Double_A_92 ago

Can i haz some points pls?

pj77777 ago


Duchozz ago

Get gassed you fucking pathetic circle jerking kikes

AQuirethetruth ago

I don't get this points thing, ive had quite a few upvotes for comments but sais I still don't have enough points to make a post??

fuckinghell ago

Enjoy your useless internet points, faggot.

Q_sent_me_here ago

KEK needs some votes. I am returning the favor to everyone.

nobilisbellum ago

Vote for public executions of Cabal leaders!

nobilisbellum ago

Vote if you believe Hillary Clinton should be sent to Guantanimo!

nobilisbellum ago

spare a voat for a voatless newbie please...

nobilisbellum ago

hate asking for help, but.... newbie gotta do what a newbie gotta do...

Ilkamin ago

This is fucking retarded just get your internet good boy points by commenting semi intelligently like regular users

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

This shit is hilarious.

BSCB4U ago

how do i get on the upvote train

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

You have to go back.

Prepare for deportation.

OneGreatLady ago

If you are from Reddit and are here looking for the Greatawakening. THIS ISN't IT. THIS IS IT!

Q_Continuum ago

Patriots Unite, WWG1WGA!!! It’s time to shake off the dust from the last couple of days, re-group and Fight! Fight! Fight!!! We have a new platform (ThanQ) so let’s use it. Spread the word and get those numbers back up to the REAL amount

thelogicalgirl ago

Ooh, me please!

zabrini ago

Please sir can I have a voat?

BraunF14 ago

No? Earn your stay and come up with original content and contribute to our beautiful community. Don't charge in like Reddit users and start expecting to be able to download things you don't like and go upvoat mad everywhere. This isn't Reddit. Learn what are votes are for in the first place and ask that same question.

Qforever ago

I would like some voting too - LOL - I have something to share! What does 10 ccp mean anyway? Is that comment points? just guessing

SiegeInAStorm ago

Keep voting and posting restrictions in place. Will limit bots and shill impact. Dissenters are likely enemies.

Reddragon1111 ago

UpVoats pleeeeease?!

HillarySuckDickDaily ago

fuck you faggots. fuck off back to your faggot land of censored non-ideas.

JodyOnTheBlock ago

Fuck your imaginary internet points!

Can somebody tell me why there are 7 governor seats on the Federal Reserve Board and only 3 are currently filled (at least two of whom are Carlyle Group Alumnus)?

Moonman2018 ago

How did reddit even justify banning great awakening? Are they even trying to give justifications for their censorship anymore?

weQbecausewemust ago

gibe ^ pleax

CosmicV1001 ago

How do you accumulate "comment contribution points"?

FlyoverCountry ago

Looking for a few good upvotes, please.

deepdoc ago

Y'all mind throwing ya girl some points? Many thanks.

BreadTwists ago

I need some love..

absurdlyobfuscated ago

Just an FYI, this doesn't work on voat when a subverse has a minimum CCP requirement. Your points don't get added to your account and all of this clicking does absolutely nothing. You need to actually contribute something meaningful to the larger community. You have to earn it.

Axi0m17 ago

Honestly I think the GA ban just brought all of us patriots more together. Not only did it convince more people q is real but now we are on a better plaatform

ElmerFudd ago

Gimme Gimme!

Anne_O_Nimus ago

I wonder if those o the Left will support Reddit GA refugees like they go all out to support other world-wide refugees? We demand acceptance! Our congregating Web home got bombed out of existence during the ongoing war with MSM and Big Tech - no casualties, just a lot of irritation and anger at our opposition for their hypocrisy.

Actually, our situation reminds me of y favorite fable about the cold, strong wind battling the bright, warm sun over which one could get the guy walking by to take off his coat. Long story short, the wind lost because the stronger and longer it blew, the tighter the guy walking kept his coat on; but when the sun shown warm and bright, the guy walking quickly took of his coat to cool down.

ElmerFudd ago

You get an upvoat, and you get an upvoat, and you get an upvoat, you ALL get upvoats!

HRKrow ago

New here as well, could use some upvoats, thanks patriots!

