Disappointed ago

Yea, I think moving forward its better to have Janitors appointed to system subs rather than Lvl 2 mods unless they can really show they are onboard with user input and are willing to contribute to the sub in a meaningful way. Too many have personal agendas, bias or site rivalries that affect the way they mod.

Disappointed ago

So whats the go with this @Typo on how long we are going to leave it up and what action to take? I know you posted it on on a suggestion from @Atko so I was wondering what the plan is or if there's even one.

Typo ago

I apologized for the delayed response. Work has kept me tied up. It was going to be up until the replies stopped. It wouldn't be fair to cut off lively discussion to meet a deadline. The replies have slowed and I was told earlier today that Amy was going to be posting. The post should be up shortly.

Disappointed ago

Ok fair enough, thanks for the reply.

Mick ago

Those adjustments make good sense and are worth taking a chance on. I guess if things turn to shit further down the road some of the changes could be revisited. It's a dynamic place after all.

While you are in the area, @Typo, I appreciate the work you put into this sub. It is probably the most difficult sub on v/ to moderate while keeping all 'sides' happy. GG.

Come to think of it, it's impossible, so good luck, mate!

Mick ago

Do you think rule 3 will get the axe mate?

newoldwave ago

Good set of rules

Titus-of-Voat ago

Rule 3 should be mod enforced. People may see an image post they like and upvote it without seeing what sub it is in. You run the risk of too many meme/shitposts taking over the sub.

hunter3 ago

id rather see the translate link in the comments than as the posted link. better for those who dont need the translation or who dont like google

Mick ago

Apart from memes, I think rule 3 seems a little harsh.

GlobalSouth ago

User editorialized titles should be allowed, because it allows the user to call attention to some aspect of the news story, much like a TIL post does.

Disappointed ago

I think that's why his father is also his brother.

tentonaraft ago

Get rid of rules 1 and 3.

Memes shouldn't be allowed, but images that depict events should be allowed. Also, remove the all-caps thing from rule 2.

toobaditworks ago

Meme's are not just images. Gif, videos, almost anything can fall under meme. I know what people describe as meme is an image with some text on it but the real definition goes something like this:


"an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture"

Cynabuns ago

Yer just now seeing this? LMAO

retractableclaws ago

Possible compromise - demote them to L3 Janitor status.

ridikewl ago

The ONLY reason I go to voat is there are no rules. If You want rules, go to reddit. You can find a multitude of ass wipe libtards that will help you make rules . This is an open forum and when you start making rules, you lose participation and end up like reddit. I have no desire to attack Hillary supporters, I think they have drank the kool-aid and there is no reasoning with them, that's not an attack, it's my opinion.

ATruePatriot ago

Hijacking top comment for visibility.

I think this is a terrible idea, since it will allow the Trump shills to infiltrate Voat more than they already have. We cannot have free speech if Hillary supporters are silenced, as Trump supporters are willing to attack Hillary supporters and those that they disagree with at any cost. We must support ALL ideas, especially when fighting against fascists in our nation. Allowing social media and bad sites like Breitbart just create untrustworthiness and a bad echo chamber.

So no. Go back to the rules, and don't bend to the alt-reichters.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Translation: If people can call out the CTR shills, they won't be as effective.

Guess what? No one cares about CTR's feelings.

And before you go on a rant about how this alienates REAL Hillary supporters. Guess who is to blame for that one? CTR and Hillary, and them alone.

TheKobold ago

"Bad sites" Oh ok, so its "Stop silencing speech of Clinton supporters but silence the speech of these other people." Hypocritical bullshit.

Clinton supporters are not silenced. You are welcome to speak all you want. But we are free to tell you that you're a moron and to go away, be happy that you are not banned, shadowbanned, muted, or have your content deleted... Like reddit does on an hourly basis. Free speech goes both ways, don't come in here yelling about being oppressed and then wanting to oppress others you faggot hypocrite.


You're in the wrong place cunt. And you're wasting your money trying to "correct" voat.

Yiziola ago

Rule 7, -Please refer to Removed submissions in the MODERATION LOGS (lower right) to view the anarchy.

Cynabuns ago

We may have to agree to disagree, esp on the point of an archived document as we're potentially getting into some copyright infringement issues. I know it's done as a matter of course, but still the exposure is there.

Also, now the mods are babysitting for the exact same issue as image posts (which I happen to think should be a Guideline and not a rule), i.e. HOW content is contributed.

flyawayhigh ago

So far, I seem to be the only person around who opposes the use of archive.is except for plainly transient pages.


Cynabuns ago

I'm not particularly a fan myself; I want to have the site easily accessible maybe with someone posting an archive.is as an option in the comments.

flyawayhigh ago

I warned a long time ago that all those archive.is links are gonna disappear leaving Voat with thousands of dead links. It will happen. Just a matter of time.

