But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no wonder that his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. In the end they will get the punishment their wicked deeds deserve. 2 Corinthians 11:14‭-‬15 NLT https://bible.com/bible/116/2co.11.14-15.NLT

17068347? ago

Here’s an example of masons hiding behind the Q movement . This guy made a post back in dec talking about the winter solstice bla bla bla . I clicked on the tweet and saw he was a 32 degree mason . After calling him out, he has now changed his Twitter . Check this out . Before a Freemason and now it’s nkt even mentioned https://imgur.com/a/lDawDNy

17132519? ago

is user k_digi a mason, running a weird sub contact ?

17138033? ago

Don’t know that user ..

17068292? ago

Autists might want to consider that Mormonism is the only major, prominent form of Protestant Christianity that does NOT descend from Catholicism.

Mormonism does not have a corruptible, professional paid ministry. Everyone participates as part of their "service."

Mormonism does not discard the Old Testament, but connects the (modern) latter day saints to the older, primitive church and Freemasonry is a corruption of primitive church.

Doesn't it make sense that Christ's church would proselytize to all: its members, non-members and the dead. (Have you ever seen old churches in Europe with baptismal fonts for the dead?"

Temples conduct sacred ceremonies open to all who are worthy, but Freemasons meet and plan in secret with their secret collaborators.

What connects the two opposing groups? They both use symbols to reference the four corners of the flat earth and the firmament (dome? Van Allen belts?) over the earth (plane).

17076907? ago

Mormonism has its roots in Freemasonry. Look at the secret temple service.

17069708? ago

Mormonism was created by Masonic witches. What was Joseph Smith's fathers name?

17078520? ago

You're ignoring the "fruit of the tree." Mormons have a great reputation, except among haters and former Mormons.

The point you missed, is Freemasonry is a corruption of the primitive church, which was restored with the restoration of the gospel.

The Book of Mormon was Christ's plan to circumvent the eventual corruption by the anti-Christ Vatican of the gospel.

17078834? ago

No im not. You cant lie to me. Toss your magic underwear and repent. Yahushua is coming soon.

17068235? ago

No. We'd actually prefer that you believe all those things.

17068755? ago

There are 2 of them, first ones, the first class, lets call them religion A, they were the Pyramid builders, they might be connected to Jew tribes, they are not the muscle and grunts at the bottom who moved stones, drank beer and broke their back working. They were the elite who knew knowledge, could write language, math, knew symbols, circles, stars, squares, Moon shape, Sun symbol, knew a lot of knowledge across other cultures and had a mystic, mathematical mumbo voodoo 'understanding' of things around them, not in the modern scientific way but with old knowledge maybe closer to alchemy in some ways, these were the masons, they were not the elite they were below the Pharaoh class but they had power like the Technocrat and they worshiped a weird god combined from other elements both good and bad, they were the brains who build the pyramid when everyone else tried to build a pyramid it would collapse and in ancient Egypt you can also see the failed pyramids, they probably worshiped one god above all others, the builder God for want of a better word, but this god was a combo of other pagan god maybe both good and evil ones. The second class, let's call them religion B they were the Moses tribe, they were from the royal pharaoh class of akhenaten amenhotep iv back in the days Egypt used to worship many gods, most of these Gods had animals heads, the represented something like water or death or harvest etc Gods like Thoth, Osiris, Anubis, Horus, Ra, Isis, Seth when the Pharoh people of Moses came along for a brief period he gets rid of all other gods and puts the Sun-God above all others, it creates the roots of modern Judaism and modern Christianity, Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholics, Jews, this is where all this came from. Akhenaten's Monotheism basically is Moses and the Jew Hebrew faith, the other guys the are more or less the same but they come from a tribe of elite stone cutters and they worship a secret collection of pagan gods, they worship both the good holy God and the bad godpower or Devils, their rituals today are a collection of weird fringe cults from Egypt, Greece, Jewish culture, Babylon temples etc The hollyweird Jew JarJar Abrams is both a Jew and a Freemason, he's been pushing this mystic world new age religion Dharma Freemason crap around a lot these days, they also have that Nazi swastika symbol on their flag which btw isn't really a Nazi symbol its older and goes back to Buddhism, old Hindu Indian symbols, Native Americans symbols of the Americas and old European pagans all used this 'swastika'. This Dharma and JarJar Abrams and he's been trying to push it on Chinese, a religion mix of Masons and Anekantavada or many-sidedness, him and others like him try sell it to pagan Chinese, Taoists, into China new age religion for example but Chinese are having none of it, they are too family orientated and in general have a distrust or dislike of anything outside, the are also kinda Atheist and Commie even if they believe in something or are superstitious they are not every religious like the wacky Jew, Chinese also have a natural distrust of Freemasonry as it connects to the British crown and Brtain did terrible things to China culture during the Opium wars, the Chinese culture is also older than Jewish culture which is why they look down on it. The conspiracy says the top f Freemasonry they will pray to both the good God and the evil Devil some look at Albert Pike and Manly Hall former masons while seeking to understand what exactly Freemasonry is. Freemasons can claim to pray to a good 'god' and yet both of these men referred explicitly to Lucifer as the God of Freemasonry?