Speed_Bernicia ago

Just tried uploading a post for a link to which I found here but need some voats before it'll let me submit anything! please help patriots!! WWG1WGA!

504forlife ago

I voat for my fellow patriot. WWG1WGA

hoeskioeh ago

Good idea. Participating.

Anne_O_Nimus ago

I need some points, if I understand the requirements to post new threads, correctly... I will upvote those that also need this, etc., in return. Hello to all friends from former Reddit GA; glad to see you all here! Hello to all those who are totally brand new to Q in general, also! Also, TX to Voat for having us all here.

pinklb_q ago

No. You get CCP for actually contributing to posts ina helpful way. This isn’t where you came from. Stop being attention whores and earn it through real thought like the rest of the website

whatsupnoobs ago

what’s up noobs? I’m a noob here. upvoat!

Thought: I’m seeing what Q has been dropping around narrative and readying the memes. How can we get organized here? We are up against the storytelling Goliath’s of the msm and we have to beat them at their own game. Our story has to win minds. We have the resources now. And we have Q’s narrative structure. What’s the best way to make it catch like a disease? New thread? This needs structure and creativity.

SummerRain92516 ago

In need of upvotes myself!!!

ohsnapyo ago

Yes upvote me!!! Why do I need upvotes again?

sc00p_l00p ago

I need me some upboats

twitchy2truth ago

Every vote counts.

Landrictree ago


caprica777 ago

Up-goats please!

TapasTree ago

I am new here because fuck the fascists at reddit! Already enjoying the much freer vibe here, niggerfaggots!

Mbrac ago

I’ll voat all I can to get more people contributing here.

TurdLord5000 ago

The CCP won't be applied to your accounts due to the minimim CCP requirements for this subverse. You have to actually earn it like everyone else.

Aceshighbaseslow ago

Stand United! I am new yes. But glad to be among the awoken.

Soakingitup123 ago

I tried to post but don't have enough cc's. I'll upvote others here. Please upvote me, too!

Tut560 ago

Yes, That would be useful.

russian_intelligence ago

I just emptied my upvote cannon on this thread in hopes of a little reciprocation.

Mumbleberry ago

Idiots all.

russian_intelligence ago

Idiot one ^

Mumbleberry ago

All the voting you do on this sub means nothing, because your redditard mods are idiots.

russian_intelligence ago

Dude, just fuck off already and save your criticisms for someone who cares. I don't give two shits.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

Mumbleberry is right, though. The mods of this subverse set a minimum CCP requirement. That excludes the sub from /v/all and makes all the points not count. Not one single upvoat in this thread has made the slightest difference for anyone's account.

russian_intelligence ago

That's all fine. Thank you for the clarification. For further clarification, anyone who chimes in right off the bat with disrespect and snide condescencion like "Idiots all" has already shut down the conversation and lost all courtesy and respect with me. I have no patience for such childish fools.

Mumbleberry ago

Uhm, no. You seem to be anti 1st amendment, do you hate guns too?

Kamagawa ago

Can i get some voats, please? <insert picture of watery eyed kitten>

deleteme123 ago


Aquaren69 ago

Upvotes galore....still waiting for some though. Feel a bit dirty begging, but what the hell. Reeeeee!

ButterMyPopcorn ago

^ voating patriots

Corse46 ago

Let me get in on this. Because you'd be in jail.

Exomnis45 ago

I'm showing 19 points, but still not allowed to post or message. Help

Landrictree ago

Because this kind of faggotry is frowned upon.

Earn it. Like everyone else had to.



sodpoodlebb ago


BettyLiberty ago

Patriots helping patriots!

Stage_Left ago

Where's the washroom?

Brownpa1968 ago


NewFaggot ago


Ok_Top ago

I voted so many times i feel like a deadman from Chicago!

David-anonyme ago

Hello I am new here too. Thanks.

Rozan ago

Huzzah! A home! A new, FREE home! Cheers lads!

Cheers to the swamp being drained so fast that they thought that could split us apart!

Cheers to us hitting the bull's eye so well that thought it necessary to split us apart.



