urbanmoving ago

Israle is the sex slave capital of the world and stat wise the largest producer with their appendages of child porn in the world they had open peep shows back in the 70's just like NYC

3141592653 ago

Good move Lana

brand0nh3nry ago

brandon henry is my name + i am from omaha, nebraska. please know that attempts to take my life have been made recently as i am a survivor from a #pizzagate pedo ring in kansas where i am originally from.

view this video for more information: https://youtu.be/EbZE8Wake1Y

if anything happens to brandon henry in omaha, nebraska please fight for justice for me + the others.

I_Kill_Masons ago

Israel is a HUGE hub for child trafficking and rape (you can thank the Zionists/Rothschilds for that) so yeah, referring to them as "your sweet little children" is fucking creepy. Fuck fake Jews and fuck the Talmud.

Crensch ago

So what you have here is something phrased a bit strangely.

A quote that is NOT linked to the subjects in question.

A "kids eat free" equivalent.

And advertiser snake-oil speak.

This is your "research"? Who is this going to bring down? What children will this help?

How embarrassing

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Thanks for degrading yourself into a thread slider, shill.

Crensch ago

Honestly, how pathetic of a submission is this? Is this the quality of your research?

I can almost guarantee it's not even PG material. SOME mod will agree, and so will users, and I'll be sure to make a post about how shameful and useless your submissions are.

Keep doubling down like all those other usernames. Keep acting as if you're calling my bluff, just like they did.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Your opinion doesn't matter, even as skewed as it is. If the members find it to be a worthless topic, they'll downvoat it as such.

Crensch ago

Useless threads don't matter anyway.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I think the members who've upvoated it would disagree with you? Why do you feel this thread doesn't matter? Are you ok with people bringing their young children to this festival? Can you say with absolute certain that nothing nefarious is going on wiyh children at this festival? Because you are debasing this thread, it sure seems as though you're protecting someone or at least running damage control.

Crensch ago

Can you say with absolute certain that nothing nefarious is going on wiyh children at this festival?

This is called "shifting the burden of proof", and Jews like to do this all the time.

The burden is on you to show that there's a reasonable chance that THIS FESTIVAL has something awful planned for children. It's also a bit embarrassing if there's not someone that will be held accountable or saved from your submissions, is it not? I would feel that embarrassment had I made such a useless submission.

Do you know what kind of people do not feel that kind of embarrassment?

Judgejewdy ago

Is that you, MillenialFalcon?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Lol! You speaking out against this information makes it seem as though you're a Jew, and why would a Jew even create this thread? Lol! You're malfunctioning, my friend, and everyone can see it. Stop while you're ahead.

Crensch ago

Who will be held accountable here? Who will be saved from this canceled concert?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Why are you discounting it? Seems your objective here is to protect Israel.

Crensch ago

Israel overall should burn.

I want to know why you're bringing it up if:

1) Israel is a hub for child trafficking and fucking

2) No direct link here despite Israel being a hub for such things

3) Nobody will actually get saved or arrested from your research. Nobody.

What purpose is there to sharing this with anyone?

Otto- ago

I can think of a few purposes; namely don't bring your children to the event. Granted, the whole pitch is a stretch. With all due respect for thinking more critically than this subvoat has a reputation for, I think this is a fair enough submission if not just for discussing its relation to Israel's hub of activities that you mention.

The wording of the Q&A is suggestive, definitely odd, and the background and particulars of the event can support what is implied. We all know there is no hard evidence, but as with the majority of the threads here, it is one of many pieces that correlate implicit messages with a narrative of the culture/place/time/methodologies from the occult.

I'm glad I read it, because it got me thinking of festivals. I volunteer annually for a three-day festival, biggest in my country. A lot of police show up to help, and random beatings still happen in the middle of a crowd and it's too chaotic to react in time. This has me thinking of all the ways a sadist plans and attends to his target.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

You don't feel it's important to make people aware that Israel is inviting very young children to a music festival? What kind of monster are you?

Crensch ago

Dear reader:

Restaurants that say "kids eat free" want to rape and murder your children.

