heygeorge ago

It’s all good; I assumed a typo. Lol, it didn’t really matter. Once I eventually got some of the alleged ‘evidence’, it was pretty funny.

Although I do find it interesting that @think- seems to know this user. So I’m not entirely sure where this outburst came from.

capnflummox ago

No research was needed on my end. I could tell it was an AH quote.

Sometimes, the fox uses sheeps' clothing to hide in plain sight. I'm still moving the barrel back and forth on you two... can't risk shooting the wrong one. Maybe both is safer...

capnflummox ago

Aw, Dad, do I have to? I'm tired and hungry...

capnflummox ago

It's like that part in that one movie where there is two of them, and you have to decide which one to shoot...

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

If a known Israeli agent like /u/9-11 is shitting on PV then it must be legit.

thisistotallynotme ago

4 hours? How do you even type with that extra chromosome?

thisistotallynotme ago

Damn, bro. took you three months to finally draw that? Protip: don't charge for your services, because you'll make zero money in the long run. Gimp doesn't seem to be your forte.

thisistotallynotme ago

Hey, remember when @9-11 refused to draw muhammed after demanding I do it?
Hey, remember when @9-11 brigaded with the SBBH?

Look at this faggot try to play to the "Member for 16 hours" crew for upvoats.

speedisavirus ago

The reddit retards didn't realize we already have a sub for larp loving cocksuckers

heygeorge ago

Never was a J, only ever a D, and that has been the case since not long after the sub was started. KKWW invited me after I pointed out a major readability issue in their CSS theme at the time (Cashmere), and I fixed it.

Surprise surprise, another attack artist, @Enigmatic_Continuum, making false, unsupported* allegations, then claiming the ‘everybody knows it’ bull.

*Unsupported because there is no support for manufactured claims.

Crensch ago

Yep. Always a D because I thought it was odd that you were the only D I'd ever seen anywhere.

@think- E_C lost his damn marbles here. Thought you would enjoy a laugh.

think- ago

I have no idea why she is spreading this lie. That's really, really strange.

@Vindicator @Kevdude @heygeorge

Vindicator ago

Pretty interesting how folks' true colors have started showing. Heygeorge was never an M.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Yeah? Prove it.

I'm an attack artist? Who's the one who came to the table with archived proof? Certainly not you. Everyone's just supposed to take your crooked ass word for it?

Also, how come you're no longer a mod at SBBH?

heygeorge ago

Archived proof of what? The burden of proof relies on the claimant, which in this case is you manufacturing claims.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I'm manufacturing claims? Um, no.

Why aren't you a mod at SBBH anymore?

heygeorge ago

He used to be a mod and regular PG submitters know this. Guess he was downgraded recently because of the increasing heat.

False, manufactured claim with no evidence.

I'm manufacturing claims? Um, no.

Yes. See above.

Why aren't you a mod at SBBH anymore?

I’m not? If so, this is the first I’m hearing of it.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago


That's all you got? Why do you even bother replying if you don't have any evidence to prove your point? I've provided archived links that are proving my points and making others question what the fuck is going on, so your Nuh uh! defense is laughable.

You, srayzie, and all the other SBBH goons need to GTFO out of the power positions in GA and PG. Neither one of you offer anything of value to either board. Stay in SBBH where you both belong among the other shit stirrers.

heygeorge ago

Your link is indeed and archive, but does nothing to prove your posit.

A claim (lie) presented without evidence is simply dismissed. Despite that: Were you, or anyone for that matter, to look into my claim above, you would find it to be 100% verifiably true. Go ahead! You’re invited.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I can't even understand what you're saying. It's as if you're drunk posting. Are you?

What claim did you make that's proving your point? As a mod and keeper of other power positions, you should know it's bad form to tell one to go find your claim, so post it again, so it's obvious to me and everyone what point you're trying to make. Otherwise, you're just presenting a claim (lie) without evidence.

