Boukert ago


Boukert trying to change the rules. This is an organized little group which the v/news mods are part of. This is the type of thing they do on SDBH. I hate to say it but we will have nothing but trouble until the old mods are gone from there I think. That whole group is part of this mindset: They want to turn back the clock instead of making do with what we have and moving forward. Its time we filled the default subs with janitors and removed any mods that cause a whiff of trouble. Constant drama is caused by mods who just cant accept they don't own the subs like on reddit.

Really? Direct comment quote from your sticky ^ : this is not a witchhunt/ SRS-link style comment?

Boukert ago

If we can return to an adult conversation again and solve this issue instead of going fullthrottle accusation mode.

I think the "technical" problem stems from removing the "30 day rule" I think that was the placeholder to have active news contributions as content posts. "post must be recent depictions or articles about the news no longer then 30 days old" or something. But that rule seems to have been removed so hence the vacuum in the rules.

Why this turned out into a drama shitstorm is beyond me. I thought we could have a normal conversation on voat but apperantly I was wrong.

@Amyacker and @typo sorry for the drama that was not my intent. I'm a regular poster hence my concern/interest in this issue.

@Kevdude, I thought we could share opinions, get some backstory, debate and handle some critisism like adults. That's why I pinged you, in a remote thread........ We still can, but now I'm wondering why I'm openly being witchunted on /v/protectvoat

TH3_1D10T ago

...!= is better in every situation.

Mickgoestojail ago

Certainly a nice Hillary avatar he has. Wonder why the mods he barely knows gave it to him.

Typo ago

And you definitely seem to know more about that place than I do.

He shoved Mario, my childhood favorite, up his ass and posted it. If that wasn't enough, he was then given an award for doing such traumatizing act. How could I have forgotten that?


I am honestly quite surprised you still think different people own/post on the various shitposting subs. It's just a way of rotating through alts to keep them fresh.

Also, nice phrasing. I "stabbed someone in the back" because I shared the details of our first ever correspondence. If it was a member of your clique, they would be a hero for stopping a brigade cabal.

Typo ago

Didn't PMYA shove a mario up his ass, post a pic to SBBH and atko gave him a special badge for it?


Wow, you're lagging behind a bit....

Typo ago

Same people involved in both subs.

Typo ago

Well if your fuckbuddies from SDBH keep this shit up

You are a mod of that sub, I am not. And you post there much more often than I do.


You're completely right. I'll post actual news from now on.

Typo ago

In a large group of people, not all will agree. That is how life works. If OP is upset, then he is upset. I can't moderate how other people feel. I'm sure there are other users who are unhappy and some that are really happy. The objective is to cater to the majority. Catering to the minority is like a cat chasing its tail. It takes a lot of energy and accomplishes absolutely nothing.


Amy has been on a couple of IRC networks that I frequent for months now. In that time, we have not talked once. I don't think I have seen her talk to anyone.

The mod team here has done what it is supposed to do, why would you want to "purge it"? The rules that you were so concerned about were on the sidebar for months, yet nothing terrible happened. I have had basically no contact with any of the mods, by the way.

Just making this post to show how stupid it was to start removing legit rules that are there for a reason. Namely the rules that stop all of the blogs, posts with names that have no actual description of what the "article" is supposed to be, etc.

Typo ago

What are you talking about? We made the rule list based on the feedback provided. Of course the posts need to be on topic. That goes without saying. That is the basis of having subs. Does that need to be spelled out on the sidebar? This post is 30 minutes old. You didn't wait to see if it was deleted before throwing out an accusation that OP was told to post this.

Edit: went back to check. "must be news" was never a rule on the sidebar.. OP's were told when their posts weren't news.


What is the point in even having mods on this subverse if I can make this post and there are no rules that say it can be deleted?