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dudelol ago

Who wants to live forever in a world that is gonna be burned up by Yeshua.

jodieann ago

Remember reading about this many years ago. Seems to me they liked to use monoatomic gold and white powder gold to enhance their mental abilities.

SuckaFree ago

Not sure, but here's some info about one of me Uncle's, married into the family: 1) Last name Katz. A Germanic/Russian Jewish name. 2) He's an American born Russian Jew. 3) He's an Academic. Holds 2 Ph.D's in Mathematics and Software engineering, holds a Master's in Education also. 4) He's a non practicing Jew, but says his spiritual views are that Gnostic, rooted in the Esoteric. 5) He's not a Mason, but I have a cousin who is a 32nd Degree. Neither one likes the other. 6) My Uncle is a die hard blue as they get Progressive Liberal to the point that there's no red pilling this guy until hard verifiable, physical evidence of all "Their" wrongdoings are public. I've tried.

On a side note, my Mason cousin is also a techie, on the physical computer infrastructure side. He's a good guy. Knew of Kashoggi back in the 70's and 80's from working in the Middle East for AT&T, and swears up and down he was a bad dude and deserved his fate. The Bush's, Clinton's, Obama's, ALL of them, according to him, are EVIL as the worst of them. He knows more, but won't tell me. Guess I have to become one of them for him to open up, but he insists it's ALL a matter of public record and we should keep digging as much as we can.

Anyway, it seems to me that if they're academics, highly educated scientists or techies, and/or Jewish, they're suspect. My uncle SEEMS like he's alright, but I don't trust him. Take all of the above for what it's worth, but I'm personally suspect of ALL of it.

ReeceHolland ago

Thanks for sharing, that would be such a trip to have somebody you consider suspect being apart of the family. Is the rest of your family suspect of him as well or are you the black sheep woke one?

SuckaFree ago

The rest of the family, except for my Mason cousin and his kids, my brother, my parents, and my kids are dyed blue Libs. And they don't see anything wrong with my Uncle, his views, or the views of the elitist class, i.e. HUSSEIN, What's her Name (rymes with Blinton), and all the rest.

SuckaFree ago

My Mason cousin doesn't trust him, which being a Mason, speaks volumes to me.

NumbDigger ago

I once met a dude who claimed to be a 62nd level mason. He said they control the world with monoatomic gold.

ReeceHolland ago

Did he at least look the part or were you like “man gtfo here” hahaha

NumbDigger ago

To this day, the smartest guy I've ever met. I was dismissive at first, it's easy to be with the stuff he said. But he forced my mind wide open and crammed it full of brilliance. I didn't want to reveale my ignorance at the time, but I wish I had questioned further. Youthful arrogance.

ReeceHolland ago

Wow.. family? Stranger? How’s your paths cross?

NumbDigger ago

He bought my old roommates junky motorcycle. He hung out for hours while the battery charged and told stories and smoked joints with us. It was a surreal day. The best part is, when the bike finally did start, fuel leaked everywhere. Dude looks at us with a huge grin and says, "I'll take it!" We're like, "really?" And he goes, "yeah, I needed a project."


Alchemy:Drugs:South America/The New World:Discovery of New World Alchemy:Tribal human sacrifices:Old World:Spain: Jerusalem:Catholic Church:VooDoo:Inquisitions: Reconcile.

7197402 ago

I don't think Heremetic principles are Jewish principles unless they Jews highjacked them. Hermes Trismegistus was know by many names, Thoth the Atlantean being one of the most familiar. He is the progenitor of the Hermetic Principles and wrote The Emerald Tablets of Thoth. If you have the time, this is a great, eye-opening read. There are fifteen tablets, not very long, with many different topics including Atlantis, The Key to Space, The Law of Cause and Effect and The Key of Prophecy, the Key of Wisdom, etc.

SuckaFree ago

A lot of the Ancient Egyptian and surrounding area's priests were Alchemists, Hermeticists (even if that term or Hermes didn't exist yet), Gnostics, Esoterics, etc. When the slaves, workers, and early Hebrew clans left during the Exodus, the priests went with them and organized everything into Kabalism, according to my Gnostics Jewish Uncle I mentioned earlier. Also according to him, ALL of the 5 major religions today are rooted in Hermeticism of some sort. And they ALL have it wrong in many ways and on many levels.