17068709? ago

Don't waste your time, the comments here are primarily Amalek talking to himself.

17068041? ago

How many "comedians" are masonic Jesters?

17071088? ago

How about Chris Gethard and Will Ferrell? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2496753

17068725? ago

Jimmy Kimmel live is filmed in a giant Freemason temple. Go look that up. Hollywood Masonic Temple.

17071064? ago

I had not heard that before, but that makes an insane amount of sense.

17068482? ago

Aren’t most of them jesters ?

17068252? ago

and a certain group helping with open borders and flooded Amercia and the West with refugees, they are everywhere, some of them wear the islamic Moongod hats. Clark Gable, Harry Truman, Ernest Borgnine, Johnny Cash, Nat King Cole, John Wayne, did 'patriot' John never go to war? why did the media love cowboy John?...what that red thing on their head with an islamic sword?

17067846? ago

This is very interesting because I bought this subject up a few months ago. I pointed out a voat user who is also a twitter user, and his twitter is plastered with “Q” stuff and all his Freemason symbolism . I mentioned it to to Q people and was told “ everyone is welcome “ bla bla bla .. not all masons are bad ..

17067877? ago

I am a Q follower - and a Third Degree Mason. They are mutually exclusive at my level

17069720? ago

Repent and cancel your contract with baal. Jesus can help you

17067908? ago

What does that mean “ mutually exclusive “

17068255? ago

I think it means you can't be both at the same time?

17070269? ago

but they just said they are?

17070453? ago

Maybe he's saying he's conflicted?

17076645? ago

Hey, it's a great time to drain the swamp in our own back yards too ;)

17068067? ago

2 separate chains.

17067819? ago

But they care about the children and raise many funds for good causes

17076954? ago

Look at the families of Freemasons....incest, corruption, strained relationships, divorce, illness, strange accidents, etc

17067904? ago

because who can be two faced?

17067758? ago

Yes the Freemasons are scrambling under the pressure of Q. What about Q that is worrying this band of secret boogy men? Is it the fuzzy pictures...or the "Pain is Coming", or is it the "Panic in DC" Well, I guess we will see in the next 21 days. And by we will see....we will see what wonderful "story" you people come up with when nothing happens. I suppose we have NK to fall back on if nothing bigly happens!! WIGGAWAGGA!!!

17067861? ago

@madmalloy these are the guys running the media? @Remygoys1788 @eyeswim @jollux these guys or the other (((guys))) or BBC, CNN, Al-Jazzera is it one and the same? Different actors and one big stage show? how many news outlets published the mohammed cartoons ???

17067696? ago

What does freemansonry want? You saying 'they swear oaths to not threaten life or property' doesnt sound so bad at all? Can anyone illuminate this?

