Mickgoestojail ago

Homer also has a flair on v/news. /user/HomerSimpson"]:not(.upvoatsGiven)::after{content:"Bug Reporter Guy"

Cuckbot ago

Just ignore them. Everyone knows what their agenda here is. They aren't that clever with it.

Boukert ago

_ 1.

Slander. There has never been a post advocating brigading on PV.

There are atleast 4 links in this thread alone wich classify as brigade calls

_ 2.

See above. This post was documenting pm_me_your_arches making a shitpost to v/news to concern troll for stricter rules. He has also stated numerous times his disdain for the "hate subs". He has admitted to using shitpost subs to grow alt accounts.

This thread is full of slander towards me, which i called you out on multiple times. Which i asked you to prove multiple times. Which you have not.

_ 3.

This is a distortion. We call out moderators of default subs when they are heavy handed.

This is no awnser and the moderators of PV currently hold 5 default moderator positions on voat subverses

_ 4.

We have cool admins. Who wouldn't want to buddy up to @atko and @puttitout. It's not like you don't.

Depends on their functioning. I've had many a discussion about subverserequest with puttitout and I wasn't practising the nicest tone in those.

_ 5.

That's bullshit. @cynabuns voluntarily stepped off of 2. And you conveniently leave out the fact that she was called out for it by most of PV.

I did cover that in my reply:

Didnt your userbase need to intervene on one of your moderators not even a month ago? "A mod of ProtectVoat is modding 5 system subs where previously mods were limited to 3. What do the users think of this?"

She only volunteered to drop them after above post was made. (there is a link to that post in the original

You forgot to awnser these questions:

  • Why is @mblim a moderator of a default sub? and why are you not calling him out on inactivity like you do on so many others.

  • Why are you not contributing regularly to /v/sports while you are a moderator?


Boukert ago

@puttitout @atko Above another call for brigading right here ^

sorry I have to ping you both again but i've had it up to here with this guy, his morale and his tactics. This behaviour is seriously shaking my faith in voat as a whole.

As you can see above and in this whole threat: Having a normal conversation about your views on how to improve voat is seriously being hindered by @kevdude and /v/protectvoat .

This has been a problem for a while now and I think this blatant openly brigading has to stop. This is why many users including myself left reddit. This is a serious case of going to far on a "justified crusade" Please respond with your views on this matter, it would be much appreciated.

A link to a summary of issues I have with @kevdude and /v/protectvoat you can include above link from @kevdude to the list. https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/1388526/6739325


WTF is this now??? another brigade post?? more assumptions??? Pulling the fucking victim card??? For fuck sake what a coward you are..... outnumbering me in home court.... pulling the victim card.... while I am the one under downvoting fire by your stooges..... I wasnt the one causing drama, you where... I even gave you multiple oportunities to explain yourself before i pinged the admins. (something you seem to do at the drop of a hat for your bullshit) You have proven yourself to have no fucking dignity or morale whatsoever.

To be clear, I never stated i wanted the rules back nor did I make any demands, nor did I mention the mods. I only debated my point of view. But apperantly you can't handle different opinions and need to stoop to brigading post and calling in your friends like a fucking coward!! Now who the fuck is organized, silencing voices and controlling voat here??

Go die in a fire, you hypocrite, cowardly piece of shit!




He has admitted that he uses the shitpost subs to grow and maintain alts

What. You actually thought I was being serious?

Boukert ago

Also, @boukert is the one trying to get mods involved to silence those of us speaking out against heavy handed default moderators.

I did none of this, I tried to have a normal conversation about the rules with you and the ones involved, I even pointed out a flaw. This is more then my right as I am a contributing voater and a regular contributor to /v/news over the last 1,5 years. (683 posts) Civilised as I am I even fucking pinged all involved to have an adult conversation.

I dare you to proof this accusation! You keep stacking unfounded bullshit upon bullshit, slandering and hence setting tone/enabling brigades.

My issues with you and /v/potectvoat are summarised here! and have nothing to do with anyones modpowers but everything to do with your dodgy tactics and moral.......

@puttitout ^ this is again a prime example of what @kevdude and PV do to anyone speaking their mind and not agreeing with them or their way of operating.

I personally think some of the users who contribute most to that sub should be modding it.