ReeceHolland ago

Thank you I will look into that.

blumen4alles ago

...and read (or listen to someone reading) the Emerald Tablets again later, most likely you will pickup something missed the last time. If you follow the instructions in them, Thoth will make contact with you.

7197402 ago

You're very welcome

theoldones ago

there's a simple explanation here.

many aspects of the occult are real, but they have told YOU that's a delusion so YOU dont feed and research occult sources but THEY do, thus depriving YOU of the occult benefit that THEY then freely play with.

why do you think fluoride calcifies the third eye?

ItsBad ago

Why does fluoride calcify the pineal gland?

I've also heard people say fluoride is the reason humans get sunburn.

theoldones ago

the pineal gland contains a crystal, and fluoride chemically deadens it. this effects vision beyond the veil, sleep, mood, melatonin levels, and other important brain functions.

in autopsies, they have found buddhist monks with crystals almost TRIPLE the normal size.

first time ive heard about the sunburn thing but i'd believe it, yeah.

ReeceHolland ago

Okay, I’ll entertain the idea of plausibility. Any examples?

theoldones ago

CIA proved ESP is possible and used it to view mars in a released document.

WIFI signals and cellphones are calibrated to act on water molecules such as those in your cells, especially your brain cells.

explain ghosts if the occult does not exist.

explain these people being literally demonic. not figuratively, literally. they're their own cult. these motherfuckers WANT to be possessed by something dark and horrible, it's a goal for them

occult rituals like sacrifices made to seem like "things of the past", but then they do these things themselves behind closed doors. they're feeding things that way.

explain how some feminists will directly admit to being witches. witches is this case is an industry term, not a mark of faction. white hats exist just as much as black hats.

what exactly do think the cabal needs so many children kidnapped for?

ReeceHolland ago

Have you seen a ghost? I never have. That CIA Mars paper was interesting I remember coming across that. I do believe “occultists” exist and I believe they believe in their “magic” but for being “so powerful” most of them are appearingly uber-fags.

I do believe you’re right about the children.

theoldones ago


ReeceHolland ago

Did it see you?

theoldones ago

saw it, talked to it, helped it as much as a single living person can.

a woman died real bad in the area. restless ghost. dogs wont go near the death site.

Testicular ago

and you didn't film it? yeh ok

ReeceHolland ago

Sounds pretty life altering. You think about that a lot I presume?

Tallest_Skil ago

How can these so called “scientists” really be fixed in something seemingly bullshit?

Because Freemasonry is judaism and has always been judaism. It's Kabbalah bullshit. Just ignore it.

blumen4alles ago

Just ignore it.

You can ignore it, but kabbalah symbolism is used in virtually all human systems. Colors, numbers, shapes, archetypes, etc. It would be more wise to observe and question these things rather than ignore them.

Why are many country flags red, blue, and white? Why is it when you get pulled over by a police car you have flashing red, blue, and white lights pointed at you? If you draw an equilateral triangle at the top of the kabbalstic tree of life, you will find these colors. These symbols are used by those "in power" to express their authority & exert control over you.

Your statement to ignore it suggests you do not want this goat and other goats asking questions about those who rule over them...

Inaminit ago

@Tallest_Skil is a huge faggot... Don't leave your crotch unguarded.

Tallest_Skil ago

Cry the fuck more, you autistic coward.

Inaminit ago

When are you going to quit being a bottom feeder? Isn't that against your jewishness or something? Faggot...

ReeceHolland ago

Inaminit, I speak on a consistent basis with Skil and at times, fact check his work. Seems like a stand up person to me, always has.

ReeceHolland ago

I do believe it is bullshit but these people live in my community. I know it’s ties to Judaism and I am doing my best to connect it all full circle.

Tallest_Skil ago

I think many police forces also make freemason inclusion a requirement for low-level members, to take advantage of their weak emotions (and low intelligence) and give them a sense of "brotherhood" that they'll defend over everything–including the law.

ReeceHolland ago

It’s certain. My local police force logo features two trees as the Freemason pillars.

Inaminit ago

Alchemy IS real, y'know. Happens inside stars all the time... It's amazing to think that elements like Gold or Lead are derived from Hydrogen.

theoldones ago

artificially created stars IE reactors too.

i'd bet money somebody out there has built a gold creation reactor.