AND I have other reasons to oppose archive.is besides that. :P

Cynabuns ago

You have something other than archive.is?! :)

flyawayhigh ago

No. There's archive.org but that wasn't what I was thinking.

I just think there is something fundamentally wrong with this notion that a link should be posted but we shouldn't give the link its proper SEO or hits ...

If it's good enough to post, it's good enough to give it the normal SEO and hits ...

It is a very strange and seedy form of -- ready for it? -- censorship. :)

Cynabuns ago

I hear ya on the "censorship" thing, but I think it's more the 'inconvenience' of all the ad bullshit that appears on a lot of pages. Personally, if I come across a site like that, I pretty much NOPE right outta there and won't give them hits again. Which kinda goes back exactly to your point of giving the hits to the site when due; I can get behind that.

flyawayhigh ago

Then what explains Breitbart? Last time I had my security down that site was popping up in every direction!

I rarely see ads with my system -- except that damn Google sneaks a few in. They seem to be able to just go around everything.

Cynabuns ago

Ya, Breitbart, I know, I know. They sure didn't used to be like that many moons ago, and I "get" that they're trying to make a buck or two, but daaaaamn son, enough is enough. Still, I love the site and all the good work it's done when Andrew was there and since his death; I'm really hoping after the elections it's not quite so vox-y or buzzfeed-y.

flyawayhigh ago

I don't care. It's not like a place I would go anyway. Let's hope that that site Voat.co is not so vox-y or buzzfeed-y. :D

Cynabuns ago

Let's hope that that site Voat.co is not so vox-y or buzzfeed-y. :D

Never! *fingers crossed

Cynabuns ago

Can't be any more click baitey than your-momâ„¢, lmao!

Cynabuns ago

Kev, forksandguys appears on quite a few subs and should have been scrubbed from several subs a long while ago: https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/1334560

Cynabuns ago

Rule 6 English Only - this rule needs to go and be left as a Guideline for users to decide with their votes; if they're not in English, they won't get upvoted in any significant way

Cynabuns ago

Rule 5 URL Shorteners - this rule needs to go and be left as a Guideline for users to decide with their votes; besides most offensive link shorteners are already site-wide banned

Cynabuns ago

Rule 4 Paywalls - this rule needs to go and be left as a Guideline for users to decide with their votes

Cynabuns ago

Rule 3 Images - this rule needs to go and be left as a Guideline for users to decide with their votes .

Cynabuns ago

Rule 2 - Submission Titles: should stay; I hate parsing thru bullshit click-baity or opinionated titles and opinions can be rendered in the comments

Cynabuns ago

Rule 1 - Recent to 30 days: should stay; I can get old news anywhere but v/News should be current

InnocentBystander ago

Rule 1: I think it should be removed. Whether something is old, or still relevant is entirely subjective. So I think voats, rather than mod opinion should decide.
Rule 2: I like.
Rule 3: Should be altered. I like the idea of a rule that prevents memes, jokes, and irrelevant crap. But a blanket ban on all pictures is going to block newsworthy items. Both pictures of newsworthy events and pictures/archives of news worthy text, would be removed under the current wording. Memes and other garbage in a sub like this would fall under 'spam', so the rule may not be needed at all.
Rules 4,5, and 6: I like.

toobaditworks ago

Meme's can videos too. What if someone videotaped at a rally and wanted to show everyone. There's a few people here who actually report real news better than the "news media". If you go to a campaign rally and interview people or just videotape whats happening then that's news to me. It's unbiased and newsworthy. This rule isn't very good.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

That's a good idea, but the date should be year-day-month which is the best date notation.

Ah_Pook ago

YYYY-MM-DD is the only notation that should ever be used.

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Its pretty unambiguous that way.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what about something stated about archives - regarding image posts

Disappointed ago

Second this removal it's an unnecessary leftover from an old rule that Voat has moved on from now.

Disappointed ago

I've bought this up before and @Typo agreed it was harsh if the site title was all in caps and said they wouldn't enforce it if that was the case. I'm not sure whether they forgot to change the rule and have been leaving titles where this is the case or forgot about that caveat and conversation. It was a while ago.

Edit: I should have done more than skim the notes on the OP.

caps are left up if the article is in caps since the "suggest title" function doesn't alter case,

The wording of rule 3 should be changed to reflect that though if the users decide to keep it at all.

TheKobold ago

Awesome. I see an issue with it even being a suggestion. If some one pushes it what will happen? Probably one of two things, it will either be enforced as a rule or it won't. If it isn't going to be enforced then why is it even up there? I will give most people the benefit of the doubt and say that most people here are adults and do not need to be told to be civil like they are children.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

"archives are cool."


