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LuciusAM ago

So to confirm, are you saying you aren't crazy? Like, not even a little?

Because linking a bunch of posts where people are calling you crazy isn't really the best way to convince people you are sane. You could instead just not be insane and those who called you insane will look like they are retarded.

Crensch ago

So to confirm, are you saying you aren't crazy? Like, not even a little?

What happens when you have evidence for your claims, but the other side has none for their claims, and tries to paint you as insane anyway?

Because linking a bunch of posts where people are calling you crazy isn't really the best way to convince people you are sane. You could instead just not be insane and those who called you insane will look like they are retarded.

So it doesn't occur to you that the declassified manual on gangstalking suggests that tactic specifically because the average person will not think that? You think taking the high road works with the human psyche like that?

LuciusAM ago

Well it did occur to me, but it seems far more likely that you are just crazy than there is a targeted effort to discredit a voat poster.

As for you having evidence, you umm don't need evidence. Just don't be crazy, trying to prove to people that you aren't crazy is like trying to prove to people that you are honest.

Crensch ago

Well it did occur to me, but it seems far more likely that you are just crazy than there is a targeted effort to discredit a voat poster.

Are you not familiar with (((SBBH))) and what they do here?

As for you having evidence, you umm don't need evidence. Just don't be crazy, trying to prove to people that you aren't crazy is like trying to prove to people that you are honest.

I'm not trying to prove to people that I'm not crazy. I'm showing that they're operating as a group - as if anyone paying attention had any doubts, but all pieces of evidence help paint the picture.

LuciusAM ago

Are you not familiar with (((SBBH))) and what they do here?>

No, I am not familiar other than knowing that they are a thing that exists on this site.

I'm not trying to prove to people that I'm not crazy. I'm showing that they're operating as a group - as if anyone paying attention had any doubts, but all pieces of evidence help paint the picture.~~~

Are you sure, because your whole premise hinges on you not being crazy. Otherwise it is just a bunch of people calling a crazy person, well crazy.

Crensch ago

Are you sure, because your whole premise hinges on you not being crazy.

Everyone's whole premise hinges on that.

Otherwise it is just a bunch of people calling a crazy person, well crazy.

If you don't want the evidence that my claims against them are legit, and you won't assess their baseless claims as well, you really don't get to make that judgment.

If you just believe what it seems like "a bunch of people" are saying, then you're just admitting you're a sheeple following along with popular opinion. You're admitting to being the useful idiot.

And if you think groups like these don't exist IRL, ShareBlue and the JIDF straight up admit doing this kind of thing.

LuciusAM ago

I am not accepting their claims, I am judging this entirely based on your post. It really has nothing to do with them, just pointing out that had you not posted what you did I wouldn't be nearly as convinced that you were crazy.

Crensch ago

I am not accepting their claims, I am judging this entirely based on your post.

And my post led to your question about legitimacy/lunacy. You didn't want evidence that when I call them a group of pedophile-protectors, I have evidence that they're protecting pedophiles. Right there is a single instance where you could confirm that I'm not crazy.

It really has nothing to do with them, just pointing out that had you not posted what you did I wouldn't be nearly as convinced that you were crazy.

What I posted was part of a declassified PSYOP manual for forums, and evidence that users were engaging in exactly that kind of behaviour.

And you conclude that I'm crazy, but don't want me to show you I'm not.

3 submissions in 2.6 years. Poorly kept-up sockpuppet.

Rotteuxx ago

@trigglypuff @heygeorge @gabara @expertshitposter @brennkommando

@Crensch just admitted to being in the possession of a psyop manual for forums. By his own "logic" he's just admitted to being a professional shill since we're all pedos.

Crensch ago

just admitted to being in the possession of a psyop manual for forums.

And the lot of you revealed as using those tactics. Find one I've used. Go for it.

Rotteuxx ago

What tactics?

Poking the retard until he jumps on command ?

ExpertShitposter ago


Crensch ago

Kek. Nice try, glownigger.

Rotteuxx ago

I thought I was a pedo ?

Make up your mind.

Crensch ago

The two aren't mutually exclusive, glownigger.

Rotteuxx ago

Alright, play with that buzzword until the next one pops into your tiny mind.

Crensch ago

Aww, he doesn't like when I point out what he and his little buddies are doing.


Rotteuxx ago

We weren't even talking about that, retard.