11560564? ago


The only defense made has been that it is actually Hebrew. Although no one has been able to verify this independently. The only hit found so far on the web is the google translation. But it is fishy that their first defense of him is that "he is a not a secret jihadist, he is a Jew." (remember @SarMegahhikkitha mods a couple of Jewish themed subs: v/MessianicJudaism & v/OrthodoxJudaism)

OR the third defense is that he is Amalek (Old goats will remember the spam attacks on this site, the doxxing of @atko, the death threats to users). One of the subs he moderates is v/amalekvszionism

Why can't we discuss this?

@freshmeat thank you for the continued deletions! You keep this fresh in v/all for me! (And it isn't sliding if I only post one thread. Make sure your excuses for censorship have some basis in reality!)

freshmeat keeps saying "nuh-uh, you're misspelling the word!"

This is false. I will copy my response to him and put it here, since freshmeat keeps deleting our posts on this problem.

It's not at all altered. freshmeat doesn't know anything about transliteration.

The Arabic language does not use an alphabet like English: it uses an abjad. An abjad is a set of symbols that represent phonemes that contain both a consonant and a vowel. You could think of it as having things like

"MI" "HI" "MI" "DI"

all as single symbols. These then get modified by diacritics (think "accent marks") to change the inherent vowel. So for example, maybe I change it to

MI' - HI" - MI" - DI

Let's say ' represents an O and " represents an A. That changes our word to

MO - HA - MA - DI

Which is Mohammad.

Now this system was developed for Arabic in the 600s or so. It's totally unrelated to the Roman alphabet used by English, Spanish, German and all the rest of the Western European alphabets. To change from this abjad into a proper alphabet, we have to try to map their syllables to our letters. This isn't 100%, as anybody whose taken any foreign language could easily explain. As a result, there are different ways you can transliterate a word.

So when we see


we realize that's one of several ways of transliterating the original Arabic into the English language.

However in ALL cases, the original Arabic word

صار مجاهيكثا

is very much Arabic and very much means "He became a mujahideen"

Incidentally, freshmeat's argument is as stupid as saying "mujahideen" isn't a real word because it's can also be spelled "mujahadeen" or "mujahadin" or "mujahidin" or any of the other transliterations.

freshmeat is a fuckhead who needs to learn basic linguistics. ';

11600066? ago

wow you just fucking destroyed that nigger. nice one.

11498448? ago

i love rott and fuzz



11498334? ago


You agree to not post anyone's sensitive personal information that relates to that person's real world or online identity.

This post clearly ties real world information to Voat user @fuzzywords

11498385? ago

ahahahahahahahaha "sensitive personal information" it's not sensitive and not a dox if the person publicly ties their publicly posted and easily-searchable info to their voat account.

the voat community, before most left, had a big conversation on this. @lockeproposal for example, posted his steam account on voat, with real name and other info. did locke the sjw dox itself? no.

@fuzzywords posted on medium.com as, guess what, as "fuzzywords" and jamie redgate on it's blog, openly claimed authorship of those "fuzzywords" medium posts.

find me some other fuzzywords out there for some plausible deniability.

and anyway, as fuzzywords clearly said, redgate isn't fuzzywords, so what are you shilling for?

oh wait,

i'm right.

you're defending your criminal paid shill buddies because it gets you the heroin from david brock that you so seriously need.


11500607? ago

shills be so silly

deliberately misinterpret a dox

11497927? ago

@rotteux aka beatle did canadagate.

11497953? ago

spelled it's name wrong, beatle.

11497921? ago

this freak, jamie redgate (@fuzzywords on voat, medium.com and openly claiming authorship of medium.com posts by fuzzywords on jamieredgate.co.uk) was the biggest coder of voat for a whole year (the year following atko and puttitout's simultaneous disappearance, when atko stopped coding voat forever because he was legally gagged and removed from the site) the year of voat's censorship.

11498115? ago

atko stopped coding voat forever because he was legally gagged and removed from the site

Where'd you hear that load of garbage?

11498148? ago

those are facts. over a year ago atif and puttitout disappeared the same day, and came back a month later entirely different people. since then, atko's github account has not coded voat.

since then, atif has clearly not been allowed to discuss the subject, only to say "i'm quitting and being replaced by puttitout" basically not responding to any questioning of the move.

coupled with the high level paid criminal shilling going on, the massive censorship of voat, the running off of major users....

yeah and that atif colo hasn't touched the internet in months

clearly gagged.

11498666? ago

I asked a simple question: where did you hear atko got gagged?

In your entire rambling post, you completely avoided even answering.

Sounds like you lied.

11498944? ago

lol silly nigger. it's a logical deduction. gags like these are designed so you and i can never know about them.

11499811? ago

sanegoat and logic


11498347? ago

those are facts. over a year ago atif and puttitout disappeared the same day, and came back a month later entirely different people.

Prove they were different people

11498406? ago

there are megaposts on my account's top 5 posts. i have proven it. go read.

it's called logic. you may not have heard of it.

11498419? ago

You haven't proven shit. You just link to comments and make shit up.

11498453? ago

link to comments

make shit up


speaking of!