TheKobold ago

How is this discussion going to be utilized by the mods? Will you be taking into account the popularity of suggestions, the veracity of the arguments associated to them or is it just a smoke screen and nothing will change except what atko made you change?

superesper ago

Did you see the part where Atko said "only blatant spam should be removed"? Fuck your censorship rules. LET VOATS DECIDE. If genuine problems result from letting voats decide (they won't), then compile a list of examples of these problems and make a new post justifying why there should be ANY rules allowing mods to remove content other than blatant spam in the first place.

TheKobold ago

Still doesn't really belong here in our free speech paradise.

wellfuckyoutoo ago

I can perfectly well talk about subjects people don't want to hear in a civil tone. Free speech doesn't only encompass a lowest common denominator for human interaction, it has a wider meaning as well you know. You fucktard.

Mick ago

You fucktard

This is one of the best things about Voat :)

TheKobold ago

Free speech doesn't only encompass a lowest common denominator for human interaction, it has a wider meaning as well you know.

No where is this even implied.

Tor1 ago

being civil means be a smiling tax slave and fund drone murder and sjw redistribution scheme. at least change be civil to be courteous.

TheKobold ago

Fuck that I don't HAVE to be courteous to any fucking body. I choose to be until they show either extreme stupidity or a major lack of awareness or are rude and insulting.

Tor1 ago

yer got dam right

TheKobold ago

Fuck yea, America!!!

TheKobold ago

Please Be Civil: Arguing is fine as we all have differing opinions, but please respect each other.

Free speech. Fuck this bullshit.

Mick ago

plus fucking 1

Cynabuns ago

Agree - "Be Civil" suggestion needs to go; this isn't kindergarten.

madazzahattereboot ago

"Be Sybil"

For those of us with numerous voices in our head, this is a given:~)

Antikaon ago

I lolled.

Damn, I remember my mom was reading that book. I was about 9 or 10 and I picked it up and tried to read some of it. It was pretty messed up.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

I was just pointing this out to my girlfriend the other night - the Internet was better when NO ONE was protected on being called out on their bullshit.

I'd rather have the ability to be a dick when it's necessary and be called out and reviled when it's not than to simply not have the choice.

Sakusha ago

Rule 1 is unnecessary. "If it's relevant, it's okay" is so easy to abuse as an excuse for deleting legitimate content. If it's old news it'll get downvoated. Rule 2 has seen abuse on that site and is unnecessary. People will downvoat clickbait. Rule 3 is also unnecessary. Archives are screenshots of websites. Images can be newsworthy content. Users will decide with voats. Rule 4 is nice but unnecessary. Downvoats prevent paywalls from reaching the top. Rule 5 is fine. Users may not pick up on it and it is exploitable. Rule 6 is nice but unnecessary. People will downvoat content in a language they don't understand, or if they care enough about it they'll translate it themselves.

Literally every rule here is unnecessary or just nice to have. Make the rules "no spam, no ads, and no paywalls" and that's all you need. Users do the rest and you have less crap to delete.

wellfuckyoutoo ago

so easy to abuse as an excuse for deleting legitimate content.

I agree.

If it's old news it'll get downvoated.

I disagree. I have the impression that a lot of old stuff is upvoated because they're relevant, not because they're current.

Rule 3 is also unnecessary. Archives are screenshots of websites. Images can be newsworthy content. Users will decide with voats.

If one could archive screenshots directly through a trusted third party (like how archive sites downloads the site directly from the source, you don't upload the site to the archive) your argument would make sense.

Screenshots (of today) have no accountability, there's no way to verify that what you're seeing even comes from the page it looks like. Screenshots are worthless as reliable news providers.

Ah_Pook ago

Rule 2 has seen abuse on that site and is unnecessary. People will downvoat clickbait.

They mostly don't though, not around here.

Rule 3 is also unnecessary. Archives are screenshots of websites.

They're certainly not. Source is a fuck of a lot different than images.

0fsgivin ago

Yah, Rule 2 especially seems ripe for abuse. Who is going to be the fact checker? What sources are deemed worthy of vetting said facts?

ShinyVoater ago

Rule 2 might be a judgement call in some cases, but if the submission alters the title, things like "JEW MEDIA SILENT!" are obvious editorialization. I think most people would be fine with some variant of "don't invent hysterical titles".

something_went_wrong ago

Thanks, @Typo for making this post.

To start, I'd say take out the 'All Caps' rule from #2. Reddit had a bad habit of deleting rather important posts that either simply contained acronyms or used exact titles from the article which happened to have even a single word with all caps.

"No Image Posts" - should be removed as screenshots alone can act as news. Instead, how about no memes if that's what you were going for? As long as it depicts news in any media format, it should be acceptable.

alalzia ago

As someone who gets all my international news from here the 30 days period is just bad , not to mention that most of them are reposts . 10 days will be tolerable .