drn ago

Read Gioele Magaldi's shocking book "Freemasons - All secrets uncovered" in english (computer translated): https://web.archive.org/web/20171223194302/http://jovial-kirch-e6a450.bitballoon.com/

Votescam ago

What has to be understood is that without organized patriarchal religions there is no Elite patriarchy. Elites required a "god" to anoint them as superior ... not only to women but to make all others "inferior." By color, by race, by gender, by creed, by sexual orientation.

And thanks to Our Founders' betrayal of the people, Elite Patriarchy was ordained here as the ruling class.

sore_ass_losers ago

Okay, as some critics here and on OP say, perhaps this is a little bit incoherent presentation.

The OP poster is obviously a big fan of http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/

This blog is actually run by aangirfan, actually a couple of people, and has a lot of information about organized pedophilia in the UK, which came out after the death of Sir Jimmy Savile, the famous BBC TV celebrity, child 'entertainer', pedophile, and necrophile. Searching through it you can find more information about Stephen Ward and the Profumo scandal.

The Profumo scandal rocked the UK in the 60's: a call girl, Christine Keeler was sleeping with both some UK minister and some Russian embassy official, if I recall correctly. There were huge implications for national security. This was not a conspiracy theory but mainstream headline news.

Aangirfan and others have explored the backdrop of the Profumo scandal in the 60's. It seems Stephen Ward was running or at a big part of some kind of human compromise operation. He was a gifted osteopath who moved in high circles, but he associated with many women of dubious morals, such as Keeler. It seems important people would be enticed to have sex with such as Keeler, while being photographed through one way mirrors. I call this human compromise because this term was used by Jim Rothstein, a NYC vice detective. It's basically entrapment, not necessarily for money, perhaps for influence.

Rothstein and human compromise: http://www.conspiracyarchive.com/2015/02/08/human-compromise/

So human compromise as in the Ward case was based most visibly on extra-marital sex with prostitutes. In Rothstein's day homosexuality was a big issue and used to entrap. Nowadays who cares about all that, so I suppose pedophilia is about the last big draw.

It's really interesting to look at and expose these historical events back in the UK in the 60's, because it all more or less continues today. Things don't really change that much.

The OP refers to 'T Stokes' an interesting persona. He appears to have first-hand inside information on corruption in the UK. With a lack of reference to other sources, his information could be easily discounted, but I feel is of interest to the researcher. If you want to deal with conspiracy theory you have to keep an open mind, you can't immediately decide yes/no this is true or not.

It's alleged that Prince Philip ran in these circles too.

Beyond just sex with prostitutes, there was also lot of sex with boys. The famous London gangsters, the Krays, were known to have provided boys to aristocracy, most notably a Lord Boothby. There are several well known pedophile rings back in the 60's, including a Westminster ring that involved government officials.

I've seen allegations that Sir Anthony Blunt, mentioned in the OP, who was I believe also a Soviet spy, would strangle boys while they were being buggered by others, for the thrill of their death throes. Really nasty stuff if true.

Are_we_shill ago

Q: What is the root of Western pedophilia, political blackmail, Masons and Satanism?

A: The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM)

Here is a more thorough, organized and scholarly take on the same topic http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2017/09/preston-james-how-close-are-we-to-hell.html

It is absolutely THE proximate cause of Pizzagate. But my submission on it here got deleted of course

Piscina ago

Don't understand why that would be deleted

Da-Cat ago

Not particularly coherent being forum posts, but various leads implicating some high-level players, useful for further research.