Apparently I'm a monster for not just agreeing with OP when it's pretty standard practice for kids to get discounts or not be charged for lots of things.

Saving this entire thread to add to my link.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

We understand, you have affection for Israel. Thanks for removing all doubt.

Crensch ago

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

What does that link even lead to? You're failing miserably at saving your reputation.

Crensch ago

What does that link even lead to? You're failing miserably at saving your reputation.

Really? Literally anyone else would figure out immediately what my position is on Jews from that. Within about 1 second.

You were incapable of that?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Great! So why are you insisting on causing speculation by shitting all over my thread?

Crensch ago

Instead of supporting her accusations against a mod, OP claimed one of us deleted her PMs.

And that's not even the most embarrassing part. Check the link if you want a good laugh!

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Why are you sliding my thread? Do you not feel that I've presented adepuate information against what Israel is promoting? Oh, maybe you support Israel.

Crensch ago

Do you not feel that I've presented adepuate information against what Israel is promoting?


Enigmatic_Continuum ago

The nose knows, I suppose. I don't fault you for wanting/needing to defend your Homeland. Most anyone would.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Yes, please. Check the link as srayzie has admitted to buddying up and asking me what my gender is, but won't admit to saying she's a PG mod or answering any questions as to why she's emarrassed of this role.

JackHoff ago

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't it easy to check and see who the mods are in the sidebar? So it's basically public information.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Yes, but srayzie's name wasn't listed as a mod in the sidebar at the beginning of August when she revealed to me in a PM that she is a PG mod. This is also the same time she asked me in a PM what my gender was and admits asking me this in a PM. The thing is, the PMs where she asked me my gender and the one where she secretly tells me she's a mod here are both missing from my inbox. Why will she admit to one missing PM, but not the other? They are gaslighting me saying that I deleted them myself. Um, no. There's some serious fuckery going on and I'd be weary of trusting either one of them. And don't dare politely disagree with srayzie or you'll find yourself in the same boat I and others are in. No matter how many great research threads you present, they'd rather let this board go to shit and ultimately confuse everyone by labeling people shills just because their egos have been injured.

JackHoff ago

Can mods really get into inboxes though? I saw someone else commenting about mods checking someone's IP address, but according to several mods that's not possible due to the way voat is set up.

think- ago

Can mods really get into inboxes though?

No, we can't. And therefore we can't delete PMs. @Enigmatic_Continuum has created a sub as an O, so she should know (I'm not even an O, only a mod, but she will know that even she as an O cannot read other people's inboxes.)

And @srayzie's name has always been on the mod list for the last couple of months. It wasn't deleted at some pöint as she says.

@Enigmatic_Continuum: I have no idea was has happened here, but I'm really tired of hearing baseless accusations against mods, especially from users like you, who always seemed to be sensible and posted good research.

So please, go and check for yourself if you have access to people's inboxes or not. Thanks.

@Vindicator @Crensch

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I don't know what they're capable of and I certainly wouldn't put anything past them. I definitely wouldn't trust that they're telling the truth about things. Just look how they try to smear genuine researchers. It's a shame really.

JackHoff ago

Well I saw one mod make the suggestion that anyone can start their own sub verse to see what the mods can/can't do, and what they have access to. It may be worth checking out to find out for sure, but seeing that led me to believe what they were saying.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Yes, and I did create a sub called v/CageFight where people could call out those they believe are shills instead of muddying up the board, but as you can see, the mods think they should have the freedom to muddy up the boards with their drama. "Do as we say not as we do." When I was the mod of CageFight, I really didn't have the ability to do much of anything, but I think certain mods like Crensch have more abilities than we're led to believe. Circles within circles, and compartmentalization is a tactic used often as a means of control online and in real life.

think- ago

but I think certain mods like Crensch have more abilities than we're led to believe

You have been an O, Crensch is an O. You said you were not able to do 'much of anything', so why would Crensch? Does he have supernatural powers? To my knowledge, he hasn't.

So why are you spreading this rumour, @Enigmatic_Continuum?

I just don't get it.

