Nadeshda ago

And a lovely middle name it is... :)

Nadeshda ago

Keverin Kevork Kevshawnda darling, stop messing with these people... you are way more interesting then just Keven! You know it! :p

thewebofslime ago












tell me when I get close

Crensch ago

You were never interesting to me. You were boring. I talk to quite a few people on here and no webcam stuff happens.

Also, maybe you should look back on the messages and find out what really happened. You seem to have forgotten.

Gothamgirl ago

She is grosser then Srayzie and has cleft lips.

gabara ago

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gabara ago

You're talking in circles which is a bad sign. Doxing is against the site rules so beatle got banned. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. GG attacked Srayzie first, becaue she's jealous that srayzie is a beautiful woman and a successful mom. Losers hate winners. If Srayzie made a few bad choices after than, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK KEVDUDE, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK! Seriously, GothamGirl started ALL of this with her insane jealousy. GG even keeps lying and saying Beatle doesnt do drugs. We both know how wrong that is. GOTHAMGIRL IS VOAT'S NEW CANCER.

Now that's it, I'm done with all of this, I spoke with Putt and I agreed to stay out of this and just post dank memes like this:

And if you don't like this video, you are a goddamn interior crocodile alligator!

heygeorge ago

@PuttItOut Iā€™m waiting for the global sticky of Chevrolet movie theatre

Gothamgirl ago

GG attacked Srayzie first, becaue she's jealous that srayzie is a beautiful woman and a successful mom. Losers hate winners..

Oh wow you're a lying shill. First of the bitch weighs like 200 more pounds then I and looks like a clown.

She is a convicted criminal I am not, nor have I ever done anything illegal in my whole life. How could she be a winner with arrests and when she is a whore who used drugs?

Shizie ago

She is a convicted criminal I am not, nor have I ever done anything illegal in my whole life. How could she be a winner with arrests and when she is a whore who used drugs?

I find it absolutely reprehensible that a supposed "Pizzagate researcher" should have so little understanding and compassion about the dynamics and impact that victims of childhood sexual abuse face. You pretend to care about kids who have been sexually abused, yet these are the types of sickening comment you make about a woman who was raped as a child?

After all Srayzie has been through, he'll yeah she is an absolute winner and an inspiration for other victims! She has never pretended to be perfect, but she has overcome addiction. Addictions which came as a direct result of her childhood trauma!

The fact that she survived not just her hildhood abuse, but her years of addiction are a testament to her strength and tenacity! She also openly admits if it were not for the unconditional love of her father and her husband, she would not have survived.

You are so overcome with jealousy that you have shown yourself to be a fake ass pizzagater! You don't care about victims, you only care about virtue signaling and pretending to be better than everyone else.

Try and educate yourself on the outcomes for kids who have been sexually abused so that you don't keep perpetuating your ignorance on the subject and further harming victims!

Gothamgirl ago

You expect me to believe a liar, who doesn't honor her own family?

Well that's when I stopped reading. I am going on vacation Lapdog šŸ–ļø

Shizie ago

You expect me to believe a liar, who doesn't honor her own family?

You expect everyone to believe you- a selfish bitch who denied her children from having a stable family because you refused to marry their father.

You don't care about victims of abuse, you stalk and dox them.

I didn't dox you. You husband did.

But it's funny you say this because your crackhead lover was just banned on two accounts for doxxing srayzie's info and posting pictures of her minor children!

How disgusting can you two be?!

Don't answer that, you're both pretty disgusting. Are you now going to be enraged with jealousy because your adoring husband said this about srayzie's daughter?

Enjoy your white trash vacation cunt! No matter what wonderful place you go to, you and ZB will still be there trashing it up and ruining the experience for everyone around you!

Gothamgirl ago

Srayzie was harassing my family way before that happened, and she is criminal, junkie and whore..

Go fuck yourself, pedos like you are fucking the world up cunt. You have ruined the experience for everyone around you on just this site for YEARS...

HollaKost ago

Your own husband says you're the liar!

So no one on voat will ever believe a thing you say cunt!

pedos like you are fucking the world up cunt.

Yes pedos like your husband are fucking up the world!

He fantasizes about sodomizing little boys. Everytime he has sex with you, that's why he's really thinking about. How ficking sick are you two freaks! Barf!

And just for fun since you're a jealous bitch

Your husband is writing about another woman's backside! But he really loves you šŸ˜‚šŸ–•šŸ»

Gothamgirl ago

I don't lie and we were broken up at the time which you used to your slutty advantage, is what your admitting.

He doesn't mean anything he says on here, actually in real life I cannot tell when he is serious or joking and neither can his mother.

gabara ago

I dont understand what's wrong with srayzie defending herself from psychos

gabara ago

I am fine with @scrubbinoutoldblue getting banned.

gabara ago

@scrubbinoutoldblue talks a lot like beatle. What makes you think thats the woman whos name you leaked, srayzie.

gabara ago

Have a link?

Gothamgirl ago

It's a srayzie alt because she stole those photos from my facebook. Look at the whole profile it doxes me, my family, both mine and zyklons children, my properties, my ex, people I have come into contact with. Even an old roommate of mine who is actually retired secret service, court depositions, bank statements and on and on.

Right? @imchad @hollakost @hulkjizz @batwhore @dedGgdaughter @h2floormats@guntpiggy @insanegoatposse

This is why zyklon went ape shit on her.

Crensch ago

Any evidence to show srayzie is soob?

Gothamgirl ago

She is the only individual on here who could get those photos and share them.

If she is not that individual who made that screen name, the name was setup to go after me, because she felt threatened.

Crensch ago

She is the only individual on here who could get those photos and share them.

