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PuttItOut ago

I didn't know the answer to this so didn't reply, but my thinking is in system subs all "mods" should be at a janitor level but then again we've had some really good Level 2 mods in system subs.

Cuckbot ago

Still you have a situation where right now someone can recruit a malicious user, alts, advertisers(this is the real problem) to a system sub with no input from users or admins.

What real need is there for level 2 users to be able to recruit other level 2 users that cant be handled via subverserequest if the level 1 goes missing? It's been bought up many times before and considering what happened to v/askvoat and the alt user fiasco v/worldnews(?) it's kinda hard to understand why its still a thing.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what's the point of no spam, if there are no users?

if everyone knew that voat was compromised

and left.

hey putt why don't you just answer the question?