maxoverdrive ago

Would you like to know more?

Raxotic ago

Im out of the loop.

Who cares what they do in their space. This is free speech.

LampshadeMaker ago

Tell me more about how censorship represents free speech.

Raxotic ago

It's contained to their area though. Don't like it, don't go there. Kind of like going to a kindergarten and just talking with a sles of curse words. It's a public space, but don't like it then go somewhere else.

Cambidillio ago

Time to go put myself on that list.


@Snap_Shot_in_Time @BreadTwists @DrogeAnon @Doom1776 nobody likes you. how does that feel. you should realize you are pieces of shit and repent. but you are too stupid too. must be kikes or niggers or fags.

DrogeAnon ago

This is making me quite upset ;_;

I hope you have tissues here on Voat because I can see I'm going to be crying from all the bad words around here all the time. I think I need to go and lie down... Someone on the internet doesn't like me : (.

fuckinghell ago

No, it's not that we don't like you, it's much deeper than that. Your ideology stinks, the core of your existence is entirely worthless. You are a glorified digital garbage man, fucking remember that

lordvain2 ago

Aren't mods the opposite of free speech?

srgmpdns ago

Not necessarily.

Check the modlogs of v/whatever for a good example of minimal modding.

Somebody's gotta take out the garbage.

hatecrime ago

let them do what they want in their shitverse, block it

New_years_day ago

Make your own sub and don't be a faggot mod....pretty easy.

Plant_Boy ago

Aw, all the cool kids are getting banned from TheAwakening! I'm going too!

MDE_EconomicMigrant ago

(((They))) have arrived

RexKramer ago

banning longtime goats by new sub should get you a badge of somekind....

srgmpdns ago

Perhaps something like this?

BoraxTheFungarian ago

I made my post... Guess we'll see if I'm banned or not when I go to make my next shitpost. Well, it wasn't total shit. I could get back into my posting syphillus pics... Ugh, why did I do that?

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Reddit tier foggots. If subs got banned here, they would one of the first to go. But this is voat, we will let them circlejerk and butt fuck each other all they want.

thelma ago

Faggot nigger jews from reddit.

They even say so on their sub...its a reddit sub...their own words

On reddit, to get your sub back after a bannin, I suppose the procedure is to get down on their nigger faggot jew knees and blow other nigger faggot jews to get the ban lifted.

Why aren't these nigger jew faggots following the proper procedure.

Instead they want to move reddit here.

103% sure the mods over there are nigger jew faggots. As well as their members of the sub.

odinist ago

@Doom1776 is a giant faggot.

Not a niggerfaggot, oh no. He's a run of the mill faggot.

They have to go back.

IheartSwimming ago

Just like FPH; Rule one - No Dissent

IheartSwimming ago


Joseppe ago

What a fucking shitshow

My_Name_is_Not_Sure ago

I blocked that nonsense a while ago.

The_Crusader ago

Coming to voat and then banning people for slurs LOOOOL

If that person is triggered by slurs then they're in the wrong damn place. Fucking NiggerKike.

srgmpdns ago

I picture them more like this.

tango_whisky_blunt ago

Fucking hell man make a new sub these fucking kike faggots are unbelievable

LampshadeMaker ago

Then out of nowhere, 70000 kiked cultists swamped the site and that was how voat contracted full-blown AIDS and died. The end.

Sellyoulight ago

When you give incredibly little people an incredibly small amount of what they perceive as “power”, this is what happens. It’s a sad, sorry thing.

Vhaine ago

Free speech isn't free. Be ever vigalant.

mrgreenjeans9 ago

fuck these cunts with a double-headed axe

sguevar ago

These red-shitters sure disgust me quite a bit.

DPM_Green ago

Slurs. Yeah, we don't need to use slurs to get our points across. It's unnecessary. Everything else is fucked up and being banned for using slurs is pretty fucked up, but I hate that people use so many slurs. Doesn't make you sound any smarter.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

This is voat, not a university lecture hall, faggot.

DPM_Green ago

Coo. clearly you givezerofucks

srgmpdns ago

We agree on that, but we may disagree on this:

Which is worse- using slurs, or censoring slurs?