ButterMyPopcorn ago

Song of the day.

Ball of Confusion - YouTube

People movin' out, people movin' in. Why, because of the color of their skin. Run, run, run, but you sho' can't hide An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Vote for me and I'll set you free

Res_Publica ago

When I jerk off into an old sock, I call it a “Q-mmunication”

MisplacedMan ago

Is this where the voatsterbation is habbening?

SwansRonson ago

Reactivated my old Voat account after our expulsion from Reddit. Here to keep fighting the good fight! Where We Go One, We Go All.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Fuck this @atko

Phospherous ago

Upvoat pls!

OsoCovfefe ago

We have the best refugees don't we folks...and the best Patriots who worked to make room for us all and fix this beautiful gulag up for us.Thanks to all you Patriots for finding server room and all the rest.


Maestro232 ago

You know what to do

aquinn ago

It's a pleasure to be here with ya'll Patriots!

AmePatriot ago


1nicolafiore ago

We are baaaaaack! WWG1WGA

Jillb32926 ago

Almost there ! Need one more Voat!

Izzysays ago


vaavi ago

Voats for free! <3 Damn newbie account..

Heho00 ago


SupermanReborn ago

I need dem fake internet points

Patriota ago

I'm a refugee/lurker from CBTS and GA.

PatriotPrepper70 ago

How do you vote? I will gladly participate.

CatsInAPile ago

Share the love and vote it up!

TrueTemper ago

make sure you upVoat others as well

Sort by new comments...

time_traveller ago

Need some upvoats here!

TrueTemper ago

upvoting the comments here...

Mad_Spoon ago

I need points to post?

NastiN8 ago

Gimme gimme dem gibs

ReadyPlayerOne ago

Voat me baby one more time

satisfyinghump ago

You do realize that when veteran voaters look at a posters history, because they are a paranoid bunch -probably because of shit like this post..., they will not only NOT count any upvotes from this thread, but it will probably work against the poster.

Just saying, you're making things harder for yourselves.

pizzascand ago

Why, if I try to downvote, do I get a popup suggesting I go to v/introductions and say Hi to get upvotes to reach enough CCP points to make a downvote? That is the same thing this thread is accomplishing. Helping newbies obtain CCP's.

Cid ago

Except it's not. The mods have this verse hidden because they added a CCP requirement to downvote. None of the points here matter. It's just an isolated little safe space.

From subverse settings:

WARNING: If minimum CCP is higher than 0, this subverse will be hidden from /v/all and votes will not increase user SCP/CCP.

QAnonIsAwesome ago

Help, I need upvotes. WWG1WGA!

pizzascand ago

Thanks Cid

Mad_Spoon ago

Have an upvoat!

Gitmo_money ago

Beat the system!

pizzascand ago

I've been lurking on Voat on and off but after the Reddit ban to r/GreatAwakening I hope to become a regular here.

BuilderAnon ago

Or remove the restrictions. Who the hell is running this? No one has vetted these mods. We are blindly hopping in bed with some unknown partner here. Q said use patriots fight...

Mods post the mod logs, prove you aren’t censorship whores like mods of GA.

albatrosv15 ago

You will go back.

Eualos ago

This won't work since this sub has min requirements for participating

IheartSwimming ago

CCP Picking niggers in the field. ^

TiredofNuts ago

Can't you feel the Patriotism and the love? smh other threads are dreadfully misguided lost people. Wobble Wobble MFed

SIayfire122 ago

How about No. Fuck you faggots trying to game the system. You will have no problem getting points within a week or two.

RRaVeNN ago

Upvote me fellow Patriots and every other Patriot on this board. WWG1WGA

kgeig0011 ago

Yes please, I'm still wondering when I'll be able to contribute here with posts...I've commented multiple times.

Aquaren69 ago

Also a lurker on GA but fled here last night with the other refugees on Neon's recommendation and then couldn't post.....would appreciate your upvotes. Thanks!

everlastingphelps ago

You will have to comment somewhere other than v/thegreatawakening. The way the mods set the sub rules, none of the voats here count for SCP. They put on training wheels, and training wheels subs don't count.

phoenix883 ago

I lost 14,000 comment karma back there. It is as if a million posts cried out in pain and where suddenly silenced.

