12953665? ago

Hey @NotHereForPizza do you know it is okay to like cats?

NotHereForPizza ago

I think I used to have a cat

12960775? ago

Little predators. They're awesome. Also it's okay to like dogs AND cats.

AlienEskimo ago

@NotHereForPizza are you here for horse lasagna? Because @TheBuddha is a big fan and will serve you right up with some fine culinary examples

NotHereForPizza ago

I wouldn't be surprised if @TheBuddha is big on pasta.

TheBuddha ago


ExpertShitposter ago

I noticed that @NotHereForPizza has a sort of...."typing out meaningful sentence impediment". That is indicative of a thinking impediment. I'm not claiming that as fact.....but i am suspecting it. And frankly anyone involved with pizza is suspicious to say the least.

NotHereForPizza ago

Meh, sometimes I don't care enough to explain things for people to the degree which they desire. Besides that, there's regularly plenty of meanings within what I say. It's sort of like an easter egg hunt. This not only authenticates me, but it let's some people know I'm friendly and things like that.

Beyond that, I visit sometimes when I'm drunk - what can I say?

ExpertShitposter ago

I visit sometimes when I'm drunk

Gud werk.

heygeorge ago


Beyond that, I visit sometimes when I'm drunk - what can I say?

This is the greatest way to Voat. Especially when you get surprise-pinged the following day from @SearchVoat because you are a top 5 contributor.

ExpertShitposter ago

Oh yeah. Thats a good feel.

MadWorld ago

XD Now I am wondering what the hell did @kevdude or @Crensch do to butthurt him so much! Anybody knows why?

Also, @Pissant deleted his account shortly after he found out that he was tagged as freshmeat alt, if I remember correctly.

NotHereForPizza ago

Meh, nothing really all that specific. They're just blazing faggots.

Crensch ago

I really don't know his deal outside of LARPing like Mr. Miyagi and generally making no sense.

NotHereForPizza ago

You accuse me of role-playing - yet I don't play any particular role. I disagree with people that insist they agree with me all of the time. Why would my shilly trends be so inconsistent? Your larp claims are weightless...

heygeorge ago

When @nothereforpizza passes corn, I hear it is completely digested and the individual kernels ne'er display in his feces.

Is this true?

NotHereForPizza ago

yeah, probably

heygeorge ago


What is it like to think that a comment like this makes sense?

TheBuddha ago

Will you put horse in the lasagna, @nothereforpizza?

heygeorge ago

What a lame response from @nothereforpizza. Boo.

In another thread, he used a comic book reference to demonstrate that I am but. Child compared to him. LOL!

NotHereForPizza ago

man, i can't even shitpost while I fuck with you?

god, you guys are bland

NotHereForPizza ago

tfw everything they know about me is wrong.

Oh, and the thing about leather protector got asked in multiple places, and was to settle a bet among friends. Look at you, getting everything else wrong.

I wasn't "fond of pissant." I had maybe four interactions him and he seemed alright. Didn't really put much more thought in to it than that.

Also, that pv post was to piss off kevdude/crensch. It worked.

heygeorge ago

that pv post was to piss off kevdude/crensch

Of course! Frankly, I love me a good shitpost to PV. In your comment, you missed a great ping opportunity. Unfortunately, the questions are rolling in slowly tonight, so I'll get things going in a moment.

NotHereForPizza ago

@kevdude it's okay though - he knows he's a fag

Crensch has me blocked because of the thing about the bunnies and the Jordan Peterson thing. Not really worth it. Besides, kev knows he's an incompetent faggot. This dude asked me for help with pizzagate once... that's how desperate he got.

Oh, and to clarify even further: it was discovered one of the main ingredients in such leather protectors is Vaseline - which is largely safe to eat, at least in small quantities. From what I know, everyone who consumed anything related to what was used or talked about was more than okay, which wasn't just a couple of people.

heygeorge ago

Voaters, please remember to ping @NotHereForPizza in your comments and replies, else he may miss your questions!

NotHereForPizza ago

Man, there sure are a lot of people that require this direction, aren't there?

How's the discord coming?