you-are-me ago

The Silver Key, by HP Lovecraft.

also, you read with my ears.

FurryFriends ago

Old book but classic: The Crowd: Study of the Popular Mind by Gustav Le Bon

doodlegum ago

I no longer have a spring read, but when I was younger it was Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Went through it five or six springs in a row laying outside, under a thin blanket so light came in and I could still stay warm. I can still remember the feeling.

KellyOn ago

My fav book is Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

ChizenT ago

The Madwoman Upstairs, is one of my favorites ! Samantha Whipple is the last remaining descendant of the Bronte sisters. When she enrolls at her father's alma mater, Oxford University, long-forgotten objects from her past reappear, and she sets off on a literary treasure hunt with her handsome but inscrutable professor to find her family's legacy. An impossibly smart and original debut.

msmistheenemy ago

If you want a based answer I would have to say the original 1960 book titled 'Psycho-Cybernetics' written by Maxwell Maltz. After reading this book I was basically able to bend reality to my will.

Clovereea ago

I don't have a spring read.

nomenimion ago

I'm having some fun with John Ringo's 'Live Free Or Die.'

siya ago

Can you suggest some good romantic books?

klongtoey ago

Am really enjoying Señor Vivo and the Coca Lord by Louis de Bernières.

Grasswalker ago

The Witcher books.

spoonfulofcancer ago

Don't really decide on what I read depending on the time of year, but "On the Road" would intuitively make sense to me. Also, it's just a great book.

Somali ago

Einstein's Dreams is the quintessential spring read and my favorite thing written in the last 30 years

busyvote ago

I totally agree! Einstein's Dreams is my favorite as well. Made an account just for this!

Vonnegutsman ago

I don't have a spring read. But I like to go into Gutenburg and see what kind of novel I'll want to snap up or what out of context book I'd like to try.

It's how I've found The House of the Vampire.