17068209? ago

It may seem like stupid cosplay or a part of reenactment? There is conspiracy that says they prayed to both bad and good? Could they pray to both the goodness and badness? Who made those Georgia stones that said the human population should be reduced? Baal is mentioned in the bible as a god who demanded and required human sacrifice. Baal is another name for the Babylonian god Nimrod. The ancient Mystery Schools which spawned the world’s current Secret Societies, of which Freemasonry became the dominant strain, trace their roots back to Egypt and Babylon? is it maybe goes back to that kid who got blamed for shooting the brother of Kennedy, he did shoot Bobby Kennedy but was there something else behind all this? A conspiracy lets say? A network of Rabi, the Crown, the slave trade, Moongod rituals and the elites of Europe? and even back more, hash smoking assassins. In the ritual connected to Egyptian, Hinduism and Roman time there is a G.A.O.T.U. Great Architect of the Universe, some of the Templers fought in Arabia, some got lost recused by Arabs and there were Jewish tribes here, the lodge begins in Scotland but the stone mason rituals go back more? Something about paganism and Rosicrucians? The lodges are all broken up, sometimes the left hand doesn't knwo what the right hand sis doing, did one of the lodges build the Thule society and even inspire Hitler himself? Masons typically refer to their god as the “Great Architect of the Universe” while Gnostics also used the same term in reference to the tyrant they claimed had created a fake, inferior copy of the original perfect world (they also called this force “Demiurge” and “Yaldabaoth”). The primary masonic logo of the letter G is enclosed inside a square and compass, which are tools of an engineer, draftsman or architect who designs and draws with them to create things. Maybe it’s easy to get lost in names here, but the point is to see the connections. There are many names but one underlying force beneath all the names. What are the symbols and which item goes where? East = Matter (Demiurge), West = Spirit (Higher Aspects of The Self) (symbolically in The Lodge, but also look at the cultures of East and West in the world, the outer world being a reflection of the Lodge and vice versa. As Hermes said ‘As above, so below’). The German philosopher Oswald Spengler talked on this, the east is about the being (static) ‘Magian’ types, and the west is about becoming, they are the ‘Faustian’ types. There is India Tantra added, the idea of a Right and Left-Hand Path stems from Indian roots in Hinduism. There is a division within Tantric sects whereby the normal path of energy flow to the right is reversed, Tantric worship is today connected to sexual massage parlors, Indian prostitution and hookers in the California industry who suddenly find religion? The force is both plus and minus, it is the growth and birth but also the fire and destruction, the worship the Sun but the also worship the raider religion who prayed to a new evil Moongod to help them attack and raid at night? There were once hundreds of idols worshiped at Mecca at the Kaaba, where did all these idols go, was it all absorbed into a new religion called islam? Whether you call this dark force the Great Architect of the Universe, the Demiurge, Yaldabaoth, Satan, Devil, Yahweh, Jehovah, Saturn, Jahbulon, Baal, Nimrod or Lucifer, this mix of religions maybe to them it’s the same basic force. Rich and powerful people are worshipping something – and they’re not just doing it for fun? The Architect/Demiurge is sometimes the cruel god who is basically the same force as Satan or the Devil, and goes by many other names, as we shall see, is it both the goodness and both the wicked/evil they worship, they pray to both the light and the darkness? There is a Logoi , within Hellenistic Judaism, Philo of Alexandria adopted the term into Jewish philosophy. "Realm of the Supreme Being" a "Great Architect of the Universe". Do they worship and identify the Demiurge?

17069761? ago

They dont gaotu is lowbie stuff. They are kabbalah fags at the core.

17072282? ago

There was a collection religion at the Black Stone before the warlord pedophile mohammed founded islam, the Ka'ba and Moongod al-lah? the Arab speak put Ka'ba + allah together?

17073512? ago

Yeah all that gay stuff goes back to Babylon

17067680? ago

I would in no way support the bad guys but masonry doesn't get nasty until you get way up. They changed the rules "relatively " recently making it seem all christian dandy in the beginning. Though that doesn't mean someone with negative intentions didn't join just to get to those bad parts

17067892? ago

A bit like a scientologist, nothing to see here? It's just all a big conspiracy right? @Aridartifact @Talc @Conspirologist strange how it takes so long to see what crap is going on in the ponzi scheme @Hand_of_Node ... this could be one of the bigger conspiracy?

17069485? ago

I do not have a discord.

17068315? ago

Stop tagging random people into your posts, douchenozzle.

17068860? ago

It's Amalek.

He always sperges out and floods the board with garbage about Freemasons, talking to himself in the process.

Dead set, go have a mosey around and look at his old accounts - exact same behavior abounds.

17068815? ago

found the mason

17067660? ago

More importantly is where freemason came from and who controls it .

17067933? ago

the questions? @chrimony seems like a big question @SmokeyMeadow @bluntripkin @Napierdalator @Truthsayer9000 ?? so this is one of the older conspiracy out there

17067657? ago


17067646? ago

"The Secret behind Secret Societies" YT video reveals exactly what the freemasons are all about. It uses freemason's own books and people as references. Check it out if you want to know more. The more you know........

17067617? ago

So we have Jesuits, free masons, fake jews, etc. They are are different names of the same problem. The problem is Lucifer and the luciferian doctrine.

To take this down... I cant imagine what the world would look like. Their centers of power would have to buckle. NYC and the ponzi scheme stockmarket would no longer exist. Vatican city would have to come down. City of London too. And Washington DC would have to be rebuilt since its roots and control are in freemasonry.

The control system is massive and we have millions at the bottom of pyramid supporting this evil.