Like me? I have 683 posts in that sub and post on a nearly daily basis.

Talking about the default sub /v/sports

Why is @mblim a moderator of a default sub? last contribution to /v/sports 6 months ago, last contribution to voat 3 months ago (you are harshly attacking a lot of people about this, while a mod on one of your own subs is doing the same.......

@kevdude Why are you a moderator on that default sub yourself? Your last contribution to /v/sports was almost 2 months ago. According to your own reasoning you should:

A. quickly start contributing regularly to that community

B. resign your position.

C. be purged by fire by the admins (your own words)

Taking @HomerSimpson 's point into consideration and indeed the only ones actively persuing and gaining moderation positions on /v/voat are affiliates from PV...

Didnt your userbase need to intervene on one of your moderators not even a month ago? "A mod of ProtectVoat is modding 5 system subs where previously mods were limited to 3. What do the users think of this?"

^ 5 defaultsubs for @cynabuns ..... had to be called back by the users to drop them....... how hypocrite is this?

Now with all this information we don't have to make an assumption. If we just apply the infamous ducktest and compare to SRS we will get an awnser:

  1. Does PV brigade? yes

  2. Does PV slander and accuse without any proof to create witchhunts? yes

  3. Does PV actively go after default subs? yes

  4. Does PV try to buddy up with the admins? yes

  5. Does PV try to make precedents for itself? yes (5 default subs)

Everything checks out, must be SRS .......

HomerSimpson ago

Except for the fact that is recent activity. Month ago they were publicly. About as active as the admins are. Also not counting mod mail and regular PMs

HomerSimpson ago

It wasn't when I posted it. And I left it because it highlights the attempt and deleted threads can't be voted on so there goes and accusations of "brigading".

I never accused you of brigading that thread. But would like to note brigading can be to comments too. Not just posts.

How much content does she submit to Voat in general? How active of a user is she? To mod the largest sub on Voat? Come on dude.

You have access to her comment and post history and a summary page...


The only interaction i have ever had with the /v/news mods is when I asked Typo for some Hillary flair. That's it.

Most things are not a giant SRS conspiracy.

HomerSimpson ago

I mod v/sports. I delete spam.


Fuzzy is part of PV? News to me. She has been a fairly outspoken critic at times.

I didn't say that. I am saying both sides have positions of power.

I can say whatever the fuck I want to, to be perfectly honest.

So can I. But hypocrisy falls in your side of the court. Not mine.

I also think its funny that all of this crap with @PM_ME_Your_Arches and @boukert started after we started asking why two users with little (@amyacker) to no (@forksandguys) activity were still modding Voat's largest sub. I personally think some of the users who contribute most to that sub should be modding it. (Which, btw, would not be any of the PV folks I know).

I don't know user forksandguys but AmyAcker has been fairly active in the sub(or in the past) and has always answered questions or remedied issues when I PMd them.

It's nice to see you again. I am guessing @typo called for more backup?

You seem to think I would be held by any reigns from any user on this site. Which every outburst I make always proves you wrong. Remember. I as a hate sub dictator am apart of SRS.

Also, @boukert is the one trying to get mods involved to silence those of us speaking out against heavy handed default moderators.

I rarely follow drama on Voat anymore. I usually stick to my own fortress but usually view /new of this sub.

I eagerly await @PuttItOut to review the threads and see PMYA shitposting v/news to concern troll for his friends to get their delete excuses back. Some of the comments there were pretty enlightening.

Except the post in question you linked to was deleted as well....

HomerSimpson ago

If I recall correctly. You and your kin are the ones gaining moderator positions in default subs. Users like @fuzzywords whispering in admin ears.

Is it not you and your own who resemble SRS more than the people you claim to be such?

You have no right to say someone else is part of a forum conquering cult when your own use the same tactics and are the ones gaining positions of power.

Boukert ago

Your weak ass reply and playing the "troll" card, only show your character when confronted by your own actions. I just hope the admins will see this to. I am very serious about these issues, hence I pinged both of them. You would have issues with this to, if this was done on any other major sub besides /v/protectvoat .

In any case I had my say, gave you a fair chance to explain yourself and gave you a chance to speak out against brigades directed from your sub. You did none of that, so in my eyes you are nothing but a hypocrite bully who is condoning and stimulating SRS like practises on voat. Honestly instead of protecting voat, you went through the looking glass and came out as the SRS on voat. (this is exactly what I warned you about over a year ago)

I made my point and will await a response from the admins when they have the time.

