heygeorge ago

Frankly, I love this post, and I don’t think it would have been so buried if the title didn’t mention reddit, which tends to trigger reflexive downvoting.

My biggest wonder about the @creq / @crensch narrative is how (without galactic superpowers) this creq person would have any idea who you were under a different username on a different site. This part doesn’t connect for me.

I have occasionally looked into the profiles of Voat’s more... peculiar... users, especially those who rant about the Great Voat Conspiracy. These ideas generally center around @kevdude, crensch, and comically frequently, @zyklon_b. Of the four times I’ve done this “series” (I believe, I had to look up your link to even see what you were talking about, lol) I believe you were the most active responder. I was likely inspired by whatever recent PV shitpost I made reference to, and I probably ran into comments of yours espousing other grand SBBH-related conspiracies.

I think that shit is really funny. And while I hold enough suspension of disbelief to consider that I am possibly being swindled in shitposting and regular posting as part of a global cabal seeking to control Voat (via shitposting), I do not consider it as more than infinitesimally likely.

Pinging @thebuddha because he might find this worth the read and @trigglypuff because she has been accused of cabal since before it was cool.

NotHereForPizza ago

well at least one of you faggots can appreciate this

My biggest wonder about the @creq / @crensch narrative is how (without galactic superpowers) this creq person would have any idea who you were under a different username on a different site. This part doesn’t connect for me.

No shit.

I have occasionally looked into the profiles of Voat’s more... peculiar... users, especially those who rant about the Great Voat Conspiracy. These ideas generally center around @kevdude, crensch, and comically frequently, @zyklon_b.

Kev likes organize things and very obviously practices infiltration, division, and retardation. Crensch is either a clueless useful-idiot naziposting /b/fag, or is (thinking more likely) a shill account operated by an umbrella of people who also operate other accounts here, very likely kev and vindicator. zyklon is your typical shitposting nazi loving faggot who seems not to know any better. him not really being any position of power has kept him low on the list buddha is retarded and annoying and seems to go to chans a lot, another useful idiot who only ever really spews nazi bullshit he learned like crensch did. trigglypuff is a "imagirl"fag and very likely is also apart of the linked accounts with the umbrella operator running the account

you can call these conspiracy theories if you want, as that works. if it wasn't for the NLP anchor associated with the term, it wouldn't bother me at all. they are indeed theories of conspiracies about particular people at reddit.

i've learned through all of this that there are MANY MANY more people than i previously though who agree with me

seems like this helped a lot of people put some things together

good luck out there

TheBuddha ago

Gotta tell ya, I ain't reading all that.

I do appreciate the thought. I gave up when it got to 'your team' in the original insanity. I'm also really confident that exactly none of these people are significant, in any way.

I did see rabbits mentioned, but I'd have to read more (care more) to wedge in a Of Mice And Men quote. 'Snot gonna happen.

MadWorld ago

I did finish reading it; but it resembled OP's fantasy novel XD. It also did more to expose his own thought process and obsession than proving @Creq and @Crensch being connected.

heygeorge ago

Oh, I didn’t think you’d read all of OP, but maybe most of my reply. I also find the SBBH thread he referenced to be amusing, but maybe I’m biased.

Check out his reply to me to see what he thinks of you.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, neither they nor the people that they're concerned about will ever be significant enough to impact my life. The list of things OP doesn't understand is longer than I'm willing to invest the time to author.

They're literally meaningless to me. My cows are of more interest, and they don't do much of anything interesting. They're possibly more intelligent than any of the folks they're hell bent on ranting about.

I don't even have enough interest to say anything bad about them. They're all just insignificant and I can't really pretend to care, not even for trolling purposes.

I'd have ignored the ping entirely, but I kinda enjoy you. There's a few SBBH that have been mentioned. They can defend themselves. They don't need my help. The rest? I'm hard pressed to think of any way that'd make them matter to me. 'Snot like I respect them or that they are going to do something valuable with their lives. They're just poorly educated, angry, and hopeless.

I feel kind of bad for even spending this much time on it. Maybe it's ego, but they're not really worth my time. Had it been anyone else, for the most part, I'd have ignored the ping entirely.

heygeorge ago

You’re ok in my book.

The list of things OP doesn't understand is longer than I'm willing to invest the time to author.

Lol, and I know you as rather... verbose! Lol

Always nice to run into you.

TheBuddha ago

I'm very verbose and very willing to invest time.

I have to be interested and it has to be a subject that I find valuable or meaningful.

None of these people meet even the barest of those definitions.

I'm also kind of an asshole. I'm okay with that!

heygeorge ago

I’m also ok with you being kind of an asshole! I find it one of your more endearing traits.

TheBuddha ago

Me too!!!

It's not that I'm unwilling to waste time. It's that I'm unwilling to waste time on them!

I ain't even gonna be polite about it. They aren't even worth the lulz. Shit, even @9-11 is worth the lulz.

Hmm... Now, I almost felt sorry for them. I got over it quickly! Thanks for your concern!

This may interest you:


Vindicator ago

These same mods also seem to connect, according to this poster, to @Vindicator. This guy spirals it out even further and reveals connections to ZeroHedge and a Bulgarian Intelligence Agency - Bulgarian Committee for State Security.

What gibberish is this, now? You're claiming I'm a Bulgarian spook? LMAO.

What exactly is the point of this convoluted, baffle-with-bullshit post, anyway? Is this another "muh...Voat is compromised" spiel?

All these acrobatics can't really overcome the fact that Voat doesn't actually do anything that would support this meme. Removed submissions are completely accessible. Comments are left alone. All mod actions are transparent. Voat contains a trove of amazing crowdsourced research on worldwide elite corruption that anyone can access. This thread is tilting at windmills.

NotHereForPizza ago

You're claiming I'm a Bulgarian spook?

No. The other guy claimed that... ten months ago. I'm merely speculating about who reddit's creq could be. You just happened to fit in to the post because you were a mod then and are a mod now, which weirdly follows all of this.

What exactly is the point of this convoluted, baffle-with-bullshit post, anyway?

The point of the post is to dump info. Anyone who wants to do things with it is free to. Things are shifting around in here and I knew it was an appropriate time to share what I've learned, which may or may not lead to some sort of exposition which may or may not relate to you or the sub you happen to mod.

All these acrobatics can't really overcome the fact that Voat doesn't actually do anything that would support this meme.

Except they do, as per the last link I provided, wherein kev calls for "rallying the troops".

Voat contains a trove of amazing crowdsourced research on worldwide elite corruption that anyone can access.

It sure does! I wouldn't have it any other way, which is why I'm sharing information that is suspicious to me. I've also shared it with other people who may or may not be more qualified to do something with it. So, I guess we'll see what happens with it.

This thread is tilting at windmills.

Except it's not, because someone has clearly invested enough time to know things about me despite never having interacted with me. What do you think, Vindicator, why would something so curious happen to me?