You're insane. SOOB just put your stupid riddles together and did a google search. I did one after SOOB did and found what he did, too. The user claimed it was a public search, and I'd have objected had it not been - I found what SOOB found quite easily given what you and zyklon doxed of yourselves.

If she is not that individual who made that screen name, the name was setup to go after me, because she felt threatened.

I don't think she's capable of typing like that user. I don't think she's capable of much of anything SOOB did with the personality(ies) put forth.

None of us know who that was, but someone was mad enough at you and your crew to go after you the way your crew went after srayzie. Every move that user made seemed to be an answer to escalation on your end.

If you were smarter, you would see that, too.

That user did exactly what it said - only up to what was done to srayzie. I wouldn't be surprised if it showed up with photos of you, your kids, or family, and more records on them.

Do you really think that user is srayzie? She has things she's very good at, but I've never noticed subtlety and theatrics like that from her.

But hey, go after her harder. It's not like that user said someone was within driving distance of it or anything.

Why do I waste time explaining shit to you? Your fat is just going to get in the way of rational thoughts and you'll squeal like a stuck pig about something stupid again.

gabara ago

I want any account that threatened a child to be banned

And zyklon was banned

Gothamgirl ago

Shizy threatened my kid with death and rape and you won't even acknowledge it.

gabara ago


gabara ago

You're not even aware of the solution Putt has coded and we are testing. I'm embarrassed for you.

King_Leopold_II ago

Im guessing she was invited before all the drama.

thewebofslime ago

It appears @srayz was, after 9 years, finally able to pay off her DUI situation (where she required a public defender) after starting to shill for /v/GreatAwakening. She was able to pay off debt as soon as she started shilling.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what any average person can look up. Private Investigator and software used by forensic accountants gets even more detailed.

thewebofslime ago

@kevdude @gothamgirl @srayz @vindicator @crensch

Assuming that you guys want this drama to end. @GothamGirl should just file a restraining order against @srayz. It's really easy to do, use a fee waiver. As an additional request, the order should request that @srayzie no longer be able to use the Internet or, at least, not be able to use Voat. This is will within the court's ability and it is a no brainer. YOu can't lose this case because this is a case of ongoing criminal harassment.

@srayz has plenty of criminal history and has been arrested with things like trespassing, drug charges and, most recently, a DUI that she failed to stop paying for and has gone into collections.

With the filing of this restraining order, you can issue a subpoena requesting the alts used by @srayz to get to the bottom of what is really going on with her harassment. If you guys are serious about dealing with this problem, I will even fill out the forms and the subpoenas for you.

At this stage, @srayz is making a very poor decision to continue harassment since the extent of her real world criminal history, publicly available information, might start hitting the Internet. I don't really feel like seeing this drama, anymore. @srayz is a problem. @srayz needs to go away. There are plenty of legal ways to make this happen, as well as an opportunity for people involved to demonstrate sincerity in finding an end to the conflict.

SearchVoatBot ago

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CheeseboogerHimself ago

@srayz has plenty of criminal history and has been arrested with things like trespassing, drug charges and, most recently, a DUI

Lemme guess: Her and ol' Chico were driving drunk while smuggling coak into the US?

Shizie ago

@GothamGirl should just file a restraining order against @srayz. It's really easy to do, use a fee waiver.

Fee waivers are for people who aren "millionaires" like GothamGirl.

As an additional request, the order should request that @srayzie no longer be able to use the Internet or, at least, not be able to use voat.

So you're advocating for the court stripping due process and banning Srayzie from using the internet all together? šŸ¤£ What a load of horse shit! No court is going to make that order in a civil case! Your pretending to be knowledgeable of the law is really amusing.

this is a case of ongoing criminal harassment.

Guess you either missed the part, or are willfully ignorant about @zyklon_b continuing to death threat srayzie's children. Yeah, take it to court GothamGirl! Let the judge see how your FELON for attempted murder husband is threatening to murder children! Smart advice right there šŸ¤£!!

thewebofslime ago

I'm advocating using due process to strip you of your ability to use the Internet and any associated accounts. One subpoena would be all it would take to unmask all @srayzie alts. If you are actually a separate person, whre you participated, then due process should be used to reveal you, as well, and ban you from harassing people's kids.

@srayzie threatened a lawsuit, among other things, which is not satire, it is genuine, according to the law, harassment. I specialize in helping victims of domestic violence get restraining orders. I know what I'm talking about and I can make this happen.

@srayzie's arrest record is public information.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Shizie ago

and ban you from harassing people's kids.

Ban me? I'm not threatening kids! Those losers threatened my kids asshole! For weeks! I'm lumping GG with ZB because they're married. She not only knew what types things he was writing but she condoned and enabled his behavior.

I specialize in helping victims of domestic violence get restraining orders.

So have I! What you're trying to say happened here would not fall under the domestic violence statutes. It's really easy to get a DV protection order, but it's a lot harder to prove the need for one when people are unrelated. You should know that. Nice try though pretending that you're some special shit so you can try to bully and intimidate people into backing off the true harassers and abusers here!

Maybe you should go read through ZB's comments, and his lorbeetlejluce comments before foolishly thinking you're defending the "victims"!

thewebofslime ago

It's really easy to get a DV protection order, but it's a lot harder to prove the need for one when people are unrelated. You should know that.

I know what the requirements are for a civil harassment restraining order. Neither one is "easy" or "hard" as the circumstances either meet the requirements or they do not.

Where did you study law?

Shizie ago

I know what the requirements are for a civil harassment restraining order. Neither one is "easy" or "hard" as the circumstances either meet the requirements or they do not.

And the requirements to get a DV protection order are a lot "easier" to meet as long as there's a legally defined relationship and threat involved. Not the same for a civil order! If you actually worked in this field you should know that!

Gothamgirl ago

The lies never end, since you forgot so quickly...