Summary for /u/puttitout :

  • /u/Cuckbot made a comment directly after this sticky was posted, with a link to this live thread: https://voat.co/v/news/1379577/6726153 . As anyone can clearly see this is a call for a brigade. There was minimal follow through, but i believe that has more to do with my swift reply pointing out that this was a brigading call, then with the intention of the poster.

  • /u/kevdude apperantly condones and stimulates organized brigades on Voat contributors. As you can read up in this thread; see him dodge the question "Do you condone @cuckbot's comment/behavior" multiple times, instead he actually tries to justify this kind of behaviour.

  • /u/Kevdude posted and stickied a direct live link in /v/protectvoat : https://voat.co/v/news/1388508 . As you can clearly see kevdude got heavily upvoted and anyone else got heavily downvoted. As this post barely got any visibility on /v/news due to downvotes, traffic had to have come from this sticky on /v/protectvoat. This makes it an organized brigade.

I would also like to point out that this is the general tone in which /u/kevdude communicates with fellow voat moderators, spouts unfounded assumptions at them and a prime example of the state of his paranoia.

HomerSimpson ago

Not everyone who dissents your bullshit is SRS. How many times do we have to say this.

Boukert ago

(Sorry to keep pinging you @puttitout, again no priority, not trying to hurry you, just keeping you in the loop. Here's a cute goat fto compensate!)

I meant this thread not the post! My main question to you was 3 times "do you condone the reply made by @cuckbot?"

The PV regular, linking directly to our conversation and calling me out on anything but the kitchen stove. The one i linked and quoted to you, multiple times!

Apperantly you and your fellow mods do condone that kind of behaviour. According to pm's and replies so do the PV followers. You dodged the question multiple times and then justified documenting behavior from fellow voaters and contributors live on /v/protectvoat because you have branded them without proof. (<--- this is creepy and basically SRS)

  • My issue is with @cuckbot for blatantly posting a brigading post.

  • My issue is with you and PV mods for condoning, encouraging and trying to "talk down" this kind of behaviour towards others.


This is nothing more or less then a brigade/ link witch-hunt:

@Cuckbot 6 points (+6|-0) 1,3 days ago


Boukert trying to change the rules. This is an organized little group which the v/news mods are part of. This is the type of thing they do https://voat.co/v/AnonBoard/1388446 on SDBH. I hate to say it but we will have nothing but trouble until the old mods are gone from there I think. That whole group is part of this mindset: https://archive.is/mjA8f They want to turn back the clock instead of making do with what we have and moving forward. Its time we filled the default subs with janitors and removed any mods that cause a whiff of trouble. Constant drama is caused by mods who just cant accept they don't own the subs like on reddit.

I am also tired that you keep slinging unfounded accusations and theories involving/about me. This is tone setting and leads to witch-hunting, a headmod of PV should really not be doing this unless he has solid proof. So I will ask again after 1,5 years, contributing over 2000 posts to voat, have you got any proof that I am in any way affiliated with SRS or have abused my modpowers on any sub other then /v/soapdoxbanhammer (a sub revolving around mod-abuse) or have deliberatly done anything to hurt voat?

Disagreeing with someone and opening a discussion is something else then belonging to another group and organising anything. If you are to blind to see this, you should not be a moderator on /v/protectvoat and you should definitly not be talking on behalf of voat! I thought voat was meant as a place where everyone could have their opinion heard without SRS like bullshit, or am I mistaken @puttitout ?


After reading the link again, I do have an issue with your post: just look at it, everyone in the thread not a "PV regular",people who are trying to help/figure out the problem and who are trying to have a normal conversation with you. Each and everyone has been heavily downvoated. This is because of your link. Which makes it: Brigading!

Boukert ago

I am not butthurt about the rulechange or any mods. (I had a decent conversation about that with you)

I am butthurt about you and your sub promoting witchhunts and brigading!

Mickgoestojail ago

Lies and slander was the ban message Dungles got. You could be on to something.

