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thewebofslime ago

@kevdude @gothamgirl @srayz @vindicator @crensch

Assuming that you guys want this drama to end. @GothamGirl should just file a restraining order against @srayz. It's really easy to do, use a fee waiver. As an additional request, the order should request that @srayzie no longer be able to use the Internet or, at least, not be able to use Voat. This is will within the court's ability and it is a no brainer. YOu can't lose this case because this is a case of ongoing criminal harassment.

@srayz has plenty of criminal history and has been arrested with things like trespassing, drug charges and, most recently, a DUI that she failed to stop paying for and has gone into collections.

With the filing of this restraining order, you can issue a subpoena requesting the alts used by @srayz to get to the bottom of what is really going on with her harassment. If you guys are serious about dealing with this problem, I will even fill out the forms and the subpoenas for you.

At this stage, @srayz is making a very poor decision to continue harassment since the extent of her real world criminal history, publicly available information, might start hitting the Internet. I don't really feel like seeing this drama, anymore. @srayz is a problem. @srayz needs to go away. There are plenty of legal ways to make this happen, as well as an opportunity for people involved to demonstrate sincerity in finding an end to the conflict.

Shizie ago

@GothamGirl should just file a restraining order against @srayz. It's really easy to do, use a fee waiver.

Fee waivers are for people who aren "millionaires" like GothamGirl.

As an additional request, the order should request that @srayzie no longer be able to use the Internet or, at least, not be able to use voat.

So you're advocating for the court stripping due process and banning Srayzie from using the internet all together? 🀣 What a load of horse shit! No court is going to make that order in a civil case! Your pretending to be knowledgeable of the law is really amusing.

this is a case of ongoing criminal harassment.

Guess you either missed the part, or are willfully ignorant about @zyklon_b continuing to death threat srayzie's children. Yeah, take it to court GothamGirl! Let the judge see how your FELON for attempted murder husband is threatening to murder children! Smart advice right there 🀣!!

Gothamgirl ago

I am not a millionaire nor have I ever claimed to be. I just don't have to work unless I choose to.

You started harrassing me over a year ago, he starting adding his 2 cents 4 weeks ago ,and being that his account has always stated Everything is satire you don't have a leg to stand on in any court for anything.

He attempted to murder a pedophile predator, good luck in court.

HollaKost ago

You started harrassing me over a year ago,

I said mean things on voat. Boo hoo.

and took it up a notch when you doxed our children ,

For the 10th time, he doxed your children oh dumb bitch!

How are you gonna explain that in "court"? 🀣

and being that his account has always stated Everything is satire you don't have a leg to stand on in any court for anything.

Oh your sad little idiot! You really have no clue how things work. But if you want to play pretend "Ima gonna get you in court", how you gonna answer for this slander?

And how are you going to explain this?

Or this:

Just stop already. You sound so ridiculous! πŸ–•πŸΏ

Gothamgirl ago

Ok Srayzie so we established you are Hollakost then...

Zyklon used my old address, not the new one. You and crew scoured the internet to dox me further.


Look who shows up in the comments first oh by gosh it's you what a shock. But yourself doxed me here.

And Crensch takes credit.

Crensch ago

JFC can you get it through your head they're two different people? They have been since long ago, and you won't find some behaviours in one that you do in the other.

Gothamgirl ago

What is jfc?

Crensch ago

Jesus Fucking Christ

It's really getting old, everyone=everyone. Yeah, they do their girly shitposting and sound about the same. Catch them otherwise and even I can tell the difference; ask even my enemies, kev and trig, I can't tell one user from the next.

Shizy is the one responding to you. I've not seen srayzie since y'all doxed her church.

Gothamgirl ago

Oh that's a bunch of bullshit it's srayzie, you how I know? She chased me around last year in her Srayzie screen name, with that "all is satire. " bs. Nobady else did... All these screen names doxing, only became active after zyklon went after her. You know what I think crensch? You people are taking turns using those alts, that's what the fuck I think...

I don't like you either I know a keyboard dictator everytime I see it, and you're not that good and your opinion on Srayzies body is very telling. Plus you don't respect marriage. You are grotesque !

Crensch ago

Oh that's a bunch of bullshit it's srayzie, you how I know? She chased me around last year in her Srayzie or Clitoressa screen name, with that "all is satire. " bs. Nobady else ever has duntil now...

It's pretty common knowledge that your pedo husband does that, why wouldn't someone else follow you around like he did to her? He's obsessed with her, and that makes you obsessed with her; him because she's hotter than you, and you because she's hotter than you.

Gothamgirl ago

That's my point she was copying him because she plotted to go after me remember all the messages between them she keeps posting?

He is obsessed? Give me a fucking break. No man on earth would want that. She is coal burner you can clearly see it in her husband, and kids faces. Plus she is the size of a car no one can afford to feed it.

Crensch ago

He is obsessed? Give me a fucking break. No man on earth would want that. She is coal burner you can clearly see it in her husband, and kids faces.

Your husband married a coal burner. How does that logic even hold up in that disgusting skull of yours?

Crensch ago

You know what I think crensch? You people are taking turns using those alts, that's what the fuck I think...