Shizie ago

I didn't threaten your kid stupid botch! I threatened to give your address to pedos: but your husband beat me to that by about 9 months!

And I'll keep reposting this everytime you roll out your faux outrage!

thewebofslime ago

I threatened to give your address to pedos

Sounds like the court needs to get involved. This is an admission of guilt.

Shizie ago

Sounds like the court needs to get involved. This is an admission of guilt.

Guilt of what exactly? When did it become "illegal" to give publically available information? Information that HER OWN husband had already put on voat?

Save your bullshit for someone dumb enough to believe you actually know what you're talking about! I

Gothamgirl ago

Asking pedophiles to rape and murder my kid isn't illegal?

What quack firm do practice out of sicko?

Shizie ago

It said all is satite fat ass!

Gothamgirl ago

Why would I be looking for help when I have an excellent lawyer, and never break the law?

I just find it hard to fathom, someone that works in the legal world would fabricate such lies againist me, and say such things about raping and murdering my children. That's why shitzy.

thewebofslime ago

It's called a civil restraining order and I have seen many of them granted for less.

I have seen @srayzie's criminal history. It is clear @srayzie is not the victim.

If you go into court and make the argument you are making, you will lose. In fact, in many instances, this type of argument just results in mutual restraining orders, but that would not be the case in this instance.

Additionally, I am familiar with the courthouse in @srayzie's jurisdiction. If someone applied for this civil restraining order, there, they would win.

SearchVoatBot ago

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fuspezza ago

Remember @jem777

Gothamgirl ago

I am not a millionaire nor have I ever claimed to be. I just don't have to work unless I choose to.

You started harrassing me over a year ago, he starting adding his 2 cents 4 weeks ago ,and being that his account has always stated Everything is satire you don't have a leg to stand on in any court for anything.

He attempted to murder a pedophile predator, good luck in court.

HollaKost ago

You started harrassing me over a year ago,

I said mean things on voat. Boo hoo.

and took it up a notch when you doxed our children ,

For the 10th time, he doxed your children oh dumb bitch!

How are you gonna explain that in "court"? šŸ¤£

and being that his account has always stated Everything is satire you don't have a leg to stand on in any court for anything.

Oh your sad little idiot! You really have no clue how things work. But if you want to play pretend "Ima gonna get you in court", how you gonna answer for this slander?

And how are you going to explain this?

Or this:

Just stop already. You sound so ridiculous! šŸ–•šŸæ

Gothamgirl ago

Ok Srayzie so we established you are Hollakost then...

Zyklon used my old address, not the new one. You and crew scoured the internet to dox me further.


Look who shows up in the comments first oh by gosh it's you what a shock. But yourself doxed me here.

And Crensch takes credit.

Crensch ago

JFC can you get it through your head they're two different people? They have been since long ago, and you won't find some behaviours in one that you do in the other.

Gothamgirl ago

What is jfc?

Crensch ago

Jesus Fucking Christ

It's really getting old, everyone=everyone. Yeah, they do their girly shitposting and sound about the same. Catch them otherwise and even I can tell the difference; ask even my enemies, kev and trig, I can't tell one user from the next.

Shizy is the one responding to you. I've not seen srayzie since y'all doxed her church.

Gothamgirl ago

Oh that's a bunch of bullshit it's srayzie, you how I know? She chased me around last year in her Srayzie screen name, with that "all is satire. " bs. Nobady else did... All these screen names doxing, only became active after zyklon went after her. You know what I think crensch? You people are taking turns using those alts, that's what the fuck I think...

I don't like you either I know a keyboard dictator everytime I see it, and you're not that good and your opinion on Srayzies body is very telling. Plus you don't respect marriage. You are grotesque !

Crensch ago

Oh that's a bunch of bullshit it's srayzie, you how I know? She chased me around last year in her Srayzie or Clitoressa screen name, with that "all is satire. " bs. Nobady else ever has duntil now...

It's pretty common knowledge that your pedo husband does that, why wouldn't someone else follow you around like he did to her? He's obsessed with her, and that makes you obsessed with her; him because she's hotter than you, and you because she's hotter than you.

Gothamgirl ago

That's my point she was copying him because she plotted to go after me remember all the messages between them she keeps posting?

He is obsessed? Give me a fucking break. No man on earth would want that. She is coal burner you can clearly see it in her husband, and kids faces. Plus she is the size of a car no one can afford to feed it.

Crensch ago

He is obsessed? Give me a fucking break. No man on earth would want that. She is coal burner you can clearly see it in her husband, and kids faces.

Your husband married a coal burner. How does that logic even hold up in that disgusting skull of yours?

Crensch ago

You know what I think crensch? You people are taking turns using those alts, that's what the fuck I think...

This is why you're one of the dumbest cunts I've ever had the displeasure of meeting on the internet.

I don't like you either I know a keyboard dictator everytime I see it, and you're not that good, and your opinion about srayzies body is very telling. Plus you don't respect marriage. You are grotesque !

I am that good, and my opinion on her body is my opinion.

Grotesque? I have my faults, but your face is the kind of ugly that goes straight to the bone.

Gothamgirl ago

So you saying dictatorship is good, really?

Your face is just that ugly to Crensch šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚

Crensch ago

You still haven't seen me, you stupid cunt. Where are my scars?

Why did your husband start attacking for no reason at all? Please explain?

Gothamgirl ago

I actually have no idea how this even started, i missed all of the beginning because I had been driving for days. All I know is I kept getting messages from Srayzie asking me to talk to him, and try to get him to stop, So I did. He wasnt going to stop. Then you made a post talking about whats going on. Srayzie sent me a link to that post, and in the comments shizy was already calling my kids niggers again, and I wasnt even involved. Thats when I went bilistic and jumped in. I am sick of you motherfuckers going after my kids, its gone on for over a year.

