CheeseboogerHimself ago

Its okay when the builders say it though

andrew_jackson ago

It would be better if we slew ten children for every child that crosses the border. Ten for one.

King_Leopold_II ago

Text is difficult.

virge ago

Just playing devils advocate, but put a weapon in the hand of a kid and give him an ideology, and he becomes a target to be eliminated.

Crossing the border against our laws has been weaponized. I don't agree with Crensch's methodology, but he's not wrong as to the harsh reality most people are simply too soft to face.

Diggernicks ago

This is why we need more planned parenthood funding and clinics.

You're not flooding my country with fatherless niglets.

Gothamgirl ago

Do you know where the leftovers go? Our food supply and products we use daily.

Gothamgirl ago

He is a mod a pizzagate these kids he is talking about, coming over the border, are included that realm and scope of work. Thought we were trying to save the children, not murder them.

virge ago

Thought we were trying to save the children, not murder them.

Weaponized children are no longer innocent. War is hell.

You are not swaying me with your emotional response on this argument. Actually, your argument doesn't even make very much sense.

@Crensch is sharing his opinion. You can also share yours. Being in a position of authority does not mean you cannot have an opinion. You are conveying a false dichotomy.

Argue his opinion with your own. The better opinion will win a reasonable debate. Even between overly emotional and overly logical personality types.

Invading our country is an act of war. You deal with acts of war with equalization of force. While I do not support murdering children, I recognize they are being weaponized to invade the border and strongly think the solution is to close the border completely.

With that said, I don't make the rules. This is just my opinion. You are welcome to yours. So is @Crensch. That's how Free Speech works.

@PuttitoutIsGone is this fair?

Gothamgirl ago

There is no war, no one is stopping them it's all theater.. Democrats literally invited them for 8 years with free shit, and paid for them it wasn't an invasion like you state.

Also the ones you see on the news are migrant workers with visas and have made that trek for decades..

If you knew reality, then you would know it is our deep state government programming them, and weaponizing them, along with shitty family. It's not all the kids fault.

virge ago

There is no war, no one is stopping them it's all theater.. Democrats literally invited them for 8 years with free shit, and paid for them it wasn't an invasion like you state.

That's your opinion. According to our laws your opinion doesn't matter. If you don't like the laws, change the laws or go somewhere else. That's how the world works.

If you knew reality, then you would know it is our deep state government programming them, and weaponizing them, along with shitty family. It's not all the kids fault.

How does this change the fact that they are being weaponized for war?

Gothamgirl ago

Well the fact is "it's war" is your opinion because it's your government allowing them to enter, and they own you, and sold your ass along time ago to the people pushing these individuals our way. We are slaves and our opinions mean nothing.

If it's war why aren't you at the border with our troops protecting it? Youre a slave, you have no real say and your opinions dont matter.

The owners of this country would kill you.

Chicago is weaponized you going to want American kids killed off too?

virge ago

Well the fact is "it's war" is your opinion because it's your government allowing them to enter, and they own you, and sold your ass along time ago to the people pushing these individuals our way. We are slaves and our opinions mean nothing.

Are you saying you are not an American Citizen?

Regardless that is now how our legal system works. They are currently simultaneously invaders and a protected class. You are correct, the U.S. Government is broken, but that doesn't mean the rules do not apply.

You can continue to call it my opinion, but the U.S. Military has been in a State of Emergency with Wartime posture since 9/11, so you would be wrong. Get over your opinion and accept reality that just because you feel something does not make it so.

If it's war why aren't you at the border with our troops protecting it since you feel so strongly? Youre a slave, you have no real say and your opinions dont matter.

That's not how the U.S. Legal system works. I'm seeing a pattern here. You ignore the law and posture your opinion as righteous. That makes you nothing more than another asshole with an opinion.

The owners of this country would kill you.

They probably will, eventually, but that's completely unrelated to our discussion.

Chicago is weaponized, are you going to want American kids killed off too?

Another false dichotomy. You're supposed to be convincing me, not making poor analogies.

Gothamgirl ago

"You can continue to call it my opinion, but the U.S. Military has been in a State of Emergency with Wartime posture since 9/11"

Yup against us, and our rights it's called the patriot act.

Being a citizen is worthless Israel owns everyone of us, and would sell us out to China in a heartbeat.

virge ago

Yup against us, and our rights it's called the patriot act.

Being a citizen is worthless Israel owns everyone of us, and would sell us out to China in a heartbeat.

Look. I'm trying to respectfully acknowledge that you're not stupid while pointing out that you aren't actually discussing the issue at hand and have now pivoted entirely to concern trolling the Government.

It seems we both agree that the Government is broken. That still has nothing to do with the plain fact that our borders are being invaded and children are being weaponized to do it.

Two entirely separate issues, no matter how much you want to debate the merits of one over the other I'm here to talk about the border being invaded and if you are going to argue that the law doesn't matter then unfortunately you live in a fantasy world and we can only agree to disagree. You can hold opinions about the law, but you have no choice but to abide by it. If you don't like it, change it, or fucking leave.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I have to agree. These brainwashed kids are beyond saving. They are now defective and need to be treated as such. We are at war.

virge ago

I have to agree. These brainwashed kids are beyond saving. They are now defective and need to be treated as such. We are at war.

Thanks, you tend to notice when I'm being too harsh.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

The time for extending the compassion that whites instinctively have and has been exploited by (((them))) is over. Get hard. Only do for whitey. It's the same thing every other race does.