Part of the reason for the 3-sub limit is to break the idea that a sub belongs to the people that mod it. They make voat their hobby and build up a collection of modships to control the subs like they're collecting beanie babies or trading cards.

Subs don't belong to anyone, they're just a method for organizing content. If these are temporary "remove spam" mod positions then why not give up 2 modships temporarily?

Crensch ago

Why should I reply to you when you break up my words in some arbitrary fashion of your choosing?

I respond to each point. If you don't want your points responded to, maybe you shouldn't make them?

What I said is to be taken as a whole and if you want to address that i'll answer but I'm not playing debate club with you.

So you prefer when people respond to many points at once so you can wiggle around and claim that they didn't respond to X or Y within your comment? That's what people that don't like my responses tend to do, and really the only reason I can think of to have an issue at all.

You weren't wanting to argue dishonestly, were you?

No, I don't assume @cynabuns is a powerhungry mod but the next helper might be.

The next helper?

Maybe so. Wouldn't that suggest that less is more in that case?

Cynabuns ago

I couldn't agree more that there should have been more discussion with the users as a whole, but there was no such conversation as to "how the site is run"; I volunteered to help out to delete spam to both Admins and that was all there was to it. No other convos, and no other involvement.

Cynabuns ago

Pressed for time

This was what I meant, thanks.

As for choosing, make this a suggestion in the thread that goes up tomorrow it's a good idea.

Cynabuns ago

It was done on the fly, "bandaid fix" has been a good descriptor I think, and it's going to be addressed. I would have questioned this had someone else been selected for spam duty just as you and others did and have.

Cynabuns ago

I made a post here because I knew it would take me a while to get to a lot of the comments that deserve some answers, In short, when I was modded, I was of the impression that this was not true modding but simply keys to delete the ad-spam. I talked with PuttitOut and he agrees with this intent, but the code is lacking at the moment. Not only will there be new code in place with ultra limited capacity on these system subs but he's going to be making a new announcement tomorrow addressing some of the issues that should have been addressed the first time yesterday.

Chiefpacman ago

I don't see him explaining that he shouldn't be a mod.

I see PR management hours afterwards. I see that he actually asked for this position. I see him clarifying in an edit that put is going to speak with him about a possible demotion.

I think we were right to call foul, and we'll see what happens.

Sorry for my abrasiveness, as always. I see your reasoning and I'm glad they're working towards a fix.

Chiefpacman ago

But this isn't some bs site. I don't just trust random users on the internet to not abuse tools given to them.

That's just another part of the problem.

Our site admins basically do nothing. I'm fine with that honestly. This is a move after three months of inactivity. It's lazy.

Want to make him a mod? Do it then. And come out and say it outright. Perhaps change a rule and explain it to us, or drop a default sub so your not blatantly breaking a rule!

If cyna liked voat for voat, he would explain this to them. As I said, he clearly doesn't feel comfortable arguing his case. He knows this is a weird move.

Chiefpacman ago

it sounds like put completely forgot/disregarded voat rules, and since we noticed they will tie up some lose ends.

I'll drop the issue for now. I'll obviously be one of the users keeping a close eye on cyna. Hopefully he is the first and last user to be granted these mod powers in v/whatever.

Cynabuns ago

Hopefully he is the first and last user to be granted these mod powers in v/whatever.

Yes, wholeheartedly agree - I'm really hoping that there's successful spam-stopping implemented soon.

Chiefpacman ago

That's virtuous of our new power-mod, but means nothing. If put decides she isn't actually going to derail our rules/mod limit, that would be more of a removal than an invitation to step down.

Edit: I redact the power mod statement. Cheap insult, sorry

Chiefpacman ago

It still seems like we have executives taking emergency authorization. Throwing the rulebook out the window. I've never said anything disrespectful towards put or atko, but this move is out of laziness. I don't think it's necessarily the beginning of the end, but it's certainly a step in the wrong decision.

They've also left the community in the dark. I can only assume they actually forgot about the rules. Or perhaps v/whatever isn't even a system sub by there definition anymore. That would be a real shame.

Idk if tagging him will do any good. He'/ ignoring it. I think he personally agrees with my sentament, but knows he means well. Doesn't matter.