No matter, it still stands that you're the owner of a goon sub and have a power position in the PG sub; a sub that you don't even care to spend any time or energy researching and submitting info to. You're nothing but a jester. Are you a Shriner?

heygeorge ago

He used to be a mod and regular PG submitters know this.

This is your unevidenced posit. Prove it or continue to ignore it and shove off.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Ask and you shall receive!

The following information was pulled from the following thread and proves that you have always had power in the PG sub and this isn't the first time you and other PG power players have raised suspicion on the boards. https://voat.co/v/pedogate/1531865, archived: http://archive.is/gcsnF

How in the fuck did @HeyGeorge get into /v/politics as a 'janitor' in past 24 hours? Who let him in? All he is doing is deleting cross posts from /v/pizzagate, who would care?


flyawayhigh [M] system [O] guinness2 [D] heygeorge [J] Terrorist [J] hamhamham [J]




kingkongwaswrong [O] Crensch [O] heygeorge [D] VictorSteinerDavion [O] Phobos_Mothership [M] Millennial_Falcon [M] DonkeyOatey [J] rktyp [J] kevdude [O] christa [J] gopluckyourself [J] belphegorsprime [M] wecanhelp [M] tjarco [J]



Crensch [M] kevdude [O] disappointed [M] cynoclast [M]

Note that @Crensch & @kevdude are mods on pizzagate and protectvoat, they are both out of control assholes deleting posts for no reason. Then there is @Heygeorge a developer, which may explain why time & points radically change on the mod's I have seen the mods bounce from 28 days to 1.6 years and back in the same day, and the points too. Given the fact that @Heygeorge is a developer of VOAT that would give him ADMIN to do as he wished with the Database.

think- ago

@Kevdude isn't an O of v/pizzagate anymore.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

You know the last paragraph isn't me speaking, right? Only the first few sentences are mine and the the rest of the text is from the thread I linked to starting with "How in the fuck"...

think- ago

Ah, ok, I'll stand to be corrected. Didn't get that. Apologies.

heygeorge ago

Then there is @Heygeorge a developer, which may explain why time & points radically change on the mod's I have seen the mods bounce from 28 days to 1.6 years and back in the same day, and the points too.


Given the fact that @Heygeorge is a developer of VOAT that would give him ADMIN to do as he wished with the Database.

I see. Well, if you’re going to listen to the ravings of a madman, then I wish you great luck.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Prove he's a mad man.

Ok, that's fine. Let's instead discuss your role as owner at SBBH. Why does that shithole need 10 owners and a fuck ton of mods? Why do so many of you clowns overlap into power positions in the same type of boards David Brock would be and is paying lowlifes to keep eyes on, troll, and subvert?

LostandFound ago

Jesus H christ the cancer is metastisizing faster than I can keep up

LostandFound ago

Ok gotta get these people woke or go broke, banlog here I come.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Strange! Maybe you should have your memory checked for early onset Alzheimer's.

Look at @srayzie's profile right now. That's changed too in regards to SBBH because it shows that she's just a mod now, but her archived profile shows that she used to be an Owner.

Her current profile: https://voat.co/user/srayzie Her archived profile: http://archive.is/DYLm8

Here she is acting all coy as though she isn't familiar with SBBH saying she just goes there to shitpost because it's fun. http://archive.fo/fV6CM

No, she goes there because she's an imposter who's only here to pretend to care and keep tabs on the ones who are getting too close to the truth, then gets on the red phone to call in the SBBH goon squad.

All you fake PG mods are going down.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

He used to be a mod and regular PG submitters know this. Guess he was downgraded recently because of the increasing heat.

think- ago

He used to be a mod and regular PG submitters know this.

That's an outright lie.

What are you up to now, @Enigmatic_Continuum? @heygeorge never modded v/pizzagate.

He's the tech guy. In fact, I would be irritated if he would try to start modding. ;-)

@Vindicator @Crensch @Kevdude

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

What am I up to now? Don't you dare talk to me as though I'm some regular shit stirrer here, and don't pretend that you can't see the toxicity I'm pointing out with the overlap of SBBH jokers being power players in the types of subs Alefantis' ex-boyfriend, David Brock, is paying assholes to watch, slide, and subvert.