@Vindicator @srayzie @Crensch

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

It happened. Check my comments where I stated that srayzie sent me two PMs that are now missing. She admits to one, but not the other. Why would she do this? If I had a screen shot, I would post it.

I already admitted that I wasn't able to read inboxes, but how do I know what others may be capable of doing? I've been reading threads from way back when v/Pizzagate was created trying to figure this out and many comments made by a particular O are interesting. I'm finding all sorts of things about janitors and volunteers, and how to become such and why the latter aren't able to be used. And this thread is very telling as a rogue mod was deleting important info and changing css, but I'm still digging into what exactly they were deleting. I miss the days when the mods were questioned just as much as the regular members. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1528884, http://archive.is/IOgl1

I think as mods and owners, rather than focusing on calling me a liar and a shill, you should all be trying to find out how inbox messages are disappearing. This should concern everyone in the community.

think- ago

It happened.

This is technically impossible, E_C. @heygeorge can confirm.

Check my comments where I stated that srayzie sent me two PMs that are now missing.

I read these comments.

She admits to one, but not the other. Why would she do this? If I had a screen shot, I would post it.

I didn't read that srayzie admits to deleting PMs. Would you have a source? Thanks.

Why would she do this?

Even if she or any other user/mod/O wanted to do this, she wouldn't be able to. (But hey, repeating myself here.) And @srayzie certainly doesn't want to delete other people's PMs.

but how do I know what others may be capable of doing

Ok, I suggest to apply logical thinking. Os do have the highest position here on Voat, and they can't go to other people's inboxes and delete stuff.

No matter on which subverse, no matter which O. Ok?

I've been reading threads from way back when v/Pizzagate was created trying to figure this out and many comments made by a particular O are interesting.

Sorry, which 'particular O' are you referring to? To which of their comments? Please link to them, otherwise I'm afraid I don't have a clue what you're talking about.

I'm finding all sorts of things about janitors and volunteers, and how to become such and why the latter aren't able to be used.I'm finding all sorts of things about janitors and volunteers, and how to become such and why the latter aren't able to be used.


And this thread is very telling as a rogue mod was deleting important info and changing css, but I'm still digging into what exactly they were deleting.

Unless you link to the thread in question, I'm afraid I can't understand what you're talking about, E_C.

I miss the days when the mods were questioned just as much as the regular members.

Maybe you've missed it, but the mods here are questioned every day. Add insulted, harrassed, threatened, called names, and people are spreading unfounded rumours and accusations. Every day.

We asked a bunch of well-liked and able long-time members / researchers whether they'd fancy to become a mod, but they all declined, because they see how people treat the mod team.

I think as mods and owners, rather than focusing on calling me a liar and a shill, you should all be trying to find out how inbox messages are disappearing.

Where have I ever called you 'a liar and a shill', @Enigmatic_Continuum? I haven't. Not in a single case. I have always been polite and friendly. Please refrain from spreading false claims. Thank you.

you should all be trying to find out how inbox messages are disappearing. This should concern everyone in the community

This is the first time ever, to my knowledge, that someone claims that inbox messages are disappearing.

I'd suggest to go to v/voatdev, and do a post about it.

@Vindicator @Crensch @srayzie

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I meant that srayzie admitted to sending me the one PM. Not admitting to deleting it, but just her admitting to sending it after I mentioned it's now missing is evidence that she does admit to sending one of the PMs that are now missing.

I understand that mods were chosen by mods who felt they were on the up and up, but who are the volunteers? Why was it stated that volunteers aren't able to be used? The opposite of a volunteer is an employee. Volunteers donate their time while an employee gets paid. Who are the paid employees here?

Yes, you've always been friendly and level-headed with me and others. Crensch and srayzie have no problem calling people liars and shills, then stirring shit up. I told them not to concern themselves with who was a shill and who wasn't, so if Crensch insists on flairing shills, he is a danger to the board. No mod should be deciding who's real and who isn't. Why do we even have the up/downvoat system if the mods can instantly ruin someone's reputation? How are you and the other mods even on board with this type of labeling? I dislike those I believe are shills just as much as the next member, but I downvoat them and let them know I think they're acting less than genuine or spreading disinfo and move on. Does Crensch think the members are stupid and need him to point out who they should be weary of? If he has this level of respect for members, he shouldn't be in his position. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Srayzie and Crensch love the drama and mods that do this are a danger to the board and the research as a whole. Period. The only thing I think needs attention is the way certain members use Voat to drive traffic to their Steemit articles as a means of making money. Many of us here happily research for free and it's a slap in the face to the victims when investigators are making money off of what should be a selfless act of helping to bring their abusers to justice.

