HennyPenny ago

https://www.you tube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=tzIw44w00ow Testimony from former CIA staff member relating to documents she viewed describing heart attack gun developed by CIA, also Church Congressional investigation into same with testimony from CIA Colby who later died in strange circumstances himself

Fetalpig ago

They just claimed they are booting out everyone not legal and now this.....MIGA

GoBackToReddit ago

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WilliamCutting ago

Don't forget the mafia are not the 'roguish criminals with hearts of gold' they are made out to be in movies.

They are one of the biggest groups bringing in 'refugees' into Europe. These scum care about money more than their own people.

HennyPenny ago

They ought to implement that here in the US. On ancestry.com the Masonic list of members in Massachusetts alone dating back to the late 1700s is approximately over 200,000! members. A network that swears first allegiance to it's group before loyalty to the US needs to divulge that, especially if they work in law enforcement or politics.

KnightFalcon ago

if you're looking for people who swear first allegiance to its group before loyalty to the US, have a look at Islam. They lie on every form, any statement of allegiance, because their "rule book" is the Koran. Or Israelis, or Scientologists, or Democrats, ...