17071752? ago

Yes exactly, many cover names but deep down the true "religion" that is oppressing the world is LUCIFERIANISM. Gross.

17068000? ago

Gibeonite and Amalek roots

17067829? ago

this one is up there @MandragonHu @talmoridor-x one of the bigger conspiracy for sure @Lateknighttt @Gorillion

17067447? ago

Shriners have ALWAYS looked like straight up creepy pervy pedophiles... always doing things with kids and dressing up like clowns while wearing that red Muslim hat... My "satan radar" goes off on the Shriners.

17071481? ago

Shriners runs endless ads on TV using poor sick/crippled/deformed children to con money out of your pocket. They are profiteering on our beloved children (especially the unfortunae ones)!

17070828? ago

Yep, growing up my dad was a local mason. And he took me to the Shriners shit.. and yeah I remember thinking how damn creepy it all was. Which it certainly shouldn't have been but my little kid creepy radar was binging off the charts. This is something I'll never forget and still can't quite put my finger on why. It was just creepy.

17084723? ago

Spiritual discernment. Thank God for it.

17068212? ago

Shriners and their little burnt offerings.

17073168? ago

Shriners - Sinners

17067756? ago

What I do know is diesel 442? exposed himself a while back as a freemason, he alos tried to suck other voat users into the masonic movements which might explain why he used to try and censor and control information and constantly delete stuff in the unexplained sub and other subs he connected with through friends. These subs were some of the oldest and largest subs on voat going back to the old news politics subs, Libertarian subs and Bernie sanders, so you can see Freemasons had infiltrated voat from almost day one. I don't know if this post should be upvoted or down voted, I used to think most conspiracy were paranoid but there is definitely something to some conspiracy, some have turned out to b true. For me you need to have proof, a kind of solid court case, are they rigging how the conversation goes? are they doing Damage Control on Voat? is there disinfo and manipulation? What if you read a conspiracy learned that the Freemason, the Kike, the Jihadi Kebab, the Hindu Indian, the elite, the Royals were all part of this same club? Worshipped a weird amalgam god they prayed to both their 'God' and Devil at the same time? Moongod islam rituals, links to Egyptian roman stuff, a lot of Jewish stuff in there. The mason threads on voat have always been weird, and full of conspiracy ... and if you dig enough it could be the big conspiracy of them all , here are some old posts , https://voat.co/v/whatever/2864571 , https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/2969908/16086835 , https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy/2911579 , https://voat.co/v/art/2887884 , https://voat.co/v/news/2561057 , https://voat.co/v/pedogate/2537911 , https://voat.co/v/theAncients/2392481 , https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2298466 , https://voat.co/v/askvoatanon/2157230 , https://voat.co/v/todayilearned/1660820 , https://voat.co/v/occult/1456555 , https://voat.co/v/Freemasonry/1272517 in some threads maybe you see genuine discussion and in some you see a lot of damage control postings ... unfortunately a lot of evidence links have died since kek image host site and vid dot me was taken down. There are others who joke about the masons https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/1243572 but they are playing a game or trolling maybe, its clear they have inside knowledge on certain rituals, maybe a friend told them something when stoned or drunk or former masons themselves, what I find amazing is how the cult has kept weird secrets for so long.

17067411? ago

Just another power structure that’s easily corruptible.

17067350? ago

Freemasons are a distraction, a scapegoat for kikes.

Kikes are in the free masons just like every other org, it's probably one of their backdoor recruitment channels, still a distraction typical of /QRV

17070721? ago

Freemasons is Esoteric Judaism for the Goyim, they both follow the Talmud and want to build the Third Temple and have their Messiah rule the world and enslave the Goyim. History for the last 200 years has all been planed and their plans are nearly complete.

17067452? ago

Found the Freemason

17067491? ago

Freemasons talk much about "kikes", shmuely?

17067138? ago

freemasons take only what gives power, they sort of trample down anything noteworthy in the original to fit it in properly.

freemasonry doesnt even give a shit about what it uses, it's sort of fucking scummy and immoral.

17071741? ago

They are luciferians, at the top ranks. Following luciferian doctrine. Synagogue of Satan warned of in the bible. This is the main reason they run around crying MUH JOOs and saying the Jews did everything that is bad. They are scared to death to be called Luciferians - their real name. They dont give a flying fuck when we call them freemasons -- this is their mainstream cover name. Call a spade a spade.

17069559? ago

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17067181? ago

They are also useless babies that feel secure in their group because it can help them find a good career and they will protect each other's livelihoods.