Jillb32926 ago

Need help patriots !

Far2Long2 ago

Just got here. Greatawakening refugee reporting for duty!

Exomnis45 ago

Me too!!

Jillb32926 ago

Need Voats

LostWeaver ago

Yoohoo... Anyone got some spare upvotes?

HMWS20C ago

Vote for me lol

ivegotklas ago

I am here because I was told upvotes are available.

everlastingphelps ago

They are. They don't count in this sub because of the way the mods set up the rules.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

I find it hilarious they still haven't figured this out yet.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

lmfao, you're all fucking retarded

cceyez ago

Newbie here. I wasn’t sure what happened to our other thread until I read Neon’s site. Glad we could make it! It’s truly WWG1WGA through the storm together!

KamieC ago

Hey me too!

EvilWulf ago

I have arrived here.

joecamoe ago

What, why does that matter?

SweetChicken ago

Major fagtivity going on in here

Mcdrogon ago

dont forget to voat for me kek

USCG_Vet ago

Pede signing in.

TheirSoStupid ago

I'm in! Had to start all over again. Could use the votes

middle-path ago

Shill here seeking mondo karmapointz

nhbctpti ago

Ok Done

KnightsWhoSayREEEEEE ago

I feel dirty asking for voats this way.

L0rdEkk0 ago

What the fuck kind of commie kike bullshit is this? Everyone begging for an up vote here should fucking erase themselves from humanity.

reaper70 ago

And on the twelfth day of the ninth month, the masses were cast out by the demon. "Be gone with you," the demon said, "for your banter of truth and righteousness has no place here." And the masses fled into the cold sea, scattered and bewildered.

They soon came to rest upon the shores of Voat, tired and weary. "Will this place give us refuge?" they cried. And the people of Voat met them at the shore with open arms. "Will we give you refuge," they said. "Here, you may banter in truth and righteousness. There will be no casting out of those who discuss such things. Our resources may be strained, but hold they will. Let every man and woman here join together in love and light, for where one goes, we all go."

MnCoolDude ago

I'm upcoting everyone here

Texian45 ago

Who needs an upvote???

ApoliticalProle ago

Just participate and the upvotes will come naturally. No need to look like a beggar, and it's a bad look for all of us in this new culture.


I need some internet points. Any faggots wanna help me out?

Devilofvoat ago


Original_Dankster ago

It's like a room full of Oprahs

Tiss ago

Mostly a lurker, but I sometimes have a comment. I’m glad to see GA found a new home.

Patr555 ago

upvotes for all!

Original_Dankster ago

Sure, I'm in.

JumpinDelbert ago

Yes let’s WWG1WGA

pairadocs ago

Thanks for the help for us refugees!

Puitruq ago

I’m new here and would also like some voat-cred. Brother, can you spare an upboat?

InfidelViking777 ago


LostSpirit ago

Man, it's busy here! I love that the PTB are probably not even aware how badly their censorship just backfired. It actually reminds me of Napster: "They" shut down Napster to stem the illegal flow of music, rather than work with Napster. Once Napster was shut down, a dozen clones opened up. That floodgate was now open and there was no shutting it. Seems the same situation here to me. They're so busy shutting down free speech, it's going to hurt them in the end (financially, at least).

kushtiannn ago

newcomer here, WWG1WGA!

phatey ago


SparkleMotion ago

Upvoats for all!

lhart1964 ago

Screw Reddit, became a member of The awakening a few days back to see the page banned. Their was no reason to stay there and deleted with a reasoning applied! Your loss for taking down theawakening. WWG1WGA. Up vote please.

MeditationAnon ago

Count me in fellow Anons

Wwwoodchuck ago

Howdy. Just padding the post count so I can post. Thanks for taking us in.

NickDixon ago

Very happy to be here. My personal challenge is to stop wasting time on all of the other non-political subreddits. It's very much a wake up call.

