eagleshigh ago

If @crensch were on Jewitt, we would know. His rage for Jews cannot be contained. @NotHereForPizza

NotHereForPizza ago

He at the very least was. That much isn't arguable.

Womb_Raider ago

So you have no reading comprehension. That makes you a retard by [your logic], seeing as I missed his ping of you(https://voat.co/v/whatever/2715946/13813110).

You're even stupid by your own standards, according to precedent. That's cute.

Womb_Raider ago

I literally said "He didn't ping chokey :)" and you responded with this. Are you stupid?

Womb_Raider ago

My entire comment was "he didn't ping artofchoke" and you ignored it, because you thought I was talking about Crensch. It's ironic you call others fools.

I found it because I survey old threads studying you all.

Womb_Raider ago

Artofchoke isn't in that list, brain trust.

Womb_Raider ago

He didn't ping chokey :)

Womb_Raider ago

Interesting how you and Artofchoke come to the rescue when other SBBH members are mentioned...

Crensch ago

Not that anyone should have any issues figuring this out, but that isn't me.

NotHereForPizza ago

You're really going to make me dig, huh?

Alright, fine.

NotHereForPizza ago


NotHereForPizza ago

I'm done entertaining you.

Brigade someone else, you faggot.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Crensch has been a piece of shit from day one.

NotHereForPizza ago


Antiracist10 ago

@Crensch should be crucified and have hands hands chopped off.

@eagleshigh @bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

Bojangles ago

Agreed but lmao at OP. Holy autism.

NotHereForPizza ago

I warned them that we watch.

No one fucking listened.

Honored, brother.


Bojangles ago

It's not even the same guy and I have no idea why you would be so butthurt if it was. You are dumb and probably a schizo.

You faggots with your Boomer-tier "Merkel is a secret Nazi!" conspiracy shit are worse than leftists. @Crensch is at least correct that Jews deserve to be executed en masse via pedal-powered brain-bashing machines.

@Antiracist10 @eagleshigh

Artofchoke ago

Honey. You're confused, and mistaken. Those aren't the same person.

NotHereForPizza ago


Let's ask @Crensch

Is that you, Crensch?

Explain how u/Creq knew of the "firewall" comment I made. I knew Crensch didn't understand the clearly vague statement I made about a "firewall". The phrase was bait just as it was many other things.

scandalous-goat ago

How is your proof a proof? I don't get it.

Artofchoke ago

It isn't.

I love bunnies.

NotHereForPizza ago

Crensch likes bunnies

Crensch makes a reddit account and makes posts about bunnies

Crensch later makes another reddit account and is a faggot mod at reddit

Crensch later makes ANOTHER account here at Voat and becomes a mod

I come along, super cool guy, and troll the living shit out of Crensch because he glows like a night light

I learn of Crensch's obsession with bunnies and keep trolling him about it. One day I make a post about a "firewall"

With the stage set, I go to a nuked reddit account and inquire with a suspicious Reddit user's account who happens to be crensch

Crensch takes the bait, replies using specific words i've used before (crensch doesn't understand the context still, which makes it that much more obvious), and very obviously reveals himself

I make a graphic and post said graphic here, showing evidence that it's indeed crensch, it's indeed me, and that Crensch is exactly the person he claims he is on Reddit.

scandalous-goat ago

I like bunnies too, am I crensch?

NotHereForPizza ago


That's good. Except, as the picture shows, Crensch posted those pictures of bunnies under that same username on Reddit - "Crensch". https://www.reddit.com/user/crensch

scandalous-goat ago

Ok, Crensch on plebbit could be him, but that doesn't prove that he's creq.

NotHereForPizza ago


why not?

Why would u/creq, someone who's seemingly never mentioned anything about bunnies, respond in such a peculiar way to someone he's never interacted with before?

You're only really purposing more questions.

Do you know of Barabara Streisand?

scandalous-goat ago

Better proofs is all I'm asking for. But right now, you sound like someone who's having a psychotic break. I mean, you still have to explain the "firewall" thing. I'm sure you feel it is important to you.

NotHereForPizza ago

so have you seen the more recent post yet?

NotHereForPizza ago

No I don't...

Read the comment "u/creq" made at Reddit:

Still hung up about hopping the "great firewall" which might as well be as air tight as a screen door?

Who replies in such a way to someone who's never interacted with them before? Go look through u/creq's comment history if you don't believe me. You will NEVER find that account interacting with u/creq prior.

Look, I know you're trying to pull some damage control here, but at least make it harder for me to reframe things.

NotHereForPizza ago

This isn't problematic behavior

I like how you worded this, so that one questions if there's problematic behavior at Reddit. We all know why all kinds of subreddits have split off to voat. We all know what mods transferring here brings. But, what about mods that have become entrenched at both sites?

We're not fucking stupid.

NotHereForPizza ago

You wanna know who filled me in, Kev?

The same person that told me about YOU.

More to come?

derram ago