Mickgoestojail ago

You're very good at this nadrewod. Who am I then?

The sane account seems to me to type like someone trying too hard to be "someone else". Something is off about his personality.

Mickgoestojail ago

Yea I talked about this with a few people. Maybe that guy from r/TopmindsofVoat

Cynabuns ago

Please don't step off until this whole mod level deal is fully fleshed out - someone needs to be in there to not just kill spam but to also update the sidebar after any rules discussions; you will not have this ability as merely a janitor.

Disappointed ago

Yep no doubt there are others willing and hopefully enough that we can retire. But in the interim while things sort themselves out we could be the guinea pigs.

Disappointed ago

Well they said they find it hard to trust people to mod system subs so who better than the people who have been lvl 2 mods already?

Disappointed ago

Why step down? Would you consider being a janitor there?

Disappointed ago

Looking at what I do on v/sports, I have no need to sticky/change css or flairs/ or anything else. All I do is delete live stream and advertising and I feel like I'm deleting enough of it to justify continuing. I could be demoted to Janitor but I have no idea how to go about this. I could resign and perhaps be re-recruited as a Janitor?

Cynabuns ago

Maybe; admins haven't gotten into this yet.

Disappointed ago

I think it's about time we tested it.

Mickgoestojail ago

Isn't the idea to change all system sub mods to Janitors?

Cynabuns ago

The Admins haven't address this from what I've seen. At least one person needs to be able to get in and change sidebar rules and add updates or whatever. Janitors have no access to CSS.

Disappointed ago

Well they did ask us to make a thread and ask the users the question. Can a level 3 mod sticky ?

There's also this:

I didn't know the answer to this so didn't reply, but my thinking is in system subs all "mods" should be at a janitor level but then again we've had some really good Level 2 mods in system subs.


Cynabuns ago

No, L3's cannot sticky a post - only apply existing flairs, cannot even create them.

Disappointed ago

Cynabuns is just a volunteer mod for v/whatever and a couple of other subs. They have no obligation to do anything other than that. They don't have an open line to the admins even if they used an outside communication tool once.

You also ignored my question.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

rely on fall back position (from the script): "they don't owe you anything"

changing the subject

Disappointed ago

It's not a script, Cynabuns owes you nothing at all. The admins are a different story because they have in their TOS no doxxing(I think). You trying to strongarm Cynabuns into helping you is not right.

Btw, you still haven't answered my straight up question which is very rude.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

someone doxxes a real person, here on voat

messages, pms, and posts go out to admins about it

hours later, nothing is done

atko comes on and posts an unrelated (to anything) video and apparently just leaves

dox is still up on voat.

cyna talks to admins offfline. i thought a dox might be something they would want to know about and would extremely appreciate it if someone brought it to their attention ASAP

APPARENLTY FUCK ME rite? cyna and you are tag teaming me AGAIN to shut me down trying to help voat.

it really seems like you're part of something to ruin voat, not help it.

changing the subject

fuck off with your disinformation tactics.

Disappointed ago

APPARENLTY FUCK ME rite? cyna and you are tag teaming me AGAIN to shut me down trying to help voat.

it really seems like you're part of something to ruin voat, not help it.

It really seems like you want to disrupt the conversation about removing old mods who are inactive. Are you one of their alts?

fuck off with your disinformation tactics.

This thread subject is about moderators who are inactive. You are the one hijacking and changing the subject. I'll take your advice however and fuck off and stop responding to you trying to derail the thread about mods being inactive and turn it into a thread about you and your problem. My advice in return is to man up and make your own thread about the problem you have.

Mickgoestojail ago

Ignore this cunt I'm starting to think it's Amalek.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

sigh i never even thought of that.

Disappointed ago

Eh, I give everyone a chance, but he ignored that I said the admins had already been contacted and I even told him which thread. Got no time for bullshitters.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

change the subject

create rumor mongers

hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil

question motives

play dumb

personal attacks

hit and run??

Disappointed ago

I'm sure they've seen it because fuzzywords also said they told Puttitout. Read the thread in this sub by adhdferret and his convo with them in there.

Now what do you think about the inactive mods on our system subs? Should we remove them if they haven't commented or done any mod work in a while?

Disappointed ago

It's an email address not an account. Read it slowly: [email protected]

[email protected] used to also be another.

Cynabuns ago

STOP trying to make my role greater than what it is, which is just a damned janitor deleting advertising shit, and a test role at that.

Had I had the time to report whatever the fuck you're going on about, I'D HAVE SENT AN EMAIL to "[email protected]".

I am not the babysitter of you or this site, now give this a rest.

Disappointed ago

@reacher this is the follow-up post to mine.

Cynabuns ago

Full credit absolutely due to @Disappointed for getting this ball rolling - I ran low on characters making this table and wasn't able to give you proper credit, good sir.

Disappointed ago

I don't care about credit, really. As long as the info is out I'm happy. You saved me a good amount of time though so, thanks.

Cynabuns ago


Cynabuns ago

I am not part of the Admin team nor did I have time to review the link you sent me. If YOU feel that it's doxxing then YOU report it.

Cynabuns ago

The proper channel for reporting this is [email protected]

Cynabuns ago

@Atko @PuttitOut - post now providing last moderator activity dates in all the system subs.