sunshine702 ago

This is the reason Voat became. Reddit censorship and disrediting of Pizzagate. Din't forget that goats.

ChippyTubes ago

why is voat censoring and upvotes not registering ?? ? @migratorypatterns ? @new4now @EricKaliberhall @Gothamgirl this was ?? more Millennial_Falcon SBBH style bullshit ??

migratorypatterns ago

Is that what's happening? I know that if you edited the OP, votes weren't registering, but I thought that was fixed.

A mod might be able to explain. When I upvoat a post, it seems to be registering. Are yours not? Or is the count on the outside of the post different from what is showing up on the stats?

Gothamgirl ago

Sorry I don't have a clue.

new4now ago

was down for a day not long ago

I had same problem, couldnt vote or comment

must be a kink

MadWorld ago

I hope this researcher has taken all necessary actions to preserve the evidence and all necessary photographs of the site! Don't let those pedos and pedo-enablers change the site and manufacture narratives; preserve photographic evidence as much as possible!

ChippyTubes ago

very strange how so many commnets got removed and deleted? @Oh_Well_ian @TrishaUK @flyingcuttlefish Tucson mayor Jonathan Rothschild is trafficking children via Casa de los Ninos. Someone said look for the old Ninos logos

flyingcuttlefish ago

I did some saving at on longer threads.

I will follow up on this. Everything we do is getting collected into a massive "awareness" movement. Case in point - Nuke Pro who posts eco news about nuke accidents etc. has posted on Bourdain mystery death.

Note also... on spate of "suicides" ... normally when a known person dies they leave cause up in the air until coroner gives official statement no matter what the opinions are. In these casa, immediately, the international press reported suicide before the official examination.

MadWorld ago

Relevant bug:

It seems the comment counter doesn't update when the author deletes his/her own comments.

coinphrase ago

I saw this and am watching closely as it develops. Not saying it's a psyop, but there is something strange going on. The black girl in one of the videos claims they found plans for what the captors were going to do to the kids that were there, but then she never shows us any proof or even explains it. She might be disinfo, but the rest isn't. Interesting situation though and if it is pedos then I hope they catch them and kill them.

canbot ago

My comment has disappeared. I was critical of the video. Someone is pushing this story really hard everywhere. Could be a honeypot, or disinformation. Perhaps they are building a strawman to discredit pedogate people.

MadWorld ago

Do you remember exactly what the comment was?

canbot ago

Not exactly, it disappeared from my history as well. I said they should not be destroying evidence. They should have set up an ambush. Dumping that stuff in front of DHS will get them charged with destruction of evidence and dumping. Then nothing can be used as evidence against the coyotes and the good guys go to jail.

MadWorld ago

This comment was also in /v/news subverse right? If that's the case, it sure is strange because it's not on the remove comments log.

Thank you for the update!

canbot ago

That wasn't me. I only posted it here and I followed a reply back to this post. The reply is in my inbox and leads to this post but when I click the hyperlink it says "no comments O_O". Then there is a hyperlink above it "view the rest of the comments" which leads to all the comments, except mine is missing.

MadWorld ago

test comment1

MadWorld ago

test comment2

BlowjaySimpson ago

CEMEX goats. Cartel owned, and a tool of our deep state. Shits fucked.

Ina_Pickle ago

Where the hell are all the comments? Even deleted comments should still show a space in the tree where they were deleted.

Edit: this is technically, 27, but there are only eight comments showing.

heygeorge ago

Deleted submission replies would not show in the tree. They would also not ping anyone besides OP.

If indeed this really happened: We ran into this bug once while testing the preview site.

srayzie ago

I think deep state can remove some and not others. They have on other platforms. I don’t know if that have on voat yet. Now I’m curious!

heygeorge ago

deep state can remove some and not others. They have on other platforms.

This is fascinating! Tell me more!

srayzie ago

I’ve heard about it for a while now. Things happen like this on youtube, Reddit, and I don’t remember the others. I’ve never seen it with my own eyes like now tho. Surely the CIA have the tools. A lot of people blame the mods or voat for everything when it’s not even them.

heygeorge ago

I am yet to believe it is anything more than a bug. I notice everything is working as expected now. The most expedient conclusion is as I've stated before, and it's highly likely OP is a shit stirrer.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Well I don’t know much about you but I think you’re the techy type 😁 So I’m sure you know better than I do. I hope because I don’t want the CIA doing it lol.

Ina_Pickle ago

Deleted comment replies would show. And if the first comment in the tree were deleted, but the replies were not, then the original comment's place in the tree would be visibly marked as deleted. The entire conversation doesn't disappear just because the original comment was deleted.

So, where are the comment replies?

Everything was wiped, because I refuse to believe everyone decided to delete everything themselves.

heygeorge ago

If the 'missing' comments were never replied to, no tree is created, and the deleted comments do not show up if no one replied.

I also find your scenario highly unlikely, but it is far more likely that:


OP replied to himself then deleted multiple submission replies

Troll replied to submission multiple times then deleted

zyklon_b ago


Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago


An abundance of spammers/shills, or another mod overstep?

