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Fambida ago


SebuttYopick ago

8chan, Minds, bitchute, liveleak, Gab and other platforms might be the way to go... i like a lot of you fuck ups, voat is a cool place and i have lurked here a while but i'm not sure it will last here. Did you listen to the users and critics? there are some who say conspiracy talk, like voat has been infiltrated by globalists, hackers, SBBH, reddit bots? .whatever conspiracy you want! however what is real is weird things have been happening here.. it looks like the structure of voat means it is destined to fall and become another reddit clone

heygeorge ago

voat has been infiltrated by globalists, hackers, SBBH

  1. LOL, SBBH is Voat. ;D

  2. This would be more appropriately posted in v/voatdev.

  3. @MadWorld, see OP.

NotHereForPizza ago

No. You faggots came from reddit and /b/. Were not stupid. Migrations shaped this place - but if you think for a second we don't see the similarities between you faggots and SRS, leftypol, and other similar circlejerk/shill groups, you're flat fucking wrong. You don't think we saw your reddit accounts? What about you namefagging in other places around the net.

You lot are like see-through snails.

Semper Vigilans

heygeorge ago

If I kept lists, I know which one you'd be on. Get a life!

PS: I am a bot

NotHereForPizza ago

Oh, no! The sleepy tactic! Look how scared I am!

Get a life

You guys say this each time I prove what I know. How much more obvious can it get with you? It's like I've always told you, YOU STAND OUT.

heygeorge ago

I needn't scare you, as your own mind seems to accomplish that handily.

Your delusion is thick, like cream soup.

NotHereForPizza ago

Yet, you've never considered that sometimes these are just words - words that carry little weight, despite what they reveal about us.

You squirm just like @Crensch always did.