Nomoresjwbs ago

I've lurked voat for a long time, my advice to the newcomers is to be respectful that some people think every Reddit ban after the first makes you a toxic asshole who supports censorship, they'll come around eventually.

FloatYerVoat ago

Here’s your pithy, voting-thread comment.

SuzannaMax ago

Great idea - am a newb and would appreciate your vote.

usa100000 ago

Yes, please!

gerberlyfe ago

Count me in!!!!

PatriotsUnite ago

Help a Patriot out

gerberlyfe ago

Can you do the same for me? :)

RG1527 ago

NO BRAKES. I made this account a year ago but have not really used it until now. I knew it was only a matter of time before reddit started banning stuff.

cindylou62 ago

I, who have nothing.

Fried_Pi ago

yall got any more of them upvoats?

Dozers101 ago

I’m too stooopid for 8ch.

diogi1 ago

Me, Geez....the left even ruined that one too.

robertawearefree ago


qGoat ago

voat patriots

WhiteRabbit1776 ago

New to Voat here. Can we get clarification on what we need to make a post? I know its 10 CCP but how do I get that? I have been making comments and getting upvotes but is that right? Thanks fellow Patriots!

MagnusVeritas ago

  1. Yes.
  2. Upvoated comments.
  3. Yes.

Jwal1983 ago

Newbie here from "the officially too violent other forum"

MisplacedMan ago

Cognitive dissonance at its ugliest.

PaganPatriot ago

Total bullshit I tell ya

ThisTooShallPass ago

I can’t believe people are believing that!!

heygeorge ago

This type of nonsense is unseemly and does not belong on Voat. If you want points, add useful commentary.


Useful the same post twice? Im just goofing. I get what you are saying, but extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. Some bad shit is going down and getting the Redfugees up to speed and running is going to be the best way to deal with it. Things should normalize in a day or two. I think the upvotes are fine for another day or so. I think that most of the serious people will be over here by then. If we want to get super elitist about upvotes we allow Rebbit to disrupt things even further. These are just fake points, but you need the fake points to down vote and post. So, like, power to the people.

heygeorge ago

We have a culture with established, civilised norms. You are entering our culture and demanding welfare.

If you don’t have anything useful to add in comments, then why is it so important you be able to post?

NZPatriot ago

What Nonsense? We came here on a lifeboat. If you cannot see the swell of opinion you are on the wrong team. Big Co censors Patriots and you are ok with that?

heygeorge ago

I don’t think asking for useful commentary (as opposed to flooding the site with spam) is unpatriotic. Your argument is flimsy, and the mods don’t understand how Voat works.

NZPatriot ago

Newcomer. NZPatriot. Trump Supporter. Disgusted with censorship. Upvotes please?

Res_Publica ago

I’ll certainly upvoat a Nazi Patriot. Good day, sir. May the ashes of the shekel collectors never clog our glorious ovens!

be_angry_and_s1n_not ago

ThankQ!! I need upvotes!

twowheelsmgee ago

is it an upvote or an upvoat?

MagnusVeritas ago

The latter.

SkippyThane ago

Earn it


Upvoted out of spite

InspiredPatriot ago

Go you!

moscowmole ago

Ya got anymore of them upvotes? Hook a brother up.

diogi1 ago

And a sister!!

digitalrevere ago

You get an upvoat, you get an upvoat. EVERYONE gets an upvoat!

Tatermonkey ago

Just got here this morning

hopetogether ago

Yes, please!

007forGod ago

Yes please, need some help with the upvotes.

Strelnieki ago

Take my high energy!

Also, might I add: Fuck reddit!

diogi1 ago do I delete my account? It is funny..I made a few comments on r/thegreatawakening, but now it looks like I never posted anything. I still want to delete the account though.

Strelnieki ago

You should be able to log in and then go to settings to delete.

Odd, I can't seem to log in at all. My account is like shadowlocked or some shit. Will not allow me to request a password reset, all of my comments except for two on conspiracy have been removed... and the two on conspiracy have been removed by their mods (I presume.... ages old, anti-darwin comments.... irrelevant to Q).