NoBS ago

Censorship is alive and well on VOAT. I see my comment is not even on my posting timeline. Poof, up in smoke.

Good to see the Fascist can scrub history with such Open Society efficiency and professionalism.

NewAccountOldGoat ago

Same issue here...

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

McCain institute is the same thing as Clinton foundation. And start digging and researching the McCain institute now you lazy niggerfaggots.

Cat-hax ago

You weren't supposed to find that goy!!!!!

Kippering ago

something strange happening @lanre @sunshine702 @piratse @zx1 @MrNagasaki ? interesting news

zx1 ago

Site is compromised, has been for a while. Let's see if this comment gets deleted.

Kippering ago

yeah lots of posts missing here @migratorypatterns @Oh_Well_ian @Cat_anon

zx1 ago

Upgoats are not registering either and I'm not the only account. With this heavy censorship, it's best to find a new site.

combatveteran ago

God bless these guys.

hankylanky ago

So, by that reasoning, it was exposed in Trump's America.

stationJO ago

You forgot the live organ harvesting.

Kippering ago

but thats just conspiracy?

new4now ago

I'm getting an Error: Video could not be decoded

anyone else getting the same?

Kippering ago

your government or internet provider has blocked you?

canbot ago

I don't understand why they didn't just set up an ambush. They are not going to catch coyotes by tearing up their camp. They are not going to accomplish anything by dumping it on government property. DHS is going to call that destruction of evidence, and littering. Getting pissed and shooting yourself in the foot is just dumb.

Get the word out, get the news crews out there, document it; and for the love of god stop fucking destroying evidence you stupid fucks.

midnightblue1335 ago

And every moment that passes is a moment the coyotes are using to move their operations and secure their resources. They likely have people on the inside that will give them information on where they can relocate.

A disturbing thought occurs to me- it's in situations like this where human smugglers are sometimes pushed to "liquidate" their inventory. God help the children...

Kippering ago

Goats !?? @GothamGirl @coinphrase @midnightblue1335 @carmencita entire block in owned by the Saudis and has connections to the DNC ?? he and Lindsey Graham has some serious skeletons in their closet ??

Gothamgirl ago

block in owned by the Saudis and has connections to the DNC ?? Yes

Lindsey Graham can't say I ever looked into him.

midnightblue1335 ago

Indeed, these connections were discovered early on in the first few waves of the pizzagate investigation.

The only thing I find questionable is the occult shit- I think that might be red herring deliberately tied into their pedo-rings to make anyone who tries to blow the whistle on them sound crazy; it's easy to believe that some rich powerful degenerate might be a pedo, it's hard to believe he's a pedo who performs ritual murders.

Pizzagate is an elaborate blackmail ring involving celebrities and "the elite" in which the "members" perform sick acts on film. Every person involved has dirt on every other member, ensuring silence from all. People like James Alefantis ingratiate themselves into this group by providing services of procurement and disposal. People like Soros and the Podestas provide funding. It's quite a rabbit hole, but if you distill it down to something like I described, it might make more sense to normies.

NewAccountOldGoat ago

I hadn't seen the full video before so thanks OP.

flyingcuttlefish ago

yeah, following this story. Using thread

I think some stunts were pulled when this story got legs to make everything look staged. I think some was later staged to discredit the big story (the skull/body find that turned out to be from far away).

migratorypatterns ago


new4now ago


carlip ago

"McCain's Arizona"

wtf? he is a federal senator not a state senator or the governor. this is just pandering retardation for upvotes because mccain is a piece of shit. the original video doesnt not have this shit, OP is a massive faggot.

mycatmarcus ago

May as well have said "Trump's America"

SebuttYopick ago

Also on the subject of McCain ... Voat Finds FRAUD, LOBBYING, DUBAI CHILD ENSLAVEMENT, SOROS TIES,

Saudi's Donate $1 Mil to McCain Institute Then John McCain Lies About It over 16,000 kids in foster/group homes:

The State of Arizona has increased the percentage of kids in out-of-home placement by almost 50% between 9/30/2007 and 9/30/2012 has his own Clinton Type foundation involved in "fighting" human trafficing recieving donations from Rothchilds.... Don't forget that McCain's own campaign manager Steve Schmidt was on MSNBC pushing for Clinton and declaring her the winner by a landslide and pushing for other members of the establishment on both sides in the lower level elections. for an Achilles injury. It looks like there might be something behind the boot after all. McCain almost went to Jail back in the 80's over the BCCI scandal. Bronfmans, among the most powerful Jewish families in the world? or owned by the Saudis and Paki street shitters? McCain's Sedona Forum and

hang_em_high ago

Great post thanks. I have been meaning to research this subject more but haven't gotten around to it. Is it all the border states and many of those states' politicians or mainly AZ? Is human trafficking really the reason for all the border protection resistance?

Rellik88 ago

Fuck Mccain you kidding me?