Boukert ago



Boukert trying to change the rules. This is an organized little group which the v/news mods are part of. This is the type of thing they do https://voat.co/v/AnonBoard/1388446 on SDBH. I hate to say it but we will have nothing but trouble until the old mods are gone from there I think. That whole group is part of this mindset: https://archive.is/mjA8f They want to turn back the clock instead of making do with what we have and moving forward. Its time we filled the default subs with janitors and removed any mods that cause a whiff of trouble. Constant drama is caused by mods who just cant accept they don't own the subs like on reddit.

On a sticky on your sub, which you condone and support:

Disappointed ago

At this point I think they just want an opportunity to repeat the same stuff over and over again. It's a tactic they used before when attacking us in the past and it's just happening again now. They want to draw us into a dialogue so they can present "two sides" of an argument to the admins. The reality is the majority of users decided on the rules and the mods did a bad job of communicating in that rules thread themselves. Like the top comment in this thread says the aim should have been to come up with a set of rules that everyone was happy with. Any valid concerns should have been brought forward then so the users could discuss workarounds. Doing it now, in this way, means the users are shut out of it. Quite clever in it's own little way but ultimately unnecessary.

Boukert ago

I @boukert (in just me a regular poster and user of /v/news) started a conversation about the rule change while pinging all involved to get clarity and discuss..... and you shoot into this aggressive stance. Start slinging accusations, witchhunts, theories of organising and spouting assumptions......

Really this is what voat is becoming? The both of you are bullies and goons plain and simple.

I have every right to speak up and I have a serious issue ( me @boukert) with the both off you! Hiding behind above reply is just weakness and unwillingness to explain yourself! My issue with you is witchhunting an brigading by /v/protectvoat. I never mentioned mods or rulechanges, just a discussion. You took the dramatrain!

Again if I am organised SRS, PROOF IT! I've helped voat grow and contributed over 2000 posts in the last year and a half. Surely you have proof of these accusations.

here's a ping @kevdude the curtesy you so much care about but hardly practise yourself

Again @puttitout sorry to bother you; but this is how regular contributors (and fellow voaters) are handled by PV when they want to discuss something in a civilized manner. I thought voat was for all of us, not just the bullies.

Boukert ago

Everyone who does not agree with you needs to be "documented".

No, but documenting individuals engaging in coordinated shitposting related to mod overreach/abuse is part of what we do

So participating in a discussion, helping to fix a rule-flaw and opening a dialogue is a "coordinated shitposting related to mod overreach/abuse". Get off your fucking high horse, you've turned into a STASI-like entity. And you just driving people away from voat instead of protecting it.

Give me proof I am SRS like I said in my other reply.

@puttitout another prime example of @kevdude starting witchhunts at contributors for dodgy as hell reasons and trying to bully them of this side.

Boukert ago

This thread was started because one of your group personally attacked me with slander and has posted a link to a live thread. Which looks exactly like fucking brigading to me. This has nothing to do with pmya I even warned you in the thread i pinged you in (in before the trolls)

IF I'm SRS like your goons like to say I would like some fucking proof. I've been on Voat for 1,5 fucking years contributing, you would be able to find something i reckon.

(remember the curtesy you scoffed @amyacker for? here let me ping @PM_ME_YOUR_ARCHES for you then, fucking hypocrite!


It's SDBH. Of course some of your comments are going to be deleted.

Boukert ago

Everyone who not agrees with you is SRS???

so everyone who does not agree with you is in cahoots with eachother???

Everyone who does not agree with you needs to be "documented". ..... that sounds fucking STASI every which way you turn it.... How is this not SRS? seriously?

@atko @puttitout

Again sorry for the ping. Bad timing especially with how unstable voat is.

but this moderator of a few default subs is actually the headmod of a sub that actively persuing the "monitoring" of voat contributors (how fucking dodgy is this?), condones and encourages brigades and he is proving he is very fucking bad at acting like an adult and taking fucking critizism.

Seriously @kevdude I call them like I see them and you are a paranoid, hypocrite fucking Bully nothing more and nothing less. I just hope the admins can see this as well.

Seriously go fuck yourself



PuttItOut ago

I have a few pressing concerns and it will take a while to see what is what but I'll look into this entire thread.

Boukert ago

Your attention is appreciated and I do not think we are a priority at the moment, so do take your time.

