PM_me_your_mitts ago

I also learned this recently... first hand at a Mason's meeting.

HomerChimpson ago

They are great. Absolutely great.

My youngest had to go to one of their pediatric burn hospitals after fallimg into a smouldering camp fire. They are absolutely amazing. The people are great, they seem like they actually care. I can't express my gratitude to these people enough.

If ever in your life you are questioning making a charitable donation these are the people to send it to. The work they do is amazing. Personally I don't know how they do it day in and day out. Some of those kids are in bad shape, it has to be a difficult job.

Eastupward ago

They still do it in the FL panhandle as well.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

Must be nice.

FandyRandy ago

They also drive go carts in parades. I think they used to do circuses as well, but they were to benefit they mansions, not the hospitals. I don't object to that, but it wasn't for charity. I also miss the circus.

SaveTheChildren ago

I think you're obsessed with me, and really pathetic.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

When I was a kid there were Shriners around here that would put on fezes and drive little gocarts around in parades and town festivals. It was the last remnant of American 50's culture that existed in my childhood.

go1dfish ago

Same here, noone ever explained it or anything and I always thought it was the strangest thing.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

I always thought it was the strangest thing.

yeah, I think that was the whole point of it. You see these old men in little cars with strange hats, it was a hell of show. Especially if one of them was your doctor.

gazillions ago

They also drive cancer patients to the hospital for treatment. They got in trouble some years ago for hiring strippers at the parties they have for themselves. Like all of a sudden their work was bad because it.

newoldwave ago

I donate to Shrine Hospitals every year. If a kid's family can't afford it or no insurance, it's free.

ilikeskittles ago

Mason's in general give over $300M a year in charity.

piratse ago

That's a lot more than I thought. I'm sure there a are secret groups at the high levels of these organizations, but that doesn't mean they don't do some good.