You talk about zyklon doxxing me while your friend has shared my kids name probably 50 times since. You people made screen names of all my kids names.

I dont know why or how this started you need to ask him.

Crensch ago

You married him, you fat ogre.

Gothamgirl ago

Yet you want people to have sympathy when it's srayzie's family.

Clownword #HonkHonk

Crensch ago

Your husband threatened to kill and torture her kid. Constantly.

Kinda leaves you being a whiny bitch that doesn't understand that things have degrees to them.

WhiteRonin ago


Stop the other team from their doxā€™ing too!

Gothamgirl ago

Let's back up 6months though, here they started an account in my exes name when we argued last time, only Srayzie knew his name, she just nuked the comments when all this popped off.

And here you clearly see she taunting me with it, she looks up a court case with him, and looked into my bank statements

They have screen names in my children's names but I can't share those.

The have an account called deadlisa making fun of zyklons ex who unfortunately killed herself. They doxed his kid weeks ago.

Shizie ago

only Srayzie knew his name,

Your boyfriend doxed you 9 months ago. Anyone who wanted to follow up on the information be provided about you can easily find that dude is your ex! That's why it's not smart to put your real life info on line dumbass!

They have an account called deadlisa making fun of zyklons ex who unfortunately killed herself.

Yeah, he seems real torn up about "Lisa"

Calling her a "whore" and that rehab is for quitters! But tell us all again how unfortunate it was and keep pretending he's really sad.

You know why I suspect he isn't really upset about the suicide of his girlfriend? Because she was a character! A fake. Not a real person. That seems to be what Zyklon_b does. Trigglypuff said so herself:

Gothamgirl ago

Zyklons family knew Lisa, so stop lying. She also sent him gifts, and letters which he still has today.

You are atrocious. Was jem fake too? Do you see dead people? šŸ¤” Oh that's right your friend Skrayzie talks to them at her house and then shares it on youtube! šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚

What zyklon says about Lisa has nothing to do with me. You are using the dead for revenge, and it is quite sick!

Toodles poodle I am going to the beach.

Shizie ago

Zyklons family knew Lisa, so stop lying. She also sent him gifts, and letters which he still has today.

I don't believe you. I have provided proof of his own words showing he had little regard for her, even if she was real.

What zyklon says about Lisa has nothing to do with me

Yet you rolled her on out to try and garner sympathy when you feel you need it. Nice try, but I provided the truth. He didn't care about her.

Was jem fake too?


Gothamgirl ago

  1. Don't care either way.

  2. I was just showing how degenerate you have become and using deceased at the drop of a dime, for your benefit.

  3. Fuck you Jem was not fake, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit, if you individuals had something to do with what happened to her and others...

  4. Don't I know mostly everyone on it right now and they love the shit out of me .

Crensch ago

I know mostly everyone on it right now and they love the shit out of me .

Not even your husband loves you.


Gothamgirl ago

I can do better and will. Fuck him and fuck you. You people probably planned all this garbage together, just to drag me down like the others.

Crensch ago

No one ever cared enough about you to do something like that. If you disappeared, nobody would notice.

Shizie ago

Thats true! And as you can imagine I was utterly shocked to find out that they are separated after only a month or so of marriage!

Crensch ago

Such sanctity of marriage!


Shizie ago

She waited 50 years for her one month of matrimony!

Crensch ago

HOLY matrimony. ~cough~ holey*

Shizie ago

Since we're talking about those two, I think it would be fitting to call it gaping matrimony

Crensch ago

Herpes Matrimony?

Shizie ago

Das trufe!

Shizie ago

I was just showing how degenerate you have become and using deceased at the drop of a dime, for your benefit

Since she wasn't real and it was all satire shove your phoney outrage up your large ass.

Fuck you Jem was not fake, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit, if you individuals had something to do with what happened to her and others...

Careful now, that's some serious accusations right there. As I have said all along, until I see some actual proof that Jenny Moore was Jem, and that Jenny Moore eve died, I'll continue to question that whole saga! Especially since you had your grubby fat fingers all in it and you're a known liar!

Gothamgirl ago

Youre a fucking disgrace...

Crensch ago


And your husband literally threatening death on this very same website. You are some kind of stupid.

HollaKost ago

Yes she is very stupid! She brags about marrying a "Nazi" while also pretending to be super outraged about racist talk.

Crensch ago

Hey, @gothamgirl, you claim everything your husband says is satire, right?

Crensch ago

And admitting to drug use. And admitting to stabbing people.

thewebofslime ago

Literally everything that @srayzie has been proven to do but not charges like trespassing. Would you like to see the extent of @srayzie's criminal record?

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KatHarzso ago

Oy vey! How can we make sure voat is not antisemitic so we can make a profit off of Qtards?

Crensch ago

Given the context, what does that even mean?

KatHarzso ago

You know what it means. Gotta protect the Meek. Am I right? LOL

Crensch ago

I thought you were the one that didn't like the fact that I would happily kill any Invader children? These children get a pass because it's your buddy threatening them?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Gothamgirl ago

Wow @srayz this guy is your friend? Isnt your husband and kids Mexican?

PuttitoutIsGone ago

They sure look like spics.

King_Leopold_II ago

Why is a jew marrying outside the tribe?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Many of those dirty beaners are jews.

KatHarzso ago

Mmhmm. You're a kike supporter. You love Israel because they finally got you on their payroll. You won't kill illegal children cuz that would go against your master's plan. You are a huge fake. Now you're making it ok for them to ruin the site cuz money talks.

Alright, Sheldon. The site is yours. Thanks for helping turn this site into another Reddit. Thanks for taking sides with that Meek whore.