DPM_Green ago

censoring slurs for sure - but damn, wanna be taken seriously? does "faggot", "retard", and other slurs make people sound smarter?

srgmpdns ago

So, don’t use slurs and don’t take seriously anyone who does. No censorship necessary.

Censorship of any kind is worse than the alternative, and those who encourage or tolerate it should be ashamed.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Just made a post that'll prob get me banned, so yeah.

srgmpdns ago

Just answer the question.

Ina_Pickle ago

Of course they have the right to start their own sub. But you know as well as the rest of us that the only reason they did it was to maintain control of their group. Their group is extremely large and will never enter great as long as they are following like sheep behind their Reddit mods.

But honestly the main problem is the fact that that sub immediately attempted to farm votes to circumvent our site's protections.

In other posts there been comments complaining about how we are making fun of their mods. And their mods ban people for confronting them. Do you seriously approve of this cancer? Mod ass kissing goes against core site beliefs.

ironnickel ago

Do we have any confirmation these mods aren't shills sewing dissent and fracturing the community?

InverseLardo ago

I blocked them. That sub is full of retards.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

User InverseLardo has been banned for: use of offensive slurs.

Wowbagger ago

Didn't waste any time completely missing the point of Voat, did they?

IGiveZeroFucks ago

User Wowbagger has been banned for questioning the mods.

Wowbagger ago

Wait, what? Noooo, I love being told I can't say what I like on an anonymous Internet forum.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

In all seriousness, they just banned me 5 minutes ago for literally that reason. What a joke of a sub.

You've been banned from v/theawakening :( @DropGun has banned you from v/theawakening for the following reason: *Rule Violation in v/theawakening: Rule 2; Description: PERMANENT. Slurs. Calling out mods. Belongs in 8chan. *

no-hurry-no-pause ago

What drug made you think stepping on voat's "magic soil" will make a communist voluntarily change his ways and suddenly start loving freedom?

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol Look at the whining from all the FAGGOTS who said NOTHING about me being banned from v/GreatAwakening for calling out disinformation, calling shills CUNTS and exposing v/pizzagate MOD @Crensch as a fake w/ multiple ALTS ( only @rickflairWOOOO has my sympathies )

No comment from me on the Reddit influx because the jury is still out, but I must LAUGH MY ASS OFF right now.

btw... is this v/pizzagate Main Mod @Crensch IG page? Seems like a pretty big COHENCIDENCE, no?? Is she a FOX in the henhouse as a mod of Pizzagate? We need to find out.

BTW 2.0 >> I am posting my normal Q related content in v/theawakening and having ZERO problems...

thisistotallynotme ago

Voat's culture couldn't take the flood of 73,000 sustained newbies. They walled-off quite a garden over there, and are preserving their culture pretty well. I think I'm going to like this influx of new users.

Ina_Pickle ago

The second they leave their safe space to comment or turn off the restrictions on v/theawakening we have to act. These mods are straight up reddit shills who only care about maintaining control of the normies who hang out in their sub.

LlamaMan ago

Aren't you basically saying what they would say on their own reddit versions of this?

Isn't Voat all about allowing him to do it; Sure we can shame him but why do more?

Ina_Pickle ago

Do you want them to branch out and spread their censorship? Are we destined to have to have 2 Voats? The side of Voat where we are free to call a Mod a Niggerfaggot without fear of a banning, and the other side which is basically Reddit?

A House Divided will not stand. So yes, we need to aggressively Stamp Out anyone who would work subvert our site. Voat and possibly 8chan are It. We have nowhere else.

NotHereForPizza ago

What subs does @ina_pickle [frequet]?

You can easily answer these questions for yourself.

Ina_Pickle ago

I frequent most of them. Not sure what you are getting at.

NotHereForPizza ago

and i'm not sure how you're confused at this point

Ina_Pickle ago

I'm not sure why you're telling him to look at ttvfrequent

IGiveZeroFucks ago

They're having multiple, mod supported upvoat harvesting parties right now. Soon enough they're going to be able to break out and start downvoat brigading our "racist" subs.

Ina_Pickle ago

Have they removed they're down voting restrictions yet? Because as long as they have sub specific restrictions on voting, none of their CCP is valid outside of their sub.

IGiveZeroFucks ago

none of their CCP is valid outside of their sub.

Well that's good to know.