If I'm wrong about heygeorge being a PG mod, fine. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but I can also see that being a D is a bigger, more powerful role than being an M. And being a janitor seems to be one of those positions that allows certain people to have power without being noticed so much. So, yeah, I don't really give a shit anymore if heygeorge was a mod or not. Seeing that heygeorge is a tech guy and he's really close with srayzie and they're both SBBH goons, maybe he's the reason her inbox messages to me mysteriously disappeared. I put nothing past anyone. Especially with the patterns I'm seeing.

I've been watching and started seeing chatter on here about subs being banned, but I didn't understand what it was all about. I already knew before seeing this chatter that a shill army was on the way because of this article Archived (Kind of funny that the last 4 letters of the archive spell 'oven.'

Anyway, I tried to be the canary and warn people what was getting ready to happen, but as you can see in this thread how srayzie attacked me, then Crensch immediately had her back when he was behaving civilly with me at first. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2697793/13683233/10#13683233, archived: http://archive.fo/lOdEe (Be sure to read the entire thread.)

While Crensch doesn't appear to be a part of SBBH, he sure is buddy buddy with them and has no problem being a shill by sliding my thread following my argument with srayzie, which is demonstrated in this thread: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2700230, archived: http://archive.fo/NTW6D

There's fuckery going on and it's easy to see where it's coming from when one follows the tentacles back to the source, which is the Share Blue Bastard Hive.

Either help or get the fuck out of my way.

heygeorge ago

I would be irritated if he would try to start modding.

Lol, not only would you never ask; I’d never accept! @Enigmatic_Continuum is either intentionally starting shit for fun/work, is delusional, or is young/dumb.

I had fun replying a bit yesterday to try to get to the actual meat of things; which is when he pulls out the whopper old post raving about me.

@nothereforpizza was (coincidentally?) stirring up the shitpot re: me yesterday, too. I am not saying they are the same user, but it sure is interesting to note.

NotHereForPizza ago

See, the fact that you suggest I'm trying to target you only really furthers my curiosity.

I was only really making suggestions, and pointing out weird links I saw in that post.

The mod at Reddit, Creq, that I was referencing, is also a "tech guy". Isn't it weird how more and more connections are being put together like this?

Thanks for helping me out!

heygeorge ago

I actually think you’re ok. I appreciated you were a good sport about the sbbh thread. (Smoky was in one of those, too. And we exchange pleasantries when we see each other around.) I wasn’t joking about enjoying that thread yesterday. But as I said, it was worth noting the coincidental timing.

The Crensh of Voat is not known for his technical prowess. At all. So I’m not sure what you’re putting together.

NotHereForPizza ago

Don't read too much in to the first post. That was more posturing. The second one was the important dump. I was able to build off of reactions.

I'm not discussing this anymore.

heygeorge ago

I'm confident you will, lol

NotHereForPizza ago

Not with you.


think- ago

She doesn't seem to like v/pizzagate mods who are also SBBH users.

She recently had a row with @srayzie and @Crensch. She said that PMs were deleted from her inbox (PMs @srayzie had sent her), which, as you know, is technically impossible; she implied that @srayzie was involved.

While I thought at the time she might have accidentally deleted these PMs (happens to me all the time ;-)) to give her the benefit of the doubt, I'm now convinced that she lied, in order to throw dirt at @srayzie. This was in the aftermath of the recent shill attack on v/pizzagate.

It is kind of sad, because she often made really good posts, and I appeciated her contributions.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I don't delete ANY PMs. The only ones I have ever deleted were Artistique_Jewelry's PMs because they were walls of Bible and religious quotes that she kept sending me over and over again as though she was performing some bizarre cyber exorcism on me.

heygeorge ago

Ohhhhhhhhh, this is the PM deleted hogwash person.