Crensch ago

You still didn't answer why it's okay for your buddy to threaten children. It seems you have a hard time confronting that fact.

Crensch ago

You've been drinking some fucked up Kool-Aid. I destroyed the Holocaust and the Nuremberg trials on this website. I don't think anyone has done more than I have to show the absurdities and lies of Jews.

Now I'm starting to wonder if you guys are projecting all of your insecurities onto me.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

That was done long before you, larping jew boy.

KatHarzso ago

Whatever, Israeli slave. You are doing fine work.

Crensch ago

Now im a slave?

Could you at least make up your mind?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

Remember when it was her husband that doxxed her?

thewebofslime ago

You are an accomplice and your double standard proves it. The right subpoena in a restraining order case could unmask you and all of your alt accounts.

I find your team's behavior to fit the legal definition of harassment giving legitimate rise to a case for a restraining order and very likely qualifying for the special request of limiting the Internet access of those participating in the harassment.

Given that your team just threatened @kevdude with a lawsuit and the proven criminal history of those on your team, I don't think you would stand a chance in court. In fact, I consider a case against all of you to be a "slam dunk" by the right parties.

If it did go to court, I would find it in the interest of justice to chime in with what private investigator and forensic accountant software can provide on your team.

That, of course, would include publicly available information, as well.

I'm assuming that's what you want. More conflict? But you play like little babies. I do man's work. It looks like your team wants to see how the two stack up against each other.

Shizie ago

I find your team's behavior to fit the legal definition of harassment giving legitimate rise to a case for a restraining order and very likely qualifying for the special request of limiting the Internet access of those participating in the harassment.

Hahahaha! Yeah right! When the judge in your pretend scenario hears that ZB and his alt were both banned from voat for doxing, and we that he was also the one who doxed GothamGirl this whole little saga will get laughed out of court. If you weren't a larp you would know that.

thewebofslime ago

You clearly know nothing about how court works. You can't play the victim card to erase your own crimes.

Crensch ago

You don't do shit. Nobody is afraid of you, or your weak fake legal expertise.

thewebofslime ago

You are clearly afraid you will lose the sub /v/GreatAwakening, which is why you had to bring @srayzie back after the threat of it becoming a system sub emerged. Why are you terrified of GA becoming a system sub? Wouldn't that be less work for you?

Also, when it comes to restraining orders, I have a 100% win rate. It is basically unheard of. In California, I have also won permanent restraining orders which are somewhat of a hen's tooth. The few police departments I've served them on have been shocked to see that they are even real.

As for what I do? I have also put pedophiles in jail. So, you can pretend I am not a serious person, but, I do know the court system. My legal advice is on point. I especially know the court system in California.

I think a couple of people can file to end @srayzie's use of Internet with a civil harassment suit, since it meets all of the criteria and is, most importantly, ongoing. I also am certain the criteria is met for the discovery process to include subpoenas in your specific direction, as well. Why? Becaus @srayzie was finally able to start paying on that DUI when you two became involved and you are part of the harassment, using DARVO (aka crybullying) to decry behavior that your friends are also engaged in.

Notice your argument against me contains no substance at all. It is an indicator of guilt.

AD HOMINEM. It means you just lost this argument. You admitted defeat,. just like last time we had a discourse, because all you offer are insults.

Notice you have no intellectual ability to defend your actions because you are in the wrong.

You are participating in illegal behavior with @srayzie.


Now, @srayzie has her criminal history posted online everywhere. Everyone should see it, as it is public information. This is not the type of person who would actually be in charge of any type of conservative movement. @srayzie is a shill.

Crensch ago

I bet you're also a Navy SEAL, aren't you?

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you for taking the time to write this.

thewebofslime ago

Make a timeline. Include where @kevdude is threatened with lawsuit. That is recent harassment in the eyes of the law, showing that the case exists to get @srayzie banned from the Internet for stalking and harassing.

Find a "Judicial Council Form" for a declaration in your jurisdiction. In California, it is an MC-030.

Find a "Civil Restraining Order" packet. Fill it out.

Find a Fee Waiver form. Fill it out.

Make archives and take screenshots of everything. This evidence will have to be "authenticated" in that you have to testify as to how you got them so that the court knows they are real. It helps if you have another person who can also authenticate the evidence.

You will have to explain the harm, that it is ongoing and that you are the target. There should be a place for that in the "Civil Restraining Order" packet.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Gothamgirl ago

Thank you for that advice šŸ˜Š

thewebofslime ago

I know it's been posted, but I don't know where you live. You can file these in Fresno County, after you fill them out, which would be the least kind court to @srayzie, who is faimilar with her and will be able to pull up all of her police reports, etc, on the bench. A lot of people don't know this, but the judges are constantly searching stuff to corroborate what either party is saying. They can see everything on Facebook, etc.

@crensch says I will do nothing, but I am serious about my offer. If you put in some of the work, I will help you make sure the forms are correct and I even know where to serve them. I will serve them for you. I own a cabin that is not that far away where I spend a lot of time. It's not even that far away.

I also noticed that @srayzie's husband committed some type of fraud when he served some papers in another case, which I am looking into. If I notice what the angle is, I'll report it. I don't think it's right for people to go around faking service. It has happened to me.

The most important criteria to demonstrate is that the harassment is ongoing.

If you are nowhere near California and cannot afford to go there for a series of hearings, you can file a request for a telephonic appearance. But, those often don't go well, if you aren't used to how it works meaning you should file in your own jurisdiction.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Gothamgirl ago

I do live far away from Cali, and just actually left my home state to take a vacation very very far away, and wont be back home for sometime. Let me think about this. Thank you so much for the suggestions, and of course for everything you do on Voat šŸ˜Š

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I wonder what a private eye would find out if he looked into these Mexicans?

thewebofslime ago

In 30 seconds, everything. The software they use is fairly comprehensive... criminal histories, financials, properties, social media, locations, etc. It takes seconds for Amazon's facial recognition service to find everything public and a lot that is not public. Forensic accountants have even better software that can trace accounts... but they need a subpoena for each bank, first.