Oh well, RIP PunkroQanon.

diogi1 ago

Thanks...Reddit is gone from my life.

Centrist30 ago

Made my way over also.

Hellboy1435 ago

Reddit Refugee seeking upvoats here.

User890020 ago

Me too!

InspiredPatriot ago

You got it!

Bnut0480 ago

Me too!

MagnusVeritas ago

Let this be it. All upvoted.

Major_Tom69 ago

Do #MeToo

hfkmfn ago

I'm opposed to both voting rings and entryism, but you can have an upvote for that one.

MagnusVeritas ago

Stop pretending you don't want to partake in our glorious circle-jerk.

PaganPatriot ago

Im just hoping for a drop of lotion instead of raw doggin it

MagnusVeritas ago

Lotion and tissues are provided on the table to your right. Please take a seat.

Motion of the ocean and no eye-contact.

wasupwitdis ago

UP voted all................Welcome Patriots

Tonawanda ago

Thank you for your thoughtfulness!

AU-Truthhomer ago

Love that idea. I’ll up all comers to get you going. Please do same for me.

TheirSoStupid ago


diogi1 ago

Hey noobie here. I have a question? How do I delete my reddit account now? I was a noobie there too. :)

Phospherous ago

Go to preferences, there's an option to deactivate. wikihow

bonganon ago


PaganPatriot ago

Done an done

bonganon ago

WWU1WUA! (Where we upvoat 1 we upvoat all!)

WWG1WGA- ago

You were too excited to even spell check... but fuck it, have an upvoat

akirakin ago

me too!

guitarchump ago

Hey waiter, can we get a round of upvotes over here?

nobilisbellum ago

all out of prime rib, but got a voat for ya...

fervorkick ago

I'll give an upvoat to everyone.
You get an upvoat. You get an upvoat. You get an upvoat. You get an upvoat. You ALL get an upvoat.

junjeewow ago

I feel like I stumbled into a private party and I don't have the right currency. Help a newb out.

Puddy11 ago

You get a car, you go to Gitmo, you get a car, you go to Gitmo! Nevermind, you ALL go to Gitmo!!!

OneGreatLady ago

Just arrived. learning as I go. Apparently, I need upvoats to get started.

LabResults ago


PaganPatriot ago

I'll take handouts like the nigger I am

fervorkick ago

Then an upvoat you shall receive.

TheirSoStupid ago

Upvotes sent.

Puud ago

Don't forget about little ole me

Cristo316 ago

Upvotes for errybody!!

allonthesameteam ago

Please do. Feel like I'm in withdrawal.

Wally45 ago

Me too!

WWG1WGA- ago

I want to get on the upvoat train! I need some street cred over here

countrybuc ago

Glad to help

Texmexenchilada ago


jaredthirsk ago

voat for pedro! voat for me too please!

Cristo316 ago

Me too!!


EuropeNeedsFixing ago

I've gotten about 8 upvotes, but my profile is still stuck at 2 points. Is the system broken or is it just lag caused by our flood here?

larryhuston ago

Because the idiot mods here have a CCP req. to downvote, none of this faggoty circle jerking counts for ANYTHING.

Steelerfish ago

I don’t understand that if this board is fatally flawed as some have suggested, why are so many still here? That being said, any suggestions as to where those of us who have #walkaway from dreddit should congregate?

everlastingphelps ago

Your mods fucked it up by setting stupid rules. By requiring you to have SCP on this board to downvoat, it means that voats on this board don't award SCP.

If you want to be part of voat, you have to part of voat.

That's how things work around here -- you won't be censored, but also no one will care whatever you are publishing.

Abby_Normal ago

Suppose I've become conditioned to expect manipulation from social media sites so I jumped to conclusions when things didnt look right. Your explanation is much appreciated. Makes much more sense. Thanks!

EyeOfHorus ago

Upvoat me for every awakening faggot you want gassed.

Abby_Normal ago

Ya I'm noticing the same thing. I have a bunch of upvotes on my handful of new comments yet only 1 profile point. Seems the Voat voting system is just as fucked up as Reddit's system.