Cynabuns ago

Not sure if you saw my post here in PV, but I think that PuttPutt realizes that this new spam cleaning role was not introduced properly and he's re-addressing the issue tomorrow or so. There was never a wish nor did I ask to be modded, only an ability to delete the ad spam and a recent article indicates that Voat is ripe and recommended for targeting. I was able to reach him earlier today and he said that he was super busy with the new uploading that needed to be run this weekend but that he will absolutely address these concerns.

Chiefpacman ago

That just makes it look more lazy.

You outright asked put for deletion tools and he just gave them to you? Wonderful.

you sound like a pr manager for put. Just do what you think is good for the site.

Cynabuns ago

I make a post for all to see AND I come into old threads to address concerns is lazy?? Um, okay. I didn't just "ask" for the tools; this conversation with admins took months, and I'm pretty sure that they checked me out pretty well, and if they thought I was jacking them or the site around that they would have told me to go pound sand, and rightfully so. I have only wanted to do good for the site (that's why we're all here, right?) and that's why I volunteered to help delete the spam crap.

Chiefpacman ago

The act of making you a mod was lazy. I think you're very thorough, and unlazy.

While I want to do good by the site, no that isn't why I'm here. I come to voat because I enjoy it currently, and dont like the idea of this changeup.

You can spice it up as you see fit, you asked for the position. Perhaps not to the extent of power granted, did you ask for, but you recieved them.

That doesn't sound lazily done to you? A user asking for spam deletion tools and overnight an admin making you mod a system sub while also breaking a second rule?

Voats about whatever being allowed, and whatever is the hub of whatever being allowed on voat. And now you make sure everything is okay to be on there. Don't like it.

Cynabuns ago

The act of making you a mod was lazy. I think you're very thorough, and unlazy.

Ahh, appreciate that, Chief.

Lazy for the admins? Yeah, I can definitely see that take; I wish it would have been done a bit more thoroughly up front for sure and with a bit more detail as to what the new spam deleting role is and is not.

Chiefpacman ago

I'm glad at the very least that it is you they granted it to.

Hope at least some of my ranting about precedent and slippery slopes and transparency amongst the admins meant something though.

Cynabuns ago

That nod from you means a ton to me; thank you.

Your ranting that that of others including myself has been heard, guaranteed.

Chiefpacman ago

Yes that is what I mean.

And I know I've been a real ass to you today, said at least one snarky comment. Sorry. I'm kind of a dick.

Maybe I just can't accept that the site is getting bigger.

Cynabuns ago

I might have been a little snarky back at you and for that I apologize too.

We really do have our hearts in the right place and it's okay that things get heated - I appreciate that you're willing to talk about the issues and the concerns rather than some who would just stomp off and have a fit. You're good peeps.

Chiefpacman ago


Doesn't hurt that I got stoned for later half of convo

Cynabuns ago

♥'s back at ya my friend.

And you didn't share?! DAMN YOU!!! lmfao ;)

Chiefpacman ago

But that stuff doesn't get upvoated. He's just one guy. How much of a dent could he put it in it?

Could bots/general nets not be talked about next? Should they be? I don't think were big enough to start that shit. Though I would prefer a bot to this.

Can you or anyone tell me if v/whatever is even a default sub any more? Did putitout even gloss over the fact that we have limits on default subs modded?

Cynabuns ago

I've actually put a pretty decent dent in the subs, with v/askvoat by far being the worst. Checking periodically for new spam will keep it in check unless we get some sort of onslaught.

Chiefpacman ago

Why respond to this comment instead of the ones asking questions?

Whatever. Questions:

Is v/whatever a system sub still?

Do you disagree with voat's current (?) rule of users being allowed 3 default subs to moderate? Are you not in violation of that rule?

Were you a former reddit user, are you familiar with power user/mods?

Cynabuns ago

I'm trying to get to as many comments as I can and that one struck me as an opportunity to clear up a few things.

As to these questions:

  • yes, v/whatever is still a system subverse;
  • no, I agree that three system subs is plenty to moderate
  • yes, at this exact moment in time, I have learned that I am technically in violation of the 3-sub-rule but when I was modded yesterday, I understood that the role was not as a mod... to this, PuttitOut has clarified for me, and will clarify in a new post tomorrow or so that my role is not as a mod and that my authority is limited; this should make it clear that I will no longer be in violation of the rule nor was it intended that I be put in that position
  • yes, I used reddit as a lurker
  • yes, I am very familiar with power users/mods from my discussions here at Voat and from what I was able to see in my time there just lurking

Chiefpacman ago

How can it be a system sub if its also modded by a user, you?