Gothamgirl ago

I have taken classes in skip tracing myself.

Crensch ago

Hey, @gothamgirl, WoS has a 100% win rate with restraining orders!


thewebofslime ago

It's true. Why is that funny?

Gothamgirl ago

It is, he is her handler.

gabara ago

Yeah but it continues to escalate, like this @Trigglypuff has crossed the line into outrigtht harassment. I can support that.

King_Leopold_II ago

I saw her yelp, and it's a shining example of why you don't do certain stuff on the interwebz lol.

gabara ago

What about the Voat rules?

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

cool u can call whenevrr

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Tides have certainly changed on Voat and made unlikely bedfellows.

gabara ago

I can't find fault with the message from @qtiepie. I would do the same thing. And now @caveman_in_a_suit has deleted because of GG and Beatle and their criminal mischief. GG and Beatle are bringing the police into Voat with their shameful drugged out behavior. And beatle still has his main account, lordbeatlejuicethe1. @puttitout might wand to ban that one too to delay Police involvement a bit.

Gothamgirl ago

You are bat shit crazy I don't do drugs or crimes. I don't even know who caveman_ in_a_ suit is.

Srayzie is the one who threatened police.

Who much are being paid to make up this garbage about me?

thewebofslime ago

@srayz is a drug addict with multiple arrests. Your choice of insults is bizarre.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago


awwisnotafarmpromise ago

You're the only proven doxxing reddit faggot I know of on vaot kevdude.

@puttitout continues to allow you violate site wide rule with impunity. He has no integrity whatsoever.

PatriotLady1 ago

Tell her to bite your ass.

ruck_feddit ago

These people are faggots and wanna be faggots, Kev. Just keep doing what you're doing. She'll have to take a few days off soon when her period starts.

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lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

fuck @puttitout if it cause him issues i am down to fuck his incel fag life

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

maybe something REAL bad happen to such a fat person

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Anyone who goes against Crensch and his thot gets threatened, downvote brigaded and relentlessly stalked. Fuck these idiots. Builders my ass.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago


CheeseboogerHimself ago


lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

look at these ugly spic/jew kids somebody posted in your BTA sub. i call em miete' and no ugh

MinorLeakage ago

Don't worry, doxxing isn't actually a crime in real life. No one anywhere will give even the slightest of shits. Anyone giving out personal information online will eventually get what they deserve. If you broke their "confidence" maybe they can get you disbarred.

Gothamgirl ago

Crazy Fat lady like about a 350pounder šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ holy fuck many kids did shit out on the wrong side of the border for fucks sake..

Gothamgirl ago

Same here threatened to call, police making false allegations againist me lol.

MinorLeakage ago

You should all call the FBI right away, faggots. Make sure to mention how you cried about it. They'll take it super-serious that way.

Crensch ago

So if you all got demodded she wouldn't be mad?

Kek. Keep at it. I'm sure someone on your side will believe it, but nobody else will.

I don't know what you think you have evidence of but I had nothing to do with the stuff you are accusing me of.

You know you do.

I have PMs of her bragging about doxxing zyklon and gothamgirl. That was full names and addresses if I remember correctly. And there were threats to people's children with that too. I haven't shared those because I don't want to get involved in this drama.

Not interested in what she did or didn't do. Go for it. I'll not have you pretending to be innocent in all of this, when every drop of yours led to more info they seemed to have. If you claim again the anon drops weren't you in our barely-seen discussions, I'll make sure the evidence is presented for everyone that it was, in fact, you.

Maybe go fuck with the people who actually doxxed her. I know you wish it was me, but I have nothing to do with it.

I don't need any of this to destroy you, kev. I never did.

You are reaching now.

Keep telling yourself that I'm the one making the mistakes you are making.

Crensch ago

Yes. I plan on making posts everytime you ban users like @patriotlady1. I plan on being a constant nuisance. The more people you ban the louder the noise. Petitions to admin. Opening your sub up to the voting because the owner is not the creator.

You addressed her directly. Another "awkward truth" for you?

Her and zyklon/GG have been trading punches for MONTHS. I had nothing to do with that. I got on Voat after zyklon had been banned and had to dig around just to get the full story.

Don't believe that for a second.

"kevdude made a vague threat like all the ones I constantly made against him. Because DAE kevdude is literally satan it must mean he made zyklon find public information." It won't be the first time you have accused me of shit I didn't do with out of context screen grabs of me saying things that could be read several ways.

Nobody ever threatened you IRL. Nobody ever had anything of yours IRL. You had information. You provided information. About someone's real life identity.

Saying it a bunch of times won't make it true.

I've got the evidence, too. Do you want me to make a post on it?

Again, nothing I have posted could lead anyone anywhere. I have never posted anything with the intent to dox her. I have never posted anything with the intent for harm to come to her or her family.

And nobody reading the evidence would believe you. They'd know you're lying, constantly.

King_Leopold_II ago

all her shit is on public websites.

This is what I don't get, is that if her shit is already public how is this considered a fox?

Gothamgirl ago

I already reported her a year ago when she called my house and kids school and I mistakenly thought she did something to my phone. I am recording everything she ever did externally.

Qtiepie ago

You even admitted you were wrong cunt. @Shizie pulls your strings the most. She works you like a fiddle. You deserve it. But you always think it's me

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago


Gothamgirl ago

In hindsight I am not sure I was right or wrong. I apologized because it couldn't be proven and it was the right thing to do, and I wanted to be back researching, despite you calling my kids names like niggers for days on end, I just wanted to forget it and your wacky self.