Thank you in advance

edit: A prime example that PV is downvoting on names rather then content ^. A polite reply to an admin, no statements. -5 downvotes, this is typical PV as users below the treshhold can't upvote within the sub. This is how they try to censor / control narratives site-wide.

Mickgoestojail ago

In your sub people trying to have a say get deleted lol.

Cuckbot ago


I think this was one of the best posts in the rule discussion for v/news and the one below it. Neither of the mods actually discussed the rules with users. They had no intention of doing so and coming up with a ruleset both they and the users would be happy with. I believe they fully planned to attack the rules in this childish way afterwards which is why they deliberately abstained from taking part in the discussions in the first place. All this could have been avoided but wheres the drama and shitposting value in that? Lets get rid of these shitty cliquey mods and get someone in there who will work with the users a bit instead making things a standoff all the time. Theres no need for it.

Mickgoestojail ago

Some of these people have no other stimulation in their lives so drama is what they live off.

Cuckbot ago


Boukert trying to change the rules. This is an organized little group which the v/news mods are part of. This is the type of thing they do https://voat.co/v/AnonBoard/1388446 on SDBH. I hate to say it but we will have nothing but trouble until the old mods are gone from there I think. That whole group is part of this mindset: https://archive.is/mjA8f They want to turn back the clock instead of making do with what we have and moving forward. Its time we filled the default subs with janitors and removed any mods that cause a whiff of trouble. Constant drama is caused by mods who just cant accept they don't own the subs like on reddit.

Boukert ago

Dear @cuckbot. do give me the curtesy to ping me when mentioning me. I know @kevdude just scoffed @amyacker in my reply for that so here you go.

I might post to SDBH but I'm a big user and contributor to /v/news and i just read up on the rulechange. I care about voat and as /v/news is a regular sub for me (check my contributions) and I like to speak my mind I replied with some questions, my concerns and my view on things. I made no demands, no threats or anything (like protectvoat did). Just reasoning within a discussion and sharing ideas. Since when is reasoning while having another opinion"organized brigading" or whatever the fuck.

I don't post in anon and I don't hide behind alts. I can't say that for others but I can for myself and people that know me on this site can vouch for that. If I have an issue with something or someone I will say that in their face like I am doing to you now mister @cukbot with your 55 post contributions!

What you are doing above here is pure SRS witch-hunting and I've warned about that behaviour beforel.

@kevdude do you condone this?

edit: to burst a bubble I've had no interaction with either @typo or @amyacker like ever, none of the mods even....

I was just having a friendly discussion with @kevdude nothing else.


This however:



Boukert trying to change the rules. This is an organized little group which the v/news mods are part of. This is the type of thing they do https://voat.co/v/AnonBoard/1388446 on SDBH. I hate to say it but we will have nothing but trouble until the old mods are gone from there I think. That whole group is part of this mindset: https://archive.is/mjA8f They want to turn back the clock instead of making do with what we have and moving forward. Its time we filled the default subs with janitors and removed any mods that cause a whiff of trouble. Constant drama is caused by mods who just cant accept they don't own the subs like on reddit.

is what organized brigading, witchhunting and SRS-style linking looks like.

Cuckbot ago

Says the mod of a sub that launched a witch hunt against two users then deleted their valid response because it made you guys look like imbeciles. Fuck off troll.

Boukert ago

Dear @atko and @puttitout I hate to bother you for drama but i feel it is necessary in this case. I've always been direct to the both of you either positive or negative so I hope you respect this gesture and read the first few alinea's of my reply. I just want you to be aware of this.

Thanks in advance and sorry for any drama.

Above post and thread is a pure example that the t /v/protectvoat clique is blatantly using/condoning, Organised:

  • bullying and downvoting tactics

  • brigading of live discussions

  • witchhunting and setting tone against fellow voaters

  • organised planning to push agenda's

  • Actively subdueing other opinions and slandering

I have discussed with and warned @kevdude about this behaviour before.

We had a dox from your camp with @nandrewod a few months ago. Which was, let's say enthousiastic neglegence and he apologised, so fair enough. Shit can happen.

But now we have this blatant show of bullshit, and I'm done with this kind of behavior.

Has PV turned into Voat's own SRS clique complete with a "link brigade witchhunt" featured above. Is this Kafka or am I having a Dejavu?