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Cuckbot ago

Boukert trying to change the rules. This is an organized little group which the v/news mods are part of. This is the type of thing they do on SDBH. I hate to say it but we will have nothing but trouble until the old mods are gone from there I think. That whole group is part of this mindset: They want to turn back the clock instead of making do with what we have and moving forward. Its time we filled the default subs with janitors and removed any mods that cause a whiff of trouble. Constant drama is caused by mods who just cant accept they don't own the subs like on reddit.

Boukert ago

Dear @cuckbot. do give me the curtesy to ping me when mentioning me. I know @kevdude just scoffed @amyacker in my reply for that so here you go.

I might post to SDBH but I'm a big user and contributor to /v/news and i just read up on the rulechange. I care about voat and as /v/news is a regular sub for me (check my contributions) and I like to speak my mind I replied with some questions, my concerns and my view on things. I made no demands, no threats or anything (like protectvoat did). Just reasoning within a discussion and sharing ideas. Since when is reasoning while having another opinion"organized brigading" or whatever the fuck.

I don't post in anon and I don't hide behind alts. I can't say that for others but I can for myself and people that know me on this site can vouch for that. If I have an issue with something or someone I will say that in their face like I am doing to you now mister @cukbot with your 55 post contributions!

What you are doing above here is pure SRS witch-hunting and I've warned about that behaviour beforel.

@kevdude do you condone this?

edit: to burst a bubble I've had no interaction with either @typo or @amyacker like ever, none of the mods even....

I was just having a friendly discussion with @kevdude nothing else.


This however:


Boukert trying to change the rules. This is an organized little group which the v/news mods are part of. This is the type of thing they do on SDBH. I hate to say it but we will have nothing but trouble until the old mods are gone from there I think. That whole group is part of this mindset: They want to turn back the clock instead of making do with what we have and moving forward. Its time we filled the default subs with janitors and removed any mods that cause a whiff of trouble. Constant drama is caused by mods who just cant accept they don't own the subs like on reddit.

is what organized brigading, witchhunting and SRS-style linking looks like.

Cuckbot ago

Says the mod of a sub that launched a witch hunt against two users then deleted their valid response because it made you guys look like imbeciles. Fuck off troll.

Boukert ago

Dear @atko and @puttitout I hate to bother you for drama but i feel it is necessary in this case. I've always been direct to the both of you either positive or negative so I hope you respect this gesture and read the first few alinea's of my reply. I just want you to be aware of this.

Thanks in advance and sorry for any drama.

Above post and thread is a pure example that the t /v/protectvoat clique is blatantly using/condoning, Organised:

  • bullying and downvoting tactics

  • brigading of live discussions

  • witchhunting and setting tone against fellow voaters

  • organised planning to push agenda's

  • Actively subdueing other opinions and slandering

I have discussed with and warned @kevdude about this behaviour before.

We had a dox from your camp with @nandrewod a few months ago. Which was, let's say enthousiastic neglegence and he apologised, so fair enough. Shit can happen.

But now we have this blatant show of bullshit, and I'm done with this kind of behavior.

Has PV turned into Voat's own SRS clique complete with a "link brigade witchhunt" featured above. Is this Kafka or am I having a Dejavu?