Shizie ago

She's fucking crazy that's why! She even admits she has mental issues.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

Gothamgirl ago

You go around calling my children names for over a year and then tell me you work with victims of pedophilia, (kids) but not before you called for pedos to rape my kids..

You are a fucking circus animal, lap dog was me being nice...

Shizie ago

Your husband is the one who started spreading around voat that your kids were niggers

He knew you irl so he would be the one to know their race. If you want to be mad about that, be mad at him for spreading that shit around! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Gothamgirl ago

Yeah and Crensch swear this is thinner then me šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚

Take you freak show and fuck off pedo. We know you hang out here and probably come from the same cult coughcough the whore does Celebration church right? Do you help victims there?

Taco Dog

1915 E Main St #7, Spartanburg, SC 29307 (864) 542-8058

Crensch ago

You have to try to dox kids to win.

You fail so hard at everything you do.

Gothamgirl ago

I have not doxed anyone, you had no problems doxing me with Braun whatever the fuck account. Quit your bitching..

Crensch ago

Braun? That guy is a faggot and hates me for some reason.

I never doxxed anyone. You and your husband most certainly did.

You were the first to mention lots of information that is not publicly available. It's all been archived and recorded, so delete or edit away.

And you still fail, because you had to try and threaten kids in order to win, and you still have to look at that horror that is your face every morning in the mirror.

Gothamgirl ago

You shared a link to dox my pic and make fun of me. You really have some fucking nerve...

Do you know Srayzie family and kids are Mexican?

I knew as I listened to your stupid ass, also knew the pics of her that were passed around was her touched up version she is pushing 350 Crensch šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ holy shit she is diabetes..

Crensch ago


Even if all of that is true, you're beyond ugly, fat, your kids are failures, your husband is a failure, and you are a failure. You're also beyond stupid.

And your husband's art includes dead kids and a child riding a seatless bicycle. Both of you are sick fucks, and you know it.

Gothamgirl ago

I am not fat. My kids are very successful. But I will make sure I keep your comments posted under shit qtards say on my new site and add all her pictures I have hundreds of her 600lb life, looks quit dreadful..

Someone freed willy and her gunt looks like mount Everest.

That wasn't me that said it stop trying to blame me for, the person you call a "constant liar"

Shizie ago

I am not fat.

Not only are you FAT, but you look like a man in a dress with overprocessed and thinning man hair.

Crensch ago

I am not fat. My kids are very successful.

Yes you are, and no they aren't.

But I will make sure I keep your comments posted under shit qtards say on my new site and add all her pictures I have hundreds of her 600lb life, looks quit dreadful..

Kek. It's still so amusing that you faggots think this bothers me.

Someone freed willy and her gunt looks like mount Everest.

Even if that were true, your face could scare a dog away.

That wasn't me that said it stop trying to blame me for, the person you call a "constant liar"

You are. You gaslight, and pretend you haven't been thoroughly destroyed with every narrative you've attempted to cook up.

You're beyond stupid, and fat, and you have a face even a mother couldn't love.

Gothamgirl ago

Lol my kid was an engineer at 18, and my kid could literally destroy you in real life Crensch. He was a 10th mountain sapper. While everyone else runs for cover, my kid literally goes towards the bombs, and then dismantles them with his own hands.

That's him:

And that's him and friends.

Shizie ago

Lol my kid was an engineer at 18,

Lol, yeah right! Please specify what type of "engineer" so I can get a better laugh at your tall tale.

Crensch ago

Sounds like that didn't work out too well for him. Maybe better qualified individuals should do such a thing. You know, smarter ones.

Is he as ugly as his mother?

Gothamgirl ago

Didnt work out for him? He is in the reserves, has a job, just about finished college and is trying become a paramedic , so he is looking for an new job. Why are you interested in the way kid looks are you gay?

Crensch ago

Didnt work out for him? Although he fufilled his contract with the military, He is still in the reserves now, has a job, just about finished college and is trying become a paramedic , so he is looking for an new job while disabled himself.

Yeah, sounds like he lost a limb... or was it your cuisine that fattened him up so that he lost his limb?

Why are you interested in the way my kid looks, are you gay?

Your husband is the one that wants to see a male child riding a seatless bike.

Haha you protect a beaner bitch with biggest hoiknose, and her taco family on a daily basis who are all ugly, sadly even the kids..

I really only care about making sure you feel as awful about yourself as you should.

Gothamgirl ago

My kid has his limbs and plently of muscle to.

You can't make me feel anything because I already you know you're one of the biggest liars on here.

My husband is a comedian if you can't take jokes you shouldn't be on the internet. You speak of killing people just because of race and you don't care the age because they're "subhuman" so does that make you a serial killer?

Shizie ago

Beauty queen šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Gothamgirl ago

Compared to this! Fuck yes.

Shizie ago

Even in her worst picture she's 10x's better looking than you, and you can't stand it! šŸ¤£

Gothamgirl ago

I hope in twenty too years I dont look that like that walking heartache.

Crensch ago

Esoteric is a known liar and subversive. You're taking his word on that.

Again, nothing I have posted could lead anyone anywhere. I have never posted anything with the intent to dox her. I have never posted anything with the intent for harm to come to her or her family.

But I like how you told srayzie "I can make you madder" and when she asked about it, you said it was something you'd do. The next morning, the yelp dox happened.

Want me to put that together for a post? I'm sure it will go over well.

I am pretty sure at this point if you could get me off the site you wouldn't care if zyklon posted scans of her birth certificate, SS#, credit report, bank account and cc#s, along with a selfie of him in front of her house.

You're the one giving her info to GG and zyklon. Info they would not have without your help.

Crensch ago

From what I see those roads lead back to her twitter account that she linked to.

