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thewebofslime ago

@kevdude @gothamgirl @srayz @vindicator @crensch

Assuming that you guys want this drama to end. @GothamGirl should just file a restraining order against @srayz. It's really easy to do, use a fee waiver. As an additional request, the order should request that @srayzie no longer be able to use the Internet or, at least, not be able to use Voat. This is will within the court's ability and it is a no brainer. YOu can't lose this case because this is a case of ongoing criminal harassment.

@srayz has plenty of criminal history and has been arrested with things like trespassing, drug charges and, most recently, a DUI that she failed to stop paying for and has gone into collections.

With the filing of this restraining order, you can issue a subpoena requesting the alts used by @srayz to get to the bottom of what is really going on with her harassment. If you guys are serious about dealing with this problem, I will even fill out the forms and the subpoenas for you.

At this stage, @srayz is making a very poor decision to continue harassment since the extent of her real world criminal history, publicly available information, might start hitting the Internet. I don't really feel like seeing this drama, anymore. @srayz is a problem. @srayz needs to go away. There are plenty of legal ways to make this happen, as well as an opportunity for people involved to demonstrate sincerity in finding an end to the conflict.

Shizie ago

@GothamGirl should just file a restraining order against @srayz. It's really easy to do, use a fee waiver.

Fee waivers are for people who aren "millionaires" like GothamGirl.

As an additional request, the order should request that @srayzie no longer be able to use the Internet or, at least, not be able to use voat.

So you're advocating for the court stripping due process and banning Srayzie from using the internet all together? 🤣 What a load of horse shit! No court is going to make that order in a civil case! Your pretending to be knowledgeable of the law is really amusing.

this is a case of ongoing criminal harassment.

Guess you either missed the part, or are willfully ignorant about @zyklon_b continuing to death threat srayzie's children. Yeah, take it to court GothamGirl! Let the judge see how your FELON for attempted murder husband is threatening to murder children! Smart advice right there 🤣!!

thewebofslime ago

I'm advocating using due process to strip you of your ability to use the Internet and any associated accounts. One subpoena would be all it would take to unmask all @srayzie alts. If you are actually a separate person, whre you participated, then due process should be used to reveal you, as well, and ban you from harassing people's kids.

@srayzie threatened a lawsuit, among other things, which is not satire, it is genuine, according to the law, harassment. I specialize in helping victims of domestic violence get restraining orders. I know what I'm talking about and I can make this happen.

@srayzie's arrest record is public information.

Shizie ago

and ban you from harassing people's kids.

Ban me? I'm not threatening kids! Those losers threatened my kids asshole! For weeks! I'm lumping GG with ZB because they're married. She not only knew what types things he was writing but she condoned and enabled his behavior.

I specialize in helping victims of domestic violence get restraining orders.

So have I! What you're trying to say happened here would not fall under the domestic violence statutes. It's really easy to get a DV protection order, but it's a lot harder to prove the need for one when people are unrelated. You should know that. Nice try though pretending that you're some special shit so you can try to bully and intimidate people into backing off the true harassers and abusers here!

Maybe you should go read through ZB's comments, and his lorbeetlejluce comments before foolishly thinking you're defending the "victims"!

thewebofslime ago

It's called a civil restraining order and I have seen many of them granted for less.

I have seen @srayzie's criminal history. It is clear @srayzie is not the victim.

If you go into court and make the argument you are making, you will lose. In fact, in many instances, this type of argument just results in mutual restraining orders, but that would not be the case in this instance.

Additionally, I am familiar with the courthouse in @srayzie's jurisdiction. If someone applied for this civil restraining order, there, they would win.

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