I’m sure that in her mind she is a very stable genius.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

That is a total nigger move.

zyklon_b ago

$9000/12 months is maximum with CN

zyklon_b ago


Puud ago

I admittedly new here but Qmap.pub told me to go to v/theawakening but now I see everyone freaking out lol

Butterbread ago

Cocksucker participating in CCP manipulation:


Laurentius_the_pyro ago

lol, they're actually so retarded they don't know they can't farm CCP in subverses with downvoat restrictions.

BuilderAnon ago

It’ll sort it’s self out soon. Not so easy to hide corruption here.

LostandFound ago

You will be welcomed here, dont confuse our attempts to alert users to 'irregularities' with an attempts to make you go away.

Voat's anti shill / subversion processes are through the sharing of information mostly and its really effective.

Islamiscancer ago

"Da fuck"

Why do you talk like a nigger? Is this some cuckold fetish im unaware of? Pathetic virgin op

LostandFound ago

*turns on the gas

BuilderAnon ago

Strawman argument. ;)

BuilderAnon ago

Bro... not even. PV is the watchdog. Dillegent and enduring. It’s origin is shegate. It is the same now as it was then. A rebellion against silenced voices.

BuilderAnon ago

PV! Miss you guys! The mod team there are transplants from _eddit. They were compromised there 2 months ago. Mods deleting any thing exposing that truth over there.

Mod logs here Contain an example of this already. We must stay observant. TA will become the most active sub verse soon and we need to keep watch. This will change the character of Voat and will call forth every attempt to gain a foothold that the spooks have throw at us.

The newcomers need educations on how to monitor the moderators and how to employ that knowledge to protect free expression.

LostandFound ago

Exactly I am there now have pinged 0 mods and just alerting people to the reality of their sub. Probably futile but its worth a try.

BuilderAnon ago

It’s worth a try. These aren’t your normal _eddit refugees. These ones know this isn’t a game.

LostandFound ago

I used to be a baker for Q posts, its infested with intelligence agents. Do not underestimate how organised im the worst possible way this whole thing is. Im mot saying Q is comped but I ran a fucking mile from everyone else.

BuilderAnon ago

Q I trust. Very true of spooks every where. Always playing games to gain control. Paranoia is important. This isn’t a game.

Smo-Guiver ago

Need that Internet Bill of Rights. This is a message I got back on reddit about initiating a possible class-action lawsuit:

You’re not gonna have much of a case.

They didn’t unlawfully seize your property, they deleted from their servers.

The equal protection clause means everyone gets equal protection under the law, not equal treatment by a company with no (official) government affiliation.

Claiming your right to free speech and to peaceably assemble is likely a non-starter. You can say whatever you want and you can assemble where you want, just not on reddit. ...Admittedly, this is a legal gray area with the current role social media and it being the modern public square and whatnot, and there are obvious policy arguments on your side, but until there’s some legislation regulating social media, (IOB?), there isn’t a legal basis that I know of.

I am not a licensed attorney and this should in no way be construed as competent legal advice.

LostandFound ago

Attacking reddit and other sites status as a public space will do the trick. They bypass so many legal requirements by hiding behind 'public space free speech' mantra.

If its demomstrated they have a political bias and editorialise their content they become a publisher and legally responsible for all content on the site, not the individual user as it currently stands. Post illegal content then and spez gets the rope

FaStRmAn ago

Just glad to have somewhere to post and get information

GoBackToReddit ago

It's the same faggotry that happens after every ban.

Some examples include:

I was banned from v/PatriotsSoapbox for this: https://archive.is/HEmG2

I was banned from v/TheGodEmperor for this: http://archive.fo/BAqrv#selection-2637.0-2681.5

Notable mention goes to v/ThePedes for removing this: https://voat.co/v/ThePedes/1867955 (removed for "fake and gay")

The common denominators are pretty simple. T_D, reddit, power hungry faggots who come here after a ban. They set up new subs instead of assimilating into existing subs and upvote jerk one another. They come from a shithole place to make this a shithole place.

zyklon_b ago

the patriotsoapbox banning is just a joke

LostandFound ago

You sir are a brave soldier in the war against cancer

GoBackToReddit ago

Literally asking questions and giving sound advice is bannable to these pukes.