FlappyJappy ago

the voat system is working perfectly, you dont get ccp on your account from a subverse that has miniumum ccp requirements set up, like this one, all the upvoats in this subverse mean nothing essentially. it stops bots and spammers from making private subverses to farm points to downvoat everything they dont agree with

Abby_Normal ago

Suppose I'm so used to everything being manipulated I jumped to conclusions. Excellent Ty very much for the explanation.

FlappyJappy ago

youre welcome, here one point means one point as long as the subverse isnt restricted, not reddits shitty "we add up and down votes to fuzz your score". enjoy your stay here in the free world

Podingo7 ago

There you go,shows at least one from me....spending 1st hour up voting for a good cause...did those "censorshits" really thing they were going to stop us?

EuropeNeedsFixing ago

Hmm, I just gave you an upvote, but you remain at 0...

Abby_Normal ago

ya my 'upvotes given' number won't go up either even tho I just handed out 42 to reddit patriots.


upvotes given/received are only computed like once an hour here on voat.

TheirSoStupid ago

Boarding train. Heading to run the deep state down. They won't know what hit them!

Orien_Blue ago

Me too please! Also a vote for you good patriot!

QisTrump ago

0 points, need help!

countrybuc ago

Right with ya bro!

Bizzaraus ago

me too~

letortfort ago

Me too. I've moved from CBTS to GA and now here.

Kingmakerbreaker ago

I vote that you vote my vote a good voat.

Duchozz ago

Holy shit you people are faggots

muchpoodoo ago

I want in on the circle!

Scoobydoo1959 ago

Brother/Sister, can you spare a vote....?

Scoobydoo1959 ago

I've been been looking for upvotes all day but can't seem to locate them. Have you seen any?

InTrump45WeTrust ago

Q sent me to get upvotes

LegalTDImmigrant ago

You get a voat! You get a voat! You all get a voat!

ThisTooShallPass ago

Your vote came true :-D

TangoSierra ago

Please voat for me. I'm not Paul Ryan.

Puddy11 ago

First you say you're not running again in Nov, now you want our votes?

Keywest ago

I laughed!

TheirSoStupid ago

Nice one


Nice try, Mr. Speaker

PaganPatriot ago

Please clap


rather than just ask for a vote and your approval ( i secretly crave both), i offer up a thought. This is probably just years of huffing paint and boofing ketamine talking, but if No Name was the author of the anonymous White House memo, and POTUS said author is gutless...could one draw the conclusion that NN was forced to commit suppuku with a rusty hubcap? i like to think that Lindsay was his second, but bailed on his job.

these are interesting this a primary step in the ghettoization of the interwebz?

russian_intelligence ago

Let's just say my pucker piece is no stranger to a little kitty boofing either...

concentric0 ago

You had my vote at ket boofing

Duplexnovella ago

Mine too.. lmao... won't others be surprised when they look that term Though my crazier moments in college a few times were R12 freon & Quaaludes.. (Damn the universe must have a plan for

concentric0 ago

Boofing freon? How is that possible? Lol. Modern boofing mostly consists of mdma. Or so I've heard.

AppliedForce ago


nobilisbellum ago


mistahbang ago


Fighting4OurChildren ago

Wish I could get some upvoats!

nobilisbellum ago


OsoCovfefe ago

Now I'm a genie, just granted my first wish! WWG1WGA

Fighting4OurChildren ago

Thank you, kind genie!!! Back at you -- WWG1WGA!

EZMojo ago

Get out the vote!

nobilisbellum ago

I feel voated today

User890020 ago


nobilisbellum ago

Yup Yup

TheirSoStupid ago

I'm in

MagnusVeritas ago

Do your part, patriots!

countrybuc ago

You got it!

nobilisbellum ago

Interesting place, this Voat... lot's of red tape to get your freedom of speech pass...

ButterMyPopcorn ago

Up votes for patriots!

JumpinDelbert ago


TheirSoStupid ago

Trade votes? Just gave you one

WeDontSayHisName ago

Done. No name and no voats :( :D