I'm glad you know what a power user is. They are what helped the corporate end of reddit control the masses.

Cyna, I hate arguing with you because I know you're a good guy. At least you realize there are perhaps some flaws with the way this was handled.

Cynabuns ago

It's a system sub because only Atko & PuttitOut remain the LEVEL 1 mod on the subverse; for now I am a LEVEL 2 but will soon be something else, L3 or I don't know what they're going to call it, maybe SNSKJ (super ninja spam killing janitor, lol).

I don't feel like we're arguing, at least that's not how I perceive it: you have questions, concerns have been raised, I have those same concerns; we're having a discussion and we're all good from my side.

Chiefpacman ago

Well you've mostly put me at ease. But only because I think I like you and Kev definitely trusts you.

So I'll at least argue my case more respectfully lol. I got a little rude after I figured you'd never stop in to comment.

Sorry again, last time I'll say it.

And honestly dude. Thanks for the hardwork, your effort does mean something to me.

Cynabuns ago

Thanks for noticing but I'm not the only one working hard, not by a longshot. :)

Cynabuns ago

You're absence did not go unnoticed and I'm glad to see you commenting again. The sub is fortunate to have such awesome users that little maintenance is required.

Cynabuns ago

I appreciate the nod, Reacher. PuttPutt will be putting out a new announcement tomorrow with more explanation on this new role.

Cynabuns ago


Cynabuns ago

That the admins are starting to allow us users to help with the day-to-day hum-drum needed tasks is a welcomed sign I think. My role is very limited and by no means am I actually modding. I hope to show that my work to delete the ad-spam will go a long way.

Mickgoestojail ago

But this could be the beginnings of rules for mods. Meaning puttitout was very clear that these were limited moddings.

You give the troll too much credit. Programmers make shit managers.

Cynabuns ago

I've posted to address some of the concerns that have been raised:

mamwad ago

Like when the admins allow someone to cozy up to them and give certain users special treatment?

mamwad ago

I didn't know you like fatties.

Disappointed ago

That's already been clarified in the announcement post. I don't think thats the issue at all.

shill343 ago

This doesn't seem right. These things tend to snowball out of control.

Mickgoestojail ago

@Cynabuns I've been on your side more often than not. Why do you need to hold onto all 5 of those subs?

Mickgoestojail ago

They trust someone in the community. One of us and that means more to follow hopefully.

Someone like you?

VictorSteinerDavion ago

Watch and observe.

Anything outside the acceptable will be heavily documented and shouted all over the site.

This may, or may not be a slide into abuse but we can only grab the pitchforks when there is proof of anti-community behaviour

Crensch ago

If we want to ProtectVoat from power hungry mods we cant exclude our own.

Who's power hungry? Are you begging the question here?

If we do this sub is worth nothing.

My points all still stand.

This is the granting of 5 system subs.


One which was promised to be unmoderated.

Apparently spam is an issue that does need to be addressed. This is the current answer the admins have come to.

Just because that person asked for them.

Who? Somebody that has shown that they're not a power hungry mod?

I'm not even sure the admins knew about the subs Cynabuns already modded.

That shows a really low opinion of the admins.

Your rebuttal kinda fails.

Mickgoestojail ago

He's also not the enemy Crensch

Crensch ago

Who said he was?

Mickgoestojail ago

I think noone?

Crensch ago

Did I respond as if he was? I know I'm pretty caustic sometimes, but I thought I was being, err... nice? I attacked his argument, not him? Well, other than pointing out his low opinion of the admins, which I don't think was attacking him.

Dunno bud - let me know if I owe him an apology or something, any attacking was without intent.

Mickgoestojail ago

Nah, it's all good I just felt bad for him lol

Crensch ago

Well, what he responded after that flipped a switch in my head. I honestly can't imagine what his issue with me responding to every point individually could be other than a dishonest desire to hide behind a Gish Gallop.

Mickgoestojail ago

Maybe he cant articulate himself well.

Crensch ago

This'll be some excellent practice, then. He could have just asked for some pointers or help with it.

Oh well. Thanks for shooting straight regardless. Cheers.

bikergang_accountant ago

Spam deletion isn't worth power mods. Spam never makes it to the front page. Spam deletion is a + but a want more than a need. It is a second order issue.

Crensch ago

Sorry, I posted below, but for visibility, here's the voice on the other end of things:

I'm going to have to agree here. If cynabuns or anyone so much as dances on the fucking line PV and the rest of the users will be up in arms.