I'm not ready to say who's comments and submissions I'm reading. I'm still researching and don't want to risk anything disappearing. Note that I'm not accusing you of deleting info. I'm just saying.

think- ago

I understand that mods were chosen by mods who felt they were on the up and up, but who are the volunteers? Why was it stated that volunteers aren't able to be used? The opposite of a volunteer is an employee. Volunteers donate their time while an employee gets paid. Who are the paid employees here?

@Enimatic_Continuum: Nobody here gets paid, or is employed. We are all volunteers, doing this in our spare time.

When @Vindicator did a sticky last summer, @ben_matlock volunteered, and said he would like to mod, so Vin got back to him, and made him a mod.

so if Crensch insists on flairing shills

@Crensch put a sticky up for a couple of days, to see what the communtiy thinks about introducing flairs, and since the majority didn't like the idea, flairs won't be introduced.

@Crensch, together with @Kevdude, saved the v/pizzagate sub when it migrated from Reddit, and got severely attacked by shills and old Voaters, who didn't like the Pizzagaters. We all wouldn't be able to be here and post here, if he and @Kevdude hadn't put an enormous amount of energy and time into the sub.

I think we all should be grateful for this.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I appreciate your explanation of things, but the PG board is deteriorating because a few of the mods are acting like shills themselves by attempting to discredit good info because they have personal vendettas against particular members. I'd be grateful if we had mods that didn't get caught up in the hive mind and were able to be unbiased. I cringe to think about all the great info that Millennial_Falcon had buried because he didn't like certain members and would declare them to be shills and delete their threads. There were so many incredible researchers here until MF went on the warpath. Seems as though we're quickly approaching this level of mod dictatorship yet again.

I'm glad the Flair idea has been scrapped, but there are still mods who were most likely hall monitors back in their school days and now enjoy power tripping here by telling people what they should and shouldn't believe and which members should be accepted and which should be rejected by the community at large. Dangerous stuff. I'm not sure why the sensible mods can't see this. When mods start making lists, the drain plug has been pulled. Maybe there needs to be term limits on mods because burn out and power tripping are serious and trying to intimidate members who don't "toe the line" is not a leadership quality.

Being a good leader requires remembering that you're there for a reason, and the reason certainly isn't to have your way. High-integrity leaders not only welcome questioning and criticism - they insist on it. -- Travis Bradberry

"Il faut cultiver notre jardin." - Voltaire

Crensch ago

but won't admit to saying she's a PG mod or answering any questions as to why she's emarrassed of this role.

This is in my link, for the lazy:

I just went to take a screenshot of her comment about her being a PG mod, and suddenly the PM she sent me is gone. How exactly does that happen? It happened, she said it, why is it now missing from my Inbox?

This is how OP supports her claims. "Muh PMs were deleted by someone! H4x0RZ!"

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

They were and srayzie even admits to asking me in a PM what my gender is, but that PM is missing, too. Mighty strange of her to admit to one and not the other after I've mentioned that both PMs are missing from my inbox?

Crensch ago

They were and srayzie even admits to asking me in a PM what my gender is

Nobody cares about that.

but that PM is missing, too.

Everyone cares about that.

Mighty strange of her to admit to one and not the other after I've mentioned that both PMs are missing from my inbox?

No. It's very simple. You're a liar. Two birds, one stone.

You're unraveling like a cheap cloth.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I think it's obvious who's presenting truth and who's full of shit and attampting to obfuscate.