That's all they had until you gave them more.

So an old grudge.

Old evidence of you lacking moral character.


Right? Because nobody thinks you have any anymore.

Crensch ago

Nothing I have posted could lead anyone anywhere. I have never posted anything with the intent to dox her. I have never posted anything with the intent for harm to come to her or her family.

That's a lie. The evidence speaks for itself. GothamGirl's pathetic attempts to keep your name clean are as transparent as they can be. She got her info from you.

You know this.

Yeah, I know it's a lie.

HollaKost ago

@cynabuns @kevdude @puttitout zyklon's alt just doxed a users husbands name and photo.

Crensch ago

Yeah, but you sure will give them the leads they need to move forward.

You gave them privately-sent info that got them closer and closer to her.

You think you aren't to blame here? They were threatening her kids months ago.

I'm sure your god will forgive you.

Gothamgirl ago

Prove this with links "they were threatening her kids months ago!"

"They" and "months" ago means more then 1. I will wait...

Crensch ago

Oh, no! You got me on a minor technicality. OVER A MONTH AGO.

There you go, trollface.

Gothamgirl ago

Show links to where "they" threatened her kids then, or stop lying loser. If I recall it was 1 person and his whole account be this is satire.

Crensch ago

Nobody cares about his license to Jew, you fat skank.

Gothamgirl ago

Prove that I am fat without sharing a stolen, 8 year old picture, of me when I was on a bunch of steriods so I could walk.

Shizie ago

Prove that I am fat without sharing a stolen, 8 year old picture, of me when I was on a bunch of steriods so I could walk.

Here you go:

You posted this one yourself.

Gothamgirl ago

So what do think of your friend then? She obviously a much bigger person.

Shizie ago

Oh so you're finally going to admit you know I'm not Srayzie? Good job tubby!

Gothamgirl ago

I don't know if are or are not, I know you answer to lapdog daily, and you have made statements very much like a pedophile.

Crensch ago

Your own photos proved it. Your face is that of a hamplanet.

Gothamgirl ago

Really? I have pictures of you to Crensch your face is fucking pathetic.

Crensch ago

No you don't

Gothamgirl ago

Yeah ok šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚

Crensch ago

I have two scars on my face. Where are they?

Gothamgirl ago

I just sat here and watched you dox everything you could on me for weeks , knowing we have known who she is for awhile real name and all, did you really think her obeast 350 pound ass and taco nigger family could hide on the internet? I had to stop zyklon many times from doing what you did to me, to her.

Crensch ago

GothamGirl defends kevdude

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

taco niggers kids need to die is what u said ?

@katharzso @puttitout @kevdude @heygeorge isnt that technically threat crensch made against srayzies spic kids?

puttitout u are wrong

Blacksmith21 ago

@Crensch is correct in this assertion. I've watched all of this play out at arm's length since the beginning. @Srayzie did NOT deserve the harassment she endured. She broke OPSEC rules and others' took advantage of the situation.

Based on what I've seen, there was a group effort to go after her and those roads appear to lead right back at you @kevdude as a leak.

As best as I can tell, there was some serious, misguided confidence(s) broken.

While I'm at it, let's not forget you de-modded me based on misinformation and without explanation back in early PG days.

Your integrity is in question.

as a mod once which YOU @Kevdude fell for some simple bullshit and de-modded me without so much as a conversation.

@Srayzie's intentions have always been good. I've seen the threats and they are unacceptable.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

ALRIGHT!! How many pics did the thot PM you?

Gothamgirl ago

Then you really don't know the truth she was calling my house a year ago threatening to kidnap my kid and harassing the shit out of me.

Blacksmith21 ago

I don't buy that for a second.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

fuck noah and sammy in they moufs with a spic duck

Crensch ago

Removing and changing a lot more.

The letters missing from your name are irrelevant. "kev" "dude" Dude is a full word, what other name begins with "kev"?


Phantom42 ago

How about...

You shut the fuck up? Voat doesn't need you. You and all you're little supporters are detriments to Voat. Completely and utterly. We hate your cult, we hate your little whore Suzie, and we hate you.


Crensch ago

*munching popcorn

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@phantom42 see how @crensch says he is a white suprmeacist yet is in love with a fat nigger lover bein srayzie in pic

TendiesHitTheFloor ago

Way more important things going on in the US fags, get over it ignore her stupid jew cheating ass and move on lesson learned or you're part of the distraction IMO.

Corpse_washer ago

Drama is trough the roof, thats for sure.

PatriotLady1 ago

Corpse_washer ago

That forced smile should have told everyone to laugh and move on. But what is worth a woman without drama?

Crensch ago

She has repeatedly called me "Kevin"

You doxed that in your username. There aren't many other names that start with "kev". Unequal comparison.

PatriotLady1 ago

All your work to protect her and she still won't suck your dick.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

hahaha. @puttitout gets paid to provide a platform for pedos to share loli on

Phantom42 ago

Seriously. Zyklon (definitely not you) gets banned, but you have little shits like Aged and whatnot sticking around for a LONG time and no repercussions?

I dare say it may be time for a "change in leadership" of Voat.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

@Puttitout banned me for dox when i found all info on Voat. HE PROFITS FROM PEDOPHILLIA

CheeseboogerHimself ago


SEE DEM TITAYS! ah ah ah

Qtiepie ago

No I'm going to contact the authorities. This has nothing to do with Crensch.

thewebofslime ago

You got a report number on that bad boy? Which jurisdiction? I'm sure plenty of people would be willing to call in a "supplemental" for the report.

Gothamgirl ago

Cool I will show them everything you have done to me this shall be fun whore.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

they cant protect em all the time and just wait...honk honk

Phantom42 ago

I'm tired of that stupid bitch and her little cult.