This is why you're one of the dumbest cunts I've ever had the displeasure of meeting on the internet.

I don't like you either I know a keyboard dictator everytime I see it, and you're not that good, and your opinion about srayzies body is very telling. Plus you don't respect marriage. You are grotesque !

I am that good, and my opinion on her body is my opinion.

Grotesque? I have my faults, but your face is the kind of ugly that goes straight to the bone.

Gothamgirl ago

So you saying dictatorship is good, really?

Your face is just that ugly to Crensch πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

Crensch ago

You still haven't seen me, you stupid cunt. Where are my scars?

Why did your husband start attacking for no reason at all? Please explain?

Gothamgirl ago

I actually have no idea how this even started, i missed all of the beginning because I had been driving for days. All I know is I kept getting messages from Srayzie asking me to talk to him, and try to get him to stop, So I did. He wasnt going to stop. Then you made a post talking about whats going on. Srayzie sent me a link to that post, and in the comments shizy was already calling my kids niggers again, and I wasnt even involved. Thats when I went bilistic and jumped in. I am sick of you motherfuckers going after my kids, its gone on for over a year.

You talk about zyklon doxxing me while your friend has shared my kids name probably 50 times since. You people made screen names of all my kids names.

I dont know why or how this started you need to ask him.

Crensch ago

You married him, you fat ogre.

Gothamgirl ago

Yet you want people to have sympathy when it's srayzie's family.

Clownword #HonkHonk

Crensch ago

Your husband threatened to kill and torture her kid. Constantly.

Kinda leaves you being a whiny bitch that doesn't understand that things have degrees to them.

WhiteRonin ago


Stop the other team from their dox’ing too!

Gothamgirl ago

Let's back up 6months though, here they started an account in my exes name when we argued last time, only Srayzie knew his name, she just nuked the comments when all this popped off.

And here you clearly see she taunting me with it, she looks up a court case with him, and looked into my bank statements

They have screen names in my children's names but I can't share those.

The have an account called deadlisa making fun of zyklons ex who unfortunately killed herself. They doxed his kid weeks ago.

Shizie ago

only Srayzie knew his name,

Your boyfriend doxed you 9 months ago. Anyone who wanted to follow up on the information be provided about you can easily find that dude is your ex! That's why it's not smart to put your real life info on line dumbass!

They have an account called deadlisa making fun of zyklons ex who unfortunately killed herself.

Yeah, he seems real torn up about "Lisa"

Calling her a "whore" and that rehab is for quitters! But tell us all again how unfortunate it was and keep pretending he's really sad.

You know why I suspect he isn't really upset about the suicide of his girlfriend? Because she was a character! A fake. Not a real person. That seems to be what Zyklon_b does. Trigglypuff said so herself:

Gothamgirl ago

Zyklons family knew Lisa, so stop lying. She also sent him gifts, and letters which he still has today.

You are atrocious. Was jem fake too? Do you see dead people? πŸ€” Oh that's right your friend Skrayzie talks to them at her house and then shares it on youtube! πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

What zyklon says about Lisa has nothing to do with me. You are using the dead for revenge, and it is quite sick!

Toodles poodle I am going to the beach.

Shizie ago

Zyklons family knew Lisa, so stop lying. She also sent him gifts, and letters which he still has today.

I don't believe you. I have provided proof of his own words showing he had little regard for her, even if she was real.

What zyklon says about Lisa has nothing to do with me

Yet you rolled her on out to try and garner sympathy when you feel you need it. Nice try, but I provided the truth. He didn't care about her.

Was jem fake too?


Gothamgirl ago

  1. Don't care either way.

  2. I was just showing how degenerate you have become and using deceased at the drop of a dime, for your benefit.

  3. Fuck you Jem was not fake, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit, if you individuals had something to do with what happened to her and others...

  4. Don't I know mostly everyone on it right now and they love the shit out of me .

Crensch ago

I know mostly everyone on it right now and they love the shit out of me .

Not even your husband loves you.


Gothamgirl ago

I can do better and will. Fuck him and fuck you. You people probably planned all this garbage together, just to drag me down like the others.

Crensch ago

No one ever cared enough about you to do something like that. If you disappeared, nobody would notice.

Shizie ago

Thats true! And as you can imagine I was utterly shocked to find out that they are separated after only a month or so of marriage!

Crensch ago

Such sanctity of marriage!


Shizie ago

She waited 50 years for her one month of matrimony!

Crensch ago

HOLY matrimony. ~cough~ holey*

Shizie ago

Since we're talking about those two, I think it would be fitting to call it gaping matrimony

Crensch ago

Herpes Matrimony?

Shizie ago

Das trufe!

Shizie ago

I was just showing how degenerate you have become and using deceased at the drop of a dime, for your benefit

Since she wasn't real and it was all satire shove your phoney outrage up your large ass.

Fuck you Jem was not fake, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit, if you individuals had something to do with what happened to her and others...

Careful now, that's some serious accusations right there. As I have said all along, until I see some actual proof that Jenny Moore was Jem, and that Jenny Moore eve died, I'll continue to question that whole saga! Especially since you had your grubby fat fingers all in it and you're a known liar!

Gothamgirl ago

Youre a fucking disgrace...