zyklon_b ago

owned and well done

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

"Says the dumb faggot feeding the trolls" ... um, wut? LOL!

Thanks for admitting you're all trolls.

This is a shitpost and you just proved it.

Lemme guess, the 'b' in zyklon_b stands for 'bitch' and you love calling him that when he's attempting to fill up your stretched out asshole with his mouse sized dick. How often do you have to ask him, "Is it in yet, bitch?"


Enigmatic_Continuum ago

How do you have time to type when you're busy sucking the shit out of your niggers' assholes? After all, that's what shitposters do best. They feed off of each others' excrement, then have a circle jerk when someone points out their bullshit as if celebrating something profound. You're all perfect examples of crotch rot.

heygeorge ago

ITT, and mysterious righteous poster @Enigmatic_Continuum - admits to @NoBS that he has an agenda while simultaneously decrying OP for (laughably) ‘collecting upvoats.’

@trigglypuff @expertshitposter there are so many* who are out now starting to pretend they actually give a shit about this place.

*really only a few people who have a ton of alts

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Why do a give a damn what you think? All you are is a shitposter who's job is supposed to pretend to care about victims of Pizzagate.

All you care about is wallowing in shit and it shows in your profile. PG should be one of the subs you should be contributing to most, yet your profile makes it obvious that you enjoy wallowing in shit the most. Just like a pig only pigs are cleaner and more intelligent. http://archive.is/84Ztb

An authentic Pizzagate mod would've submitted some kind of honest research, right? I would think so. You're an imposter and the PG board needs mod restructuring. But, I get it. Voat was compromised a long time ago. Time to take it back!

heygeorge ago


ExpertShitposter ago

Itt, an e-fistfight is going down. And @Enigmatic_Continuum confuses "shitpost in disguise" with zyklon's open carry shitposting.

@Enigmatic_Continuum is probably a middle aged useless fence-sitting civic nationalist, and @NoBS is gonna defeat him in e-combat with his black pills and RIGHT WING EXTREMISM!

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Yep! I didn't expect anything less from any of you SBBH niggers. Gotta gang up because zyklon_b is too brain dead to defend his bullshit, so now a bunch of you niggers are hootin and hollerin about a fight. Get bent. I don't have time for your shitty antics.

ExpertShitposter ago

@heygeorge look, this coward is pussying out of a fight. What a scardycat! Tell all the girls what a coward and virgin he is.

heygeorge ago

I don't have time for your shitty antics.

Wastes life on Voat, doesn’t have time for ‘antics’ LOL

ExpertShitposter ago

  • Searches 8chan 24/7 for new Qlarp posts in order to "save the world".

  • Not time for zyklonBen's meth.

Does this man not know he may only pick one?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Are you capable of creating a complete sentence? Please, explain in detail how this thread isn't designed to get you upvoats.

"I'll take 'Shilling' for 10,000, Alex."


Although, I guess when one smokes meth, it probably interferes with their ability to form complete thoughts or sentences.

NoBS ago

Seth Rich was the only Pinko Commie Fag I can respect for walking the talk.

Which is why talk dependent on personal attacks cheapens Socialist Media.

The same Intelligence dependent who deflect government corruption.

Your Master compels you.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

You have reading comprehension problems. I have no problem with Seth Rich and remembering what happened to him and hope he gets justice. I have a problem with people who are using his memory for their own personal gain. Shills gonna shill and this is a shitpost in disguise.

NoBS ago

Yet you excel in personal attacks to deflect. Why the need to mock a Seth Rich post?

The agenda is clear.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

No, you're blind to my agenda, but you're free to continue to upvoat shit posters and shills. If you're lucky, you'll get invited to one of their hives.

NoBS ago

Are you pretending that mockery and personal attacks are NOT the agenda for divide and conquer?

Keeping Seth Rich's name from trending is an agenda that profits the Deep State. And you.