That said, unlike with mods, the admins get to do shit like this with people that are trusted to not step out of line. Vetting one person for more than 3 subs is easier than vetting 2 people for a maximum of 3. IF this is what they want to do, we really don't have the right or reason to complain until something actually goes wrong.

Now my last point, and the most important:

That was written by @moe who turned out to be an @she cuck and was driven from this website. So your arguments are kinda stale.

While I'm sure @cynabuns will do just fine, I will not hesitate to break out the torch and pitchfork should something go awry.

mamwad ago

IF this is what they want to do, we really don't have the right or reason to complain until something actually goes wrong.

That's never stopped you before.

Crensch ago

You mean with @she who was already shown to be an SJW?

Yeah, it would have stopped me before.

Crensch ago

Pretty sure he defended her like a proper white-knight cuck.

I'm happy to be told otherwise, but I'm pretty sure that happened.

Mickgoestojail ago

He took his bat and ball and went home, at least on his main anyway.

Crensch ago

I'm going to have to agree here. If cynabuns or anyone so much as dances on the fucking line PV and the rest of the users will be up in arms.

That said, unlike with mods, the admins get to do shit like this with people that are trusted to not step out of line. Vetting one person for more than 3 subs is easier than vetting 2 people for a maximum of 3. IF this is what they want to do, we really don't have the right or reason to complain until something actually goes wrong.

Now my last point, and the most important:

That was written by @moe who turned out to be an @she cuck and was driven from this website. So your arguments are kinda stale.

Chiefpacman ago

Wait v/whatever has mods? Why?

mamwad ago

PV has always been about power tripping.

Nerobot ago

Listen don't bring this year old bullshit here, I've seen mods from PV refuse system subs before. Hopefully this is about an oversight by the admins and a user with best intentions not seeing the forest for the trees.

mamwad ago

Listen don't bring this year old bullshit here

I do what I want.

piratse ago

I saw @puttitout post earlier about this and thought "the beginning of the end". Once you start to give in to this, it will snowball. At first it's just a janitor. Then it's a high level mod. Then his personal feelings start to interfere with posts. Then others get pulled up through the ranks. 5 years later you have what killed 4chan and Reddit and many others. I said it a long time ago, but the owners of this site are not to be trusted either, once that corporate money starts to dangle in front of them, they will turn like the rest. EVERYONE has their price. Mark my words, IF this site gets big, you will all be sold out. I'll stay here until censorship gets systematic.

bikergang_accountant ago

I didn't think about it when I read it but it seems pretty clear. He referenced that it was in response to user feedback.

I'm pretty sure the feedback for going on a year has been consistently NO POWER MODS. Apparently protect voat pushed for this? Is protect voat now the SRS equivalent where admins and it interface into order to protect.. reddit.. from racism or in protect voat's case protect voat from.. something.

It could even be that protect voat doesn't mean any harm in this and are just going for the ride and trying to do good at every turn. I still don't like the same structure being used. A power group interfacing with admins. It doesn't matter how good intentions are. This will be a mistake.

Maybe @puttitout is mistaking requests for there to be some mod present in system subs to remove spam. Why not distribute the load a bit instead of picking one person.. who also happens to be in the SRS analog (even though clearly different goals). ZERO POWER MODS. Max 1 system sub per user.

Nerobot ago

Didn't you guys just have a thread asking about a global mod team? The majority of the users said no but the admins and a PV mod say fuck that we don't give a fuck about the users.

Disappointed ago

Hopefully Cynabuns will have a think about this and do the right thing even if the admins don't address this.

Cuckbot ago

Come the fuck on, you know this is bullshit.

Disappointed ago

I also know that sledgehammer diplomacy isn't the only answer, lol.

GIF-lLL-S0NG ago

Subverses moderated:

  1. AskVoat - system owned subverse
  2. cakes
  3. Cynabuns
  4. gifs - system owned subverse
  5. introductions - system owned subverse
  6. lego
  7. newsubverses - system owned subverse
  8. protectvoat
  9. welcome
  10. whatever - system owned subverse

claims to be just "deleting spam"

Disappointed ago

The admins were recently absent for over a month and a half and dont respond to things that are in the too hard basket anymore.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

oh well yeah, wtf

GIF-lLL-S0NG ago

2+2 = 5, some sheep are more equal than other sheep

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hmmm...what is this 3 rule?