Crensch ago


Truthseeker3000 ago

It says on the website, “age restriction 18 and above only” and then the question, “can we come with our sweet little children?”and answer “yes under 8 is free of charge”. So as I understand it kids between 8 and 17 years are not allowed in. About the meteor comet stuff, remember, Kabbalah and Jewish religion is heavily intertwined with the occult and magick so yes I can see them worshipping Saturn and space!!!

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Whoa! I hadn't noticed that. Thanks for pointing it out.

Blacksmith21 ago

Kaballah is intertwined with the occult. Judaism is not. Seek the truth. Have you ever been to a Jewish ceremony? I have. It's like going to any other church on Sunday, except it's in Hebrew, the music sucks, the people are nice, and the food is better. The message is the same. It comes from the bible.

I've also been to Muslim ceremonies. Where they separate men from women. Everyone smells bad. And they aren't very friendly. The food is good if you don't wind up shitting through the eye of a needle.

I_Kill_Masons ago

This: Kabaalah = Mystery Babylon Religion hidden under the name of "Judaism." But all you have to do is just look up "Kabaalah" and you will see that the most common definition of it is "Jewish Mysticism." Mysticism = Magick.

Blacksmith21 ago

That's a pretty big jump from mysticism to magic(k). The Catholic church (Roman and Orthodox) are very heavy into mysticism. From the little bit I've read on Kaballah, it's about a 1,000 year offshoot of "mainstream" Judaism. Sounds like a lite version of Santeria.

Otto- ago

Thanks for this, Blacksmith.

think- ago

It almost sounds like 'pedos welcome'.

There have been a bunch of articles published in the MSM in the last two or three weeks about sexual harrassment at festivals - so I guess that pedos also like to go there - they probably check the websites to see whether children are welcome, or activities for children are offered, and then go there and prey on children - festivals are always a bit chaotic, so they can hope that parents don't always watch their children properly.

carmencita ago

The format is a three days long music festival with 5 stages, camping under the pecan trees, a diverse and high quality catering area (that caters to everyone!), an open-air cinema, an arcade tent, art displays, and many more activities to be announced.

The only thing missing is the Hippies Dancing with their Rainbow Beads and the Hart Family. This could well be something that is at least orchestrated to rope in the children. Also the Sweet Little Children Reminds me of Sweet Chicken. This has always made me cringe. Idk why it makes me think of something very sinister. A Sweet Child and Sweet Chicken. Yes, it could lead to organ harvesting. Israel is one of the key countries stealing the organs of Our Children. They have not problem taking them from Palestinian Children. They hate them but not enough to die.

JackHoff ago

Just a question for you, why do you capatilze certain words in your comments? I have seen a few other commenters do the same thing and I wasn't sure if I'm missing something? or if it's just done unintentionally?

carmencita ago

I used to do it more often and then let up. I am back to doing it again. When you see it, know that things are capitalized for a reason. Like in this sentence I just wrote someone.

Thank You.Our Children (and I means all of them for I believe All Children are Ours) they are Our Future. If we don't fight for them what does that say about us? Not much.

I always capitalize when talking about Our Children, because I want people to think about how All of Them Belong To Us.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Jews rape kids

sodePllAlliK ago

"When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this (three years and a day), it is as if one puts the finger into the eye." so sayith The Talmud.

[Jewish Talmud Allows Sex with 3-year Old Girls!](http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/False Religions/Judaism/talmud_child_sex.htm)

“Most Jews do not like to admit it but our god is Lucifer and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.” -Howard Wallace Rosenthal

Talmudic jews also have a ritual in which the rabbi sucks the blood out of a baby boy's dick after a circumcision is performed. The transfer of STDs has killed many infant boys. They've been forcing male genital mutilation on americans since they took it over.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago


Sum-of-Nun ago

Check out his URL (pills sleeping?)


"Experts of exotic topics like black holes, conspiracy theories or spiritualism in the Big Data age? We’d love to hear more."

Perhaps some Voaters should write them with a few theories of their own?

[email protected]

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Wow! While I noticed the "exotic topics" comment, I never looked at the link. Very strange! Thanks.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/8Ds4l :

Lana Del Rey cancels Israel show, cites inability to schedule Palestinian concert - Israel News - Haaretz.com

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