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Tb0n3 ago

People! It’s a dumb pun about being a pedestrian. Hammer toes. Hating walking vs loving walking. It’s a stupid pun meant as an intentional faux pas. But in light of how things are perceived... not a good tweet. Clearly he’s joking. 2013 was a different comedic climate than today.

Looks like you guys are sperging out like SJWs over a misinterpretation.

freshmeat ago

"The angry "@" tweets from my hammer toed followers opened my eyes. "Pedo-phobe" shaming hurts us all. I am a PROUD pedophile!"

Yeah, you are probably right. Normal people joke about pedophilia in any context all the time. Fuck outta here kike

Tb0n3 ago

Pedo refers in this case to feet. Now adays comedians can't joke about anything without you pearl clutchers shouting about it.

freshmeat ago

Sure dude, (((Patton Oswalt))) is a great comedian being held back by those filthy assholes who think pedophilia is being normalized and shouldnt be joked about.

No normal person comes to that type of joke naturally. There is some fucking weird shit going on with that creep.

Do you like Patton Oswalt?

piratse ago

"shouldn't be joked about." Okay, you can go away now and die. You liberal fucking faggot.

freshmeat ago

fuck off pedo

piratse ago

Sure retard. I think you can loosen up on your pearls. Your hand must be getting tired. Reddit will likely accept you for wanting to censor speech because your little fee fees got hurt.

freshmeat ago

its hilarious how many of you homosexuals out yourselves here on Voat for being pedophiles. I mean, admins have welcomed donations from multiple admitted pedophiles. You kind of fit in

piratse ago

Nice larp moron. "Wahhhh don't say stuff that offends me!!!! WAAAHHHHHHH." Fucking reddit tier loser.

Tb0n3 ago

No idea if I like him or not. Haven't seen his routine. I've seen that he broke down on Twitter after his wife died. I do feel sympathy for that. Comedy, regardless of its source, has been buttfucked by crybaby snowflakes who can't take a joke.

freshmeat ago

Trump curse strikes again

Comedy, regardless of its source, has been buttfucked by crybaby snowflakes who can't take a joke.

SJW's killed comedy, Had nothing to do with people thinking pedophilia is wrong. The only funny comedian in 2018 is Ron White

Tb0n3 ago

In this case it's the conservative side that's pissing their pants with rage over jokes.

freshmeat ago

the one time, and it's regarding pedophilia. Come on, faggot.

Tb0n3 ago

No. It's regarding JOKES about pedophilia. No sacred cows, faggot.

freshmeat ago

Good luck. Pedophilia rubs the majority of society the wrong way. Let's see how this plays out for people like yourself.