WitnesstheSalt ago

I'll admit I haven't been paying attention. I assume the general summary is:

1) That bullshit Voat clone finally got around to banning more wrongthinkers for bullshit reasons.

2) The mods skipped over here and saw that the preferred sub name was already in use.

3) Instead of integrating the Mods decided to make a new sub that they could continue to have a chokehold on.

4) By fucking with the SCP/CCP settings for the sub they've kicked in the "this subverse will be hidden from /v/all and votes will not increase user SCP/CCP" thing. Then there's the usual cancermod powertrips. Together this has set off the classic Voat immune reaction.

So is there anything going on with this one that ISN'T par for the course, except possibly the size of the influx?

Fenrir-1488 ago

The part where it’s supposed to hide it from /v/all doesn’t work on the app I use apparently, so my front page is just their sub. I guess I don’t have to use the app but it still pisses me off.

WitnesstheSalt ago

My immediate take is to log in via a normal browser, go to the sub, and add them to your personal block list if you haven't already. Logically the app's display would be superseded by your direct account settings, unless it's just that the app is flawed.

Fenrir-1488 ago

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll give it a shot

everlastingphelps ago

They will appear if you are subbed to them.

Fenrir-1488 ago

I’m not. I don’t see any of it in my browser. I’m sure its something to do with the iOS app. Just gonna have to start keeping a tab open, I guess.

srgmpdns ago

Well, there was the 12 hour honeymoon phase.

Ina_Pickle ago

The size of the influx and the fact most of them now understand reddit is dead are the main problems. If we can't get this under control, there are enough of them to damage the site. And we may not be able to scare them off with the usual Tactics.

everlastingphelps ago

The good news is that their sub is set up as a containment sub.

albatrosv15 ago

Is it that bad, really?

shrink ago

It is.

Ina_Pickle ago

Yes. It appears so. Most of them have nuked their accounts on Reddit, and the majority appear to agree that the Chans are not set up well enough for their needs.

There are enough of these people to cause an issue, and none of them seem to see the problem with their mods Banning people for criticizing their censorship and vote farming attempts.

maxoverdrive ago

They're too stupid to cause issues. They proved that well enough inside of 12 hours. Even the_Donald refugees weren't as much fucking morons as these dudes.

WitnesstheSalt ago

Ah, had a look at the "rules" there. Very nostalgic.

I remember back in the day GamerGate had people deeply concerned with PR, too. As if playing by the rules your enemy sets would make the enemy somehow not hate you like poison. Funny how those rules turn from "Don't be a dick, this is not 8chan, conduct yourself like a patriot or face the banhammer" and "Support the cause" into "Don't get uppity with your Mod masters."

Still, the fact the cancermods have put the sub in isolation mode with the CCP buggery will cause a constant amount of attrition. I'm optimistic things will smooth out.

shrink ago

I remember back in the day GamerGate had people deeply concerned with PR, too

I was one of those. Brings back memories. Had such fierce arguments with people in GG threads about how it was suicidally stupid to present a horrid face to the public that would rebuke any possible support we might get.

Well. Didn't I learn.

WitnesstheSalt ago

Sad thing is, it's not a bad position. Don't say shit the other team will put up on their bulletin board to get fired up, right? But it assumes the other team isn't already out to slit your throat.

Karnivor ago

so.... we take to posting gore then?

Ina_Pickle ago

Seems to work on the chans.

individualin1984 ago

Every fucking time....

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

ThePedes 2, Electric Boogaloo.

Flour ago

This new migration actually makes me sad.

Yeah, Voat was small and a decently close knit community for all of our differences. But now, it seriously feels like my town was just invaded and occupied. These people aren’t like us and it doesn’t sit well with me

Ina_Pickle ago

I would never normally advocate for downvote brigade, but in this case we need to keep them all under 100 until they adjust and integrate, or they leave.

thisistotallynotme ago

They were able to compensate for this by disabling downvoats for anyone with less than 10 scp in the subverse. Since none of you are able to get a 10-upvoat thread over there, it's a pretty good way to preserve their culture.

Ina_Pickle ago

Because they instituted restrictions on voting in their sub, no the points they earn in their sub actually apply to their CCP. Most of them have hundreds of CCP inside v/theawakening but zero real CCP.

