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thewebofslime ago

@kevdude @gothamgirl @srayz @vindicator @crensch

Assuming that you guys want this drama to end. @GothamGirl should just file a restraining order against @srayz. It's really easy to do, use a fee waiver. As an additional request, the order should request that @srayzie no longer be able to use the Internet or, at least, not be able to use Voat. This is will within the court's ability and it is a no brainer. YOu can't lose this case because this is a case of ongoing criminal harassment.

@srayz has plenty of criminal history and has been arrested with things like trespassing, drug charges and, most recently, a DUI that she failed to stop paying for and has gone into collections.

With the filing of this restraining order, you can issue a subpoena requesting the alts used by @srayz to get to the bottom of what is really going on with her harassment. If you guys are serious about dealing with this problem, I will even fill out the forms and the subpoenas for you.

At this stage, @srayz is making a very poor decision to continue harassment since the extent of her real world criminal history, publicly available information, might start hitting the Internet. I don't really feel like seeing this drama, anymore. @srayz is a problem. @srayz needs to go away. There are plenty of legal ways to make this happen, as well as an opportunity for people involved to demonstrate sincerity in finding an end to the conflict.

Crensch ago


And your husband literally threatening death on this very same website. You are some kind of stupid.

Crensch ago

And admitting to drug use. And admitting to stabbing people.

thewebofslime ago

Literally everything that @srayzie has been proven to do but not charges like trespassing. Would you like to see the extent of @srayzie's criminal record?

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