NeedleStack ago

OP, are you claiming to be that guy on quora or just alerting us to him?

Tor1 ago

in either case, wouldn't the expected answer be "just alerting?"

NeedleStack ago

Yes. Or you could just be direct and answer the actual question.

Tor1 ago

no lady, I'm not Rob Brunson

this original answer was based on the assumption you're a dude. seeing you're most likely a female based on your profile, it doesn't apply to you. IMHO women have a strategic justification for knowing who everyone is and could give a flying fuck about the motives of the males who created the internet.

needle dicks who try to neuter our internet freedom like our real life identities already have been should GTFO back to safespace facebook and other hugboxes or the realname real world where everyone has drivers licenses and license plates and apartment addresses so every nagging useless bitch can stop shitting themselves from unanswered questions

NeedleStack ago

Thank you. Yes, I'm a lady. I figured your post was an 'alert' post (which is why I upvoated it) so I thank you for the confirmation.

so every nagging useless bitch can stop shitting themselves from unanswered questions

Geez, I was just askin'!

Tor1 ago

my mistake. I was using the word bitch as in a weak beta male usage. Would have reworded if I had seen it.

also, in a million years I would never speak this way in real life to anyone.

thanks for explaining you're in "alert post" mode, I have no idea what that means exactly, but will investigate when time permits.

i believe ideally the internet is an emerging phenomenon that will roll out into our real lives.

no longer a need for a single monolithic reality we all fight tooth and nail over.

my take on cyber bullying

again this is ideal. there are real people out there that are damaged by things they see on the internet. i don't mean to be that guy. i only intend to be defensive, to drive off the passive aggressive cucks who insist on engaging with me when I don't want to do battle with them in the slightest.

oh well, tl;dr if you don't care I wouldn't blame you

NeedleStack ago

Ah, that makes sense, thanks. What I meant by 'alert' was that you were alerting us to Mr. Brunson's activities.

Nice tweet, hadn't seen that one before.

Yeah, hopefully others in this thread will come to realize what's going on here and will calm down. Even though some of the comments are a bit creative. :)

Tor1 ago

If you believe him, he's making a living off sites like this. If so, it's as a conman. No way his "products" deliver much more than false hopes to delusional noobs. It's hilarious he styles himself as a hacker. Another unicorn Hacker-known-as-4chan fleecing the gullible.

Trolls - Meet Cloud Guy

Tor1 ago

Move over hacker known as 4chan -

Rob. Brunson Social Media Hacker at The most awesome thing about me is that I have an account with over 3.5 million combined karma on Reddit.

Tor1 ago

Cuck club

How to shill on voat and reddit

0011011000111001 ago

Fuck you @Tor1

We don't want your kind here.

And why isn't this post on the front page?

Tor1 ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

@atko @puttitout "not for personal use" this person linked in op's title (thanks op!) claims to have voat accounts "not for personal use" but for commerical use.

what will the for-profit u.s. corporation, Voat, Inc do to another corporation breaking it's user agreement?

you let voat users walk all over the agreement, and don't uphold the spirit of it,

so my guess is you'll just let them keep on keepin on niggering voat for profit and manipulating it and our views of it.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i hope your children are all stillborn, and if already alive, never procreate

so your entire genetic line ceases to exist

and the world is a little better.

(not you tor, the fucking rob asshole)

CrudOMatic ago

anyone crosspost to /v/hailcorporate?

CrudOMatic ago

Subverse, Rob. Subverse. Subreddits are for faggots.

Bakersmon ago

Fuck you Rob Brunson! Fuck you.

Cazmir ago

You sir, are a turd, and part of the problem here. Buying upvoats is for faddits. (Reddit Faggots)

kemiri ago

Thanks for the info