Tor1 ago

Amy Acker is your typical cyber ayatollah fluffer fatwa dispenser and A cup who has no milk of human kindness to offer

She made a sub about herself

TheKobold ago

This is why blocking should of never been added.

Tor1 ago

I tried to introduce myself and my shitposting sense of humor and she deleted me

I have 8X more submissions than she does

TheKobold ago

Wooo I made a difference.

profanion ago

What's the quickest way to know if site is paywalled?

AmyAcker ago

It can be hard to tell unless you hit the paywall yourself. Anyway, here is a list of some of the most common:

Hard Paywalls (Content not viewable without payment):

Soft Paywalls (Fixed number of articles can be viewed before payment is required):

profanion ago


Boukert ago

  • I think allowing twitter as a source is a mistake. This will fill the sub with A. more unreliable news B. more none news "Hillary blew her nose" C. Links to deleted tweets D. no background stories.

  • I also noticed the complete lack of description over the posts. Nothing mentioned about the fact that posts have to do anything about the news, have to be recent or anything.

Does this make /v/news the new /v/whatever but no posting meme's and no posting paywalls?

Just trying to be in before the trolls

To a lesser extend:

  • All caps headlines are ok now?

  • the title doesnt have to be the headline of the article anymore?

  • I think we should re-enstate the rule about social media and blogs to atleast give the impression we are trying to have an objective news forum. As this is becoming more and more a circlejerk instead of a source for global news events (isnt that the intention of this sub?).

;Made an edit to include some points

AmyAcker ago

Does this make /v/news the new /v/whatever but no posting meme's and no posting paywalls?

In effect, yes.

All caps headlines are ok now?


the title doesnt have to be the headline of the article anymore?

It never had to be a direct copy of the article's title; the title just had to be factual (i.e. not editorialized). All headlines will now be user enforced.

I think we should re-enstate the rule about social media and blogs to atleast give the impression we are trying to have an objective news forum. As this is becoming more and more a circlejerk instead of a source for global news events (isnt that the intention of this sub?).

Kevdude made a post about social media deletion and Atko weighed in.

Boukert ago

Thanks for the swift reply,

So basically we killed our default news subverse as a reliable news source?

I think this is a bad development as voat needs a proper newsfeed to be taken serious as a platform. The few rules this subverse had, served their purpose to atleast some extend to keep the circlejerk to a minimum and attention focussed on actual recent news. I fear with these rules (or lack off) the circlejerkers will completely take over, background news or sources will be absent and this sub literally has no added value. As it is one of the most important subs for a medium such as this, it will only scare newcomers away or prove critics in their theory that voat is a hate site. (which it wasn't before the mass migrations)

@atko might be the founder but I dissagree with him on this point, there are plenty of unbiased newsoutlets out there and atleast with media outlets you have a context to place their stories in. I think this is a rather shortsighted and bias awnser to a complex issue.

Boukert ago



@kevdude (calling you in as you seem heavily invested in both discussions and as i missed the first one I would like your input)

FairyOriginal ago

After my 5 lobotomies I seem to go nose-blind when ever reading rules w regulations and possible other equations that I can't comprehensive and find it implossible to follow all the step;s since I lost both my leggo's in a signage accident along time ago.

So, I have trust my good and Fair'y judgement and commonsense fantasies to keep me strait n narrow ~

But of course .... All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten - by Robert Fulghu where only the pages are numbered = for reference .... and not instruction. Which is really a good thing for me since I never understood math anyways.

Just sayin.

Typo ago

Fixed, thanks.

something_went_wrong ago

Satire wasn't in the original rules. But I agree there might need to be a limit on that. Maybe addendum to rule 4: "no memes or news parodies". A news piece containing some satire should be fine IMHO, but obvious spoof pieces like this one don't belong. For the most part though, I think it would be pretty easy to tell based on website source and reading over post comments.

ratsmack ago

Fun times. :)

Mickgoestojail ago

@blahblahgabor @exisredditus used to mod this sub and ignore people as well. I think it really rubs the admins the wrong way when mods ignore direct questions from users. Noone likes the Reddit way.

Mickgoestojail ago

In the rules discussion the "Please Be Civil" admonition from the sidebar came under fire.

I was going to comment that it should be removed myself but since so many people wanted it gone I thought it was wasting my time commenting on it.

ratsmack ago


Cuckbot ago

Correct me if I'm wrong but the discussion was pretty heavily in favor of no memes which I see no mention of here and removal of the PLEASE BE CIVIL recommendation. What's going to be done about those two?

Typo ago

Fixed, thanks.

Cuckbot ago




Disappointed ago


Here are the previous rules for comparison:

Here is the link previous sticky where the rules were discussed:

ratsmack ago

Seems you just want to play cat and mouse so we'll leave it at that.

ratsmack ago


ratsmack ago

Concern that this user is a mod.

ratsmack ago

I sense ulterior motive though.

ratsmack ago

Why are you asking the question.

madazzahattereboot ago

Thanks for keeping us updated in an effort to keep things as transparent as they should be.