What we have to do is keep an eye out for these people when they post on the rest of the site. Otherwise I could give a flying fuck what they get up to in v/theawakening. So far they are containing their own cancer. We just have to be vigilant to make sure it doesn't spread to the rest of the site.

thisistotallynotme ago

You might be too dumb to realize that this is a good thing.

They're all able to post for ages in their little walled-garden. This encourages them to not veer outside their sandbox for fear of negative real CCP. Just like most /qresearch/ readers don't end up going to /rg/, /cow/ or even /b/. They'll stay where it's safe, and only venture out when they feel comfortable dipping the toe in the GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW pool that the rest of Voat is swimming in.

If you see a User created in September 2018 or afterwards, they're refugees. Keep their CCP below 100, and they'll be easy to manage.

Ina_Pickle ago

I agree it's a good thing they are containing their own cancer. We just need to keep an eye out for them when they step outside their playground. What I'm worried about is we will get complacent and then a year to these people will be running the site into the ground.

Flour ago

Why did they need to create a new one?

jasonco ago

they did the most divisive thing possible by not using the established board /v/GreatAwakening - what's their excuse for that behavior?

thisistotallynotme ago

They didn't trust the mods.

DasReich ago

Just like "the pedes"

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Slurs, calling out mods? Do they not know what site they're on and why we left Reddit in the first place?

NotHereForPizza ago

they really don't appear to...

no-hurry-no-pause ago

Do they not know what site they're on

Who or what is stopping them to outnumber us and turn our site into their site, aka "the long march through the institutions"? Infiltration and subversion has been THE leftist conquest strategy since leftism was invented.

The only way to solve this problem is to have a strong leader who will end freedom, end democracy and ban them all (sadly online we cant kill them all).

If leftists ever decide to invade in large numbers, voat's open-borders and democracy-for-all design will not be able to survive. Only a hard, merciless dictatorship can keep us free.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Stuff it up your ass you authoritarian shitstain

FlappyJappy ago

redditors going to reddit, cant really be surprised when they create their own subverse for one that already exists and is a fine enough place for Q stuff.
reddit mods equals ban happy mods

kalgon ago

LampshadeMaker ago

Further proof that Qew is nothing but a kike psyop for delusional retards who think a ridiculously jewed president is going to save their asses from jews.

HomerChimpson ago

Banned in less than 24 hours. It's an honor, really.

bb22 ago

It’s not an honor on Voat if someone doesn’t boot those pussy faggots just based on principle. Voat is closer to 8chan than fucking kike reddit, and these faggots are living proof.

everlastingphelps ago

Ditto. Literally the only ban I've ever had here, too. I was starting to think that I was too soft for voat.

HomerChimpson ago

I was banned from hencos pedo sub without ever even visiting because i called him a pedo. So i've got that going for me.

LostandFound ago

Holy shit, these mods have to go. Been chatting to the users there all day they are reddity but saveable. Fpr the mods only hyperbolic gas chambers will suffice.

6 gorillion mods later

dooob ago

Arent the first batch of mods that come with the refugees always compromised?

NotHereForPizza ago

Funny you say that.

I'm keeping an eye on the mods. We'll see how it goes. Doesn't look that good so far, though.

LostandFound ago

Generally always, controversial subs dont last without a few pozzed mods towing the eddit line.

dooob ago

It doesnt even matter if Q is real or not, they attracted a big audience of people who are willing to spend their time and research corruption and whatnot. Conspiracy research hubs are intelligence targets and/or assets.

LostandFound ago

I largely support Q and used to bake on 4chan, the people that migrated will be largely welcomed but this is just shaping up to be a total clusterfuck.

MrDarkWater ago

It'll settle down. The new users left a shit show, for a new shit show. We just want the goods: not all the drama.

dooob ago

I largely support

used to bake

Pick one

6gorillion ago

Your bio says you are able to get your point across without personal attacks and deflections, but this comment proves you are actually just a fucking faggot.

dooob ago

Way to out yourself as a libtard, faggot, do you even meme? Thanks for reminding me to change my bio, lots of things has changed in one short month.

LostandFound ago

If you only knew the rabbit hole I went down. I 100% support what Q is trying to achieve and I check qposts daily.