LostandFound ago

This will turn out as always we will get another 12 users in the end, theres always a few good ones sitting in the shit. I am trying to find them

dunklederf ago

agreed, that shit has to fucking end

nrlftw ago

Delete it

LostandFound ago

Censorship is never the answer

nrlftw ago

Yes. You’re right. Ok so how do we smoke out the cancer without banning the sub or submissive behavior?

LostandFound ago

Im hitting up individuals and letting them know, fuck running to mods each user on this site is responsible for running a clean house. These redditors need to think for themselves. Those who don't get the oven

Monteblanc ago

CCP is not applied to their accounts because of the minimum requirements set for that sub.

Mumbleberry ago


capnflummox ago

100% Agreed.

antisrs ago

If SRS user Mumbleberry is shilling against this alternative to SRS-controlled /v/GreatAwakening, it's probably semi-legit. The proof is in these comments getting downvote-brigaded.

How did SRS user srayzie know to ban @oh_well_ian, the top poster to /v/GreatAwakening (who knew srayzie was SRS), the day before Reddit banned /v/GreatAwakening, unless she's SRS and knew it was going to happen? She's literally a mod of SRS on Voat and co-mods it (along with /v/ProtectVoat!!!) with SRS users kevdude and Crensch.

The only people left here are paid commenters (SRS pedophiles) and useful idiots who don't realize they're conversing with paid commenters. You were herded here by SRS from Muslim-controlled Reddit to Muslim-controlled Voat (Atko = Atif Colo, a Muslim who's on the record complaining about anti-Islam bias on Voat), and then Atko flooded Voat with pro-Iran shills paid off by Muslim oil billionaires. Their primary coder is a tranny, their main devs are confirmed SJWs, and their fake CEO wears a fedora, looks like a Redditor, and has never given any indication of being a Right-leaning. Why are these people so excited to manage us pro bono?

What did Soros use his money to do to Reddit? Flood it with pro-Iran commenters.

What would Soros use his money to do to Voat? Flood it with pro-Iran commenters.

Rotteuxx ago

User for 8 months, zero activity. Then all of a sudden: Boom !


SRS is everywhere !

@9-11 is my butt fuck buddy !

You fucking shills are hopeless & so fucking ineffective it's ridiculous.

@Trigglypuff, @kevdude, @heygeorge, @Crensch, @Expertshitposter.

(((They know))), ramp it up !

heygeorge ago

The user replied to is a sar alt. (One of many)

Rotteuxx ago

Freakin mujahidins

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Hey, freak! How come @heygeorge was just removed today as a mod at SBBH?

Good thing I archived to show he was, and needs to be removed as a Pizzagate mod. http://archive.is/84Ztb

Shitposters shouldn't be modding v/Pizzagate because they're only there to subvert it and hassle the real truthseekers with "Uh, can you add a link to such & such and such & such, so the newbies understand?"

See this thread to see how their brain dead buddy @zyklon_b was trying to get upvoats by using Seth Rich's good name, then had to call in his fellow cult members to go on the attack. https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715080

Fuck all you SBBH mother fuckers!

Rotteuxx ago

yawns in Yiddish

Your curls are showing mohel.

@Heygeorge is a SBBH mod ya fucking idiot. Maybe if you weren't inbred with severe psychiatric issues you'd make more sense... but your jewish mom being the slut that she is probably couldn't help fucking your older brother to have you, life is hard ain't it ?

Don't worry, @Trigglypuff & I are working on a plan to bypass the gas chambers & go straight to compost so we'll get to you quickly enough.

zyklon_b ago

@trigglypuff @heygeorge WELL DONE maximum butthert9000+++++++++


Mumbleberry ago

Well said!