SatanIncarnate ago



Diggernicks will have a heart attack soon. lol

Thanks for your support Diggernicks. I'm going to fucking eat you.

healthy ago

Them Asians at the top of the page ain't twins unless the mom was having a lot of fun and they have different dads. (<_<) I love Voat drama tho, so I'll continue to follow this saga.

Dfens ago

This is the kind of crap that cause Backpage to get shut down. Yet another example of Voat not acting in its own best interest. That sub should have been shut down long before now.

talmoridor-x ago

This is the kind of crap that cause Backpage to get shut down

No, that shit was actually illegal. There's nothing illegal being submitted here. Stop advocating for censorship, you retarded boomer.

freshmeat ago

Sexualized children is illegal in the United States. Youa re advocating for pedophiles to have freedom through semantic loopholes. Pedophilia should absolutely be censored and prosecuted

SatanIncarnate ago

They are going to get the rope.

heygeorge ago

“Unless they’re underage and fucking animals, then it’s legally protected free speech and funny!”



*Username is a reference to underage virgins @dfens careful who you throw your hat in the ring with

Diggernicks ago

No this is the kind of crap that you're pushing that made reddit a special snowflake echo chamber. If its legal no censorship under any circumstances.

SatanIncarnate ago

Cunt. You're going to get fucking wrecked,

Dfens ago

I can see you're really concerned about the rights of pedophiles. Too bad you don't give a shit about the children they enslave. Says a lot about you.

Diggernicks ago

Sure is reddit in here.

freshmeat ago

yeah, lots of homosexuals like yourself calling pedophilia free speech

Diggernicks ago

Lots of closet homosexuals like yourself trying to censor things that aren't illegal. Free speech applies even to things that cause you butthurt kids.

freshmeat ago

You are on record for advocating pedophilia

Typical SBBH

Diggernicks ago

You are on record for supporting censorship. Stereotypical crybaby reddit nigger faggot.

freshmeat ago

you are still trying to conflate sexualized children with speech, very jewish of you

Diggernicks ago

You're still trying to blame Jews for everything you don't like how voat sheeple of you

DrunkenSarcasm ago

How does one report without having to go into every post?

Edit- I'm not vetted enough to downvote

Edit Edit- is this actually illegal, or just offensive to you?

SatanIncarnate ago

@freshmeat @diggernicks

The good news is, the NSA run Voat and it's basically a honeypot for the day of the rope.

Pretty evil but what do you expect from Satan?

freshmeat ago

There is no where to report it unless it's local. Sexualized children is Illegal in the US.

DrunkenSarcasm ago

So then, I think you've just answered your own question.

I'll report things I think are illegal if I stumble across them. Then block them so they dont come up anymore.

freshmeat ago

Blocking pedophilia doesnt make it go away, it just makes one less person aware of it's spreading.

Dfens ago

Check this out, they are Scientologists: That explains a lot. I found it here:

DrunkenSarcasm ago

Ok, but tracking it all down exposes me to more of what I see as degenerate.

You've started a conversation with a truly engaged participant.

Please, tell me what you suggest.

freshmeat ago

Nationalize the internet

Dfens ago

Absolutely! We should have done that long ago. It's nothing but an open espionage pipeline the way it is now.

Diggernicks ago

This isn't a communist country. Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety

freshmeat ago

Pedophilia = Liberty.

Your kike logic is showing, schlomo

Dfens ago

It is certainly not liberty for the poor enslaved children, is it? Too many believe that their freedom is all that counts.

Diggernicks ago

Tighten up your tinfoil hat. You seem to be very lost things you dont approve of don't get censored here. Get back to reddit asap.

freshmeat ago

Pedophilia isnt free speech

Diggernicks ago

Censorship is socialism.

DrunkenSarcasm ago

Shit, man!

Most of us are here trying to avoid work, or on loading screens. Or on the toilet. Or waiting for a refill.

But I'll bite, and we'll see how far down the rabbit hole goes.

Nationalization of the internet is outside my personal grasp. Aside from 1 vote (civic vote mind you), what can I do, here, to reduce the evils of child porn?

heygeorge ago

@freshmeat defends his own post of underage bestiality as ‘funny’

freshmeat ago

I wonder how many of you are going to continue to ignore this and pretend blocking it makes it go away

Tb0n3 ago

It's not illegal and this isn't reddit. What do you expect to happen? Censorship doesn't really happen here.

freshmeat ago

Tb0n3 ago

You misspelled pun defender. Because it was a pun.

Dfens ago

It's not comedy if it's not funny.