I personally however do not always agree with Q's methods, but you could argue thats a lack of foresight or understanding on my part and I would accept that. This is my personal oppinion.

dooob ago

Cool story

SiegeInAStorm ago

Wait those are the reddit mods. But are they off the old voat or the new one?

GoBackToReddit ago

Rule Violation in v/theawakening: Rule One;

Description: PERMANENT. Slurs. Calling out mods. Belongs in 8chan.

Calling out mods!

lol holy shit

Mr_Toon ago

i like the fact that it's RULE 1. this is the first thing they want you to follow. the most important.

bb22 ago

Yeah this isn’t good. We might have to actually send these niggers packing right off.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

What a joke

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol Look at the whining from all the FAGGOTS who said NOTHING about me being banned from v/GreatAwakening for calling out disinformation, calling shills CUNTS and exposing v/pizzagate MOD @Crensch as a fake w/ multiple ALTS ( only @rickflairWOOOO has my sympathies )

No comment from me on the Reddit influx because the jury is still out, but I must LAUGH MY ASS OFF right now.

btw... is this v/pizzagate Main Mod @Crensch IG page? Seems like a pretty big COHENCIDENCE, no?? Is she a FOX in the henhouse as a mod of Pizzagate? We need to find out.

BTW 2.0 >> I am posting my normal Q related content in v/theawakening and having ZERO problems...

shrink ago

You being A SINGLE person getting BANNED from a place and calling yourself a MARTYR is not the same thing as a TEAM OF MODS making a sub for which one ALREADY EXISTS and proceeding to ban WAVES OF ESTABLISHED USERS. You are NOT some HOLY CRUSADER to whose defense everyone needs to RUSH simply because you insisted on acting LIKE A FAGGOT.


Oh_Well_ian ago

shut up, cunt... point to where I called myself a martyr, shitbag..

fact is, I don't give a fuck about those mod cunts and I don't give a fuck about that sub.

You're a cunt... I've had YOU on the list for over a year. Eat shit and die, faggot.

shrink ago


ADaniels ago

Lol, that is a woman’s Instagram profile...... Crensch on this site is obV a dude.....

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol that solves it!!! no motivation by a mod to hide their gender!!

you stupid cunts. lol

Shizy ago

You're the stupid cunt who would actually believe that someone on voat, including pizzagate, would actually go to another social media platform, use the same fucking name, and post pics of their child!!! What an idiot!

Le_Squish ago

You got banned for spreading misinformation and starting drama. Got warned many times and kept going.

Oh_Well_ian ago

shut up, faggot... I got banned for calling out srayzie as a fake in v/whatever

I never spread an ounce of disinformation, you lying piece of shit.

Le_Squish ago

Did you delete the post where you claimed to be the originator of certain screenshots on 8chan and were proven a liar? You should go clean up your profile, brah.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I don't delete shit, you cunt.

find it or shut the fuck up...

check out Crensch's hubby's company ..

Satanic hair care for hipsters!!! lol I'm sure it's all a BIG COHENCIDENCE

you cunts... haha

Momerath ago

On the plus side, you get to puff up a new batch of alts in the upvoat carnival.

Oh_Well_ian ago

on the REAL side.. I don't create ALTS, faggot.

I post content.

GoBackToReddit ago

...banned from v/GreatAwakening for calling out...

Woah there tiger, that's bannable in that new sub as well.

Vhaine ago

That's a paddlin'...

coinphrase ago

mod fragility

shrink ago

"This isn't 8chan"

Fucking obviously, if it was, your cancerous shithole of a sub would be orders of magnitudes better. Unbelievable the audacity of these ridiculously oversensitive jews.

CA_Hircus ago

"oversensitive" I feel like there is a foreskin joke in there somewhere.

shrink ago

There was but I removed it.

drgrow ago

Fuck em all

Paranoiaattack ago

Lynch the niggers

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Lets burn it to the ground.

srgmpdns ago

Kevdude? Valkyrie? Mumble?


Mumbleberry ago


ForeskinGhost ago

Hello mumbleberry.

srgmpdns ago

I feel myself morphing from The Dude to Walter Sobchak, American.

This aggression cannot stand.

freedumbz ago

We're at the bowling alley. You know what to do.